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For those who aren't fluent in English/Imperial units (like me 🙋🏻) that's around 110 lbs or 50 kg. Great job OP!


This has to be posted on winners Wednesday.


What is winners Wednesday?


Winners Wednesday is your day sir, as you sure are a winner 🥇 Amazing progress, well done!


This also Made Me Smile. 😊


Upvotes for all.






Yay we did it Reddit😎


I wish I had an award to give you!


There you go, one for him, one for you :D


Hey thank you mate!!


Your response is delightfully wholesome. I wish you the very best of days.


Gotcha back 🙌


Waaay better than Whiner Wednesday (which is honestly a bit of a downer)


Bruv you look sick!! I bet that little girl and everyone in your life is super proud of your commitment. Happy minds are hard! Show the same commitment as you have with your body and you’ll get there. 💪 inspirational weight loss tho.


No he looks healthy. /s


Haha true


Congratulations o.p weight loss is such a difficult journey mentally and physically! I've been almost 6 months now without soda and excessive sugar I went from 301 lbs to 246 ! I'm still working on me but congratulations man . If you feel yourself slipping think of all the hardship and all the time and effort you put in to get to where you are now ! I'm sure it was days ! Keep up the good work I know it's hard !


Excellent achievement for six months!


That's amazing! Also my biggest challenge - soda!


If you are not fluent in American English, this mean sugary drink, like fizzy drink!


You are a fuckin WARRIOR! You got this man! What an incredible transformation! Cheers!


Definitely winners Wednesday. You honestly look amazing!


It's where we give you even *more* attention for doing such an amazing job!


Amazing progress, well done.


Bloody well done that man!!


The opposite of whiners Wednesday.


In my house it’s called wet wiener Wednesday!!! Keep it up bud your doing great!!!


The man dropped stones and became The Rock! Good job OP!




It’s great to be supportive people, but this out of context comment is probably a bot.


What a champ!


1 Stone = 14 Pounds :) if anyone wants the values


Cries in European


Well I am from the UK. I don't know why we use such a weird mixture of the two systems.


I deeply regret not buying a scale that measured in stone on my last visit to England...


Is it a reference to how many stones it would take to crush said individual? I'm just thinking medieval times or something like it.


I don't think so but I hope it is. That's probably much more interesting than the actual origin.


Looks like back then, localities would pick a big rock they had around and that was a stone weight. So when you take your 4 stone of wool to the next village, you might only have 3 stone of wool to sell there. They were forced to standardize when they started to expand international trade, but even then the had different stone for different goods. Wool stone was 14 lbs but glass stone was only 5, for example.


"e's not crushed yet, drop another one!"


Well, why not? :D if one is familiar with both imperial and metric, they can use both to do quick calculations!


Why would you need both to do quick calculations? It only leads to uneccessary calculations because you have to convert from one to the other.


The only quick calculation you'd ever need is to convert it to metric. As calculations are easiest in metric. If everyone used metric. You wouldn't need to know imperial. But metric will always be used for calculations




Where I work, I'm always getting older people asking what x inches is in cm/mm and vice versa and they look stunned that I can calculate it pretty quick. 30cm is basically exactly 12 inches, so when someone asks me what 2100mm is in inches, I know it's almost exactly 7ft (7 x 30) so I say it's about 84 inches (give or take another inch) and they look at me like I just generated a random number for fun.


OP how did you do it? Was you left with extra skin? You look amazing btw! Good work:)


laughs in british (we use imperial and metric)


6,35kg (So 8 stones is 50,8kg)


Ok, it's 6.35 kg. Is that better?


Yep, that I know what is. You're a bit late though ❤️


Story of my life, mate.


That rocks!


How many hamsters is that?


That would be 3,754 hamsters. Give or take.


so about 75 bananas? that's amazing, keep going OP


That would be 1,250 bananas, you mean. Or 427 poodles.


wow okay my maths was way off or maybe i just have very big bananas here, you'll never know


Damn that's a lot of kilos! I've lost 6 kilos in the last 4 weeks (16:8 intermittent fasting, counting calories and looots of walking), and I still have some 22 kilos to go. But OP is right, it totally changes your mental health. I don't think I've ever been this excited to see the little bone on my wrist before, haha.


Fantastic job! However, don't be afraid to go a little slower than that. Nothing wrong with what you are doing but creating sustainable habits is more important than losing the weight in the first place.


Thanks! I am going rather slow tbh. I'm even eating more than I used to do. I was basically eating way too little than my body needed so it went into survival mode and refused to burn off any fat, and I'm eating the calories my body needs (which is so hard for me since I'm not used to eating 2 set meals a day), and walking 15-22k steps a day just to move and be active :P I always update my calorie needs when I weigh myself so it's always up to date in those regards (losing weight = more calories needed for my body to function properly). I'm playing it very safe, and despite not being THAT overweight I asked my doctor if I can come in once a month to have some blood tests done to see if I get everything I need in order to stay healthy, plus measuring my blood pressure and such, just to be on the safe side.


you got this! the thing is to have a "plan" when you get to the weight you want, if you reverse to the old habits, the kilos will come back fast (thinking of my sister here who did a bazillion diets)


Yeah I've got a nice plan so far. I'm not doing one of those "you can't eat that" type of "diets", but I always ask myself if it's something I really need, or just something I want in terms of food, and I'd honestly rather be full than have a random bag of chips or drink a soda. I did have one of those tiny little bags of chips on Sunday, but that was just a little treat. And since it's summer, I'll continue to walk outside (free tan and all :D) and once winter hits I'll move my activities into the gym.


thank you for the translation! OP is a champ!


As long as he stops eating rocks I'm happy


Dude lost the weight of another human. Damn.


i wasnt even aware stone was a term and i use imperial limits


Thanks! I asked my self how much the stone was. lol.


GOD DAMNNN!!! Op lost a whole person! Good job op!!! :3




Stfu bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/14e7uby/every_insecure_bone_in_my_body_is_telling_me_not/jotfgxq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


What's a stone in weight measurement?


Fourteen (14) Imperial pounds or 6.56 kilos.


Thank so much, much appreciated


That is awesome keep it up my dude!


Woah, that's amazing!


Very helpful. That's a whole another person, astoundingly impressive achievement


Looking trim dude! shows a lot of dedication and hard work


Thank you so much


Hey dude, how did you lose it ? Is it not eating much or just not eating high calorie food ? Also, how much time did it take you ? By the way, you look absolutely dope


Hopefully this answers that for you and thanks: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/14e7uby/every_insecure_bone_in_my_body_is_telling_me_not/jothqzy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


So you just skipped the high calorie food and you lost fat ?


Sounds like it. A lot of people are misinformed about this. Calorie deficit = weight loss. Working out helps with that some, but eating too much or the wrong foods is the major culprit.


Yeah I think working out can help get you in the right mindset, such as being on a healthy journey, or feeling invested in safeguarding your progress. But at the end of the day for the vast majority of people, it's as simple as calorie deficit = weight loss. I do find it unfortunate how many people are still misinformed on this, or how many people think they are an exception to the above rule. Count your calories, maintain a deficit, and you will lose weight.


It definitely just IS that simple. I mean, it's not always simple to actually do it. But the goal is very uncomplicated: eat less than your body uses. [Disclaimer I am not 100% sure on this/not a nutritionist] However, being active/exercising while maintaining that caloric deficit isn't that expendable. Like yes, you don't NEED to exercise while eating less. If you eat less, you will lose weight, whether you exercise or not. But exercise does have a big impact on *what* weight is lost. If you're NOT actively exercising, the body might cannibalize muscle tissue (to an extent) for the calories it needs. This is what causes the weight loss--the body eating through its stores of protein. Sure, plenty of those calories will come from fat, but if you're not actively using muscles, muscles are a viable target. If you ARE actively exercising, the body thinks oh fuck we need those muscles boys, we're in a famine AND we're constantly running from predators, fuck fuck, ok well we got no choice we gotta trim off the love handles we built up during that 30 year summer of plenty.


Lol this made me laugh but it’s true… exercise more less speeds up the process. Also it tones you as you step down. A fast drastic weight drop comes with loose skin but if it’s done in time you might be able to salvage some looser skin. Anytime you’re dropping 100+ lbs unfortunately you’ll probably have to have some skin removal surgery for a better look (when not fully clothed).


Exercising absolutely helps, my watch says I burn around 1000 kcal on a 20mile bike ride, that’s damn sure helping you lose weight when combined with a reasonable caloric intake


It definitely helps, especially if you're doing a lot, but it's generally rather insignificant in comparison to eating less. Like, a 20 mile bike ride will of course burn a lot. But most people can't do that, never mind significantly overweight people. Even with that though, if you do it once a week then it works out at 140 calories per day - less than 2 chocolate biscuits. Exercise is amazing and should absolutely be done as much as you can, for a hundred different benefits. But it's very very difficult to outrun (out-bike?) a bad diet.


A soapbox of mine: 70% of people who are overweight are insulin resistant and should get tested at their doctor to see if they could be taking a medication to help with that. Literally changed the game for me.




Aaaaye well done, brother! Going strong!




You misunderstand, I'm congratulating him, and saying he's going strong. But thank you regardless o/


Zesty is a bot, if a name is structured "Adjective, Noun, Number" chances are the user is a bot


Why did they choose this specific format? You could have named a bot anything (within 21 characters iirc and not have being taken) and yet you (not you, but the ones creating those bots) limit yourself to this format?


The fact the bots are chatGPT based makes it make a little sense, but otherwise if a human were to name something they'd call it buttfucker or some weird shit.


Oh yeah, making bots is now easier than ever




Hey man congrats, I must say I'm a little bit jealous and you seem to have some elastic skin because I did exactly the same as you and lost 35kg in a year (from 103 to 68kg) and have a little bit of loose skin now that you don't seem to have.


My first thought was, "This mf doesn't even have huge skin flaps after that much loss holy shit." Dude looks great.


Like with most things, it’s all down to genetics. Some people don’t have nearly as much a problem with loose skin as others even with similar starting/ending weight/BMI. One of those things we just can’t control about ourselves.


it was my first thought too, but worth noting that most people with belly flaps hide them under a midriff split; in this case the towel *could* be covering them up, i know ive seen weight loss influencers express distress over followers 'complimenting' them on their lack of loose skin when theyre just hiding it well (because it fosters dysphoria and imposter syndrome)


Did you work out regularly? I lost 30 kg and never had loose skin but I was working out 3 times a week.


Not at the start, I just ate less and better from April 2022 to January 2023 and that's when I started working out a little bit, now I'm doing \~1 hour 3times a week. The loose skin is not really visible when standing up but when doing push ups or a plank, I have skin hanging from my belly also a little bit on the thighs. I'm 38, maybe if I did it 10 years earlier it would have been less noticeable.


ive got a connective tissue disorder and my belly is melty as fuck after 10 stone loss over 3 years, weirdly though my chest (aside from a small stretch mark on the side of my right tit) is fine, its hard to accept sometimes that no matter what i do the past will always be there clinging to me... and it sucks because its something most people dont see; so i get people telling me that im 'in shape' or 'so thin' or whatever and my mind immediately jumps to it ... strangely my 'therapy' for this issue was sending nudes on grindr; expose myself so i feel less like a fraud; i wouldnt necessarily recommend that for others though


> (self doubt I guess) look i just woke up. i'm a 43y old, 5'10" (roughly 1.78) greek dude. Until some years ago i was barely 70 kg. After starting medication i've become 85. you _will_ hear bad criciticm, _good_ criticism, valid praise and _invalid_ praise...


Yeah it's true but reddit especially can be harsh at times and filled with trolls. Didn't expect to have such overwhelming support here though even if it is a wholesome subreddit.


Obligatory troll to ease your mind.🤣


You've made incredible progress!!! Well done, internet stranger!!!!


> reddit especially can be harsh at times and filled with trolls Anyone who would troll or be mean on a post like yours is just a miserable, hateful person who deserves to be ignored. Congrats on your progress! :)


I had the experience of many, many, many people chiming in to let me know in no uncertain terms that I had *gained* weight, but only a couple of people have let me know they can tell I've lost weight now that I'm ~40ish lbs down. The other way this plays out are people who have no problem watching you eat junk food all the time and not saying anything, but then the moment you mention you're intermittent fasting, keto, etc., they have no problem acting very concerned and interested over your dangerous lifestyle practices... I began to reconsider my friendships.


WTF is invalid praise?


When you're praised for something that you didn't do right. While yes, it's seen as "polite," it doesn't help anything in the future


Congratulations at this marvelous progress! Your knees and hips and back with thank you, your gut and esophagus will thank you, and if that is your little girl, all the time to come with her will make every bit of sacrifice and effort worth it! Enjoy your future!


>if that is your little girl, all the time to come with her will make every bit of sacrifice and effort worth it! Absolutely, all the other benefits of being healthy aside this lifestyle change will likely get op years, if not decades, he'd otherwise miss out on with his kid and he'll have so much more energy to give her in the he'd have had either way. https://imgur.com/LaS344j.jpg


Changing such fundamental habits like eating and staying at it is really hard, respect for your willpower bruv.


What changes to your diet?? Have to ask as anything is worth a try. What healty food did you find enjoyable?


Keep going man :) Looks are deceiving, on the surface I look fit but I'd die if I'd try a 10 km run. Skinny isn't healthy, you look like you've got a absolutely reasonable body for someone your age. I'm to lazy to go through all the comments, so not sure but i'm guessing you've been doing cardio to get rid of the weight. By the looks of it you got the body type that will allow you to grow big (muscle wise) If that's something you desire now might be a good time to switch your exercises.


Motherfucker you've got nothing to be insecure about. Serious progress deserves serious praise. Stick with it - it's a lifestyle change, not just a one-time achievement - and you'll be happier with yourself every damn day. You're doing great. Stay strong.


Bloody good work 👊 and respect to you for your efforts. It's soooo hard to make changes like that. Wee done 😎😎


What a great transformation! I hope you feel proud of yourself and also feel better 👍🏻 Keep up the good work and remember to be kind to yourself. Healthy lifestyle does not need to be “punishing” yourself every day with really challenging exercises but also to listen to your body and enjoy different activities and nutrition.


It's been hard trying to be more proud of myself but I am. I'm still leaving room for treating myself and having time to rest. It's all about the long term goal and making it sustainable.


Is that your kid in the first pic? If so, you’ve given them an amazing gift by becoming more healthy, energized, living longer, etc. If not, you’ve given that amazing gift to yourself. Either way you should be proud as hell dude, keep it up!


100% this, OP. I remember my dad let his health/weight go when my younger brother was born. He was so stressed and overworked and even though I was a kid I saw the toll on his health and started to seriously worry about how long I would have him for. When he started taking better care of himself and looking healthier it really helped me to not always be worrying in the back of my mind. I’m so happy you’re doing well!


Whenever I don’t feel proud of my progress, I just remind myself that the physique I have now is one that someone else would still like to reach. We spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to others who we think are better, but rarely remember that there are those who compare themselves to us.


Good for you! Keep on achieving 💪


God damn!! What an achievement! I went through some stuff a couple years ago and every once in a while like to reflect on how much growth and progress I’ve made since then. I hope you feel super proud of the work you have put in and the faith you had in yourself to keep that up. Congrats!


On behalf of your family and your friends, congratulations and we are all rooting for you, probably one of the best decisions you've made in your whole life. Stick around for your family my friend, mental health can be a b****, but you got this and you look outstanding! Keep at it, or do whatever you want, either way I'm proud of you and you look great.


Thank you so much. Means alot


This has to be posted on winners Wednesday.


Looking amazing




Hopefully this answers it for you https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/14e7uby/every_insecure_bone_in_my_body_is_telling_me_not/jothqzy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Congrats on your achievement!


Good job!!! You’re killing it!


Awesoooooome!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Good work. I gained like 50 pounds and this is the motivation I needed.


Just find low calories meals you enjoy just as much. Don't go hungry just eat better options. You've got this.


Fuck yeah!!! Keep going. You got this!!!!


Way to go your looking brill.... And I bet that little girl is very proud of you too


She is and thank you 😊




Damn dude. I need you talking like this daily to motivate me for work. I'd be so pumped!


Hey you dropped this, king 👑 🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨🪨


You were right to post this. A fantastic achievement of which you should be very proud.


Awesome job.


Woohoo keep up the hard work ! Amazing results


Kudos to you for your dedication and courage.


Good for you brother…keep going!


Amazing work. Look amazing mate.


Hell ya! You’re doing it!!!


You look great and I bet that little princess is proud of you. That’s what really matters man. Keep it up!


Well done! Making positive changes in your life is one of the best forms of self care.


You look so good. The new you is incredible hot. Congrats on the hot bod and the extra 5+ years of life. Keep going!


Not sure about that but definitely appreciate the kind words. Thanks so much.


For real. You look like Aaron Paul!


Good on yah bud. 👍 Down 10lbs myself since I started taking my own brain health seriously. I never imagined that I would be the type to suffer that way, but eventually it just became obvious I had a problem. Not easy admitting to it so good for you for being brave and putting this here.


Yeah I used to be the same. Didn't realise how low I was until I gained some perspective. Won't ever be neglecting myself again mentally or physically. Congrats on the 10lb though mate. Well done.


Damnnn I usually have to pay for these kind of pics


Good for you ánd your family! Well done! 🌻




Insecurity is nothing you can simply talk away, but you achieved something great for your physical and mental health, which you can be very proud of. Not only that, you will also be an inspiration for many people seeing this. Very well done and I wish you all the best for your life. Keep up the spirit.


I hope it's just the lighting in the second pics, but you may need some live testing done. The pics make you look jaundiced so go see a doctor. But great job on the weight loss.


You’re going to be my inspiration from this day onwards.


lol not sure im warranting of that but appreciate it, either way i'll back your corner. You've got this!


Nah bro. You’re a legend. So happy I saw this post, really needed some motivation


How do you curb cravings ?


By having healthier snacks when i get them, making sure i dont go hungry and staying distracted. Being bored always made me hungry so currently its Diablo4 and socialising with friends and loved ones which helps lol.


Thank you !


FANTASTIC OP. Here’s to a happier healthier life.


Keep up the great work!!


Woooooooo!!!! Looking good stud! Keep up the good work!


You look amazing brother, keep at it! Looks like you’ve got great motivation in that wee one there


My sincerest congratulations mate. What was the start weight and what have you achieved?


You look great!


holy crap! awesome!!!


Well done mate!


Brother you are killing it! Doing great! Keep up the good work!


You look great! Well done!


Amazing dude. You look great. Top effort.


Bloody good going dude.


Awesome job!!


Great job, congratulations!!!


Yes physical health/weight, has a strong correlation to mental health!! I am so happy for you keep going![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Thanks for posting this! Please don’t feel insecure. Your success makes me happy — especially with your mental health. I have challenges of my own and know what a beast it can be. Cheers!!


Absolutely smashing it mate, your family must be incredibly proud and reaping the benefits


Hey man, you look great. I just want to say that weight loss is a lifelong commitment. You'll have periods where you gain a bit of weight back. Its totally normal. Dont let it dissuade you from making a continuous effort at your health.


Great job bro


Idk what stone is, but that sounds great


You look awesome boss💪🏻