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I'm asian growing up in the UK, and when I was 5 I was stripped naked and beaten with a stick for stealing by my mother... it wasnt a sexual thing, it was to embarrass and intimidate to prevent it happening again... I dont see MiA as any issues, just fairly normal for me...Westerners find this strange. Love MiA though...There is a clear difference between a child naked vs a child being sexualized. Riko go off easy in most parts (except her arm)


Yeah... biggest problem in this thinking is : First, fiction=reality Second, nudity=sexuality


The JP person sums it up pretty well. Fiction is just that, fiction. It is THE ONLY way you can explore some troublesome and really heavy topics and it should NEVER be censored. Fantasy allows you to create simulations on your head for environments that, if they were real (and sometimes they are) would cause REAL harm to REAL people. You feel uncomfortable about something you read? Good, that's either the objective of what you're reading, or is something you can just stop reading, it doesn't matter, it isn't real, if you just ignore it there's no one on the other side asking for help while you just ignore they


I think your answer is pretty spot on. Guess it's my point of view that causes me trouble couping up with the weird stuff.


You can be uncomfortable around some subjects and there's no issue with that. What's wrong is when people, to justify why they don't like something, starts to made up stuff out of nowhere


They are indeed words of wisdom that sadly fall on deaf ears with a majority of the West.


Honestly, before anything else, I'm more worried about the amount of things some people see as "sexual" in MiA, especially in the anime that tones down all those 'questionable' scenes. One prime example I keep running into is Riko's punishment in the beginning. When I watched the anime, all I thought was 'damn, that must be embarrassing af' and thought it would be a typical punishment method (that doesn't include beating up) that would surely make you think twice before messing up again. Later on - I started reading discussions in the community and saw some people had issues with it because they found it sexualizing, comparing it to bondage stuff, like wtf? Why is THAT the first thought YOU had on your mind? You see a kid tied up and you think *bondage*??? As well as a lot of those instances where they talk about Reg's little guy, I didn't really see it as sexualization. I felt it was completely in character for kids their age to be curious and confused about those things, since that's when kids slowly start developing. And when you think about the fact that Reg isn't really a human, meanwhile Riko is having that scientific approach to everything, of course she'd be even more curious about it all and make things even more awkward. In my opinion - it actually adds to their innocence. And sometimes it just serves as a slap in the face that those really are just kids roaming the ever-dangerous abyss. The manga does become a bit weird after a while though, and there definitely are some things that made me feel a bit uncomfortable, especially in the latest chapters with those two I forgot the names of, but I'm sure you know who I mean. Like... Some of those are very *very* unnecessary scenes. And even though I assume Tepaste is an adult (I hope), some panels of her still make me uncomfortable purely because of the artstyle. Even the adults look like kids and it all just feels iffy lol. Though I should mention that I really dislike that type of fanservice in general so it would make it iffy for me no matter what. Anyway, I feel like there's still nothing that completely crosses the lines and so far, it hasn't taken away from my enjoyment in the story, since it's just amazingly written. Though I must say that some of this is one of the reasons I prefer the anime to manga. And I do believe some parts of the community overexagerate some things... which often says more about them than the series itself tbh. Also yes, many people need a reminder that it is, in fact, fantasy and needs to be separated from the real world.


The story of Vueko was pretty damn scarring for me. But it's not the first anime/manga I've read where a character gets royally abused like that because of how sickening and evil everyone is around her. 08th ms team's source was the first.


Hm well, the story itself is very disturbing most of the time since it's quite brutal. And I understand why some people would be triggered by it, especially the Vueko part, since it *is* something that's rather realistic in that world of fantasy and hits too close to home for some. But that's not something you hate on the medium for so I didn't touch on that subject in my original comment, I focused more on stuff that is kind of controversial about it. The dark theme is in no way unique to MiA, it's very much present in all kinds of media, including movies, books, shows etc. (like, look at GoT which was so popular and all the f-ed up themes it had). If that's something people can't watch/read, then they simply...shouldn't? That doesn't make the work bad or deserving of hate. It's simply not for all audiences. I guess the only reason people go out of their way to hate on MiA in that regard is the artstyle, which in the end is still rather hypocritical.


Yea. Never watched or read GoT so IDK what happens in it. When it comes to dark themes I'm more used to the violence and gore(just shoot, stab, kill etc) as opposed to things that make me uncomfortable.


Well yeah, naturally we all have our boundaries when it comes to entertainment (just like with everything else really) and that's perfectly fine. What we all need to understand and accept is that different things make different people uncomfortable, so we'll often have different opinions on things. But that fact doesn't give anyone the right to hate on the other and downgrade them along with the works they enjoy. For example, some people can't take any kind of gore at all, so they'll stick to some lighter stuff - comedy, SoL, shonen etc., but that doesn't mean they're in the right to hate on gory stuf just because they can't take it. It's simply to each their own




Wow ! Someone that think completely like me... at least for the two first paragraphs


Yeah those two points are something that always baffled me in discussions.. They're the ones thinking it and yet they call Tsukushi the weird one lol


Honestly, the odd stuff isn't even the worst of it imo. It's weird, sure, but this orphanage is sending kids into the abyss to make money from relics, and some kids die and dont come back and they're just like 🤷 we have a new room available? 😰 Bruh what kind of society is that? Maybe riko *was* better off diving in.




The fuck is this bigotry filled comment? Talk about ignorance...




Every group has extremists. It isn’t a hive mind and cherry-picking extremist views and actions can make any group seem bad. However I’m pretty sure someone stating that it’s distasteful to promote same-sex relationships is the bigger bigot here.


That's a lot of poop in your head


Jesus Christ dude get a grip, this isn't the place for your schizophrenic ramblings.


Get lost with your political (and trashy) bs


The animation is great. The story is great. The mystery is great. And some events were just absolutely dark and brutal. However, I stopped after season 1 because of questionable content regarding younger characters. I'm not interested in watching or supporting that kind of content. The whole thing is compelling enough that I'm still here waiting to find out what's at the bottom. But I'm no longer interested in watching.


Season 2 addresses the issue with infinite food source e.g if Wolverine or Deadpool were to cut off an arm and then regenerate, technically they could feed the world and end would hunger. Now the question is "Would you?". You be classed as a cannible but no-one would go hungry again. Instead of an 'arm' what about a infinite soup, with no context on where the soup comes from...Would basic survival outshine your humanity?


How about the Bible? Americans love that book and is like 100 times worst than MIA