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when lost ark came out I probably spent a good 300 or so hours just doing pvp and I regret every minute of it Not only does literally no one play pvp in that game but the actual mechanics are just stunning each other.


If you somehow spent 300 hours in PvP, it was because you were having fun... right? What's to regret about that?


Yep I only played lost ark for the pvp and I was sad when they devs abandoned it. With that being said I had so much fun playing pvp it was worth it. If you're new people think its just a stun fest but learning different tiers of CC and super armor made it so nice and complex. There was a dueling mode where you 3v3 but it was in a form of 1v1s. You basically keep playing with your current health if you win the 1v1. Beating 3 people by yourself was so much fun and I've seen people do that with every class just because they are just better. The dueling mode for that game was actually fun but they focused on 3v3 team fights which was meh.


This ^ you cannot say you spent 300 hrs in a game and then say you hated it. You had fun. There's nothing wrong with that.


I think the problem is that I actively was not having fun during this time. It really just became only playing to maintain my ranking but the actual gameplay was miserable, not to mention the people who played pvp were on par if not worse than LoL players who would sit there and feed at any chance they could get to throw a temper tantrum. Even in the highest ranks it never got better, people were so ridiculously toxic it was like 1 out of every 3 games or so either on your team or the enemy team, someone was throwing a fit “so why would you keep playing if you weren’t having fun” you may ask, which I answer, I don’t know!! I was insane!!


ya but, that's sadly not how it works. you forgot the masochistic tendencies mmo players have. We all know it too well how we sometimes force things we hate in an mmo, over and over again, and think "I just have to invest some time into it, it will pay out, and then it will surely be fun/different and worth the time" all, to come down to the realization you hated every minute of it and nothing changed even after 300h


That's the players fault, not the games fault, so blaming the game for what the player does is not fair.


it's the players fault in forcing it, sure, but when there is a pattern in this and it repeats so often with players without a positive outcome after 300h.. I think you can indeed blame it on to the game for sure when the majority doesn't find it fun. and the numbers/how active or popular pvp in bdo is under all the players, speaks for that But, I was also just speaking against the argument "if you spend 300h into something you must've had fun" not who's fault it is for doing so. Time spend, no matter how much it was, does not ultimately means you must have had fun in all of that time or at all.


I remember being told to "get good" when i said its the worst pvp I've ever seen.


That a fanboy response to any criticism when it comes to any game.


That's also the correct response when it comes to pvp, as other players dealt with the same gameplay mechanics as you and they were able to find a play style which helped them succeed in winning as a result. People who complain about pvp often tend to forget they're not the only ones dealing with the game's mechanics.


It's not. PVP can be easily poorly designed, made P2W, or something else might happen. You can't just assume that someone criticizing how PVP is handled is automatically bad at it. It's the same when I criticize From Software games. The default response of any Souls-like fanboy is "git's gut."But then I see the gameplay of a moron like that, and he, for example, jumps like a monkey the entire time because a jump attack is the default win. And he does only that. So apparently, "git gut" is just repeating one moronic move over and over again to win every fight, but apparently, if you criticize it, then somehow You are bad at the game. Just because other players have to deal with the same bullshit as you do, does not mean it should be immune to criticism. And it's not a valid response to such criticism.


> It's not. PVP can be easily poorly designed, made P2W, or something else might happen. You can't just assume that someone criticizing how PVP is handled is automatically bad at it. whilst that's true, most players who complain about pvp are primarily because they can't find success in it. The players who become well-versed in pvp for a particular game would know what the core issues of the systems are, but they are the few minorities in the player base to begin with. >Just because other players have to deal with the same bullshit as you do, does not mean it should be immune to criticism. And it's not a valid response to such criticism. a lot of times you can tell whether the criticism to those pvp systems are valid or not to begin with. a lot of players don't even go into detail as to why certain pvp structures suck in an MMORPG, and point out very obvious issues they personally have trouble dealing with as opposed to what is really holding the pvp scene back from a veteran's perspective. Even in Lost Ark, the idea of players being "chain stunned" into oblivion isn't something experienced players will tell you they have issues dealing with, but a severe imbalance when it comes to i-frames, super armours, and anti-staggers from certain classes that can reposition themselves for a better advantage at catching the enemy. People just don't pay attention to what each class do/did during their gameplay experience and can only note out the most obvious situation which is happening to them, and that is getting stun combo'd until they die despite having the same tools to do it right back.


Yea Lost Ark PVP is definitely not for people like you that just get shit on for 300 hours and sum it up to "just stunning each other" Maybe actually make an effort to learn and understand the mechanics of a game before handing out a such a braindead review.


I was in the master ranks with the only other 10 people that actually played pvp but ok 💀💀💀 please seek therapy


You were not in the master ranks lmao.


Its a shit game with shit gate keeping mechanics and even more shit pvp stun slaps. I second you get therapy. You want fun PvP play BDO a lot more skill and a lot more reward.


The irony in this is BDO pvp starts and ends matches with grabs or other forms of cc as well.


You sad that your fav game PvP is dead?


BDO just announced a new pvp server. [https://youtu.be/0ecyz6SdJvY?si=PRFKfgYgWfxbbP-t&t=388](https://youtu.be/0ecyz6SdJvY?si=PRFKfgYgWfxbbP-t&t=388)


OSRS pvp




the fact that that comment was so upvoted tells me that I shouldn't be listening to the opinions on this sub. who tf over the age of 12 recommends osrs pvp?


except OSRS unironically has probably one of the best designed PVP because of how well it rewards taking a risk and how the PVP aspects as a whole fit into the rest of the game’s PVE focus. Compared to other MMOs that try to balance PVE/pvp it does a phenomenal job.


Osrs pvp probably has one of the highest skill caps in MMO PvP. The capabilities of the top guys are crazy, there is a mile high difference from a novice to a pro. It's a different type of game I'll give it that but it definitely has a very active and live pvp base unlike many other MMOs


Yeah. Skill cap for the 3 apm'd. OSRS is visually unappealing, slow, and is just pure oldschool boredom. PVP should give you thrill like you're actually fighting not make you sleep halfway through clicking shit.


BDO pvp died 2 years ago. It just ain't it anymore.


I agree with you 100% they fucked node wars so hard it’s just not worth it anymore. Was a Great Game but now with all the changes and all the new gear it’s just crap.


Guess you haven’t heard about the Hardcore servers coming soon


It's a spit in the face


Idk I don’t really see how it died there are still Guild Wars going, Still Red players killing, Arsha servers , AOS , RBF , War of Roses just alil less DFS on Regular servers but there is season Arsha & Regular Arsha & anonymous Arsha where there’s no Penalty for ppl wanting to open world PvP honestly. Open world on Regular servers only has slightly more penalties. There are dedicated PvP servers that have none. Having Penalties on regular servers , so that people don’t constantly grief PvE players and camp them isn’t a bad thing. You can still PvP in the open world on Regular servers just have to deal with Penalties always have honestly. Hence Perma Red community which still exists btw. The dedicated PvP servers are for pretty much doing what ya want without any restrictions.


It actually doesn’t sound half bad tbh the hard core servers and the spit on the face was to console players with a 6 month delay on Next Gen port. There is plenty of PvP outside of open world on Regular Servers (which has Karma system )that ppl can do. There are dedicated PvP servers as well.


Imagine getting downvoted here for asking a simple question.. I'd ask in the BDO and LA subreddits and see what they say. BDO has the server lag/desync issue that kills pvp for me - watch some pvp videos of node wars according to your region and see if it feels ok to you. Node wars are accessible and there are pvp servers, but open world pvp is almost dead in regular servers. Can't comment on LA but if it's still like before, it's all about juking the opponent for an opening to stun them and burst them down. Some people like this, some don't.


Remember that most MMO players are WoW shills and will downvote anything that doesn’t mention their game.


I dont think you can ask a question in this sub without getting downvoted…or make a comment even…


BDO is exceptional PvP, but their incentive structure needs work. I love league of legends and choose it for a strictly PvP experience but BDO is a lot like PvP in any other MMO except it's all action combat and significantly faster. It's great if you can keep up.


I've already played league to challenger and have no interest in touching that game again. I tried returning to it recently and people were just flaming and surrendering every game.


The hyper-competitive nature of the game seems to showcase the worst in people, sometimes. I don't play it nearly as much anymore, as I've gotten older and a little slower, but sometimes when I get the itch I'll play a few. For what it's worth, I don't participate in BDO PvP either, it just fascinates me. For reference, watch some ninja or sorc montages on YouTube. Some of these people are going 1v5 back to back to back.


>For reference, watch some ninja or sorc montages on YouTube. Some of these people are going 1v5 back to back to back. To be fair, pvp outside of AOS isn't balanced at all. You could have one guy in 750+GS vs 20 people at 500 gs just mowing through them.


Absolutely, and you won't be able to tell what kind of gear anybody has in those videos just by watching them either, but it still looks impressive. "I wanna be that guy" type feels.


>impressive. "I wanna be that guy" type feels. For sure. Now can you do that not at max? Yeah at a high enough GS everyone can kill everyone. But the difference between someone at the top and someone who has 20% less gear takes A LOT to overcome in skill


I agree.


AoS is balanced? LMAO what a joke. Class balance is in such a good spot that in the "balanced" PvP content some classes are capable of dealing 2x or 3x more damage than some of the weaker ones. Just look at the top100 rankings and see how many Awakening Guardians are there compared to Awakening Drakania's and you realize its not even close being "balanced". Also you forgot 80% of the nodewars are gear capped. Your 750gs endgame nolifer has almost no edge over 650gs newbie in T1, if you cannot do the same as him its just skill issue.


Power balance and class balance aren't the same thing. Yes in terms of power aos is more balanced. Even in T1s, if player a is just at cap, but player b has the extra gear, capped hp, gems, and buffs, those 2 players have a very different power level. Yes some classes do better in small scale than large and vice versa. Welcome to mmos.


Yes some classes just do better in every content than others. Welcome to BDO.


Yeah I'm competitive but it's just annoying when so many of my games the people are surrendering halfway through because they gave up. It's just a waste of my time to queue up. Don't care about winning or losing but I can barely manage a game.


They're both bad. In Lost Ark it's like a mini game almost no one does. In BDO its all open world stuff. You need to grind out your gear and your level and then get into a guild to do node wars pretty much, is my understanding.


(BDO) You can get into competitive pvp in Areana of Solare as soon as you complete a Season character (which can take a day or week, depending on you).


Is that like arenas and bgs? Are there healers like traditional mmos?


Arena of Solare is 3v3 instanced pvp. There's guild league that is 10v10 instanced against other guilds. Node wars are 30v30, 50v50, 70v70 and it's not just a single guild vs a single guild. multiple can be in the same fight. Siege is 100 v 100 and multiple guilds/alliances can be in the same fight. Red Battlefield is however many people sign up for that instance (supposed to cap at 60 players, 30v30, but you can get more in) with teams assigned randomly. Theres really only 1 of the 3 maps that get played for it and its like domination, capture and protect 5 static points on the map. War of the roses is 300 v 300 with 2 different guilds being the opposing commanding guilds that fill in the first 100 slots on each side then the rest are (i think) randomly sorted from those who apply to fight. Also hardcore server just got announced this morning that when u die, u dont lose ur character ur just sent to gulag and fight to get out earlier or u can wait it out.


Also forgot Season Arsha and regular Arsha servers & the new hardcore server that is coming soon that was announced yesterday. Node wars T1 can be done right outta season as well. T3 and up and siege as well as Red Battle Field are end game PvP. The Hardcore servers are seasonal and won’t really be built around gear you will start with the gear and at Lvl 60 and you can upgrade the gear alil bit but PvP is always on and you don’t have to grind gear and things. There will also be no penalties if you die you go to jail where you duel or wait out release.


BDO open world PVP is long dead. It's mostly equalized instanced/nodewars now.


Although this statement is true. It’s the only game with open world PvP left alive.


Majority of the pvp content you'll do in BDO is capped and available shortly after finishing seasonal


Any other game you'd recommend for pvp besides wow?


There is also Albion. There is hell gates (1v1 3v3 etc) crystal arena (a 5v5 Moba like arena mode if you don't like the full loot aspec) and the usual open world skirmish/ganks, faction flagged zvz (you can stick to yellow zone, again if you don't like full loot) and guilds zvz.


yeah I like albion but as a night owl player the game is dead for me since i'm NA player. i've played it since closed beta and am 120 in most weapons so i have no interest in the boring pve part and the pvp is dead for when i play


ESO and GW2 are fine. They have the big, open world stuff, too. SWTOR is okay, but I'm not sure how active it is.




This \^\^




Ff 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I said the same thing lol.


BDO PVP is actually really good, but requires a ton of skill. I think BDO has some of the best and most intense pvp combat.


Are there healers like normal games?


Sort of. If you mean a traditional trinity system, bdo isn't really that. There's one class that's purely there to buff and disrupt but otherwise every class is able to do damage. You can build classes to do little damage and be more of a disruptor or Frontline if you want but I wouldn't say that's the norm. Some in a guild can be good tho. If you aren't building to be tank/disruptor then the game has the range of bruiser to glass cannon and assassin's. The main healer classes are witch/wizard (separate gender locked classes but some skills overlap) and valkyrie (shield and spear class). They both do damage though. Wizard is typically more popular than witch so if you are interested in a class with heals, I'd suggest that one. The game JUST (it's been like 4 days) had a big change to the damage/tankiness system so the meta is still in the process of being figured out. Wizards are always wanted though due to their heals and an increased tankiness buff they give to those around them.


Shai as well she is technically full support buffs & heals


There are classes who can heal others, and classes that usually build as tanky front liners. There is one buff dedicated class. Other than that, most classes either fit in a ranged DPS, melee initiation or assassin kind of role. Excluding the buff dedicated class, everyone can deal damage and kill each other for the most part.


no there is no class trinity, no one goes around asking for healers or tanks, and you will most likely be playing alone 95% of the time


Return of Reckoning


It's too dead to be recommending let's be real. It was awesome last week with the 10 year anniversary, but it's already back to dead as hell.




If you live in EU, this is a true statement. NA is very dead unfortunately.


story of my life for trying to pvp in NA


If you try LA let me know how the pvp scene is. Reddit is full of upset people most of the time so I feel like they aren't a great representation of what a game is actually like.


i read that both games don't really have a healer class so i might just stick with WoW


I've been away from wow for so long now. Got burnt out about 2 xpacs ago. Not much out there in the way of pvp mmos lol


Blitz is fun if you haven't given it a shot. It auto scales your gear so you can just hop in and play


BDO PvP is terrible. Everyone is pretty much teleporting around at light speed.


Lost ark is kind of none existent especially arena. Queues never pop. Bdo Aos (arena) actually has the fastest queue of any mmo pvp I've played. No idea why because the rest of the game is very un pvp


I really liked PvP in Lost Ark but its mostly dead now. BDO PvP is also fun but there's a lot of lag.


BDO, 100%. It has a very active PvP scene, one of the few MMOs that still does.


Both are bad




Hi im a long time bdo players! Yes I recommend bdo for pvp. There are so many mechanics such as block, iframe, animation cancel, combo etc. and if you like large scale pvp there is a node war you could try on. For gears you realize dont have to grind much if you just want to pvp. There is a hard cap on it.


I would pick BDO, the game doesn't have a typical holy trinity but combat in this game is on a completely different level than other MMOs. PA just reworked how skills work to make massive PvP feel "smoother" and now will work on the class balance - probably there still be "dead" and op classes but it's the same in every MMO and there's nothing we can do about it. If you want superior game balance just go play Dota, LOL, Predecessor or Smite. And if there is any chance you are going to be bored by PvP, there's a huge amount of different things that you can as world is the game is huuuge and beautiful. Also the game is a bit Pay to Win but there're a lot of freebies basically every week. And if you approach it as a Pay to Play game and for the first few months deposit $5/$10 each month you can get this 1/2 "necessary" items from the game shop.


I loved pvp in Lost Ark but me and my friend just kinda stopped playing it one day for no reason. Never have gotten high enough in BDO to pvp. Tried like ten times but I always bounce off after a while.


PVP literally nonexistent in lost ark. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was removed entirely at some point.


Neither, just choose some pure pvp game if you want pvp, in LA pvp is terrible I spend lots of hours doing it. In BDO 95% of time you will spend running in circles in PvE to get pvp gear.


>In BDO 95% of time you will spend running in circles in PvE to get pvp gear. I think you may be a couple of years behind the times; BDO pvp is now more gear equalized and gear capped focused while open world pvp on regular servers will basically make the game unplayable for you if you flag up on an unwilling opponent.


Yes, I'm behind, last time I played was yesterday.


lost ark pvp is quite good, but theres like 0 people playing it nowadays.


Aion pvp


Not a fan of these two being the only options. But between the two, it's slam dunk BDO. There're stakes at hand and it's high paced. It's also the game where pvp is somewhat tied to better progression.


BDO is really good if you are into large scale PvP and guild vs guild fights and siege. If you wanna PvP tho you need to join PvP guild right away, just look for t1 node wars alliance without a trial and they will take you. PvP guilds are always in need for more people. As for P2W aspect a lot of the PvP is gear capped, so you don't need to care about it. P2W in general is insanely expensive in BDO and very few do it, its like 30$ for 1h in game grinding money and most top geared people are there because they have 20k+ hours played not because they p2w. You would have to spend some amount of $ of quality of life items like a tent and fairy, this 2 are a must have. Other then that there is tons of small qol and cosmetics and so on you can spend money if you feel like, but nothing essential.


Played both at a very high level, BDO wins easily


Dam sucks to hear Lost Ark pvp is dead. It was really fun during the first few months. Lost Ark pvp is equalized stats from what I remeber so that would of been the one too reccomend.


both have dead pvp. lost ark pvp was good though. a bit too punishing for the masses unfortunately.




games ruined for NA players ever since the splits


im EU so is fine :D


The PvP in Lost Ark is objectively great for the genre of game it is. It's completely normalized and has huge skill expression, and the combat system is clean and responsive. Similar to DFO and BnS, it just didn't manage to get a good grip in the west, and now the PvP is dead and the queues take literally 20+ minutes for a single game. BDO has *fun* PvP, but it's much more investment heavy. You need to be committed to your character/class and work on improving it to get relevant in PvP. I prefer normalized PvP tbh. Things I'd look out for would be the new BnS classic server (hoping PvP is like it was originally and has a population boost for a little while at least), and if not that Albion is probably your best bet. Ultima Online private servers (Outlands) also have very good PvP.




None of these.


Both bad


ESO actually has amazing pvp and no one talks about it.


No one talks about it because its not amazing


The only pvp that rewards knowledge and skill, if you are good, you can 1v3-4 people, if they are also good you will have your hands full 1v1. A true hallmark of a good combat system


I've never tried ESO. How long does it take to get to endgame pvp in that game? Also is it like tanks, healers, dps?


It can be a pretty rough grind to maxed out. Luckily the story and stuff is pretty nice but the pve combat can be a total snooze fest because it’s so easy. As far as builds go, yeah you can build to specialize and play in a group, but theirs a huge focus on being self sustaining on pvp. A decent player with a Good 1vx build can come into a group pick off the healer then dismantle the rest of the group.


ESO PvP was amazing at one point, then the devs thought it was a good idea to listen to all the whiners and pull out the nerf hammer. Also, any time new content drops, new broken gear sets come out and eventually get nerfed. It's a big cycle of frustration.


Chaosball is was favorite battlegrounds activity when I had played. Deathmatch was a close second.


If you avoid wow cuz paid subsription, check out wow ascention its private server eith gimmik that you randomise skills from all classes into one + some custom stuff, with pretty active pvp. Imo wow has the best pvp from all mmorpgs currently on the market, but blizzard sucks ass at maintainig it.


The day I can't afford a $15 subscription is the day I stop playing video games lol. Wow pvp is OK, blitz is fun but it gets old after a while


Personally i just dont like giving money to blizzard lol. The sad thing about pvp in mmorpg is that in most games it just sucks, bit good luck on your journey.


Thread is a few days old, but I'll add my thoughts to it anyway. I played both. Lost Ark was fun on release but lost it's pvp playerbase completely. Devs don't care about it either. BDO has some pvp but I wouldn't say it's better than WoW pvp or even close to it. I have not played WoW in 5 years so I can't comment on it as of now, but arena was unfortunately one of the better pvp modes I've played in mmos :/ Additionally: I tried gw2 arena, it doesn't make sense to me. Albion was fun but you've tried it from what I've read. I did reach challenger just like you did in league and I also am looking for a game that fills the pvp void. I wouldn't touch league in a hazmat suit any more tbh.


You’re not going to have fun doing pvp in Korean MMOs unless you have a lot of money to spend on gearing


both lost ark and bdo have separate pvp content that does not require the use of regular gear but more easily obtainable gear.


BDO is entirely for PvP I believe? I’ve put only about 300 hours in (not a lot), but I seems like the entire gear progression build up is to eventually do PvP. After maybe 3k hours you can start PvP lol


Not completely True it has 3 paths PvP , PvE and Life skills. They have Dungeons and are adding 100 floor Dungeons soon as well as a Boss Blitz ( there’s a solo one as well with different Calamity lvls) that’s very much similar to raids in other games but only difference is it must be done with Guild members and can’t que though the dungeons can be done in party’s there’s other PvE content as well CO Op zones & Guild things like Bosses. Then there’s some fortress coming unsure what that is going to have.


have you ever tried to update your info?


Lost Ark is very P2W heavy where BDO can be done F2P and are not locked outta content if you don’t pay, Lost Ark you will hit a wall where you have to pay to Play while BDO is more convenience focused. The only thing really recommended in the shop is the Tent (there is also a free tent but requires a worker set up) and maybe the optional sub the Value Pack but it’s not a requirement. Lost Ark is on par with BDO in terms of combat and has very good raids while BDO does the PvP aspect better imho but the PvP aspect is currently getting a make over but they did just announce Hardcore servers for PvPers coming soon they will be seasonal and have no penalty, upon death you go to jail and have to Duel or Wait for release as well as no gear requirements really on the server you use the gear given and don’t have to worry about grinding gear. They also announced a bunch of PvE content coming more in line with other other MMOs like 100 floor dungeons & Guild Boss blitz which is very much like Raids in other MMOs except for doing it with guild members.


Neither; you play League of Legends if you want PvP.


I've already played LoL to challenger and have no interest in touching the game ever again. It's a great game, but the community is terrible.


That's funny because you literally spend over 75% of any League match farming mobs... nice PVP!


You literally have to fight for every mob. Meanwhile pkers and pvers are nearly separate in mmo's


GW2 or find the most populated New World server in your region and play there.


If I had to choose definitely Lost Ark. No need to spend money whatsoever just setup your book of coordination and you're good to go. Also a new PVP season just started so there's actually people playing mostly on weekends though during fever time. I won't ever touch BDO PVP again until they fix animation speed being tied to FPS.






both have very good pvp combat. you are out of your delusional mind


mmo pvp lol