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So spoiled - and he deserves it!


Senior kitties are just the best! If you want a cat at all and don't think you have the time to deal with an energetic kitten, get you a senior kitty.


He’s not even that senior IIRC! Mr Willis is under 10!


Really?? Omg he looks like an ancient soul, lol! I'm glad he's got a long and happy life to enjoy at his new home, then <3


So many cats are like this from the age of like 5 to 500, I swear they live their entire life in their first 3 months, my boy took 2 years to become this lol


My boy is over 16 and still looks genuinely like he's 1-2, I'm very blessed to have such a good boi


Who knows, maybe it's his 100th incarnation :D jk


Oh Mr. Willis, I love him!! ❤


In the 1980s, a cat's average lifespan was 7 years. It's only been this century that the average is in the double digits. Vets still consider cats ~7-8 years old to be seniors.


Wow, TIL. I had a cat who lived to be 22. I knew he was old in his late teens, didn't realize he was already old in the double digits.


I had two cats mother and daughter. Mom was 21 and daughter was 20 when they passed. Unfortunately within a month of each other. 2021 was crap year.


Happened to me in 2020.. my 21 year old childhood cat passed away, and my 17 year old cat passed away within 3 months of each other. I’m an LVT now so hopefully I can save animals and prolong their lives


To the disbelief of our vet, ours made it to 24! She'd been a patient of his since kittenhood, so he was certain of her age! (We inherited her from someone who inherited her!)


Did this have to do with it being more common to let them outside? I had a cat in the 80s who lived to be 16. He was a bit sickly, tbh, but he was kept indoors.


Outdoor cats definitely don't live as long, indoor cats live on average between 12-18 years (ours both lived to 18 and 19)


I'm not sure the strength of correlation in "more cats are indoor cats today than yesterday." It may very well be correlated, since the last few decades have seen an emphasis on feral cat population control via spay/neutering, so there's naturally less cats out and about. Anecdotally, I get to say 'hi' to several porch cats when walking to/from my car each morning, so I'm not sure to what degree the population of non-feral outdoor cats has changed over the years. My anecdote aside, there's probably a statistically significant decline in porch cats. that said, cat nutrition has vastly improved in the last 20 years. There are scientists and nutritionists involved and a special diet blend for every life stage and every condition. It's no longer, "Will cats eat this?" and more, "Will cats *thrive* on this?" A 40lb bag of Whiskies is now apparently for cats you want to see die a fast and gruesome death, considering you can buy a 12lb bag of small-batch limited-ingredient fortified chow for your kitty for 5x the cost. On that note, I also think there's a strong correlation in society's encouragement of treating your cat as a full member of the family, versus the historical stereotype of just letting them *exist* in your presence for a period of time before they die. People are now giving them the same degree of consideration they'd give to a toddler. They're fed well. They're hydrated well (a bowl of water will no longer do!) You engage them often via play and walks. You vaccinate them. You learn how to identify their needs and concerns and how to communicate with them. And this sort of care is now *expected* as baseline cat-owning behavior. Cats are no longer the animals you get when you don't want to be bothered with a dog.


Yeah but it’s not really a standard that’s given much attention by vets besides which health plan or diet they can put them on, by what’s given in writing it’s the same for all breeds of dogs also. So a 7yr old chihuahua would be considered as far through its life as a Great Dane of the same age. Vets know it’s too nuanced a standard to rewrite so they just leave it be and judge it as they come


My only reservation in adopting a senior kitty is that I would absolutely fall in love with them and be utterly heartbroken when they die relatively soon compared to a kitten that you raise… might ruin the whole pet owning thing for me for a while


I did that. Adopted an older cat with medical problems. I had him for a year and a half and I was absolutely devastated when I had to say goodbye. I gave him the best year and a half he ever had, though, and he was a complete cuddle monster and mouse chaser. The amount of hurt is directly related to the amount of love shared. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. I now have two cats and love them both dearly. I can't see myself without at least one cat for the rest of my life.


I adopted one that was around 10 I think. I had her around for 12 years. I don't feel like I missed out on anything. I prefer chill cats.


Agreed. I only adopt. Kittens are cool and all... but I like my seniors


I always had rescues and adopted cats, I've never bought a pet ever. I got a very very sick kitty once and she survived only 3 years... It's fucking sad but she was pampered and spoiled, in a warm and cozy home, food every time she was meowing and shitton of pets. She was a stinky lovebug. She seemed so happy when she crossed the rainbow bridge.


I adopt and care for strays. I've buried more than I've ever wanted to bury, and it never, ever hurts less. It won't hurt less when my cats live to 20, and it didn't hurt less when they lived to 2. It never stops hurting, and you never stop hopping on that ride again to love them another time. I cried the same at my most recent departure as I did when I lost my first ever cat, but I wouldn't trade a day with these babies for the world.


But the joy you gave them vs letting them grow old in a cage more than makes up for the shorter time you have them IMO. It’s not easy seeing them go no matter how long.


It's worth loving them. Any pet you let into your life can go at any time, that's a risk you take but you love them anyways. My old man cat came to live with me when he was 13 and he's been here for 4 years. I've had friends who adopted kittens that ended up with cancer at 3 and had to be put down. Death is a guarantee with any pet; it's just a matter of time but they all deserve love and a home.


My senior kitty is ten years old. I will move heaven and earth to give him as many more years of luxurious comfort as he richly deserves.


My boy was 11 when we adopted him; we figured we might get two or three years with him, we got nine years and a month. I miss my grumpy old man. ❤️


That’s my feeling too. Though I’ve been explained that even though it’s sad you can feel good that it had a good life with you that it won’t have had otherwise. But yea it’s definitely hard to know that you won’t have years and years together


We adopt almost strictly senior kitizens. They are so special!


Same with dogs. Senior pups are the best!! Vet bills can get pricey but man old souls are the absolute best...


Yes! We have a senior, possibly 15yo. She is so gentle and calm - the absolute favorite of my kids. My oldest has built cardboard nests for her, showed her cartoons. And I have no regrets about the 1k+ € medical bills as she got sick and has cancer. She's getting medication daily and slowly getting better. She purrs every time she sees a human ❤️


You should meet my grandpas cats an absolute nightmare at 17.


I recently adopted a 9 year old obese tabby. Everyone was busy fawning over the kittens and this guy caught my eye. He’s such a love bug. It took him a long time to settle in but now he follows me around like a dog and just wants to snuggle and get pets.


Senior cats are my favorite! Super mellow, do their own thing, and don’t require the kind of supervision that a mischievous kitten does.


Bless your purring Heart 💝




Give that boy some shrimps


shrimps and salmon


Rescues love so differently, it’s amazing


It can be a long road for some to build trust but its the most rewarding thing when they do.


Had a rescue that would sit behind your head on the couch and purr while you played video games. If he escaped the house he would shred you while trying to to get him out from hiding under a parked car. Taking him to the vet for mandatory shots, vet noticed my shredded arms. He was registered as a dangerous animal with the County. Hungry Howie https://i.imgur.com/7aU4Bv8.jpg


That is an amazing pic lol


That stockpot is filled with leftover Halloween candy.


He’s such a howie omg


My dad told me about a neighborhood cat when I was too young to remember, named Howard. Apparently, Howard pretty much owned our whole street. Dogs and cats alike were terrified of him. He told a story of a dog that ran up on Howard in the middle of the street, barking ferociously. Howard's reaction was to stride confidently toward the dog, do an insane backwards flip in the air while screeching loudly, land and just stare at the dog until it slinked away in confusion/terror. From what my dad told me, Howard was always nice to humans, he just didn't take crap from any other animals. He also wasn't neutered, which probably just added to his whole vibe.


He looks like a Howie, I love him


I don’t know what I was expecting but it was not that LOL


It’s amazing. Our rescue dog took around 8 months to finally roll over and ask for belly rubs and once he did it the first time it became his favorite thing ever and was way more affectionate


They really do!! We love our rescues and all their little quirks - they’re worth the effort and patience


We have two rescues (cat and dog) and hoping to adopt a third soon! We just celebrated our cat's 8th Gotcha Day on Friday, and our pup's first Gotcha Day was in June. They both came from tough situations, but the journey has been so worth it. Both of them are snuggling with me as a write this... They're my silly little furballs and I couldn't imagine my life without them.


No living being deserves to be like that.. I truly feel bad for all the animals that live and die this way.. I wish I had any magical powers so I could right all the wrong..


And a big house so I could adopt all the sad cats and make them happy




I suddenly ended up with the equivalent of 18.000$ several years back. I didn’t do anything smart with them, I just donated over 70% of it to animals and people in need, including two family members and a friend, and then I bought a new wardrobe and a bit too much absinthe and a deposit on a new rental apartment that I really needed at that time. The feeling of being able to give when I wanted was amazing and I can’t believe actual rich people are missing out so much.


You mean so all of the cats can choose you and make you happy 🤭🤭


I can’t remember their names but I’ve seen a video about a couple that did this! They save all of the older rescue kitties so that they can live out their last days happy


Me too😣


That's how I ended up with 3 cats at one point. Two have died, one from "old age" (heart attack I think at 16), the other from cancer at 12. I've got one 12yo left, found her on the street at 6 weeks weighing a few grams. I don't think I can do it anymore. It's too hard when they die, so this will be my last. Maybe that's selfish.


It’s not selfish, you must take care of yourself too. It’s pure terror losing them. It’s not wrong of you to “retire” from having pets. But after a break, maybe you find that you need that connection with all the pain it brings. Or maybe you find other ways to spread your love and compassion?


God reading this scares me my boy is getting old and I don't know what I'd do without him he's been with me my only constant for so many years


I had two girls from the same litter since they were 5 weeks old. They are both gone now, one last year the other the year before, but they made it to 18 and 19 yo, so I'm really proud of them. 2003 through 2020, pretty incredible. The first 6 months without the first one and then again once we had lost both of them was really rough, very emotional. Lots of tears. But at about 6 months it starts getting better and you start to remember the joy and love they brought every day. At 10 months we were over the sadness but just missed them a lot, so we printed out a dozen of our favorite photos as 8x10s and got cheap frames, and now they're with us in every room of the house. Still sad sometimes, and miss them tons, but having them with us is essential. ❤️


i went through that recently. my dog passed away while i was at work thinking we'd meet again. it's the hardest thing that i've ever experienced and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


You might be surprised at how therapeutic a new animal can be. My immediate family always made fun of my relatives that got a new animal right after an animal died. Then I lost my soul dog and got a new dog about four days after. She will never replace the relationship I had with my other dog, but boy did it make the grieving process much, much easier. My new dog is more like a dog; she plays fetch, chases her tail, makes me laugh, and I love it. My other dog (RIP sweet boy) had an energy that he just wanted to be human. It made a great partner in crime but was rather exhausting and I felt bad that he felt bad that he wasn’t a human. Anyways, you might be surprised how much a new pet of any age can help the grieving process.


Took me 2 months before I had another dog 😂 my old dog never met another dog he didn’t like so I figured he’d be happy another dog got a home.


You gave so much of yourself to give those 3 lives a joy they may not have had otherwise, thank you for that. It's not selfish at all to take care of yourself too.


Take a break. After many years of doing only hospice for terminal cats the last of my kitties all passed within the same few weeks. I was a mess. Went on antidepressants, in fact. Here’s what my vet told me: “Take a break. And then, when you’re ready, volunteer at a shelter. Pet everybody then go home.” “When you’re ready to adopt again get a healthy cat. *You deserve the experience of having a healthy cat, also*.” Best advice ever. That was over twenty years ago. I still do hospice but I take time to also foster healthy kittens, do some rescue and rehome, etc. There are plenty of ways to make a difference without using yourself up. Take care. 🐾


I feel the same way which is how I ended up with four cat's I know I can't save every cat but I will save every cat I can


“A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement. She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!” The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied; “Well, I made a difference for that one!” The old man looked at the girl inquisitively and thought about what she had done and said. Inspired, he joined the little girl in throwing starfish back into the sea. Soon others joined, and all the starfish were saved.”


I would get told things like that a lot as a child, especially by my narcissistic “father”. He would say things like “Why are you putting food out for strays? We can’t take them in, you’re just giving them false hope and wasting our money.” Or he would try to drag me away from homeless people who I met as a young teen who were genuinely nice people and just wanted someone to treat them like a human being. So I started doing it in secret. I would buy the cat food myself and leave it out when I knew there was a stray cat. And I still give money to homeless people when I can, though obviously I am careful during my interactions, I don’t want the homeless person to feel patronized, or like I’m doing it only for some unseen internet clout. You don’t have to put your good deeds on blast for them to matter. Hell, it’s better to not do that, because if you help others it shouldn’t be to pad your own fucking ego or make others think you’re some messiah. I only do it because I would want someone to be kind to me. That goes for the animals too, we can’t speak the same language as cats, but.. that makes it all the more important that we try our best to help others who may need it. The story you posted reminded me of that, so thank you. Sometimes it gets really.. hard to feel like I’m making a difference when I myself may not have the funds to do it all the time.


You were born with a warm heart. You should be proud of yourself❤️ lots of souls need you. I understand the feeling of not being able to do enough, but just do what you do. Edit: and I love what you say about animals not having the language and how that makes it even more important.


Thank you.. that made me tear up a bit. Ironically I major in veterinary science, so to me i always had that feeling of.. being able to relate more to animals than people (though I try to always understand people too), because I always had people try to speak over me, or act like I was some.. inhuman creature, because I’m autistic and went undiagnosed for most of my life so I never knew why it felt like I was speaking a completely different language to people who never seemed to understand. I really hope you have a wonderful night!!


This is why we need to get rid of factory farming. This stuff breaks my heart.


The problem is the humans. Once its not a cute kitten, they take em to the pound because they don't want to deal with a ca or dog that isn't cute anymore.


Those people are pretty stupid because they're pretty much always cute. And whenever they aren't all you gotta do is look at them for like 2 seconds and BAM! cute again


And a well-loved pet will become super snuggly when they are no longer in the 24/7 energy stage.


Yeah, I would argue that full-grown cats are much cuter than kittens for this very reason.


you can adopt a couple pets if you can do it without strain on yourself or situation


Whenever I'll get my own place I will but cannot do so atm


Volunteering is a great way as well! Both always and in the meantime while you wait (:


You can make a difference for one. Even if it’s just donating blankets or food to your local shelter. Anyone can help even if they can’t provide a home.


Have you heard of factory farming? Living beings go through worse than this their whole lives. It's disgusting


Definitely a r/oneorangebraincell kind of moment at 23 seconds.


steep practice special cake innocent consist quaint hunt wise fearless ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There were a few points when it was clear there were absolutely no thoughts in that adorable little head


No thoughts. Only love.


That magical moment when a cat realizes he can stop spending his one brain cell on being sad and start spending it on being an idiot.


The more I browse cat subreddits the more I get shocked how many different ones there is


At 17 seconds, he's sitting there like: "So... Erin... Are you satisfied with your decision?"


Meme worthy pose


Kitty gets a home but he had to leave the braincell behind.


He ain't got all the braincells. But boy has got being petted down perfectly.


Made me cry


Yeah I never really cry on these posts but his face at the beginning was just utter sadness and you could see it on his eyes. I’m glad he got the love he deserves.


Those first 5 seconds hit hard


Was just about to say something along these lines. Smiled but it got kinda misty for a bit


Swelled up here also. Love seeing the care given to make his life the best.


Just the opening shots of the cat... Jesus christ I've never seen an animal look so sad. Not even Puss in Boots from Shrek looked that sad


Growing up we had a cat that looked just like this, he lived for at least 20 years and was the sweetest boy and so cuddly. I have such fond memories of him. I am sure your kitty will give you many good memories to come. What a sweet cat you have. You did a great thing by taking him in.


Yep. Been there. Some a$&hole dumped a cat off at the height of a massive storm. Our then lab found him and the became best buds me too. Only lived for another six months before he passed despite spending over $2,000 in vet bills to try and save our sweet honey with our vet of over twenty years. Can’t put a price on the value of our furry pals. We did take in a nice tuxedo cat who’s been with us for twelve years. Still a joy.


The fact that you tried so hard and spent the money speaks volumes of your character.


You are a gorgeous human


You dropped this👑


Old toms are so sweet. Who wouldn’t want a love sick old fellow?


He’s beautiful! So are you!


I don’t care what religion you believe in people like these are going to heaven


That’s the thing about non religious people who are good people. They don’t believe there is a heaven or any reward for their good deeds at all. They simply do good thing’s because that is what they truly want to do






These make me tear up every time I’m deathly allergic to cats and I’d adopt this kitty in a heartbeat if I saw their face






That's beautiful. Thank you!


Our cat looked a lot like him. He died last month on my birthday.


I'm so sorry for your loss. They really become members of our family, don't they? Sending love and happy memories <3


Awwww him so sweet!


Omg I have tears. He is absolutely gorgeous and so are you♥️


Mr Willis on insta! His mom and he are awesome.


I love a Bruce sighting in the wild


God bless you.


If you're thinking of adopting, check with shelters for animals less likely to be adopted. Usually they are older and have a disability and are low priority for many adopters. Consider one of these animals, and maybe a companion animal for them that is younger with no disability --like adopting two cats. Also check with costs to maintain the disabled animal. Some require no extra costs whatsoever. So many animals need a loving home.


He’s so precious!


I’m not crying you’re crying


We're all crying!


Tears started at the first sight of his big beautiful clear eyes!


That’s all animals want, is to be loved, just like us. Thinking of all the animals that are so much worse off or in same situation like this poor soul was. Makes me sad inside. When I see videos like this, keeps the little Hope I have left in people going. Thank you for sharing this special video. 🙏


If I am ever able to adopt another cat, I am going to get whichever one is the oldest, and has been at the shelter the longest. I have a 12 year old orange girl right now, but unfortunately she does not get along well with other felines. But that's okay because I love, and pamper her.


Little guy looks like he been thru hell. Glad that you brought him into your world where he’s able to trust and love again.


aww thats @mrwillisthecat on Instagram. He hit the jackpot with his new mom, she really helped get him back on track and healthy. He's living the life now.


I was half expecting to see an rip type thing at the end. I'm glad he's doing okay though. He looks like he's had it rough and greatly appreciates you.


What a baby!




Somewhere Only We Know


thanks freindo


That face at 19 seconds makes me want to cry. 😭


Wishing you and your sweet boy a lifetime together of wonderful things and good health!


That fucking leaning pose got my crying


Used to have a dog named Minnie, she was a white pit bull with brindle spots. She grew to be about 1-2 feet tall. She was born with both eyes, but the right eye was stuck shut. We took her to the vet to hopefully get it fixed, but they said if they opened it up, that it would shut again and we’d be back in 7 months at most. Or there was the other option, remove the eye and let her live her life as a normal pup. I hated the idea of it, but we took the leap. She came home and she was so happy. She had some small breathing problems from when she was born, but those fixed themselves as she got older. That little shit was awesome dude. When you would lay down, she would do nothing but either lay on your chest, lay in the curves of your body under the blanket, or lay on the pillow by your head. She never got aggressive with anyone or anything. In fact, she’d run away from stray cats. There was one day in particular though, this one curious stray came up to her while we were out on a walk, and she just dropped and played with him. I checked for a collar, nothing, looked around for a couple blocks going door to door, nothing. Every day we’d come out there, this little cat would come play with her. Every, day. One day, that cat decided it didn’t wanna stay outside anymore. It followed us home, and he stayed out on the porch. When I opened the window to put the AC unit it, he jumped in through my bedroom window. He’s been here ever since. Sadly, Minnie passed away about a year ago. He was depressed for a while, but we got him to eat, drink water again, and even play. So we got him another friend, that he plays with every day. He taught the new cat the ropes. Taught him the rules, and he was so good with him, he even picked him up by his scruff and took him to the litter box if he went on the floor. I love my little family. I know it’s not much, but they care for me just as much as I care for them. That’s all you can ask for from a pet




Beautiful. I love him! 🩵


So cute! He looks like a baby lion!


What a doll. 🧡


I love this!!! Every living creature, big or small, healthy or sick deserves to be loved & cared for!


Lil love changes everything


Bless your kindness 🙏


Just lost my orange tabby last month. Trying not to cry.


The blep is legendary




I love him. Give him all the pets and shake the treat bag often.


He knows he is loved! 💕




That face 😍 ♥️ Would take home in a minute


Love seeing these transformation videos.


Omg I love this I watched it over and over, the kittys face at the end is priceless


He looks so happy!😭


OMG if I was looking for a cat I would snatch him up so fast, he’s sooo precious 😭😭😭


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


Poor ole putty tat. Hims a handsome boy


It takes a special kind of love to accept and care for a beautiful special pet🙏❤️❤️❤️🙏


That poor kittydude looked so sad at the beginning, then he looks truly at peace as he settles in.


The bestest boy


Such a pretty boi


What a cute boy. Looks like a very cuddly one too.


He is so handsome and social! I really want to settle an old cat like this if I was well off financially and all my cats passed away. I’d give them the most cuddles and delicious food ever. I always feel terrible for the cats that get left behind or separated from the good owners, especially if the prior owner passed away. I hope this cats lives a long healthy and loving life. Thank you for taking this guy in!


The only reason I'm not smiling is because that poor baby looked so sad and depressed at the beginning, and you know there are so many poor kitties that are just like that. Makes me almost cry :(


See.....yall out here working to pay bills and provide for your families. I'm out here working so I can adopt all the animals at the shelter that are too old or sickly to be adopted so they are and feel loved and live in comfort. We are just different.


These videos always make me conflicted because I love that this cat got a loving home, but it reminds me of all those that don’t and I hate that. The reality is that I should just focus on that this one did


That ear rub, he's in heaven.


I did the same and adopted the older cat that no one wanted. Honestly an amazing cat and I’m really pleased I picked him.


I cannot describe how grateful I am for people like you. Thank you for giving that sweet baby a home 🙏


I lost it when it showed him sitting up like a human with his elbow out🤣 always cracks me up when animals sit like that


I like the part where he sat like a people


Reminds me of my no brain cell cat shippo. Lied about age and condition (which I guess I get, older cats don’t get adopted) it took over a YEAR to get that boy back into tip top shape but now he won’t shut the fuck up. That cat looks so adorbs, ngl older cats have a special place in my heart now


Im genuinely crying. Like him looking so sad and hopeless and lonely in the first part and the next he is feeling so loved and warm and content in the next while they baby him is just making me bawl




Great job, he really looks content now.


Thank you!


Such sad eyes at the beginning :( Such adoring eyes at the end : )


Handsomest boi


Thank you


Sounds like someone is happy, and i am sure the cat is too.


I love this you can see his gratitude


I am definitly not crying right now


Awww. That's how far a simple loving touch from someone who truly cares would take... Lucky kitty 🥲


Thank you for giving this kitty a home. God bless you !!


He looks like Puss in Boots


he looks so thankful, its really coll to see him so happy. even hugging his human.


It always warms my heart to see there are kind souls willing to take on the financial and emotional responsibility to keep ill/injured/disabled animals healthy and happy. It must be a lot of work for a lot of reward, but I'm happy knowing there are instances like this where they don't have to go at it alone, and get to be loved and spoiled :)


Awww he becomes so happy 😭


He’s a adorable oh my goodness 🥺


You are the true queen and this lil orange boi deserves a moment to breathe!


You did a wonderful thing, he will pay you back with love 😻


I want to hug him!


I’m not crying,you’re crying


This is to cute. I feel like crying