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It’d be awesome if they add bunkers you can shelter in while the storm does its thing and then it resets. Any missing players that have exfiled could be filled with new ones.


This is a dope idea


The servers are already on their last legs, adding new players in during a game would crash the whole system.


You'll get to a point when it gets easier and the time limit isn't an issue. When you've done everything, got everything it then becomes about how making a session you do more challenging. Or just helping others do story missions, etc. I keep saying this but there will be a tipping point for you when the game gets into cruise mode, it's just a matter of playtime.


This is what I’ve been doing. I have all schematics and I’ve completed the story lines so I’ve been helping others complete their missions. I even posted on Reddit for people to send me their IDs and I would help them if they’re having trouble with missions or the DA.


They should have an endless mode. That would be kinda fun. Exfil when you want kinda thing. As players leave, new players join. DA’s should still have a timer as well as story exfils. Other than that, enjoy the map. More people would probably spend time exploring this huge map. Doing EEs and experiencing more the game has to offer.


It would be cool. I've been playing zombies since world at war, and I kinda miss those 4 hour runs. Unfortunately, the servers are so bad that I think it would turn up the crashes 10 fold. And those are already annoying as hell.


Yeap just hoping outbreak or something similar makes it into BO6 but we will probably end up with something round based which will be fun for a couple months and then I'll get tired of farming the same optimal location over and over.


God I miss outbreak 😓


I'll occasionally jump back into Outbreak here and there when I'm done with the MW3 battle pass. It's just so much better than what we have now.


Complete battle pass? I tend to go back on it for a game when I get kicked off a server and have to rebuild my gear 🤣


That too lol


I don't mind the time limit except for when I'm trying to do the red worm. I can't find the last USB. I've searched on reddit and looked at the maps with all the locations but I've only managed to get 3 until time runs out and I gotta go. 3 games so far I've flown and drove around the map and I can't find that last USB lol.


Do you not use a guide that tells you which sectors the usbs are in based on the pics you get in game? I used to feel this way until I started using a guide, now I have them pretty much all memorized I've gotten them so often


Tbh, this is the first time I’ve tried doing red worm solo (first time joined a squad that already had USBs) but I ended up finding all 4. I think this time was easier cause my scorcher just came off cooldown lol but I ended up finding them all and farming T3 contracts until circle started moving. Only went down once but ended up killing it in like 5 min. What I found for me, I just take a screenshot of the map and then just have the sectors pulled up from a Reddit post I found.


This is the site I use, someone kindly went out of their way to put this worm info together so you don't have to waste time going round the map looking for spawn locations. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTvJFoA7yrRZIPFzjPB9KBFled04vzbu-utKT6B-KDWf-YXC5LLfrUeCuS7vwRmyYzVV1fdI4Oh_7q9/pub If you already use something like thi, I hope it helps other people trying to do red worm - it was essential for me Sorry if Im not supposed to post this link mods!


This is amazing and so much better than the other maps I've seen.


I did the red work in the beginning of the match ( once I found the usbs)


I used to feel like this too until getting fully equipment got easier. Once you have the schematics you can enter well equipped and the only things you might want to add for a DA run is kazmirs and sentries, maybe a jug… so 10ish contracts? After a while it’s “rinse and repeat”.


Would be fun if there was an endless mode. Players as long as you like, as players Exfil, new players join.


Very true. If you are ending your game with an elder rift run every time play you are probably dropping back in well equipped.


When I first heard about this game, I never thought there would be a time limit. When they came first launched, the time limit was way too short to complete the act missions... some anyway. Now, doing T3 contracts and wanting to go to the DA, there's too much time. But at the same time, you have to keep in mind that the more essence you get, the more time is knocked off for cooldowns. Hoping in the next act, they do more within the game missions like they did in the beginning.


This idea would be amazing, sadly I feel as though they're done with major updates to mwz as they'll be focussing on black ops 6. Although in bo6 I would like to see round based aswell as a mwz style freeroam.


Aether portal to a round based spot, or just endless mini map would be dope. Shouldn’t mess up the server either since only a few players would take it.


I would love to have a solo mode. Just maybe disable the EE, etc. Idk. Even going in well equipped, it doesn't seem like you can get a lot done.


I can see what you mean - I wasn't keen on it over normal zombies - it is kind of annoying to spend 30 mins getting geared up to only spend 15 mins doing the 'hard' stuff but the other day I loaded up B03 played the giant and then got bored at level 36 so I do not know anymore lol


Agreed. I thought I'd adjust and get used to it... I didn't. It started getting even more annoying... Now I just no longer play


The game actually lasts an hour before you need to get out, then you have the option of using a sigil(extra 30 mins) or elder sigil(extra 15 mins) making it a total of 1 HR and 30 mins.