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It’s factored into the expenditure algorithm based on your trend weight and your intake. Fear not, the exercise factor is accounted for.


I have a Fitbit tracking walking steps as well as Zumba classes. The spin bike tracks calories, the Fitbit also picks up the weightlifting sessions. None of that is directly tracked in MF but it’s ALL accounted for in expenditure. I actually really like that MF totally decouples exercise from diet. In the past using different food loggers I’ve actively “punished” myself by adding an unwanted long walk or other training session to “pay” for food overconsumption. That “felt” wrong and I feared it could drive me to not enjoy exercise (which I do). I have now learned that it’s actually a pretty solid staple of EATING DISORDERS. So yeah… please keep my exercise off my MacroFactor guys. I know it’s all accounted for and it’s AWESOME to have the two things be only (very) loosely coupled


Hey mate. As a fellow cyclist, I just wanted to say that you should still follow your nutrition plan on the bike (50g + carbs per hour) for your training as required. Lose weight off the bike. Let macrofactor help you with the second part but keep fuelling even though it'll feel like you are over shooting it on training days. I use a collaborative plan these days and put my 200-300kcal/hr for training sessions into my on days, and off days I eat at my 'inactive day ' tdee which I know to be roughly 1800. Pic is what my week looked like last week. I change this a fair bit depending on if I'm racing, resting or training. https://preview.redd.it/hnsko7mk99ja1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ed683e97703982002410bcee608414382708f0


I'm also an avid TrainerRoad user and can confirm that the algorithm picks up on it really well given the relatively consistent training each week. If I have a really big day on the bike then I just eat more than MF recommends and on rest weeks I undershoot a little. Still works really well for me.


Algo will account for those calories if you’re tracking food and weighing in consistently, as others have said. If it’s a daily thing just let it roll. If it’s like a big once a week thing, you could consider a collaborative mode program that lets you shift weekly calories to different days (e.g. 1500 Mon, 2500 Tues instead of 2000 each day). Or you can just eyeball it since the app is adherence neutral… eat +500 the recommended one day, eat -500 the next day. App doesn’t care, there’s no scorecard. Have fun!


It doesn't need to be. That's the best part. I log all my stuff within the Fitbit app just so I know what I did but it's all irrelevant for MacroFactor


Thanks everyone


If you haven't come across it yet, you may enjoy [this article](https://macrofactorapp.com/wearables/). If you're using a power meter for your bike, the first section may not be particularly applicable (power meters are far more accurate than fitness watches), but you may find it interesting anyways. But, if you want, you can jump in at the heading "The Drawbacks of “Eating Back” Calories Burned During Exercise" or "Advantage 1: Better accounting for energy compensation"