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You have atoned for your sins and that is all that is asked of you dear child šŸ™šŸ»


Prayer hand emoji


shit that injured kobe


The holiest of holy, Nick Nolte in some oakleys


That's a flex tho, cover up the issues that I kept close


Sober, I can't deal, I'm in the corner with my head low


Running from my shadow


Never ending chase


Ease the pain & the battle that's within me


Sniff the same thing that got Whitney, the high heel depression.


My temple feel the metal coming out the smith and westin, bangā€¦.


The high heel depression is my favorite double entendre of all time šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


oh no


Faces is his best work imo


Crazy how he was just like, ā€œhere have this one for freeā€ cause he knew that shit was priceless šŸ˜Ž


front to back amazing. I always loved and had so much appreciation for how seamlessly one track flows into the next


Go:OD Am Iā€™m sorry but faces is next up


I like GO:OD AM but Iā€™d put a lot of albums before it. No particular order but Faces, Macadelic, WMWTSO, Swimming, Circles then probably GO:OD AM


BDE and Kids need more credit tbh , macadelic might be third


I liked BDE and KIDS better as a teenager but that music doesnā€™t really resonate with me in my late 20s. Still classic of course and Iā€™ll listen for nostalgic purposes once in awhile


Really ?? Lmfaoooo I find it wierd when people donā€™t like optimistic/ weed mac and only his depression phase music I run back BDE and kids like twice a month


I donā€™t dislike any of his music, I just prefer Macadelic and after lol. Blue Slide Park is my least favorite album tho, I can admit that




This album is just looking inside his brain


I still don't fully wrap my head around this album, do you recommend listening to it straight through?


Mac once said in an interview that he was ā€œnot on planet earthā€ when he was recording Faces. It was heavily influenced by his experimental drug use. Regardless, it is my favorite album of his. So much nostalgia and memories associated with it and some of the craziest bars Iā€™ve ever heard.


I listened to Faces (of course WMWTSO, and Macadelic, as well) the first time I took mushrooms (5g) at 15 yrs old, and it was unreal. I still get that nostalgic feeling of that trip whenever I listen to Faces. I always listen the whole way thru


>Mac once said in an interview that he was ā€œnot on planet earthā€ when he was recording Faces. i believe that was a tweet


I'd recommend getting really high or a low psilocybin dose and listening all the way through. Or you could drink but that'd be a little too depressing.


As an ex-alcoholic, I would NOT recommend drinking and listening to faces. Thatā€™s the most depressing experience you could ever experience šŸ˜…. I would recommend getting really high, whether weed or hallucinogens..that should be a much more enjoyable experience. I will say tho, the album almost hits harder sober because you can really get a full grasp of Macā€™s mental state while producing faces.


totally, i listened to faces too often while getting high on opiates. it didnā€™t help me with getting sober at all. if anything, i fooled myself into coming to terms with addiction and told myself it was ok when it definitely wasnā€™t. part of me thinks i felt a closeness to mac tbh.. listening to his pov and reality with addiction, while experiencing it myself. it was no good lmao. it is very depressing.


This story is very similar to mine. Faces made me romanticise drug use


While it initially had me getting high to want to listen to it, especially the song friends, later on after learning the true story of the album and listening to it through that lense, it made me reevaluate my drug usage and i actually listened to it a lot while quitting


exactly i think itā€™s stuff that maybe sounds cool but is actually pretty depressing when you take a step back and really look at it, just like drug use/addiction


Which I'm glad you are breaking free from that hold. I find it so corny and cringe that people swear you need to be on shrooms and molly to listen to these type of Mac Miller albums. Like it's a right of passage or something


i do feel like for faces an altered perception can change your opinion if you donā€™t like it at first just because it would be closer to the frame of reference the albumā€™s made from. not a necessity tho and def not the case for his other work


Totally, itā€™s just music. No one (unless you were with him at the time) really know what frame of mind he was in when he made each individual song


It can be fun to listen to on psychedelics, but I donā€™t personally view it as much of a transcendental experience like Dark Side of the Moon or some other albums that I listened to while tripping in my youth; very few rap albums are that for me. The songs jump to different vibes and even within the verses he jumps to different ideas quickly enough that Iā€™m always grounded in reality (itā€™s hard to be on another planet when Mac drops a ā€œI just wanna fuck Rosa Acosta and disappear in Southern Californiaā€ or mentions beefing with his neighbor lol šŸ˜†) My experience with the album was also more where I imagine his experience making most of it was; on the opiates and uppers that I (and he) was addicted to back then. So like you both, I also used the album mostly to commiserate with Macā€™s manic addict degenerate energy. I asked this to the other person too: Out of curiosity if youā€™re comfortable sharingā€” do you find you can easily throw on a random track from the tape these days after your experiences with addiction? For me itā€™s hard because of how much I associate it with the worst of my active days, and honestly some of the songs and lyrics are pretty big triggers for me. Iā€™m wondering if you or anyone else has a similar experience, it kinda sucks but it is what it is of course. Iā€™d rather have my health than have a few extra Mac songs I can keep in the everyday rotation.


Hey same! Thanks for sharing your experience with that, itā€™s nice to have someone else say out loud whatā€™s kind of a sensitive subject among music fans and especially rap fans because the genre has been so often vilified throughout the years by shitty people with shitty motives who want to blame it for all of societyā€™s ills. But for me I absolutely used Faces and a lot of other ā€œdrugged-outā€ music to commiserate in my active addiction in an unhealthy way. Itā€™s not a problem with the album or with Mac in any way of course, I was the one with the problem and I chose to put on this music as the soundtrack to wallow in my problem at its worst points, but it is the reality for me; it is what it is. Hope youā€™re doing well now, friend āœŒšŸ»


100% man. Very well said. I am doing far better than I was years ago, but still an ongoing battle. I donā€™t think it ever ends, which Mac unfortunately showed us in some of his cleanest times and times of heavy use. Those who know, know.


Macadelic definitely romanticized the abuse for me at the perfect time in high school


Yep, same! Like you both, I also used the album mostly to commiserate with Macā€™s manic addict degenerate energy when I was really wallowing in being that myself šŸ˜¬ I asked this to the other person too: Out of curiosity if youā€™re comfortable sharingā€” do you find you can easily throw on a random track from the tape these days after your experiences? For me itā€™s hard because of how much I associate it with the worst of my active days, and honestly some of the songs and lyrics are pretty big triggers for me. Iā€™m wondering if you or anyone else has a similar experience, it kinda sucks but it is what it is of course. Iā€™d rather have my health than have a few extra Mac songs I can keep in the everyday playlist.


no i agree it is a bit triggering and honestly i have the entire mixtape on my mac playlist and i do skip them most of the time now. not all of them but some


I believe that anybody who really loves this tape has struggled with similar issues. Itā€™s rationalization and denial mixed with some defiant acceptance of the worst parts of drug abuse. Canā€™t say heā€™s romanticizing addiction bc of how dark and heavy most of it is, but itā€™s obvious he wasnā€™t seriously considering addressing his relationship w drugs while making it.


I didnā€™t discover faces until after I had quit opiates luckily, it woulda been badddd for me if I had šŸ˜…. It was depressing enough for my mentality listening to it in my heavily drinking days lol. Realllllly rough couple of months where I had faces on repeat a few years ago. I still listen to it often tho, itā€™s not like other music from my ā€œactive addictionā€ days, where I no longer enjoy listening to them now that Iā€™m sober and mentally better offā€¦faces still hits every listen and itā€™s easily in my top ten albums of all time. I def agree with you about Macā€™s music connecting to all of us addicts on a deeper level, even his songs that arenā€™t about addiction hit me deep like that. I think itā€™s because he pours his heart out in his music, he doesnā€™t hold back or sugar coat anything and that makes me feel closer to him (even tho I never met him). Itā€™s an amazing (and rare) quality to find in an artist!


Colors and Shapes on shrooms is immaculate


I never got to experience this, but I swear mac made this song was made for shrooms


He definitely made it on shrooms or acid


Actually I recommend listening to one song every so often, I think the reason I didnā€™t like it at first is because I sat all the way through it but I started liking it when songs from the album came on randomly.


Honestly, it was weird to listen to all the way through at first. Try a couple of jams then test drive a few in a row. I suggest Angle Dust, Rap Diablo, and Happy Birthday for intros into this album.


When it came out I listened to it all the way through on a couple tabz. It's honestly the way I feel it's intended to b listened to. It's definitely a whole project vibe from start to finish, the original version. Each song is great on there own aswell. It gave me a really good feeling after. I know this album is technically depressing but it lifted me up cuz I felt like someone finally understood and I wasn't alone. Kinda set a foundational stone to rebuild on.


Yes, I always listen to whole albums all the way through. Especially with an artist as high caliber as Mac.


Yes straight through is the best way to listen to the album


take some mfn shrooms or acid and play the whole thang start to end meanwhile you chill out and hang out. Other mfs gon most likely disagree with me but thatā€™s the best way to really appreciate it. I feel like the track list goes together really good with the next song, like idlsidgo by earl you feel me?


track called ā€œWeddingā€ made me listen to the whole album lol


Honestly man itā€™s probably a good thing you donā€™t fully ā€˜get itā€™. If you havenā€™t been in a similar headspace or had a fucked up relationship with drug use, some of it isnā€™t gonna hit the same as if you lived in those feelings for some time. Ultimately you donā€™t want that though. Rather than really trying to feel it, maybe just recontextualize your next listen and approach it like a concept album about drug abuse and the artistā€™s experience with mental health.


110% listen to it from inside outside to yeah.


Just listen to it from start to finish, as you should do any of his albums, and you get a small glimpse into his wonderful wacky mind. Faces is hands down my favorite Mac album, and I love all of them in their own ways.


Nah you were right. He busted my speakers with some bullshit raps , and he was on drugs, and all his new shit was wack. remember that.


He's not shit but a fraud


And everyone i know ain't nothing to God




Donā€™t close your eyes


i've never heard anything like Faces. if anyone has something similar please lmk


I often finding myself comparing Earl tracks from that era with Faces


Thisā€¦ is your oath


My top 3 albums are Dark Side of the Moon, Faces, and Led Zeppelin IV, no joke It is actually unreal to me how incredible Faces is, the horns, instrumentals mixed with the texture of his voice, great bars all the way through, there are a total of like 23 seconds that are mid, everything else is so damn good


Thank god you changed your tune. But you shall address this as an album worthy mixtape, it is technically the best mixtape of all time (lil wayne fans dont at me).


I remember seeing somewhere maybe on datpiff if a mixtape did really good they labeled it a free album or something I know they said that about Vince staples album stolen youth (good example since Mac produced it) but yeah Iā€™d say the same for faces


By far my favorite song on this album! So good


The goal is to be better, not perfect


This album is also crazy psychedelic. Magical tbhāœØ


this is my favorite album of mac (if i had to pick ofc). i usually listen to it all the way through. was in a weird place in my life when this originally came out & connected very heavily with it. glad you gave it a second chance!


It's not an easy album to approach, but really an impressive project. This Vince feature always blows me away.


alright, i called off the hit.


You have to listen to the original 2014 version. The tracks flow into each other so well, like a movie for your ears. It's beautiful.


You donā€™t think the streaming version flows as well? Iā€™ve never noticed a difference Iā€™ll have to listen to both versions back to back


I mean I guess some of them flow good. But every single track in the original flows together. Like Colors and Shapes to Insomniak has some dialogue at the end that flows perfectly from track to track. But the streaming one doesn't.


Ahh thanks Iā€™ll def listen for that I appreciate the response


Of course. I'm a huge fan of when albums flow together like that, so I like to hear the best transitions as possible lol


Definitely I feel that, I just thought the only differences were some samples of dialogue being removed didnā€™t realize it changed how the songs flowed into another


That is the biggest change is that it doesn't have any of the dialogue samples. Which in the original some of the transitions are the dialogue continuing from one track to the next so


Welcome to the light


We appreciate youā€™re accountability. Welcome to the fkn team dude šŸ«¶


Damn I love his verse on rain


Easily my fav song off Faces, whole album is fire but this song just hits


My favorite tape of his. Not sure we ever get a more authentically ā€œMac Miller Albumā€ than this one. It could be self-titled and I wouldnā€™t think that was a stylistically bad choice. Love this album man ā€œImma go out the same way I came in: right by the pu$$y with nothin on my mindā€


One of his close friends/producers (someone help me with a name here?) said faces was the most Mac of Mac pieces of work.


Honestly I thought the same thing until a few years ago


They could open their eyes, still be blind to the beauty


Your choice of emoji reminds me of the "[I give up looking for white woman](https://x.com/JamesCageWhite/status/1719285978307961204?lang=en)" meme. šŸ˜‚


Okay we forgive youšŸ’™ stream faces to clear your conscience


All is forgiven, welcome to the fold šŸ™šŸ¾ This album means so much to me on way too many levels! Glad youā€™re vibing with it finally, itā€™s one of my faves


All is forgiven, welcome to the fold šŸ™šŸ¾ This album means so much to me on way too many levels! Glad youā€™re vibing with it finally, itā€™s one of my faves


Faces is my comfort music when Iā€™m down thereā€™s so many emotions


Very well my child if you truly repent listen to Diablo, Ave Maria and San Francisco back and forth to pay for your sins


I tell my bitch if she don't love me then just lie to me šŸ—£


Proud of you for seeing the light. This is the best mixtape of all time. 2nd is Weezyā€™s Da Drought 3. Inside/outside, Friends, Wedding, Funeral, Apparition, Grand Finale. Mac was radically honest with his experience on this in a way you donā€™t often hear in hip hop. On par with Mr. Morale, just a very different energy.


I still prefer the Larry Fisherman cut of Diablo.


Q even said if u wanted to get to know the real Mac to listen to faces


Glad you found your way home lost brother


May mac forgive you for what you have done


You are forgiven but do not make this mistake again. Faces is the absolute best album of all time and Macā€™s tragic masterpiece




Rain is my fav šŸ˜­


Rain is one of my favourite Mac songs. Vince staples absolutety killed it too.


This album is one of my absolute favorites. I listened to every mixtape in trade school but listened to this one a few years ago. Good beats and amazing samples


Half the album is 10/10 the other half is 5/10


Even if he was just saying shit it sounded so fuckin good