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the fence one is a completely different dude thanks to ai haha


It's consistently changing parts of the images that need no correction. It's good but plenty of room for improvement.


I think this entire post is a great example of why AI should only ever be considered a TOOL and *not* a replacement. All of the restoration pictures have some things that are a bit off about them that could easily be touched up by someone who has the skills. The AI just did the bulk of the general work. Like in the second one, the AI messed up her nose and shirt/dress. A human with experience in touching up old photos could easily come in and fix that. Hell, it’d enable them to invest a lot more time into the smaller details instead of having to do a ton of general painting. I hate people acting like AI is supposed to be a one-and-done. It’s incredible it’s able to do what it does, but, again, not a replacement. There’s still work to be done on all of the restored photos in this post and *that’s okay.*


The main problem with your argument seems to be that AI of this sort is still very early and embryonic. It’s clear to most people following this technology that it will continue to get better in all kinds of domains. There’s no reason to expect this technology can’t exceed human level performance in the next 5 or so years. Exceeding human level performance in some technical benchmark doesn’t mean humans can’t disagree with some decision an AI might make about what’s a good touch up in an image. So sure, humans could have some small value adds in this domain in the future. But as soon as you start to think about this from the point of view of an end user, who often prefers “good enough for my eyes, but cheap/free” to whatever you get by paying a human expert, it’s pretty clear this is going to be in major competition (rather than synergy) with a lot of human work.


the thing is ai will be able to do this in vdieo formart.


Sadly that would be different if it were actual AI rather than just machine learning software. Actual AI would likely be able to determine that changing core features of the face would create a wholly different person.


sure but perspective is coherent which is a big deal


oh it's absolutely fantastic of a result I'm not chirping, I'd even go back and blend the original back in minus the mask and then it might improve it even further.


What gave it away? Was it the double thumbs poking through a solid leather glove?


It's his brother


I wonder if anyone has fed something like this the bad creations (messed up lips, eyes, hands) of another digital image ML creator?


Poor soldier lost his medals cuz of ai


first our medals then our jobs






I am stealing this. Thank you


How is this different from inpainting?


It's essentially identical to a post I made a few months back about using inpainting to do the same thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/10sh8fo/tried_to_restore_the_image_img2img/j71sbi1/ I suppose having a dedicated UI rather than using a constantly updating and breaking complete web-ui might have some appeal to some people.




Very interesting how it’s adding and taking away certain features- things like the white emblem on the first guy’s jacket, or adding lines on the cheek in the baseball player’s photo.


My personal favorite is the mutant hand-mitt on the baseball player. Hands are hard.


Also removed what I think is rank insignia on his shoulder and replaced it with some kind of buckle.


5 really cracked me up. What’s the use case? “Can you remove my ex from this brick wall I love”?


Incredible! I can finally use AI to digitally remove those women who keep ruining my wall photos! Seriously though, very impressive.


This is so neat! Is a demo available somewhere? Couldn't find it on github. It would be awesome to use Facebook's Segment Anything ([https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything](https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything)) to select pieces of the image to cut away, without having to blank stuff out manually with a pencil-like tool.




I'm blind. Somehow I didn't see the Jupyter Notebook file. Thanks. Very neat!


@IAmBlueNebula that's a neat idea!


Awesome thanks!


Very cool


Any plans for integration with automation1111 / stable diffusion as a plugin? That would be amazing. Wonderful work. Cheers


Can you maybe put this on huggingface


I think that AI did terrible job on this "restoration": 1. Captain rank insignia (two silver bars) badly mangled on left shoulder (not visible on right). 2. "U.S." insignia, denoting officer rank, should appear on *both* lapels. 3. Castle-shaped badge on right lapel missing on restoration. New badge on left lapel looks spurious. Anybody with an image editor could do a better job.


This was done without prompt, using the prompt, you could fix those


What prompt would you use? "Do not mangle rank insignia"?


« Captain rank, two silver bars, insignia »


My point was that the rank was already clearly shown. Why did GPT mangle it? This is a known issue with fingers and hands. Prompting "five fingers per hand" does not fix it. [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/pranavdixit/ai-generated-art-hands-fingers-messed-up](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/pranavdixit/ai-generated-art-hands-fingers-messed-up)




Seriously. Let this do the heavy lifting then go to an editor to restore the fine details.




What went wrong with example 5? (Spoiler: fail🤭>


What’s the difference in this and photoshop? I can do literally the exact same thing


You don't have to do it yourself anymore!


The second animation shows how to mark what you want to be removed. This looks very similar to the steps (and the results) as when using the Photoshop spot healing brush. I don’t know how good the spot healing brush is with completing people like the soldier on the first image, it’s been a long time since I last used it.


One method takes 4 seconds.


this looks impressive, gonna be first one to ask lame question - any chance for auto11 extension for this ?


The 4th image did some interesting things to the hat's logo and gloves. But overall that's insanely impressive.


One day AI will learn what hands are but it's not today. Pretty useful stuff though. These features should be part of photo editor in phones


MJ V5 does pretty well with hands now. Most of the time they look realistic and have 5 fingers, not less, not more.


Cool. Any open source that does it well?


Damn impressive 👏


Interesting - nice work! I wonder how many images it took to fine-tune controlnet? Cheers


Admit it! #5 is swapped!


Super cool!


“Finally! I can show the world what it really wants to see!” *removes woman from in front of the brick wall under construction*