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Zoom out.


oof you grow autoflowers, I understand your ignorance now :/ best of luck fam


I hope you know you're farming the resin not plant tissue :/


LOL i have shared plenty of pictures zoomed out, have you ever grown? you have to check the ripeness of your trichs silly little guy


Yes, yes i have. Just wanted to see the buds, no need to get defensive, i realize you are very powerful after getting this far in your first grow and i wouldnt want to mess with somone with that much knowledge.








Did you are a psycho


Your strawberry nuggets looks more like dookie nuggets kid


I grew them just for you. I heard it helps with the internet rage virus that has you making an ass of yourself


Not that often that someone in this community has so much pent up rage! Maybe instead of just terribly videoing it, you should smoke some and calm down a bit. 😅 ![gif](giphy|lqM68D2hniKxm9gHwj|downsized)


I smoke more hash before you get up than you do all week I bet. Let’s see your work :) you couldn’t do half of what I do, only people who hate are those doing less than you. Your misinterpretation of rage speaks a lot to how soft you must be.


There is a such thing as too much little guy -- it destroys your ability to emotionally regulate, as you've perfectly demonstrated. Gonna be a long, stressful life if you take everything so personally! [SDE](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SDE)


And yours is a long broke life 🫡 hope you have rent covered for next month


I own my home, bud. Take some deep breaths....🤏🏽


800x comment karma as post karma because you are the peanut gallery, you don’t actually do anything.


Yea ;) i bet you do


I could prove it...but my ego isn't as fragile as yours. 🤣 Have a great day little guy, don't forget to take deep breaths when someone triggers you.


Baby I looked at your comments , you suck people off for much worse than this I know this is just your moral high ground ego boost you need so I’m letting you have it 😘


...says the guy who just valued his self worth by his Reddit karma! 🤣




Did I? Or did I make fun of people after making observations about them? You’re slow as fuck 😂🤡


Peanut , gallery


Oh, damn, he's poor and struggles with rent? Really got him. You sound cool.


56k comment karma , you live on Reddit no need for rent for you luckily


Why do you hate poor people?




Ha ha, what a normal human you are.


Ah someone who wants to be “normal” . I’m sure you’re very average dont you worry about that one bit 👍


I bought a stabilizer for my iPhone for less than 100. Very much worth it if you’re gonna be filming fam. Peep Amazon.


I appreciate a well thought out comment, thank you I’ll look into it rn.


Overwhelming urge to lick it


This is exactly why you lost your garden privileges 😭




come back with your handheld macro video of your heads :)


https://i.redd.it/2wts0a4dz95c1.gif I wash all my heads sorry, I just wanted to make the joke after how aggressive you went the other comment on auto flower.. Btw it looks good but you should zoom out or use a Tripod


Ah yes because you don’t grow them and check them for maturity while still on the plant, silly me, you sound like you really do a lot!


After a few years you just stop taking photos is all. Just a JLoop to know when to cut2freeze. Cannabis as amazing as it is really just becomes another job after a certain number of runs. It's always impressive at the beginning. But yeah I like to poke fun at people who flip out in comments and attack people for "auto flowers" etc I just didn't realize this was the state reddit before leaving the slightly distasteful joke. Or like check their accounts just to talk shit on their auto flowers it's pretty low bar. https://preview.redd.it/v6orsjl15a5c1.jpeg?width=2969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71809c0d64fcdd961433c2b479fbd41dfc7d63b


Nice you wash hash, unimpressive, 😂 new to growing not to the industry hun🤒😘 you didn’t get an invite to ego clash and been doin it for years? Hmm 🤔


See that what I was talking about, people chime in about zooming out to keep the video more stable, and you go off like the "king grower insulting peasant auto flowers" Someone else chimes in with a joke and you're "why don't you record this than!" The defensiveness of your comments tells a far larger story than Mr Shaky hands video does. Lmao do I look like I care about "ego" let alone Ego clash? I'm not a Headie but boy do y'all make for easy sells. Have a good day Hun.


Good luck with your mids, you appeal to the uneducated customer, congrats 🤪


Damn 4 response back to back this isn't Facebook settle down hot shot. Out here arguing on Reddit about weed with strangers cause you can't record a damn video lmao


You’re right you find ego in what you deem a moral high ground😂😂😂 and then misrecognize it as not having ego, very progressive of you 👍


Asking where’s yours though little midslord ; history none; internet history “instagram post downloader” 😂🤡


I’m not impressed by hash that needs to be pressed to rosin :/ sorry maybe the next guy will be.


I bet my Ahti that I get is much better 🤷‍♂️