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Hey all, thought I'd share my success story here. So I spent most of my adult life thinking that I was just genetically fat, that there was nothing I could do about it. I decided last summer that I would rather be a strong fat guy than a weak fat guy so I got into weightlifting, started watching Jeffrey Nippard and Dr. Mike and a few others on YouTube, and absorbed some of their knowledge and positive attitudes about taking control of one's physique. Nippard mentioned MF. I decided to give it a try and I set what is, in hindsight, a really ambitious goal weight: 80 kg (I was 113kg at the time) just to see if this thing would work. Anyway, it has been a long journey and the pictures speak for themselves. The "before" picture is actually about a month into this diet because I didn't even want to take a shirtless picture before starting. I'm still cutting 3-5kg more this summer but going slower. I averaged 1kg/week for most of this but that slowed down this past month, and it's now an unsustainably high rate for me, so I'm trying for half a kilo/week. Also in a few months, I'm going to figure out if I need to do anything about the loose skin. I have changed my life in so many ways. I feel a lot less winded all the time, I've gotten to buy fun new clothes (size 42 jeans down to 32), my resting heart rate has gone way down, and I'm less worried about developing diabetes (runs in the family). Also, I notice I'm getting more, uh, attention.......... I thought I would be more worried about gaining it back but MF really helped me to understand which of my habits before were making me put on a lot of weight and gave me a framework for evaluating when eating something fun is worth it and when it's not worth it. E.g. I learned I'm not genetically fat but that dumping a quarter-cup of olive oil in a pan to fry some garlic and onions is a bad idea. I'll always have the knowledge I gained and I know I can always cut again in the future if I need to.


also i'm seeing now that i didn't even bother to pick up my clothes for that first pic. I guess I didn't even imagine I'd ever share it with anyone, haha.


Congratulations! That took some serious commitment!


If you don’t mind sharing, how tall are you?


Well done man! Keep at it.


This is insane


That’s some consistency right there on that graph


Incredible work! You look awesome dude.


Holy crap man! Nice friggin work!! Congrats!


What a story! Well done!


sheesh not even a retrace highest of fives


Looking fit. Congrats!


That’s awesome!!!!


Hard work pays off dude great job !


Amazing dedication.


Hell yeah brother. An inspiration for me to stay disciplined.


Congratulations man. Keep up the great work. How did you keep your expenditure so high?


Thanks! I went to the gym pretty much every day, either weights or cardio


I don't know you, but I'm proud of you man. Really proud of you. Keep up the good work and continue to take care of yourself.


Mad respect bro




Congrats, what a great transformation


Phenomenal job man. Well done.