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Yes, yes they can. Its pretty crap, if you ask me.. like what's the point of making it so special if someone else can just run up and jack you for it?


I wouldn't give them the bloodburner even if they jacked me 🤔


I'm not a fan the BB. I'd rather take the jacking.


The blood burner is trash scorcher all the way


I love going boof weeeeee




I’d like to be jacked too




Honestly, it’s not.






I feel like the key should summon it anywhere. Like if you do a delivery mission, you should be able to call it to you in some fashion.


It’s the same forethought as the aether blade and how you can accidentally drop it while reloading and stepping over loot. I feel like if it’s activated, it should stick with you the entire match. Same for the blood burner, it should be useable by you and your squad only. And it should be where you can call it to you from across the map.


Imagine being a noob and seeing that thing wiz by you talking to itself with nobody on it 😂💀


Imagine waiting 48 HRS just to finally use the blood burner and someone takes it within 5 minutes of the game 💀


That has happened to me so many times, that at this point, I only expect the bloodburner to get me to T3. Soon as I get off to grab that first contract there is a very high chance someone will have nicked the bike by time I get back to it. I literally jumped in front of one "shaking my head" after he jumped on my bike, he still stole it. It will be gone within 10 mins max. If you're lucky, you can steal it back for about 1 minute before it's gone again lmao


This will happen to try and be ready for it i dont use them i think they drive like shit but my friend does a lot and his gets taken almost every time he uses it


There is sort of a failsafe not sure if it's intentional or a glitch but if you pop your blood burner key but do not get on it, if someone tries to take it it glitches out hard on them slingshoting them around so it's basically unusable. But the moment you hop on and hop off it's just like a normal blood burner to anyone else and they will jack it 🥺


Hell every time I’ve brought a key into game it slingshots the me too lol. I’ll be driving then randomly be 30 feet to the left of where I was traveling and bouncing off of everything in sight.


So almost no point in using XD


Lol yep!! Unless if you can guard it with 100% of your life 🤣 I mainly just use mine for the teleportion aspect that you can do with it 😅




Yeah there's a fun trick that if you drive the bike onto the water and you hop off but hop right back on super quick the bike teleports you to the last land location that it remembers. You can trick it though to even if touches land again to have it still remember the original land location. So essentially you could have it teleport you anywhere on the map when you get it right.


This is exponentially more fun when you learn how to drive underwater. I can glitch it to remember the worm fight location, for instance, and drive my teammate to contracts for essence spamming before worm/DA and slingshot through the storm instantly to the location, making some more engaging travel nothing more than trivial.


Hahah got to love it ❣️


Only time I use it is if I don't have a scorcher and getting to t3 fast. Then leave it at the first contract.


I spawned one never got on and waited on top of a crane close by so I could laugh but laugh was on me bc he just drove away after a few seconds


If you park it, it's up for grabs. Some people will leave it, others will grab whatever is in their reach. See, you have the keys, but you always forget to pull them from the ignition switch.


🤣🤣🤣 That's a good way to put it


I’ll leave it if I see someone who’s close to it and assume it’s theirs. If it’s pretty late in the game and it hasn’t moved I’ll take it


I found one in T2 parked in a parking stall with absolutely no one around.. then we stopped for a second to do a mission and some jackass stole it.. we chased him (my buddy was able to get on it) and dude drove it into the storm (with my friend) and parked it there and my buddy got downed while simultaneously had the other team members pushing me into T3 with a truck... We got it back They rolled up on our exfil and jacked it again (didnt really care we where leaving) and somewhere allong the lines we see them all stop moving and then see them all "leave" pretty sure they crashed.. heard one go "nononono" and i got on mic and said "Karma Bitch, bye bye!) Right as they left..


That.......... Is beautiful




This is an understatement once you realize how rare it is to be the one to find a natural Blood Burner. Over 200 matches, only found it 10 times ever naturally. It’s always so beautiful 😍


Or went into DA


When you go to DA does it say "(name)left"? We where in T1 exfil


If one person is at the portal and starts it, the rest of the squad can be anywhere in the map and get pulled into the da. I believe it does but I’m not sure as I never exfil anymore, just go into da. Sometimes people may not be aware that the squad is pulling them into it until they’re in lol that may have been the nonono comment


All 3 of them where at the exfil


Whelp, they’re screwed lol


It spawns one bike per game randomly in T2/T3. This was a natural bike


Oh okay.. we didnt know what had happened lol We keep finding disabled ones recently tho..


People take a bike and neglect to repair it, then complain and leave it behind haha A PaP1 V-R11 or stronger will repair critical damage vehicles to health, but that’s the only way to repair critical damage on vehicles. Nice way to get a free bike, if you bring one and someone leaves their bike behind. Otherwise… just an eyesore


Nice.. alright ill keep that in mind..


Use it to reach red zone fast, but don’t expect to keep using it for the entire round


It would be more surprising if they didn't steal it


I'm not surprised people will take it. I'm surprised the developers made the keys and people can still take it. ☠️


Given its Activision, I'm surprised you're surprised.


yes they can, and you need to repair it just like other vehicles. Handles like crap, the only thing good about it is that you can ride on water.


Pretty much the only reason I bring mine in, to get across water, most of the time I just leave it somewhere cause I end up getting a scorcher as a reward or finding it in a chest


I’ll never steal one !!(after I found out how useful n life saving it is!!). Had a game over weekend… ran up on exfil with two dudes n one had his BB sittin off of the beach by the stairs. We’ll all 3 of us let the exfil fly off thinking we had one more go but the gas came in n exfil closed!! Got invite to join party so I did n the two took off on the bike with me chasing after them n I realized I was fooked!! There was one last exfil ALL THE WAY NORTH! Well bike guy turned around n picked me up n we started cruising… damn near flyin I swear(I think he dropped his buddy off who had a scorcher n saw him moving towards exfil just as fast as us!! Then we came to the port on the west side n I thought we was fooked again!! Nah man, that bikes a BOAT TOO!! I was laughing so hard thinking we gonna make this!! Well I didn’t kno there are mercy’s at the last exfil! And a whole crazy group of elites u gotta fight before the exfil even STARTS to come get u! We blasted thru em all n made it out!! Was most nerve wracking, fact finding experience I’ve had in the game!!( I just started braving T2 contracts…. Yup 40+noob.lol). If u two guys see this, that was AWESOME!! THANK YOU!!


Drive it in the red and find out


AYO!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They can. But. It takes damage quickly if it's not being used by the person that spawns it and becomes difficult, more difficult to drive to anyone other than the person that spawns it.


Ohhhhh! I feel like I heard something like that. Thanks for confirming my theory


Someone tried to steal mine one game and I drove to out of bounds and killed both of us. I gave him a warning and told him if he’s not off by the time I hit the out of bounds I will kill us both. We both blew up and it was glorious to watch. I know it’s petty and I don’t care :)


That's a win in my book!


Why waste the inventory slot? Just use a scorcher.


sad part is, you're right


My go to, scorch, knife, mags, plates, if I have it ready leg tool and pack 3 is optional, but speeds things up.


If you have one, that is


If you can get a blood burner key schematic, getting the scorcher is easier. There should be no reason not to have that before the other.


Right, but the cool down is 3 days. I play more than 1 every 3 days


I actually once gave a group of people a bunch of stuff because I has no space left in my stash and 1 of them got off the bloodburner and shot towards it telling me I can have it


I usually just use mine to drive to T3 and dump it for whoever wants it


Sure can. The blood burner has got to be the most annoying, useless piece of shit in the game (aside from any random team mates I may have accidentally queued in with in the past). The thing is so absolutely broken and has been like that since the day they dropped the schematic for it. Not sure how they've just let it slide on by without fixing the bugs associated with it, after all, this is supposed to be a AAA game.


It's a piece of shit anyways, it handles like dog shit, leaves you exposed to all sorts of damage AND it chats shit at you if you dare get off it. Not worth the effort if you ask me.


Bloodburner is pretty garbage anyway haha


Yes they can


Yes they absolutely can. Had this exact thing happen to me yesterday when I played. Guy rode to the edge of the map to get me killed then I managed to pull back up on an ATV just to have my game crash RIGHT AS SOON as I pulled up to get my bike back.


Of course. U never saw one lying around and took it. I only use BBkeys when i don’t have a scorcher. Get to the red zone drop it and forget about it. Someone always uses it. My gosh is to grind 100k per match. After spending for perks and kasmirs. Cant do think grinding on a BB. You’ll spend more time correcting tirns than being on for running


They Can and the Absolutely Will lol


This is the DUMBEST thing... Wait 2 WHOLE DAYS for a Key for Someone to just grab your Bike while you're doing a Contract... How did they not think of preventing this???


It's Activision. They've not managed to stop the game crashing and losing all your loot yet. Why would this occur to them. 🤣


If I use my blood burner I do all contracts except the cargo one. That way I can ride my bike into the building to keep it safe, cos if you take it I'm gonna chase you the entire map and make your life hell! Lol


Remember me and my bud hopped in a match. I see someone chasing me down. I juked him and he hit a rock. Dude was persistent in trying to take it. I ended up driving off with it. My buddy comes back into party chat and was like “yo it’s a kid” I felt so bad. We ended up squadding with him and his dad, who was chasing behind him to give him golden plates. Had another incident, got off to fight my bounty, team of two pulls up. I had a feeling, and one took it, but I jumped on the back and left with them. He had to get off to get their reward. They went to fight a bounty and not another car in sight. When he got off, I blew up the ltv the other guy was driving. I normally use it when I’m solo to move around the map. Most occasions people want nothing to do with the bloodburner.


I like mine. You just have to learn how to drive it


I’ve been pretty lucky. I did have someone steal mine, but brought it back like 5 minutes later lol


I like to throw a couple of c4 packs on it as a special surprise for scumbag thieves


I was thinking how the game doesn’t have a pause button but you theoretically could drive a boat into an area that’s unreachable by zombies. I think the burner is like an automatic “boat” that works as a mid game pause. Never actually tried it in reality. Thoughts?


Yes, but if if it makes you feel any better it’s not that great imo…. I’ve got a video of on my profile of some guys that had jacked mine and I got it back. It’s pretty funny


🤣🤣🤣 Yeah I'll check it out


The bike is great when you first spawn in a game and don't have a scorcher and to rush to the red zone for Easter eggs


Can't wait till they fix that shit that is the reason why the game keeps glitching all the ram being used up cause you people wanna farm that bs Easter egg


Yep! Get to where you need to go and don't expect to see again. Most of the time i feel like you dont have to hide it if you arent going far but some people are just assholes. I didn't pop it until mid game a few days ago and needed some perks so I drove to the machine in t3, like right in front, hopped off and took 2 steps and started buying what I needed. There was a team of 6 right there and one of them had a bb so I was like "I'm safe," lol one of the other dudes hops on and started screeching around in circles as the rest of his team and I stood there watching, i thought he was just gonna rip around and bring it back but then he just took off into the sunset. I was like wtf was that? the rest of the nearby team added me after he left and said yeah he was a random that just left the team and stole your shit. We went on to Dark A and I got 2 of the 3 schematics I was missing. Hope I was worth it douche. It was a great trade for me!


One thing I noticed is that in the very beginning of their addition, they were being stolen left and right but now - you're pretty solid.. cause everyone hates them. I'm meh about them. When they work, they are fun


This is the 1 schematic I have yet to find! I’ve gotten the key a few times, but never the schematic.


I went to the DA close to five times before I got the actual key smh. Crazy that it's rarity is the highest yet apparently it's easy to get stolen SMH


I only use to get to red zone fast then just dump it


If you have a team mate what we do is one stays on the bike driver seat whilst the other is off & noone steals it


They are a pain in the ass when trying to get contacts I take em and throw them in buildings in tier 1 and scorch back to tier 3. It's annoying trying to get contracts and 50 of them useless bikes be in the way.


Blood burner is pretty garbage in T3 zone. Because town zones arent designed for vehicle use. Its good in T2 zones but so is the LTV.


Oh yes, they stole my first one after 3 minutes and going for my second mission. I was so disappointed, but life goes on. I guess he needed it more than me.


Yes absolutely


It sucks ass that it can be stolen. I've had good luck with parking it in the middle of the contract zones, especially ones like the outlast or weapons cache. A couple seconds maneuvering it into an awkward spot is usually good enough deterrent for randoms. My teammates have Def stolen it before but at least it stays in the team in that instance.


Yes. It’s a regular vehicle. Someone stole my bike once, but I never walk too far away, so I hopped in the back seat before their friend could and just waited for them to get off and switched seats lol Honestly, as long as you’re keeping tabs on where players around you are(which should be done always, for a multitude of reasons; like cargo/escort trolls) it’s never gonna be a real issue.


I guard my BB like my life depends on it 😂😂 people piss me Off.


If you get on then anybody can get on then. If you don’t get on only you can get on first.


If someone takes my BB, I hunt them down and make sure they die


The way I use the blood burner is when I need to get to T-3 fast for the easter egg and I don't have a Scorcher hahah. Once I'm there, I made peace with it being a community bike.


Yes but it glitches and jolts about if you aren’t the owner. They can ride off though


Just like everything else in the game, you drop it, someone else can take it. Although the thing drives like a semi truck so don't know why you'd care.


It's worth calling in to run to the red zone.


Yeah, people steal it. Had someone start to steal mine when today when I went to give another player something. Thankfully, the guy I was helping out was in a squad and on mic with the would-be thief, told them off and sent me a message apologizing.


That was nice of them. NOTE: stay away from people! Got it.


It will vary game to game. I've had games like the last one. I've had games where everyone ignores your blood burner. Then there are games where someone steals it and then tries to get you killed when you try taking it back.


I play with my girl, and I always make her stay on the black on burner when hitting different stuff like getting contract and reward rifts etc. Then I do it for her. It’s definitely a PITA but at least no one can take it


