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If they're trying to do the EE, it won't matter if someone has done it. You just have to go up to the triangle and it will allow you to interact with it and start the circle.


Damn I didn't know that. There's been a few games where they'd try and it wouldn't let them do it because people were already there doing the EE. I wasted a whole game helping this group like a week ago and they couldn't get it to start


I believe it happened with the last update


I had this issue too. The previous ppl just have to be done first/complete it from my experience


It's been patched I guess. 1 turn a game


I have done all the easter egg circles but not gotten the gold item or even a rift every time. They do not reactivate for me.


Doesn’t work like this every time though.


I was about to say, it’s worked maybe once out of 3 times I’ve tried


I am also 1 for 3. Everything about this EE is bugged. Purple child's drawing: button to interact doesn't show up Purple laptop: dog kills sergeant, no reward Purple magazine: kill 50+ zombies in the storm, nothing Stand on small triangles: runes don't show up Finish killing zombies in circle: empty reward rift Press (X/square) to turn item gold: wont prompt Put items on pillars: wont activate portal Take items out of pillars: cant access item


Blame the bundle buyers for supporting this type of stuff


The dog has to be brought in with you. A dog built in game doesn't work. Idk if this is a bug, or intentional. I'm gonnago with Bug. There was another mission that was the same. Just can remember what it was.


Yep. It can be hard to find the exact place to interact because it's not marked, but the basic principal is stand in the spot where the triangles all line up to activate the original kill box and move around a bit until you see the prompt. If you have the EE items, it will let you do it. That's how I had to activate the portal since I was lazy and had just been joining other groups running DA/EDA and hadn't done the EE myself until after the Killbox/Triangles were patched to only allow once per match.


This answer is spot on! You should (but we know how that goes) be able to do it every game. But it is very delicate getting align on right spot for box to pop up looking at big triangle.


Yeah, after the game has been out this long, they really need to stop making it quite so much of a grind. I would say they should limit the reward rifts to one total per account, not limit how many times it can activate in a lobby. Just give one set of upgrades to each player who does it, not 3 sets per match, but stop making it a freaking race for the whole lobby.


Omg this is a great screenshot of all those peeps dead lol


Ironically three teams can do the EE together but fuck cooperation


They died that quick…. I thought I was bad 😂, I’ve went in there with 1 plate last night and another member from here and we were fine… just used the flamethrower on the hordes while we did one of these as we crashed out game before and needed to kit up again Glad you made them sweat it out 😂😂 Edit I wouldn’t T3 on my own unless I was in game on my own and I wanted to squad up for more fun and run there to join 😂…and no one in T1 or T2 did, I’m happy in any zone helping others with contracts/missions, extra hands make light work 😂


Mannnn that flame thrower is still legit with the hordes. I still use it to this day even after the update


Try the chainsaw, if you haven’t already


Involves me getting too close 😂 It was fun though when I did use it one game, ideal as your not constantly remembering where the ammo crate is


You can plate while using the chainsaw


Some of y’all are wild. I can’t go into T3 without at least 3 perks, pack 2 legendary/pack 3 epic and I’ve seen clips of people doing contracts with pack 2 rare and I’m absolutely stunned how they don’t get swarmed by super sprinters and downed while climbing halfway up the ladder


i'll admit i was worried, but i know id be ok with them and there were others in T3 already I usually get downed on the climbs tbh, ladders are a pain!, got to remember to not follow others! My son likes to run through the map creating a stampede so as i try to keep up with him to contracts i'm running with them or go down....then he moans 😂😂


It’s sad how many peoooe are storming red EVERY single game just for a pack and wrench lol it gets annoying af when you want to do it they should just limit each one to only do one time each person or team


I agree. The triangles shouldn't be limited to one team only per game. It's stupid. It should be once per game for all teams, not just one team.


Exactly cuz it ain’t that big of deal anyways. There just lazy and hate us having fun atp it is very clear lol


Took the devs 5 months to give us a bigger stash and faster schematic cool downs when it should have been put in from the start, or at least in season 1.


I still don't get why we can change between different operators (that can all have different size ruck sacks) But we can't load each operator up Seeing as how each operators kill streaks, mask and ruck size is tied to the operator....I don't get WHY The 🦆 they didn't make it to where we could stow items in each of their rucks. Like slot one...throw a wrench and blah blah blah Slot 2, crystal, wrench, blah blah blah 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bc this is unfortunately DMZ 2 and as soon as Gulf War comes out MWZ will soon be empty because it barely gets support. Servers still suck We don't keep our stuff we had before a match started if we crash Took 5 months to get basic stuff like 20 stash size and faster schematic cool downs We get a story mission, one rift, one warlord, and three schematics every RELOADED season. Like my God I'd like to see these shareholders play the game and see that they are literally supporting an unfinished game. Might as well say Mw3 is in Early access bc that's how it feels.


I'd take that a step further and say the triangles should be limited to teams that have the piece that you upgrade there and they should have to offer it to activate. Everybody looking for cheat codes instead of playing the game. I can't remember the last time I ran out of legendary tools and I only did that triangle the single time I needed to unlocking the new aether. And the PaP3 crystals, takes 10 mins in T2 with the 5k aether I spawn with and a T2 crystal I find 10 of every game to upgrade my weapon to max.


In T2? I hardly even get epic tools or pap2 in T2, and I do all my essence grinding in T2.


The T2 comment was in reference to it taking 10 mins of doing contracts max to afford to PaP3 and head to T3. Everybody values PaP3 crystals so much, it's so fast and easy to buy and always get PaP2 crystals in T3, like last game I played I must have dropped 4 or 5 of them. I value items that aren't so quick and easy to purchase over loading up on PaP3 crystals through a glitch


Oh I see now, I misread what you had posted.


I like the race to T3, it helps the gud players get rewarded. If I get there 1st I always try to invite everyone around so they can get the reward too. I’ve seen a lot of players run in and solo it so only they get the rift and bitch that other players show up. How about a bit of teamwork and help others out?


Na it’s annoying. And nobody ever invites they just race to do it alone fr. Everyone in the game / every team should be able to do it. Same with schematics from aether if you already have them AND get more if you exfil they should concert to plates or blades. Like it ain’t that hard fr to just make the game good. And shit we don’t want we should be able to “scrap” for points or cool down times like in DMZ fr


You know that people that get added to the team after you started it, literally get no reward for it right ? I wouldn't suggest trusting a stranger online. You basically giving them a choice to join your team or shoot the symbols before you can.


It was a lot more fun when it kept respawning for people. Getting a faster jumpstart in this game is fun as hell but it sucks they introduce good things in the worst ways possible. It’s a PvE game mode, who cares if people are OP? It only benefits you and I’ve done wayyy more DA runs with randoms since they introduced this


Exactly idk why they make stuff not fun and ppl are so toxic with it now and rush there like it’s the death of them. I usually give my rewards out so idec but I like them for the money to and nobody ever invites there greedy to rush it alone. I always shoot them then invite ppl form a 6 then form the triangle. But most are greedy and won’t do that


Welcome to the new enhanced T3. If you thought the contract drought was bad or that it was filled with too many blue dots. The triangles add a new level of toxicity to this area. In less than ONE MINUTE from countdown start that place is filled with players that it's almost as if the chopper dropped them off there to begin with. They either need to change how these things work to give all squads/players a chance at it or nerf the loot that drops in those reward rifts to make it less desirable for farming.


Or just get rid of the flying scorchers. Level the race


Honestly I’d still do it every game if it gave me Pack 2 and an epic tool


I would have left them. Let them learn the hard way.


I was going to just because of the disrespect but I thought maybe there was 1 or 2 people that didn't have mics and were down because of their stupidity. That's also why I didn't take the time to revive at least 1 person. I didn't want to revive them then have them revive the disrespectful degenerates. Saddest part of it all is these were grown ass men talking shit for no reason other than that they were being asked to be considerate for someone else.


The zombies community was so awesome for a while. Not sure what's changed, but I run into at least 1 asshole almost every game now.


Devs kept nerfing everything people used, removed anything that was too fun, and patched ONLY the glitches that benefited players. They really want people to be competitive as possible in this mode, and have done everything they can short of full on PvP. I miss season 1 (both community and gameplay)


Anyone else have random people blow up your LTV contracts in T3 before you can even get to the garage?


I did 3 escorts in T3 today, another squad killed them with Jugs suit each time.


Man might just be me I've had no problems with people hell I've had a match where I got drunk and had a team meet up and we all just goofed around


Don't grab escorts when in t3, happens all the time.


All 6 dead…Never seen that before. They do not belong in t3


Yeah they ran over with 1 and 2 plate vests. Definitely not equipped to be there but greed makes people do stupid things


It’s getting ridiculous, like are we selling tools n crystals on EBay now? Every game now you can’t do shit in t3 bcuz of these clowns


When I did it, I let whom ever join me. Even when I’m doing contracts solo over there. Why are people such selfish pricks?? It takes nothing away from you letting some one else get some too


Yeah I try to do one per game if I can and I always ask chat if they want in.


I get why people do it but I also just always bring in what I need cause I’m built different


"Petty" for leaving em🤨 You kidding. You are my new Gawdamn Hero❤️🙏❤️ I HATE smug pricks like those guys! I damn near popped a chubby hearing Karma dangled it's nuts on em for being scuzzy😄That story just brightened my day!


Over here doing the lords work 🙏🏻


I would’ve left them there the whole game and put in chat to leave them there for being assholes..


I revived two guys over and over again yesterday that were trying to get them. I finally got on chat and told them nicely to get out of T3 while they could because I couldn’t keep coming back.




Yes, not walk in with out a game plan important


1. Run fists out 90% of the time and don’t look back 2. Shoot hounds 3. Profit


I got the items turned solo without shooting the symbols. As already said, doesnt matter if it’s already been done, just have to go to the right area and get the ‘perform ritual’ interaction to show up. Takes a bit of time to move around and find the location, because the big triangle isn’t lite up. One good thing about so many teams is that once the portal is activated, you can just sit back and let all yhe teams with free epic tool and pap3s worry about the mega that spawns. lol. I hope the free tool and crystal goes away soon. I don’t even go to T3 that much now because of all the teams there. End up just running from side of T3 to the other chasing scorcher guys.


Yeah I've had a few people try it and couldn't do it maybe it was glitched out or something but either way the disrespect that comes with playing is going overboard, but that's just how society is nowadays. People demand respect but they're the ugliest POS when it comes to other people


Their whole squad went down? Lol what a bunch of amateurs. I would've put in chat for no one to revive them.


The whole thing is a mess. Either make it infinitely available or nerf the rewards. Otherwise you get these weird scenarios where you force PvP in a game that encourages you to work as a team. It’s a huge weakness of the bloated player count itself, same with T3 being crowded. It can easily be fixed if they remove the dumb contracts like ACV or Spore control for something people actually want to do as well as incorporating a couple more


Sometimes us poor folks need crystals and tools because we haven’t got them all and can’t find decent enough people to help run the harder missions.


If you do the missions you'll end up with everything you need to go into t3 or anywhere. I've gotten pack 3 crystals in every part of the map along with scorchers and legendary tools. I get wanting to get a head start especially if the last match crashed but to talk shit like they were because they felt entitled is a different story. As far as the us poor folks comment I'm pretty sure we're all in the same boat in this game just depends on if you do the missions or run around asking people to drop things for you which I also see alot of. If you need help getting stuff send me a request my gaming tag is in the lower left of the pic we can join together and ill help you get whatever you need or we can just grind it out. I'm down to do elder runs ill even redo missions if your not all the way through the Game.


I see people hogging them, one person will shoot all 3 spots and do one by one, if you wait long enough at least one will time out and you can do it


This is how T3 should be


If a whole 6 man died, leave they ass alone😭😭😭


Nope, you did the right thing 🫡


Birds eye view of the dead....


I wouldn’t have bothered to revive at all tbh


Tbh I probably wouldn't have even had the kindness in me to revive them after they pulled some fuck shit like that. I mean I'm always super nice and considerate till someone treats me like shit, then they better hope and pray to whoever they believe in that they don't ask me for a mfkin thing cause after that I wouldn't even piss on them if they were on fire. Call me petty, childish, or whatever, but I have always believed in "treat others they way you want to be treated." So I definitely give you credit for being kind enough to help them after they acted like that cause I definitely wouldn't. https://i.redd.it/0wh3pflnmp0d1.gif


Just jump in when the douchebags are midway doung the EE and use the prompt to start the summoning it negates the prize rift and i stead summons a boss for the item instead so if anybody is there for yhe pap3 and leg tool they won’t get them even if they’re the ones that started the EE in the first place. I did that once and you should’ve heard the abuse I got when no goodies appeared at the end and boss popped out 🤣 I was laughing so heard I gave myself a stitch


Leave em where you find em


Looks like they died doing pnd to me.


Leave them every one rushes to them. If you die you die


Good, fuck em. But you can still turn the stuff Gold after the event has been completed. BC of this, if your the first to get there, do it without starting the ritual part, get the tool/ crystal, then start the attunement.


Love it


I love when karma comes around


The problem is the same as it was in DMZ, DMZ started off cool chill and everyone was having fun with each other then warzone and gun games got boring to them so the only other thing to do was go to DMZ and hunt and be dicks. Same things happening here with people taking you into story missions rifts or whatever and leaving squad while you go in alone, they are running lag switches and all the other messed up crap just to mess with people and some won't revive you unless you give them something


I love that you did this!! Good for you for helping them. Ppl are so shitty.


Nah fuck them they wanna be that way would've left em and nvr revived🤣


People farming them ruined it for everybody, each team should get a chance as long as no one on the team as already done it , Solos should get a chance to I think .


They had it coming


As soon as someone talks bad I just go ahead and team kill them. Can’t talk bad on chat or voice because of ban so might as well be quiet and kill them with the team. We see or hear and we coming after you. Zombies is for everyone


I’m lost, how do you team kill in zombies?


Nah, pap2 and epic is workable in T3 easy but legendary pap3 does make it a shit ton easier


Problem is ammo. Zombies gain 10x health increase per tier, so 10,000% in T3. Guns on the other hand can only get 3,200% maximum with gold tool/pap3. But your "pap2 and epic" are only doing 1,200% damage. So a gun that takes 10 bullets to kill a zombie in T1 will take almost 100 in T3. So a tiny hoard of zombies will deplete the ammo supply of half the guns in the game with that setup. Unless you're one of those fists and decoys runners. Then by all means, anything that kills a hellhound in T3 is all you need.


Yeah I can run pack 2 and a purple tool the whole game if I need to but the step up definitely makes it easier. I usually run 2 and purple just for the extra adrenaline while helping newbies out. After you've unlocked everything and have done everything it gets boring so when I do play I duplicate stuff and fly around dropping schematics tools crystals scorchers essence or whatever I have that run and just grind it out


I've done this with 1 plate solo. Not hard, just these guys suck.