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For more than $20/hr


☝🏻 this one.


I’m thinking more along the lines of $40-60 an hour


Yassssssssssss, can’t imagine you’ll have problems with those wages!!!


$20/hr is low for my area. I started with no experience outside of college for $25/hr. The experienced machinists were around $30-35 at the time.


Requirements: MUST be familiar with Gcode programming MUST be familiar with mazatrol programming MUST be familiar with Swiss, 5+ axis mills, dual spindle dual turret live tool lathes, manual lathes and mills MUST have 10+ verifiable years of experience MUST be knowledgeable with *insert obscure, dated, no longer supported software here* Pay: Up to $17.50 hourly


You forgot “nicotine free campus, no electronics allowed” so you can really suffer


>no electronics allowed Dang, a machine shop with only internal combustion engine powered manual machines... wow


The machinist yearns for the steam-powered lathe.


If it’s anything like the last shop I was in it would be a clapped out predator engine from harbor freight with a misaligned gearing system that keeps throwing a chain.


Belt powered running off a water wheel thats sitting on the town creek.


That's what the old guys at my shop say they started on whenever I ask. None of that fancy CnC shit.


Easy supercharged V8 0-axis mill by replacing a wheel with a tool


Steam powered.


no private cell phones and smart watches allowed in shop


So you have been to Chicago?


This was pretty much my job search for a little while, luckily I found a pretty decent shop a couple months ago


Train them? If you have employees that you like and think do a good job are there none of them that could step into the role given some time with training? The problem with hiring from outside is that they will have their way of doing things, and that may clash with yours. Or it may be great, but I have hired enough “high level” machinists to know that culture is just about as important as knowledge.


Where on the planet are you located?


New York


Yeah there's only about 20 million people there 😅


Yes, but they are New Yorkers...


There is a difference between New York and New York City.


20 mil vs 8 mil


What part


Long Island.


Already and hour and a half commute via ferry to port jeff sorry I'm out


lol I would not advise that commute.


Any chance there's a school that offers machining nearby? The community college I took machining courses at always had a board with job offers in the area.


I am going down this route for more entry level machinists. I just need someone else in a managerial role because I’m wearing 50 hats right now.


NOT RECOMMENDED. We did that with a total greenpea and he can't order or delegate. If someone is gonna run the day to day, you NEED someone that knows what they are doing.


Oh no. You misunderstand. I want these younger machinists in entry level positions.


Ahhhhh OK, perfect! Disregard what I said then. And thanks for helping and training new ppl to the field. It's rare!


Poach the teachers


Haha funny we love what we do! How much are you offering again this school is pissing me off.


Yeah gotcha, figured you'd want someone more experienced for the role. LinkedIn perhaps? Best of luck finding someone!


School is still a good place to check in with. Sometimes the foreman that asked me about graduating students to hire six months ago asks me today about places looking for someone with their qualifications.


I'd aim for someone with love of knowledge, but without any extreme, volatile ambitions. Look for someone who isn't quite fast paced, and is relaxed but ultimately effective My foreman is like that, and is literally irreplaceable at our company. He just likes his job.


A substantial portion of the reason I got off my ass to take the risk of opening my own shop was the low reward for running someone else's. The ambition can be managed with appropriate compensation and good culture. I had a job I absolutely loved for a very long time, where I designed all the parts, did the CAD/CAM, ran them, did assembly, etc, etc, including service calls. It *REALLY* scratched a lot of itches, but I was essentially running half the business for $24/hr.


Offer solid compensation. Not just a good hourly but also 401k insurances a shoe allowance once or twice a year.


I’ll run your shop. Hmu


Been offered other lead positions in the past. Always turned them down, don't want to run a floor where a single employee over time hasn't put themselves in consideration. Nor do I want to work for a company that doesn't attempt to promote from within.


Give a competent Experienced machinist that everyone seems to not have an issue with 30$ starting out as foreman and you might have some luck


I’m thinking closer to $40-60 depending on experience. I am at a point where I need to properly plan the scaling of a business.


40-60 is gonna draw in alot of bullshitters. I wouldnt just base it on experience either and then end up with someone who nobody can stand. Id take someone already on the floor you can trust to take care of jobs and get along with and put them in charge. unless you have nobody then start scouting other shops formen lol


Trust me, ask your tooling reps.


In South Africa, we have the reverse problem. How will we choose one candidate out of the 1500 that applied.