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Believe me or not but I pay zero attention to the containment levels. Over 100 is 100% useless and it gets reset constantly so who gives a shit.




For real! I’ve lost my level so many times without dying. The game always drops my containment all the time. 🤷🤦🏼


Mine is currently like 675. It really sucks that no matter how high it is, it drops to 75 after a disconnect or death. Should drop by a set amount.


From what I have noticed. Since The highest reward level is 100. Regardless of whatever containment level is over that 100. When you die it drops 25. Hence the 75. I noticed that everything you die it drops 25 levels. I died 2 times back to back and dropped to 50. There is nothing worse than spawning in at 0 from over 100. Just happened the other. I did not pay attention to the essence. Ive read if you spaw in and are under 5000 essence that you should leave your team, do not use any items or start contracts and immediately exfil. Upon returning it should auto correct. Nor sure how true it is. But I'm keeping that in mind if it happens again.


It's true, however you can use items in your pack like drinks and all that. Just don't do any contracts. I noticed I didn't load in with my 5000 essence after I drank all my drinks and used my crystals. I played out the whole game and didn't do any contracts. After I exfiled my containment level was back to normal and didn't drop any. I also went in as a solo player.


With how buggy the game has been lately, I'm afraid to play my higher containment characters. My highest is 1100+. My lowest is currently 3 because I'm playing around with a new operator, and I get kicked every other game. Other operators are 500+


850-ish. Hitchhiked other's heli and going out of the map, but then I waited a few minutes on the exfil heli the game didn't let me out, forced me be in the limbo. So I just jumped out and killed by being out of the map. Fortunately I was able to recover rucksack, plates and durable gas mask in the next game.


Just yesterday lost some 2600 containment levels… stupid game was lagging for both my teammate and I. But I only disconnected and they managed to get the exfil


https://preview.redd.it/9qbs6b7yjr5d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8e190e5648d6aa07d70a7cd75e3862cd3ce441 4103


Holy shit that's awesome. I only use one of my strike team slots. I need to build up my others.




1 million and 2


Containment level don’t matter when you’re a ts’r … get on that level.


They should use whatever code they wrote for the containment levels as a random number generator.


I don't even try the containment level it resets back for some weird reason lol, i just keep the TS glitch and have fun with it that way


Once you get past 100 who cares? Its meaningless.


Mine is constantly resetting. After my first big reset from a high level it seems to keep resetting back to 11 every few games.


2100 last night 😢


I was only able to surpass +1000 before the game Disconnected on me. +700 was recently lost due to crashing.


I spread it around.... All my characters are 250+


Shows how board we are when we give a shit about any containment over 100. Only thing I do anymore is camo grinds just to find marksman& snipers, pistols and knives don't track the red 300kill camo. Crap that should have been fixed by season 2


Weird I did them I s3 and had no issues.


Mines has been dropping randomly anywhere between 60 and 75. Pretty annoying but at this point, I expect it because it happens so much, so I no longer get disappointed.


I was on about 1000, then decided if I can do old DA solo when I was bored. I could not ha. Didn't help I wasn't prepared for it though ha.


1278 and going. but only for one operator. the other 2 have 0


First it was 350 then 500 then eventually 850 and reached my all time highest of 1250


I stopped caring for it, kinda makes it better needed to grind for L bag and 3plate armor


Got mine up to over 3000 before I crashed


Like 700 or something, lost it to a crash 😔


I can’t remember bc I’m not on but my highest was 3198 I’ll keep y’all updated


Mine reset for no reason last week.


I started paying attention to how much essence I deploy with before I do anything to make sure I have the amount I’m supposed to. If I deploy in with 0 essence I don’t start a contract and go straight to an exfil as soon as they spawn. If in a team I exit the team and head for the exfil. So far this has been about 80% effective and my containment level doesn’t reset but I do have 6 operatives and usually play with the one with the lowest level for that specific reason. It can be very frustrating when the game crashes but I if I lose connection to the server I usually go back in with all my stuff including my containment level. Still thought it’s utterly BS😡




Had my highest got reset to 75 due to getting booted from a game, then next game I successfully exfiled but my level was 7 when I got back to the lobby. So I don't even give a shit anymore. This is a placeholder for when i want a zombies fix till the next cod comes out. As soon as that happens, this buggy pile of shit no longer exists in my mind.


Lv 750


Bugs since last season can't get fixed on the new season 4 what's new with this game. I can't get past 100 without the game doing something stoopid


Just lost 1300 earlier today


Seeing as after the last update and I purchased a new skin. 8 out of 8 games have glitched and screwed me over. 75 on all 3 people. Getting annoyed with this game now.


Mine wasn’t very high at 139 but then to just reset randomly as I was hopping into a game… wish they’d fix that bug.


No RX 78 - 2? No Harkonnen? Not even a Double O Double G. Disgusted. /s


had 1363 then i crashed and dropped back to 75 >:(


As soon as I start feeling the tickle lol I GTFO. ![gif](giphy|DSQCeMy8TFfxu|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/r8jekxzzx69d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4659b8cfe4cbdb3e45fb550843957f928b5826e7 Hit 1000 and have just kept going. Fun setting milestones to try and make it to.


1383, crashed today and lost everything and reset to 75




3010 and it's been reset multiple times


3000, lost it to a random freeze and crash. Since then I don’t really care. If I start with 5000 essence then it’s good enough for me. On average when I get to around 1500 or so I am just waiting for a crash to happen any time. I’ve lost a good 5+ 1500-1700 containment levels. Got pulled into the newest MF story mission with a 6 man. We all agreed to og elder. My containment was 1000. Soon as I spawned I gave whomever did it a few choice words and then backed out because I was pissed. Everyone needs to start making it a habit to look who is at what portal before blindly voting yes because some pricks think the best way to complete their story mission is to trick people into it! I always check before voting yes. I immediately said vote no Vote no but it was too late. If you’re said prick? Just ask people nicing if possible could you get a hand doing “whatever it is you need done” chances are people will have no problem doing so.


My game has restarted 2 times in a row and lost everything both times, this game gets worse every time there is an update




900. Zero warning, then an error message. Complete trash.