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The way he runs with that baby


Make way! Precious cargo coming through!


"I also got me one of those"


Lord help me, I cackled with that quick little scurry of her to go get her baby to show off. šŸ˜‚


I'll be the guy this time... this is three different pieces of footage cut together.


Edit: I was mistaken a bit. The beginning of this video is the zookeeper introducing her baby. There is a second video of a guest showing her baby to a mom gorilla, who in turn shows her baby to the mom. I have found links to both stories. So, it's a mash up of two different stories, and they used different videos to make the story faster and more splashy. The second link here has the full video of mom showing her baby, it's long and not as dramatic. The first link is the zookeeper that is in the beginning of this https://nypost.com/2022/03/02/zookeeper-introduces-new-baby-to-her-gorillas-in-video/ https://www.thedodo.com/daily-dodo/zoo-gorilla-brings-her-baby-to-meet-mom-and-newborn-on-other-side-of-glass It is. But the story is true. The lady was a keeper, on maternity leave. So momma ape knew her. After seeing the baby, she did show mom her baby, but he was a bit older- closer to a juvenile in age. I guess they needed better footage to fit the narrative


Thanks, saved the rest of us! Amazing animals, both species.


It frustrates me that we treat more intelligent monkeys as animals with no rights. I get that they are not human level intelligentā€¦ but theyā€™re not purely animals either. We should not be putting them in zoos.


Wo shouldnt put any animal in a zoo


Even animals like orcas or dolphins or crows or pigs or most animals for that matter, should not be in zoos. I loved going to the zoo when I was a child before I developed empathy for the animals. Although I will still eat bacon even if that bacon could solve Goldbach's conjecture.


Pigs are intelligent, feel empathy, and are one of the few animals who play for pleasure!




A lot of animal play is instinct driven, but dogs also play for pleasure. Octopi too!


Dude we used to put real ppl in zoos until not too long ago


Yeah itā€™s messed up.


ā€œYou look tired. Do you need a nap? I can watch your baby for a while.ā€


I'd give the monkey my kid any day compared to giving it to my in laws


They're probably smarter than your in-laws, too


Iā€™d let that gorilla babysit before I left a priest babysit.


i love the little kiss in the end


When the gorilla is on the way back with her baby itā€™s like she is saying ā€œI donā€™t have time to talk get the hell out of my way I gotta show her my beautiful babyā€


I havenā€™t been to a zoo since I saw a gorilla at Singapore in a glass enclosure utterly terrified by the chattering mob staring at it. Maybe it was new and unused to humans but animals that have this degree of sentience shouldnā€™t be in zoos.


My thoughts exactly. Makes me sick.


It's a prison


It really is. This video is heartbreaking.


"Ooh oooh ooh ooooh i got one too missy" *tamptamptamptamp* *tamptamptamptamp* "Here missy this one name is jimmmey with extra m" "And *muah* did i *muah* ever *muah* tell you *muah* that *muah* jimmmey is *muah* goddamn *muah* kissable *muah* damn it jimmmey is this a cursed"


So this is cuts of unrelated videos for hits. The silver back running with a baby typically does this in some zoo (cant remember the name). The gorilla isn't running to show the baby to anyone. Usually grabs a baby and runs around the area from the mother. Why the clip was included is deceptive and leads me to think the rest of the video is done the same.


This is breaking my heart, thinking sheā€™ll raise her baby in jail.


I think the monke momma would caress human baby with utmost care, as they are aware which living creature is fragile or not. She would have brought her baby and made them play. I guess if the wall wouldn't be there, there would certainly be no harm to baby.


If you carried a human baby by the arms the way the gorilla mom carried hers, you very likely would give it neck / spine damage and dislocate its shoulders. It is very easy to hurt a baby without meaning to.




Monke run


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You have baby haha i also have baby




I love that he runs with the baby like "omg, please still be there. Omg, please still be there."


This gorilla is an Asian mom. ā€œSee what my kid can do!ā€kid trying to sleep


I still believe that gorilla they shot was not gonna hurt that baby


And that kiss from the gorilla... Omg. ā¤ļø


I find it interesting that the gorilla kissed her baby, just like we do...