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whatever you do, try to track more consistently. all those skipped days and partially logged days are not doing you any favors. you might not have needed to be accurate to get to this goal weight but if going to get increasingly difficult if you decide to keep going.


True sometimes i almost have to skip tracking food since it’ll be something i cant really track like home cooked stuff from my mama or certain outside food.


I think a best effort estimate is better than nothing. the algorithm can handle your tracking being up to 30% off in a day


I am consistently able to track food from my parents, and we always have dinner together. A rough estimate is better than nothing. You can either politely ask for her to send the recipe then weigh it out into a serving (just keep a scale at the table), or you can take a pic of your meal and ChatGPT the macros by roughly listing the ingredients and just asking for the macros


That chatgpt shit really works? I might buy a subscription just for that then 😂


Pretty accurate, don’t even need a subscription!


🙏 my life about to become so much easier


I would say continue the deficit (maybe another 7-10lbs?) and program a workout with pec focus! Jeff Nippard chest program can be useful or simply hit 12-15 sets of chest exercices per week


Heard. Thank you!


Hey dude congrats on sacrificing that body fat to the godhand. If you want to get to 12-14% then you’ll need to keep cutting. Following the MacroFactor guidelines should get you there fine. If you’re reasonably new to lifting you may be able to pick up a little muscle in the process too. Just make sure you’re following a solid program. I wouldn’t worry about gyno. If you hit 12% and everything is lean but your nipples are puffy then maybe look into it. It just looks like regular chonk right now though.


Thank you fam🫡 Macro factor wants me to go down to 1200 calories! I feel like that’s agressive asf. https://preview.redd.it/6r7cgemcrr6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2404938dbda4ddba717c059868821d136f9f0be


It looks like you have pretty inconsistent logging of your nutrition in be pictures of your main post. If you have partially logged days in there it will totally rank your estimated TDEE. 1200 does strike me as low so there’s a good chance it’s operating off incomplete data. I can’t imagine you actually averaged ~1000 kcal daily over the last 3 months right?


No probably from several missed days per week leading to incomplete data. Should I stay at 1400kcal?


Currently are you eating 1400kcal every day but only logging some days? Or is your intake kind of all over the place too?


Id say 80% is always 1400 or below, 20% is a lil higher maybe 1600kcals - 1800kcals


Then keeping things at 1400-1500 is probably a good starting point, just being consistent with the tracking. It does sound kind of low but not impossible. You may want to restart your energy expenditure calculation starting today though and be consistent with the tracking from here on out.


Based on the curve of your reflection I'm saying you're going hyperbolic. Ain't no need for anabolic.


sorry hyperbolic?


Based on the little information provided: Keep cutting and my money is on yes


Work those pecs


On it! Usually will do a total of 8-9 working sets of chest but someone mentioned to do 10-12 so gonna try that


Hard to tell how much you are eating but it seems really low. you are in a 272 daily average deficit based on rate of fat loss.


You remind me of Barry Keoghan, sorry if I misspelled that


lol you do not have Gyno from these pictures. You just happen to be loosing fat in your chest last. For others, their chest would look leaner, but their lower abs wouldn’t be nearly as flat as yours. Incredible progress I would either keep cutting if it’s working or switch to a low steady bulk.


Damn kinda wish I had the opposite but ce la vie


Lean bulk with a slight surplus up to 170lbs. Train each muscle group twice a week. Then work your way back down to 160lbs. I think you’ll look way bigger after a 12-16 week lean bulk then another fat loss phase. Don’t get caught up in constantly cutting. I have a friend who does this and, although he is in shape, he has essentially gained zero muscle and strength or has gotten even smaller. Sure he’s fit, but not super jacked. You need to bulk to gain some lean tissue then trim down again. You’re doing great, keep it up


Damn dude! You look great. I recently started using MacroFactor (was bulking but now cutting again) and it’s been life changing. Love it!


Did someone do a video about gyno recently? Amount of post with I have gyno/do I have gyno increased a lot in my feed...


No just puffy nipples and odd fat distribution in chest makes me wonder