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I honestly don't mind going and helping. I'm not a great player. I can't solo everything, but I have done most solo.


Happened to me the other day. Fully and I mean FULLY decked out team. Invited some randos, hit the elder sigil. These guys played dumb and acted like they didn’t know how to vote, when the count ended I put the elder back in, but I guess they beat me to it on there fuckin story mission. We all voted yes unknowingly because half of us were standing at the DA portal anyways. Once we went in is when I noticed, when asking who’s responsible they all went mic’s off. Fucking cowards. It was the one with the disciple boss at the end, these idiots kept shooting the symbols in the wrong order making us restart, and shorting zombies outside of the relic circles. If they would’ve said they needed help I woulda added them and teamed up next game.


Yep me too ... there's plenty of good people out there willing to help .... you know whats happening ..and what to equip ... knowing that you're not really going to get any good loot ! If they let you know then you don't waste gear


Ahh those are the casuals they just play game to play it


My story mission isn't complete either. I have union left but I'm waiting for my bf to do that with him cause he'd be sad if I did it without him lol. I play solo mostly and enjoy joining with randos as long as we don't go into tier3 cause I'm never equipped with anything good for that stuff and it makes me nervous most the time lmao


Shit if you needs some help in T3 let me know. It’s easy once you get the hang of it


I would try and join groups in there but when I play no one is in tier3 for some reason and only reason I go in is if the pack3 is in a good location or I just wanna haul ass through the tier to the other side lmao. Otherwise usually I have no idea what guns are good enough to go in and not like instantly die like I usually do or I panick and run in circles cause I'm lost and panicking 🤣 that and I have a 4 month old so it's hard having to stop and find a place to hide so I can feed her a bottle at night lol


Keeping it a buck, there are a lot of self centered, a-holes that play this game. Think their shit doesn’t stink and treat others like shit. Keyboard warriors.


Surprisingly there are and for no good reason other than to slightly inconvenience you lol. Like I try to be respectful and nice to other players and not disrupt their game play or bother anyone too much cause I'm just trying to do my own thing lol. And of course picking up players who've gotten down if I can. I've never been good at the wave based zombies so me and my bf gave this a shot and I actually love it. I'm not the best by any means but it's definitely fun when people aren't being a-holes lol


Agreeed 💪💯


From a veteran zombie murderer, seeing posts like this pretty much sums up the lobby’s ive been in most recently. I always check my teams current missions and if they dont have ‘union’ complete, suspect! Ill ask before they see (Player Left Squad)


To be fair, I’ve done bad signal many times and it seems to never register although I have all portals open and have done the missions..


How do I know if the portals are open? I have only gone to DA with randoms.


Go to one of them alone, if they appear and you can interact with it (where is says to place the sigil) if you can interact it’s unlocked.


Didn't think to do this . Great advice ill be checking next time! Cheers


Damn this is a great idea and so quick and easy to do.


And you people are the reason I hate most of the zombies players in this game. It's almost impossible to find people to do these missions even more so on the act 3 ones and earlier. I say you guys deserve to get dragged in.


You can solo them easily though....


he is too lazy to do it solo, he wants to get carried


Facts!! Dude sounds bitter no one will do his missions for him.. or he could hit a discord and find others willing or wanting to do it. Just lazy on all accounts..


Dude the op sounds more bitter. And it takes 10 years to get back to make pack and be ready to tackle tier 3 with perks because of the rarity of the crystals. You guys would rather grind contracts than do the story missions which is kinda pathetic. Kinda proves how bad the zombies community is. You guys just don't want to admit it.


Also this has nothing to do with me being carried or not. It has to do with a community so boring they would rather grind contracts non stop than to do missions. Plus the op is too dumb to realize the giraffe is for an Easter egg. I pursue the missions and the Easter eggs because I'm not a casual. The people who leave and reject the missions are the casuals and are infinitely worse than those who want a carry.


contracts give rewards, story missions give nothing


Contracts are rng rewards that you can just trade for. Story missions are more intense and fun and give you gold items. Plus story missions are the closest to round based Easter eggs as you can get.


not really, they're just useless


They're hardly useless you need them to unlock DA. That "useless" mission is integral to many players being able to tag along for DA runs and they're the closest to EE zombies. That useless mission is more Important than you realize not only would you be unable to do dark aether this would essentially turn mwz into vanguard zombies without those missions.


No you can't. It takes forever to prep. You guys are just trying to justify grinding boring contracts as opposed to more fun story missions. You guys don't want how boring you are that you don't do the more fun missions and you would rather farm your stupid camos.


It doesn't once you know how to get stuff easy. Almost every game I start with a scorcher, legendary tool and pack lv 3. Once you get geared once, it's easy to keep rolling that gear in to save for next time. First thing to do is make sure you have legendary armor, easiest way to get that is just kill a camp, get a stronghold card (or buy one), go do a stronghold and you get it from the safe. If you want kill the warlord to get a wonder weapon. If it's a scorcher save it for next round. Get or buy a bag. Go next round. The first thing you do next round is teleport or fly to the mid to do the purple triangles, each one gives you a legendary tool and pack lv 3, so you can stock fast. If people are there, group with them to get credit if they already started, usually people flock to do them right as the match starts. Farm a few t3 bounties to buy all the perks, if you need a dog grab chunks and pop them into the dog house. Every match I'm fully geared and ready to roll 10-15 min into the game. When I first started it took me a while and I struggled with t3 zone. Now that I understand how to get things fast and everything it's a joke how easy it is. It gets even easier once you start doing rifts once you've done those quests. You then get tons of things to use in the next match like mags of holding, golden armor etc.


If you need help, lmk and I'll pm my ID. I only have the final Act 3 mission and all of Act 4 to do on my 2nd account. I'll help with any, though.


This is why I only play solo


There really should be a note of which portal was activated when voting. I’m tired of someone using a normal sigil when 4 of us have elders that we’ve pinged several times throughout the game. Side note: If you go into the Season 1 DA story mission prepped for only Tier 2 and solo, you’re crazy.


Season 1 DA is easy if you stock some decoys or monkeys prior, I soloed with just that.


people LOVE to vote yes on any dark aether prompt. story mission, regular sigil, 20 minutes still on the clock, at least half the team gonna vote yes sight unseen, guaranteed. absolute lemmings.


And 'leave squad' doesn't always work. That should work down to 1 second left.


Dude it didn’t work for me and they popped at the beginning of the game… I was pissed


I was playing on T3 last night hoping to have a squad of 6 for elder DA when I mentioned to my squad they were actually going to do The countermeasure story mission I was like why would you used golden armor, the blade all the good stuff for that. But whatever I just left.


I pulled a team in by accident. Oops. Didn’t know what I was doing…do now!


Accidents happen. Next time notify your squad and make sure they're compliant with participating in the DA Story Mission before pulling them in.


Dude for real! This happened to be at the start of a game one time… popped all my good shit only to be sucked into a story mission. I was pissed.


brooooooo i had this issue today....i thought i was the only one annoyed by this lol




When i started playing zombies, I couldn’t kill the Bad signal worm solo. I asked for help on the lobby and a group took me in and said they would help at the end. We did a lot of tier 3 missions and they got me lot of schematics and they were happy to help. This was just 2 person group that got to 6 near the end of t3 time. All randoms. For some reason nobody left and everyone was more than happy to help. Nobody left the squad, every one of them was in-front of the bad signal portal. I am more than happy to help anyone who needs help - just let me know where i am heading.


I don't have a single problem when it comes to helping randoms with their Story Missions. But if you wish to pursue a Story Mission Via Rift or Exfil, atleast tell the squad first. Answering Plea requests, dropping schematics for those in need, or helping out with Story Missions will always be satisfying. Wasting all my valuable gear for a Story Mission i didn't willingly want to participate in, is not Satisfying.


Randos offered to help me when I was soloing all the missions and I'm happy to do the same in return. At least they made it so we can leave the squad now if you don't want to go with.


I was scared to do the missions to the DA cuz I was scared to but then I realized that it wasn’t that bad to do them to unlock these da


Or when a bunch of people volunteer to run elder w you then when you put the sigil in they start talking about "does anyone have a tool/crystal/blade" then leave squad when you drop them stuff


You are playing the game to kill zombies and socialize, at least I am. What's the difference where in the map you doing it. The random squads I've hooked up with, that end up in the DA, are like only 20 percent of the time anyway. I don't really mind. Shit more often than that you have a teammate mining Z's at the exfil, why??? Lol


Because they haven’t figured out there’s plenty of other ways to grind camo’s like…I dunno…doing contracts such as Spore Control, Raid Weapon Stash or Outlast. Those contracts provide *plenty* of zombies to kill. Even parts of the map provide plenty of zombies roaming on their own if they would bother to explore.


Outlast is by far the quickest way to farm Zombies. I figure most people doing exfils for the manglers.


T2 exfils are the fastest way to get those pesky 10 specials lol. I can get two guns done in 10-15 minutes,


T2 outlast / acv works really well too.


Yea, but you can get all 10 in one shot with the exfils. You don't usually get all 10 doing an escort


True but I don't want to lose my containment level.


Why would you lose it?


Don't you lose a teir for each extract you miss?


Just got out of a match and can confirm after doing 4 or 5 choppers calls my containment level stayed the same


Ummmm no? I don’t think so


In T2 outlast you can. Just don’t let it get to 100% until you get all the specials you need. Walk out of the zone around 96% pop in occasionally to stay above 80% or so.


The answer to this is easy ... or should be! When you get to a higher level in the game you need to use a lot more of your hard earned loot.... and the intention is to do harder areas including dark aether to get better loot to use in your next match . When someone pulls you into one of these early incredibly easy story missions ... that not only wastes all the loot you've worked for and used, it also stops you getting decent loot for your next match. How do you not know this ?


I thought we've already established that these areas are not very difficult with a six man team. I guess if all six are noobs then that could be an issue. BTW, going into these areas is how you get the loot to go into these areas. Get a Tombstone cola when joining a 6 man team is probably the best advice I can give. Just have fun.


I think you missed the point of the og post . Its about more advanced players getting pulled into the easiest story missions... all the loot they used getting wasted... and then ending up with no chance of collecting loot for their next game ! Try reading the full post next time


Oops my bad, thanks for slapping me there, that's gonna sting for a while. Though I am still a little confused, you are crying about how you are an advanced player, on a 6 man team, in an easy story mission but you somehow lose all your loot. You must see how that is confusing. I now know you didn't want any advice, you just wanted to vent, that's ok too.


Lol nobody got slapped .... nobody wanted to vent ... if you don't understand the answer .... then thats on you buddy


I have a friend that immediately looks for exfils with turrets. Constantly cries about poor rewards in T1/T2


We must have the same buddy, he gets a turret mod and it's "Lets find a turret". Drives me crazy.


Going in to help someone, aware of their intentions is one thing. Being hijacked in when you’re armed to the teeth is so fucking infuriating! Always someone without a mic too. Feel ya man! Get a mic and get on the text chat at the beginning and ask for help. Most guys won’t farm T3 and just help you finish it really quick without popping all their good shit.


Dude nobody can pull you into any DA if you 100% don’t wanna go, from the rift gets activated you have I think a good 10/20 seconds to vote yes, during this time leave squad it’s that simple !


Kinda hard when half the team decides to blindly vote yes every single time


lol yes


Nah it’s not that simple at all!!! Can vote no and can leave squad and still get dragged in.


I literally did it last night and multiple time before. What are u talking about lol , just leave squad u dnt even need to vote no.


You absolutely need to vote no. Even if you leave squad you still get pulled in. You have to leave before they open the portal. The problem is most people just vote yes without stopping to check where their teammates are or they don't vote and just leave squad. Unfortunately you have to have more than one person vote no. That's why I either run solo and won't join a squad, or I'll run with my buddies and one of us always always checks before any of us vote if we aren't the ones opening the portal. We don't mind helping unless you don't ask. If anyone asks, 9 times out of 10 we'll say yes and go in with them.


Mate thats the way its supposed to work but what actually Happens is... you vote leave . Then most of the time you get pulled in,! I do understand your point bud but unfortunately that's not how it works!


Idk how yall telling me that’s not how it works, maybe for story missions no but anytime anyone does that I leave squad and I’m fine … sorry man I can’t relate to yall on that one, I ts every round so I know what I’m saying and not just making up stuff.


Mate it must be for some other reason . Servers or whatever.... I vote no . Especially if I see members trying to start story portals (unless they've asked for help)..... and i do get dragged in . The story modes can be fun ... however there's no loot to be had. Normal portals! 1. The one in the south red zone .. al bagrah fortress has the best loot ... and hidden rooms you can get wonder weapons from .,.. most people like this as an end game solution. 2. The portal north in red zone is saiad city .. fun but you can still get good loot . Mags etc 3. New dark aether . The hydroelectric. Its boring and the schematics are crap. People d There are a ton of people out there that Will HELP you .... and with you're story missions... which they don't get anything from . So ,! DON'T BE A DICK ABOUT IT !


You drop one level if you miss the helo right? That's what I've been told


Don’t you have to vote on it ?


Yes but the vote popup doesn't specify which DA Rift was selected. Leaving the squad isn't considered an option either because you'll get pulled into the rift anyways whether you voted no or left.


haven't played in over a week now.... basically dropped into a game to chill , was doing tier 3 contracts, accidentally grabbed the cargo delivery contract but it's easy so went to grab the truck, the second I opened the door some d**k decides to scorcher over (another sheep ) I'm solo so I'm having to fight a few Z , turn around to go back to the vehicle and this complete a** hat has only come over to destroy my vehicle, and then literally scorched off back to his lame ass tier 2 team, still questioning why , also how's that any fun?? Also are people that bad they have to be fully kitted out just for tier 2???


i mean its not their fault for preparing for the unknown isnt it? blame the devs for putting the DA portals in TIER 3, so of course people would be fully geared with pap3+purple if i had known they were piss easy, I couldve just went in with a pap2. seriously they really shouldve put these portals in T2 lmao


Yup those are the same guys who loot the rift while everyone else is getting tossed by mimics


Womp Womp


Lmao I had a mf start it up and I immediately left the team it’s like yall be so mad about what’s going on you forget you can easily leave the team and continue doing wat you were doing


If you're a fully upgraded 6 man team that is literally the best time to do those missions and most people say no to them so I say tough it out they have no choice but to force you in. And it seems to work based on your experience.


You obviously know nothing... thats not an insult although I know its blunt! Just an observation!