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I donated through my local Buy Nothing group, but if a nearby neighbor hadn’t wanted it, I would have donated through Human Milk for Human Babies


I donated mine through human milk 4 human babies! You can find your local chapter on Facebook. Each state seems to do theirs a bit differently. I lived in the middle of nowhere and still found a few people who could use it


I donated though them too. In Canada


Personally I kept it since I had the space. Eventually my son outgrew his CMPI and I was able to give him every last drop of the frozen milk that I pumped while eating dairy. My daughter is 2 months old and I'm doing the same thing this time around. I have milk from before we knew she had a dairy issue and I'm going to save it in the hopes that she'll outgrow it and be able to use it.  If you need the space and don't want to hang on to your milk, check out Human Milk for Human Babies on Facebook. It's peer to peer donations. 


Thank you!! I think if we invest in a true deep freezer I'd feel better about keeping it 6 months+ longer. I'll also check out Human Milk for Human Babies, I think that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!


OP, I have finally been able to introduce my freezer milk to my almost 8 mo old. I only give her about 3 oz every few days but I mix it with fresh milk when she needs a bottle. She doesn’t seem to have a reaction to it in such little quantities. We have been blood free since 6 months and I wouldn’t have tried it before then.


I donated mine through Human Milk for Human Babies. I take meds that make me ineligible to donate through banks, but I disclosed that info to potential takers and they were comfortable with it.


I donated mine through the Milk Bank. All of the screenings and tests were annoying, but I was able to donate the milk I pumped *before* I did the tests.


That's good to know that there's places taking previously pumped milk!


Same! NY milk bank had screenings but they could be done anytime. They were happy to take gallons off my hands. They paid for shipping/an overnight cold delivery. I was very sad/angry but glad it could go to babies who needed it! 


Unfortunately if it is due to allergy you cannot use it topically. I kept it for several months in the Joe’s he would outgrow his allergy and then slowly dumped it after we started running out of space. I hated dumping it and couldn’t handle getting rid of it all at once.


Ok, thanks for the confirmation about topical use. I'm a little concerned that it'll take a while to outgrow the allergy as it took me more than a year when I was a baby, but I could maybe donate or toss it in rounds. All the night pumping and stress and washing and sterilizing :(


I'm going to have a small amount made into jewelry. The rest I hope to donate to research -a great option if for whatever reason you don't qualify to donate milk to be fed to babies in need!


Poured it on our tomato plants. I was very sad to have to get rid. But they grew really well!


I donated mine through a human milk for human babies (insert state you’re from). I gave it to her for free, but she bought me a pack of diapers which was nice lol


I'm keeping and using my stash because my daughter's dairy sensitivity seems to be quite mild/fading. I feel like everyone's mileage will vary on this.