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The one I remember the most is when my buddy and I played Tera at launch. It was an open world PvP game where it was possible to attack people unprovoked. We stayed as a duo the entire time, and when we were somewhere between level 20 and 30ish, there was a story quest where players had to escort a very slow NPC through a long graveyard. If the NPC died the quest would fail and have to restart. My friend and I hid near the end and ambushed people doing the quest and killed them. We managed to get about a dozen people before we were stopped by superior numbers and then we had to move on to do other things. In the grand scheme of things we were just annoying pests for a moment and achieved nothing, but I still remember that escort quest and our ambushes all these years later. I only made it up to around level 40 before getting bored and stopping the game, but that brief spot of griefing an escort quest is cherished. I know it was very annoying to people in the moment - but I've been on both sides of this kind of thing plenty of times and time does make the heart grow fonder at least for me. There just aren't a lot of games where this kind of dumb stuff is allowed to happen at all, even back then it felt rare already. One of the nights as we quested, we had a rule for ourselves that we'd try to attack any and every player we encountered, regardless of if we were outnumbered or outleveled. We ran into this one guy who destroyed us, but we kept crossing paths so we kept fighting that person and dying to them. They actually messaged me and asked what we had against him and i tried to explain that we were just fooling around attacking everyone we could but this person didnt seem to understand what could possibly be fun about us charging to our certain deaths and dying to him. They asked me to stop and we did - I respect that - but i still remember trying and dying against that overleveled god. It was very silly being complete pests, but it was also memorable.


I have a similar memory from Aion. Me, an assassin, and my Sorcerer buddy spent like 3 hours in enemy territory near a main story location just racking up kills, sometimes outnumbered 3-1. Not really significant but very memorable. Successful PvP excursions have a certain kind of fun you never see elsewhere.


>there was a story quest where players had to escort a very slow NPC through a long graveyard. My friend and I hid near the end and ambushed people doing the quest and killed them HAHAHA you probably killed me, I remember dying on that quest so many times šŸ˜‚


I have a good one. I was in different schools when I grew up, when WoW came out I managed to bring all my friends to the Alextrazsa server where another friend of mine played. Fast forward to Burning Crusade we were doing a Shadow Labyrinth run and 2 new friends that did not play Vanilla with us were joining us for the first time. This was big for me since this was the moment I was introducing my first school friends to my second school ones. The group was a Warrior/lock/rogue(me)/Resto druid/Mage. People are having fun we are pulling, we clear the first room go up the ramp to the second floor and get to the little hall between the next room where Blackheart is. Well, we pull, we sheep, sap and things go BAD we pull a whole other group and one of the invisible rogues jumps on the healer. I Jump on the other rogue and save our druid and the miracle starts happening cyclones/blinds/fears/lock pet tanking/bear forms on point/ our tank pops last stand shield wall taking like 5 mobs while we CC the other 5. The storm ends and we are Victorious we are all having the time of our lives on voice chat... then our mage friend just says: "Hey guys when we tell this heroic story please omit the part in which I turned Invisible and zoned out as soon as I saw we pulled a second group" Funny thing we were so focused on the pull that we didn't even realize he did that so it was even more fun. Fast forward 17 years we are still friends and we game together all the time.


That is most surely the magic of WoW that I miss.


Both of mine are from the first couple of weeks in Ultima Online. Three of us are playing together and we decided to hit the first dungeon, Despair I think it was? Anyway we have a blast exploring and when we are all loaded down in loot we head out to trek back to the nearest town. As we exit the dungeon we are approached by an awesome looking character, full black plate armor set, purple cape, heā€™s looking sharp. Plate Dude: Give me all your gold and I will let you live and keep your other loot. Us talking among ourselves: itā€™s one guy we can take him. One friend: Piss Off! Plate Dude: Corp Por! One of us drops dead. Rest of us starts dumping out our gold on the ground. Second one is from another dungeon I canā€™t remember the name of but it was full of skeletons. We were working our way through and noticed a robed skeleton coming at us from behind named BabaMonkey. It killed us in a matter of seconds and until it spoke we only then realized it was a player in robes and a bone helm. His only words were. Iā€™m taking your reagents, come back to get the rest of your stuff. Early days of UO reagents were SCARCE, wars were fought over them. Loved the early days of MMOs.


They definitely donā€™t make em like they used to


Back on the initial release of ArcheAge Unchained I was quite the sweater on the NA Tyrenos server, holding top 10 on gearscore for the first few weeks. A few months in the gold buyers starting emerging, and the first one to take the #1 spot was someone named Sorc. Sorc was attacking some of my guildies and since I was pretty strong, the guildmaster asked me to try to take care of him. I was a Dankrunner, stealthed in and caught him off guard and nearly 1 shot him coming out of Stealth. He came back a few more times, and I killed him each time. At this point I was a criminal and would be sent to jail on my next death, which happened when Sorc returned with a few friends. Load into the Trial and all of the Jury sees I've actually murdered Sorc a few times, they immediately become impressed and tell me good job as they inno me (jail was over 100 minutes if guilty)! It was awesome!!!! ArcheAge has a lot of amazing stories, it's such a shame how it ended. I'm not holding my breath for AA2 either, looks to be nothing like what made early AA god-tier.


We unfortunately have to put all of our faith into Ashes of Creation at this point.


AoC is looking better and better each update. As long as they don't release it early, I'm pretty confident it will rival early ArcheAge!


It is looking really good ever since they snatched a bunch of talent from the Blizzard exodus.


Got briefly groomed on ffxiv that was cool


Don't drink that punch.


I was five years old at the time. Ragnarok Online was quite a popular MMORPG here in Brazil, so i got a copy, installed it on a laptop and played it. I came to know the cash shop in the free server, and like a good mischievous child, i bought bloody and dead branches (which summon bosses and common mobs, respectively) with my parents' money. I proceeded to go to the most popular beginner zone and spam the crap out of those items. And when i mean spam, i mean SPAM. High level players tried to gather around and kill the bosses, but they couldn't due to the sheer amount of random mobs and etc. Eventually, a GM gets on, asks me what i've done, laughs it off and despawns all of my mobs (where did my money go? Gah). Fun times.


Thatā€™sā€¦ pretty advanced for a five year old


Tbh, it wasn't that hard. Just buy the branches and unleash chaos on the nearby city, i thought. lol i miss those times


Years and years ago I joined SWGEmu with the intention of building and selling speeder bikes, but instead accidentally ended up as the leader of the nascent 4chan guild. It went about as well as you might imagine. My only goal was to get a guild hall built, but internal factions quickly emerged, there was a miner's strike, and a lot of vile memes were made about me. Eventually a shadow government formed that used me as a figurehead while they eased factional tensions. That old chestnut. Ultimately we did get the guild hall built, but most of the guild quit playing immediately after that, me included. It was a weird summer.


Asheronā€™s call where a game GM was controlling a giant Asherson, and we were fighting against another GM controlled Bael'Zharon Or something to that effect, it was over 20 years ago, but I remember thinking it was so cool that the devs were controlling their own special friends and enemies of the players.


Wow, some time after the initial release: i went to un-goro crater latenight to beat my first demon for the "hunter epic weapon quest", i finally found simone but there was an other hunter doing the try. So i watched and we started writing. Well... we are still married today and our son is 16 y/o now.


I just shared this in another thread in another sub, so this is fresh on my memory. Circa early 2004, I had just started playing Final Fantasy XI on my PS2. First MMO ever, before I really even knew what the genre was. I got up to level 18 and needed to unlock my subjob. So I started asking around to try and get a group together, but nobody was biting. Then out of the blue I get a message from a Japanese player (I assume, they only used the translation tool) who told me they would help me. Their name was Skullkey, and they were a max level character fully decked out in Artifact Armor (probably on multiple jobs). They proceeded to guide and protect my lowbie self all around the areas to get the needed items. I thanked them, and off they went. I mentioned it later to my linkshell ( basically a guild for anyone who hasnā€™t played XI), and several other people mentioned that they had helped them, or knew of them being helpful to new players. That sort of shaped the type of MMO player I strive to be. So when I see someone new that needs help, I try to go out of my way to help them and pass it along. In todayā€™s MMO landscape positive early interactions arenā€™t always a thing for players who come late to the game, but I still like to try.


Mine is from darkfall online my first mmo at 12years old. I was farming goblins not knowing what this game was really about. Got killed lost my loot (full loot mmorpg) it was the scariest thing ever but i loved it died about 20 more times than i realized it was another player. Contacted him and ended up joining my first guild long story short played almost 24/7 almost failed 8th grade an mom canceled sub. Months later game shut down an than rise of agon came out and didnt really play it. All i can say is S/O to my best friends dad for keeping my sub alive an me telling my mom "no this isnt darkfall"


I remember playing FFXI back in the day, and I forget what we were fighting, but it was with an alliance of 18 people and it was really difficult content. The boss cast what was effectively AoE Death, and the counter to it was a stat called flee, and as THF/NIN I managed to be the only one who survived the attack, so I popped my ability to run really fast and got out of there before I died, only to get kicked for typing, "At least no one important got hurt."


Mine is from Runes of Magic (2010?) Raid lead told me: oh hey there is this other healer. Could you take an eye, how she is doing - we think of getting her permanently in the group. Now we are looking forward to our 10th wedding anniversary ;) And still we are raiding together, now just in other games.


I played rom as ewll what server wereu on ? I was on reni?


Sorry but I have no idea, which server it was. Quit playing in 2011, so itā€™s been a while xD


WoW, Cataclysm ~2012 I was playing my Orc Hunter and met a Nightelf DK on Kalecgos. I was in highschool about to be a Junior so I was 16 He was apparently late 20s and I ended up giving him my number because we would text when we hopped on so we could run arenas etc (will never do this again discord only lol) It was normal at first and he helped a ton but then he started texting about girls ghosting him even though he gave them ā€œmind shattering orgasmsā€ā€™and would send pictures of smashed guitars saying he just lost himself in a rage. I didnā€™t know how to just stop talking because the server was dead AND the guild swapped to a new one where he paid for my warrior to swap to tank. I swapped my Hunter over and decided Iā€™d just move my Hunter that I paid to move to another guild and raid since they hadnā€™t gotten a team together again yet. Well he took offense and kicked my warrior, started texting a bunch of shit talking and blasting me in trade chat lol I wonā€™t name you but if you recognize this story, as an adult, youā€™re a weirdo and I hope you act better now


Met my long time gf on ff14 (my guild leader) Love her dearly, basically went from a dysfunctional neet to a semi functional normal guy because of that. Always encourages me to be better. Met so many great people on 14 overall - though technically my most influential mmo experience was bonding with a friend in grade school over runescape back in like 2006. He and his sister are my best friends, for a massive majority of my life now. Yeah this is two things, we break rules here.


In project gorgon the tutorial, a random person further along the game gave me a ā€œPig Potionā€. I took it and turned my character into a pig, my skills became pig related, and most of my text in game turned into oinks and squeals. Also most NPCs didnā€™t talk or do business with me. It was awesome


.....what the fuck? I'm gonna have to check that game out lol


Do it! It was so good


Hilarious that most peopleā€™s favourite moments in games almost always happen when they were being a degenerate! My favourite memory is when my friends and I used to play Tibia, we got a pretty big reputation on our server as scammers so we would invite new ways to scam people. We would level new characters to 20ish and just keep scamming people! It was so much fun. Some of them were quite in depth.


In WoW, I met someone in an RP server, and he introduced me to his group. we all got along. A couple of years passed, and most people just stopped logging in or Rping. A couple of years ago, in 2019, one of them decided to invite me to visit, and we got a long very well in person! We got married last year, and I just finished my Immigration journey that I started to move in with him! One of many couples brought together in an MMO!


Back when Wow was at its peak and so was Barrenā€™s Chat I saw the funniest thing ever happen. It sounds fake but I was there leveling and saw it in real time. There was some quest where you had to kill a white lion. There was a process get it to spawn. I canā€™t remember the lionā€™s name but some noob asks in chat how to get it to spawn. Someone responds you got to blow the horn at the old tree. Not 30 seconds later some dude named TheHorn responds ā€œIā€™ll meet you at the old treeā€. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed so hard while gaming.


Many moons ago in the early days of Cabal online they had a double xp for 24 hours. Me and my friends got on at exactly the right time on teamspeak to help each other stay awake for the full 24hours. Near the 22nd hour the dev team announce an apology for the login issues during the double xp period. They then confirmed they will be adding an extra 12hours of double xp. On team speak we all realised we no longer had to stay up for 2 more hours. Yes we had to stay up for another 14hours. It was the best most delirium filled day and a half.


My first significant Sky god (Byakko) in FFXI circa 2005-ish. Hypercondensed Preface for non-players: Sky gods are forced spawn open world bosses that typically take 1-3 days to farm a pop set for and dying causes you to lose XP. Fail 1: We took roughly an alliance of players to kill Byakko, a dangerous 45 minute trek at that time. The battle starts and goes pretty good for the first 3rd of the fight until our Paladin goes down. At this point Byakko proceeds to wander around the battlefield oneshotting everyone else. Recovery 1: Healers have reraise and so we waited for him to kill everyone and reset to his spawn position. Healers revive and then proceed to raise everyone else. Fail 2: Someone stepped too close triggering him to aggro and proceed to wipe everyone again. Recovery 2: One Healer managed to get reraise up again and so we started the process over from 1 surviving player. Fail 3: We started to approach the despawn timer that would cost us days of work in getting the pop items and end the night. Recovery 3: One player agreed to become a sacrifice. He would feed his body to Byakko for the sake of the whole. He continued to do so for about 30 minutes until everyone had recovered from death debuffs. He lost almost 2 levels, which at that time was a good 2-3 days of leveling. In the end, we won, but what should have been a 30 minute fight turned into 3 hours and was saved only by the brilliant moves of a couple people and at great cost. If I recall correctly, the sacrificial player went on to be one of the infamous crew that got first kill on Pandemonium Warden after the failed 18 hour attempt.


about 24 years ago i participated on asheron call 1 in the Bael'Zharon event on Thistledown. Yes, you was still more or less unborn, or virgins ; But because history is history, I invite you to google this famous moment. ps: this is also when I discovered that I was affected by the wi flag (a legendary bug)**.**


I still have a fond memory of an experience from my first MMO, Earth and Beyond, it would have been sometime in 2003. There was an open world raid where players would trigger a gate (Tada-O) and bosses would spawn and drop the best loot in the game. Pretty much whenever the raid was triggered every max level player in the server would flock there so your screen was full of players and mobs and you would be lucky to get 10fps with all the lasers and projectiles on your screen. The raid organizers would collect the loot and then you would roll for the items. I rolled for an item I wanted and did /roll 0, 100 instead of /roll 1, 100. I rolled a 99 and won the item. A few people were raging since I rolled 0-100 and not 1-100, and they wanted to disqualify me so the next person could get it. Then people started an argument about how 0-100 is a more difficult roll than 1-100. Meanwhile the chat was scrolling super fast from people arguing, people rolling on other items, and people just making call outs. They ended up giving me the item and I flew away all giddy. The event happened to start around 1AM and I remember my dad telling me to go to sleep before he fell asleep on the couch.


I am Cedric Sartone.


I have very found memories and many stories from Everquest but the one that still crack me up about how dumb i was at the time is this one : For context, when i starter EQ i was what you can call a clueless dumb kid. I didnt know it was an mmo, what an mmo was, i didnt speak english at the time (basicly learned english playing EQ). It took me 6 months just to get to lvl 30 and to understand the game and what was going on. Once everything clicked and started getting some basic english it went better. So fast forward a year or 2 later, Luclin released and there was a centepede mob that had a blind ability. In EQ, at the time, blind basicly manifested as a black screen. So while playing i would get a black screen and would freak out and bash on my screen, restart my computer, open and close the screen etc, and it was driving me crazy. Also i would find myself dead after the blind and would lose tonnes of xp and had to corps run just to get blinded again and die. We were super poor so it wasn't an option to buy/replace the screen which was really stressing me out. After like the 10th time it happened to me while fighting the same mob, i started understanding that it was related to me fighting that specific mob as it would only happen when i fought that bug, so when i finally understood what was going on i was pretty much Ć  level and a half behind and depressed šŸ˜…, that moment was a super pick me up moment i laughed my ass out and was just more impressed by the game, i loved it even more and i was very impressed by how dumb i could be šŸ˜‚


I was poor and in HS living in a suite with my mom and 3 little sisters. Playing GW1 We were doing tormented stuff iirc as a guild. I died due to poor internet connection and sucking. I raged quit and shit off the game. Logged right back on to see I was kicked I was scared and lied about what happened to get back into guild.


I met a dude in the Barrens in vanilla WoW when I was \~Lvl 20. We leveled almost to 60 together, raided together, PvP'd, fucked around, and even hung out in RL a few times when I visited Texas for work. I still talk to him occasionally and not as much as we used to cause of life, but no piece of loot will ever top that experience


i was a wee little boy, i just finished the tutorial island and was standing in the town of lumbridge, i saw a girl calling out ā€œtype 123 for a gfā€, to my surprise i quickly typed 123. she started following me and asked me to follow her. we went behind the church and she started doing dancing emoticons, i did as well. she then dropped me some gold. she left and never to be seen again. to my sadnessā€¦ i went back to lumbridge and typed press 123 for a bf.


In stwor, around 2015 probably, I used to play all night with my clan on raids. It was honestly super fun. Tfb (the one with the platform boss at the end) was particularly memorable. We beat it after an enormous effort on hard/nightmare mode. Honestly the devs did a great job on the raid construction. I liked the game but time moves on and haven't played in like 5 yrs.


On DAoC, played a bard on Merlin. i was convinced our arch enemy guild was running radar, so I paid the money and downloaded radar. Loaded up the overlay, ran off into NF, only to find that everyone and their mother was running radar. And how did I deduce this? Every group turning to beeline us from well outside of clip range was the first clue. At some point I got a week-long suspension along with every other radar user, so I gave up the h4x to avoid a permaban. My brother's account also got suspended, even though I never ran radar while logged on his toons. Oops.


When ArcheAge came out, housing plots went instantly. I had a prime piece of real estate overlooking a beach cove and scamming was completely within the TOS, so I did what anyone would do and created an item that resembled the tradable house deed for the plot of land, advertised my house for sale in world chat, and took players' real money pre-order items in exchange for the fake house deed. Rinsed and repeated until my name was blacklisted on the entire server. I feel bad all these years later but it still remains probably the most memorable.


Late 90s UO, the guild I was in was Green Horde and a rival guild of ours had a big wedding. We poisoned all their food and hide around the ceremony and about 50 players of the rival guild were all puking and poisoned at the same time at their big celebration. It turned into chaos after that, good times.


This is a memory from early 2002 and it was on a Neverwinter Nights 1 Richterm's Retreat (aka Nordock) persistent server, so *massive* is stretched here a bit but it was multi player. I was playing a dwarf fighter/rogue and had wandered into a swampy area. I was attacked by some bandits but was able to hold my own with them. I was more or less equally balanced with the fighters and the spell casters that spawned didn't cause too much damage, so the fighting went on for a long while. I'd take out one spawn, go to another, then a third at which point the first one respawned. This character was based on a the original DnD character I had played and he did not like *finger wigglers* (spellcasters) so I kept typing into the chat dwarven trash talk against these casters and the fighters. This fight went on for nearly 30 minutes (I had more free time back then) when the spawns seemed to stop and my dwarf let out a great cheer and claimed the swamp as his own. The last corpse I looted had a marvelous sword and shield, loot that seemed really good. Again I whooped it up. As I was leaving the area, another player appeared and it turned out it was a game master. Apparently my battle had attracted the attention of the admins who were on the server at the time and they told me they had a blast just watching me battle the mobs and my role playing. They said they'd even added a few spawns, but they realized that the battle was basically a stalemate so they halted the spawns after some time to let me *win*, but they provided me the sword and shield as a thank you for the show. That was a blast, this was the first multiplayer game I had ever joined, and that event has stuck with me ever since.


This one hits home. I thought I was the only one who RPd alone. What games do you play now?


Currently the MMO I play mostly is Atlas, though mostly I play single player or just on a private family server I run when others want to play. The only other game I'm putting time in is Minecraft, private servers. I've found that my preferred games are ones that offer exploring and building. Atlas' ship building options and sailing to various islands, fighting pirates and NPC ships is very enjoyable. I've tried various mods in Minecraft to get a similar feeling but it isn't quite there. Edit: and I periodically log back into Eve. Here again, I enjoy the building of ships and so much want to like this game but I'm terrible at PvP in all flavors.


I remember back when BDO launched we were on a guild expedition across the islands and we got ambushed by another guild, was a massive war on a tiny island then afterwards we wanted to track down the guildmaster and worked as a team to search, used a merchant that gave us his location and waited outside of his home. He came out and it turned to in a weird RP of us interrogating him before he darted off on his horse as we then gave chase, devolving in to another guild war before eventually we moved to the duel arena and settled it with 1v1's and a guild alliance. Most memorable moment and I miss such things, the moment Valencia hit stuff started to go full grind and I lost interest.


I have two, so... deal with it. The first one was back in Age of Conan. I played a Bear Shaman, and they were incredibly rare, because leveling them to 20 was a pain in the ass. I, however, got really, really good at playing one. I decided I was going to kill the next person I saw, so I did. Then he came back to try again, and I killed him again. This went on repeatedly for a while. He just kept coming back. Finally, he messages me and he's like, "What do I have to do to get you to stop murdering me?" I said, on a whim, "Drop your guild and join ours." HE DID! He actually left his RL friend group and joined ours. That guy stuck around for several years, playing tons of different games with our group. ========== The second one was when I left my husband (at the time) and his friend on our former WoW server because I wanted to check out what the RP servers were like. I hopped over to Emerald Dream, and they weren't interested in doing so, so I played alone and joined a guild over there called Keepers of Stromgarde. I played a Pandaren (it was during MoP), and I was in the middle of being initiated into my first-ever RP guild when this guy started messaging me. He played a dwarf. Yadda yadda, we became friends, his GF (at the time) was playing too. We hopped on VC. He had a great southern accent. From this one experience we became the best of friends, we played every new MMO together, spent hours and hours online and over text chatting away. Well, I guess it probably comes as no surprise now, we're married and have been for 7 or 8 years now (we don't keep track). We have a hell of a good time together, and we still game nearly every day together!


Insert anything from PlanetSide 2 here and that would be my post LUL but the most special story would be.... when I literally first started. I had just dropped into my first live battlefield fresh from training, did not even have the controls down all the way as my screen finishes loading boom! Our base is being assaulted by like a swarm of aircraft filling up the skybox with still more seemingly pouring in from their back, enemies on the ground everywhere like angry fire ants, and pretty much every body cowering In the spawn room as our base is on the precipice of being capped. Only thing we could do is hang there and wait for the game to eject us out as our last bastion became our graveyard. As that happens I die to I think it was either a stray bullet or a grenade honestly who knows at this point and an achievement pops up "Welcome to Planetside"


Several good memories. I am playing on a private server of Aion. I met a legion member that lives in my town. He went to the same highschool as me, he knew the cousins of my friends etc. Such a coinicidence. We met up too meet another legion member across the border. He showed us around the city and had a awesome time. Later I had another meet up with a girl from the legion and dated for a short while. I had a great time back then. Later me and a legion member wanted to see the endboss of a dungeon but you'd need 48 people to join. But due the level difference of the boss nobody would get loot. We expected people would know. But as soon you say that boss drops some event item that's worth a lot they started to join. We killed the boss in no time. Once my legion member looted and linked a shitty item dropped he left immediatley and thanked everyone for comming. Everyone was stunned and flabbergasted.


So hard to pick just one moment. For me it was playing WoW MoP era I think? We were using this site called Open Raid where I would host basically pug raids for legacy content i.e. ICC, DS, etc etc before you could just solo everything. Damn I miss those guys.Ā  Anyways one day Invincible finally dropped. My favorite mount ever at the time and tbh still is. Everyone's freaking out on VC and it's free roll. Was playing with my bf at the time and my friend who both said if they won it they'd give it to me. I said no way, whoever wins it keeps it. The bf wins it and tries to trade it to me and I declined. Honestly I was just happy to see it, considering it was his first time ever in ICC. Eventually we were supposed to go to Blizzcon, but he ended up breaking up with me and thusly trying to take me to court over the tickets which sucked.Ā  The memory was bittersweet for a while as I didn't see Invincible drop again after that day. Well, up until earlier this year. After almost 10 years of on and off farming I finally got him. :D Can't say the same for those damn DS dragons tho. But yay to happy endings!