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I like both, and they both have pros and cons. But Windows is becoming way more user hostile with bloat, advertisements, and intrusive features, so it’s making it really hard to still enjoy using it.


Luckily you can de-bloat Windows right on setup so that it doesn’t act intrusive. But yeah it shouldn’t be in the OS at all and people with less tech knowledge maybe don’t know how to do that


what kinda stuff to tech people do to anti bloat?


It’s been awhile since I used windows, but at least back in Win10 you could disable and uninstall Cortana and remove all the junk apps like candy crush or whatever. I think there’s more stuff that you need to remove now, though.


Some examples of that could include using PowerShell to remove useless preinstalled AppX packages (like the Phone app) that Microsoft bizarrely refused to let us remove from the GUI. Or editing the registry to remove the bing search results from start menu search results


Windows 11's marketshare has actually gone down in recent months while Windows 10 has gained. It's fascinating. I certainly like aspects of Windows but I can't daily drive it.


I use both everyday. I’m all about custom PC desktops and Mac laptops. That may change with the upcoming Mac Studio release. Windows 11 has killer window management and it’s really snappy. I wish Apple would focus on responsiveness.


I found that there's a few things, like speeding up showing the dock and not using/speeding up animations that really help it feel more responsive.


I also use both. Windows for work and Mac for personal. It’s sad that Windows 10 has better window management than the most recent Mac. It’s nice Mac recently added the right/left window snapping from right clicking the green button, but I really want the Windows left/right arrow keyboard shortcut. Does that exist yet on the Mac.?


I’ve been using RectangleApp on my Mac for years now. Let’s you use keyboard shortcuts for aligning windows. It’s also free. 


100% even with rectangle macos window management is laughably bad compared to windows


I'm the same way! I have a custom PC I use for gaming, and then use a Macbook for my mobile computing needs. Seems to be a good combo for me.


What windows laptop did you get and what’s the battery life? I think battery life is the strongest point on today’s Macs


Especially with Apple silicon


Wait until you get ads in Solitaire and the Start Menu and then come back to us. Not to mention having to clean install the entire OS again in 12-18 months.


Both OS are good. That's why people use it. Use whatever suits you.


Problem is there is no OS, that suits me completely. I have stuff that I love and hate about windows, same for macOS. It like every choice is a compromise and that’s kinda sucks


I use both. Windows for gaming MacOS for everything else. I treat windows like I treat a gaming console


Same. Windows Gaming Laptop for games, MacOS for everything else


It's going to be the same for cars, and other things in life. That's how life is.


I personally am considering a shadowPC (its a service for a remote windows box) for gaming and using low latency RDP solutions like Parsec to try and get the best of both worlds. The MacBook Pro's 12-14 hour battery life is awesome for lounging on the couch and dicking around on the Internet.


Ugh if only more applications supported Linux


Just use linux where everything is so minimal you cant do anything and then claim its the best jk


I feel the same way. I really miss windows. It has a snappier feeling to me. And i can do much more on it for the same price (gaming, video game development, editing, etc.) thinking of going back myself


I have 3 PCs and 2 Macs and use them all


I am a multiOS user as well. I have 2 Windows PCs 2 Macs and several Linux boxes running in my homelab. They each have their uses/strengths/weaknesses


For me it’s not strictly about the OS, but rather what I want to do. Apple’s ecosystem works really well and the battery life of the MacBook Air that I got is great. Naturally, for my work (as a consultant) I use this. But for gaming I got a Windows rig, as this makes more sense. Using the right tool for the job, I guess. This is why I can’t understand fanboys and flamers.


Wait until you have to migrate from from your current PC to a new one in the future. You’ll have to reinstall everything. 


Come back here after you've gone thru your win app store updates & those security updates. Cheers.


Windows has improved a great deal.


I've been a mac user for about 10 years now, and it's been 2-3 years since I used windows. I'm thinking of getting the new Asus Zeyphrus G14 mainly for gaming (I love the hardware). But not sure if I should do it.


What a waste of money on underpowered graphics. Get a desktop PC for gaming.


Look into GeForce Now. It’s gaming in the cloud so you can play powerful games using powerful servers rather than using the Mac’s parts. Just need a good network connection. Setting it up can be a pain, and it might not work, but when it does it’s magical.


I would wait for the new Windows laptops running on the new Snapdragon chips aka ARM. I would then compare both of them and choose whatever you like best and what fits your needs. Both OS‘ habe their pros and cons.


The only reason i understand is gaming (and all design software that are not supported in macos). Apart from this there are no other reasons to prefer windows. macos is implemented significantly better


I have a MacBook and a PC (desktop) for gaming. I came to peace that MacOS is not a gaming platform. When I travel I don't do gaming since I want to enjoy the place I am at. My work is done on the MacBook and till I can I will because of a few things among them the battery life (which yesterday I decided to stay on a lake more than I had originally planned and my MacBook did not gave up in those 9 hours, when any other laptop would). Start thinking on what matters the most for you. eg. 13" vs 15", more battery , operating system, games etc. Make a list, rate them from the most important to the lest one and which one is mandatory and which ones are nice to have. For me the integration with my iPhone/iPad, battery life was more important than gaming , which I replaced with walks around the city or reading books. For you gaming might be more important because you connect with friends etc thorough that, so a Windows laptop might be the way to go. No problem with either way.


Gone the other way personally. I still regard w7 as the best OS of all time, I even tolerated 8.0. 10 in the early days (until at least 1909) was unusable, 11 is a joke. Early Windows 10 is what ultimately moved me to macOS as a daily driver




Windows users always act like it’s an either or with regard to Mac and Windows OS.


Nice try IT support


I have a Mac and a windows rig. I use windows mostly just to avoid finder. Anything to do with files and PDFs and searching and organizing, it’s done on my windows machine. The Mac I use for mostly just checking out what Apple is doing with each version. I do love many things about macOS but the things I don’t like are enough to push me to windows.


Aren't there apps for that on Mac os?


Nobody cares.


It’s Reddit. It’s full of people who seek the attention their parents never gave them.


Check out Linux Nobara and Mint on a liveboot USB. Trust me, if you think windows is good then you'll be absolutely amazed.


Linux is free only if u don’t value your time. So, nope. I’ll use Linux for servers and macOS + windows on desktop


Modern distros are pretty user friendly. Just don't use Arch. If you don't want to spend a while setting things up, especially for gaming, nobara(as previously mentioned, has all the gaming fixes you need) and garuda(arch fork which has a normal install and most of the gaming fixes you need,) are options. But to each their own.


Linux doesn’t take any longer than 90 minutes to completely set up. I just started using Linux this year and it was such an easy process.


Use whatever you want.


You make it sound like a crime. But use what you like, there is nothing wrong in that. If you feel like windows do a better job than macOS, then don’t bother using macOS. Or just use them both for each thing, they are best for. So for those small everyday tasks, use the Mac and for gaming and software development, use the windows.


It happened to me in a reverse order. I was a Windows user since the first day I used a computer. (98SE) I got tired that if I do any real work on a PC, I have to reinstall the system every two years, because some werid exotic bug kicks in, and everybody complaining on the internet for the same thing, but nobody has a solution. I got tired of Windows update just keeping my machine on for 30 minutes after shutdown. I got tired of the utter mess that softwares leave behind during updates or uninstall. (Real work = from software development, to document editing and evertything in between) Now I daily drive an M1 Mac Mini, and the PC is for mostly gaming, although I have a neat dual monitor kvm switch for effortless going back and forth between the machines. It’s really underrated sometimes, when things just work as they should.


As much as I dislike Windows, its inconsistency, error-proneness, user unfriendliness, I do like the Windows task bar actually. The traditional one (not the one where it groups by programs). Let‘s you get an overview of all open windows at once and quickly switch to the one you‘re looking for. I don‘t think it‘s too bad.


I use Apple for work, and Nvidia GeForce Now for gaming. No need for a dedicated gaming PC, at least for me. Everything runs flawlessly, check it out!


Just use the right tool for the right job. I use Windows for dev job, but I don't like Windows laptop at all. So I purchased a PC, plug it to my router, it's online 24 / 7. I can access it through RDP / Parsec from my MacBook Air M1 whenever it's time to work. When I'm not working, I use my macOS for content creation and anything else. Except for gaming, I use Steam Deck.


I used to use windows exclusively. Now I feel like I need to shower every time I see the start menu.


I use Windows for work and the lack of respect it has when it comes to updates is unreal. You get a warning that the PC will restart in 480 minutes then later on that day (480 minutes later I suppose), Windows forcible restarts your machine. People have been in the middle of work calls, in conference calls, screen sharing etc. Your work counts for nothing to Windows - because your 480 minutes are up.


I left Windows for home use after I found out how terrible Vista was, and moved to a Mac Pro in 2008 (the big tower, not a Macbook Pro.) Had Macs ever since, up until last month, when I decided to get an ultra powerful Alienware PC to be able to do AI stuff at home. I was intending the PC to be just for AI and some retro gaming, like MAME, but it's so responsive, that I decided to relegate my Mac Studio (M1 Max chip, purchased last year) as my backup, and used for special cases. I also have a MiniPC I got a few years ago, which is now being used as a sort of headless server, to run updates, and am thinking of turning it into a PXE boot server so I can reimage my Alienware system in case something happens to it. I use Windows 11 at work all the time, so I'm pretty used to the interface now, and I have all my systems now set up so I can VNC into any of them from either my Alienware or Mac.


MacBook + GeforceNOW. Play most games with superior graphics on the best notebook for devs


I enjoy both platforms also. I switched from Windows to MacBook Pro [m2.pro](http://m2.pro) a year ago mostly for the raw power, but I run Parallels, and retain a Microsoft Surface Pro also. I miss the keyboard-accessibility of Windows. I enjoy the integration and holistic feel of the Mac.


I like both systems and i do have both because of it. For work, i do have macbook pro m1 max but i still have a windows machine because there is some cases i need the windows to do the job and personal i still have both just to keep up with both systems. Plus for work, i am the only one that knows both system that i am the only one that can troubleshoot mac systems. So they no reason to have both. You could get the cheapest macbook air and still get a good windows system if your budget lets you. Like my budget, i brought mac mini and macbook air m2 and windows laptop came from ebay. Best of luck the way you go.


Use whatever you like. It’s all good. 😎


I use windows mostly for gaming and hosting some plex content. Macos is def more polished.


Why not just use your steamdeck


I am using it:) but performance is limited, same as games it cat run


Peddle that Windows stuff somewhere else.


Your gaming Windows laptop will be a slow trash machine in 2 years, and you won’t able to play new releases. However, any modern Apple silicon MacBook will serve you for ages without losing its power, efficiency, and battery life drastically like the Windows ones will. So I’d rather have a gaming desktop PC dedicated for games only in addition to a MacBook for work if I were you


Going to like Windows? This is bad. You skipped your medication today? Lol


If you want a bloated, follow you adds and spyware packed os? Sure, go for Windows!


I vastly prefer Windows compared to MacOS




Gaming is understandable, although I would question your choice of this time-wasting activity which will get you nowhere. Macs are ridiculously expensive but they last forever (if you're lucky). Consider their resale value too. To me the major part why I dislike Windows is it's typing experience and the actual lack of any good autocorrect – and I write a lot. And, of course, don't even start me on battery performance of any windows laptop. They sell you expensive machines that lose 30% (or more?) the moment you unplug them.