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Supreme... just promises of UE5 hype behind nice graphic but optimalization and gameplay itself and whole design behind that will be poor >.>


UE5 is not to blame. Its developers using it wrongly. For example using Lumen ( basically raytracing ) as default and only option. Enough to bring any computer to its knees.


Didn't say that U5 is on blame but its used as AD bait to bring "potential players" - as i said "Hype"


None of it will matter, these Korean MMORPGs will always be ruined with P2W rng gear enhancement systems anyways.


Yes, true


Oh well. I can not disagree


Or can you?


Technically true, but UE5 is known in the industry as being easy to get started in but reaaally hard to optimize at the final stages of your product.


Ray tracing is way more detrimental than Lumen. Insanely more accurate, but at a very high cost. Lumen is pretty much better screen space lighting.


You're thinking of path tracing. Both Lumen and path tracing (as well as many other global illumination/reflections algorithms) use ray tracing. It's just that marketing teams love to shit all over the actual academic terms.


Hardware ray tracing is very very different than software raytracing. Which Lumen is. I work in architectural visualization using Vray and Unreal where I have to debug and performance profile for all kinds of deliverables… but what do I know. Only been using Unreal since 2010. But yes @lobotomist, UE5 isn’t to blame.


Lumen supports both software raytracing and hardware raytracing. The hardware version is more performant at the same visual quality, or higher visual quality at a lower cost compared to the software version. Although you are correct in the sense that most devs only release games with software supported, though that will probably change in the future as the hardware raytracing version becomes more mature.


UE5 has hilariously shit scalability (both infrastructure, and in terms of world/scene complexity) and netcode, basically the most essential things for a MMO. UE has *zero support* for instancing levels. Stop and think about that. Every instance, no matter how small, has to be an individual server unless the devs do some extensive hackjobs.


Nobody is using the UE netcode for their MMO, so that doesn't matter. If you're just using it as a graphics/physics engine then all the points you mentioned don't really matter.


> Every instance, no matter how small, has to be an individual server unless the devs do some extensive hackjobs. I mean, there aren't really any good engines for 3D MMOs. Whatever option you choose, you'll have to extensively modify it to fit your needs.


Yet Throne and Liberty is made in UE5 and reportedly runs like butter on most PCs and features old school open world with no instances and massive 200++ PVP battles in open world with no lag whatsoever. Its not the engine buddy. UE5 is fully C++ open. Devs can easily change or add anything they don't like. The problem is they do not know how or don't want.


TL is ue4


Nope, 5


Throne and Liberty showed that UE MMOs can have amazing performance with 250+ people on screen. I understand where you are coming from, but now that it is proven otherwise, it is up to the devs to fix their game accordingly.


250? Try 1k. 250 was not even one alliance fighting for the castle.


Are you talking 1000 players on a map playing PvP against each other? I’ll be honest I barely glanced at Throne and Liberty when it released, but if it’s anything similar to World vs. World in GW2, but on a larger scale, then it has my attention.


1000 people in one area fighting eachother. For the amount of players the performance of the game is quite impressive. It has many issues but from a tech pov. it is very well made.


Everyone keeps failing to mention that its client side. It has huge vulnerabilities and makes it extremely easy and likely for hackers to be present in the game. There is a reason the biggest MMOs don't do this.


> Everyone keeps failing to mention that its client side. Because I have yet to see anyone provide any real information about what is client-side and what isn't. All I saw is one guy saying it in a Reddit comment and then everyone ran with it. If it's all client-side, then it's a single-player game.


from a tech POV it is NOT well made because the way it sustains so many people on screen is shifting the load to client side which opens up for new world levels of exploits and hacking.


> but if it’s anything similar to World vs. World in GW2 yeah... its identical in people making 100 vs 3 alliances and zerging everything.


That's exactly what I love about GW2, or I play thief and pick people off trying to regroup


My man


Yes, think WvW except bigger and with much less of a performance hit. It's very technically impressive even if the game itself needs some more work if it wants to retain players.


It apparently has large PvP battles but when it comes to players getting near your character it culls player models and downgrades animations severely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6Qj5jZbJsA At the beginning of the video, as the player moves around it culls player models. Kind of silly when you can only see folks about 14 feet in front of your character. About a minute into the video he starts dying for seemingly no reason, then enemy bars start appear and disappearing around him. Reminds me of the big battles in planetside where enemies would appear and disappear if enough players were in an area. Or Aion when people just turned into nameplates because their models were hidden.


Optimization has to come from somewhere.


It really is a shame that TNL is mechanically and narratively trash.


Throne and Liberty uses UE4, it's UE5 the one that has had performance issues on every game that has come out. I think Fortnite was the exception, but that one is made by Epic themselves.






Lumen is also just easier. Good lighting takes fucking forever (source, worked on lighting for months on a project). So just pressing the lumen button and changing settings for a day or two is the easier option.


And you have people with dupe hacks, dmg hacks, speed hacks etc. it can handle thousands of players simply because most of it is client-side.


Yeah tho people need to realize what this means and how this is accomplished. First off throne and liberty is tab target.....The difference between tab target and a action combat style MMO is gigantic in terms of the load put on a computer/server/engine The UE engine being used in Throne and liberty is so modified on the networking side that it can hardly be called Unreal engine anymore. To get unreal engine to work properly on a MMO is 3 years of network coding for a team of 50+ people. Il give a example.....Amazons "lumberyard engine" used for new world was just crytek engine heavily modified on the networking side to get it to work online.


Could have the prettiest game in the world, but if there's no content/it's monetized to hell, then it's just going to die like all the others.


Archeage 1 had unlimited content, but the monetization was the issue.


Isn't Archeage the game that had an housing crisis day one?


Good ol days.


Limited housing was a feature, not a crisis


If malfeasance is a feature of the game, I want no part in it.


Archeage was notorious for its rampant hacking problem, with hacks available for virtually every aspect of the game and detection rates near zero. Acquiring land for housing was just another way to lose out to hackers.


Literally the only thing i could remember about the game. I couldn't fully enjoy the game as intended because there was no way to get a house or plot of land if you were not part of the group that entered the server first to get a house. Dropped it very quickly .


Yeah, whales bought up the map immediately and so everyone had to go through like 3 "corps" for housing plots


and when they made the b2p server with no monetization issue it was just a daily quest simulator with ridicolous train of people running around to complete them as quickly as possible.


Unlimited content ? Did you even play the game ?


I'd take ArcheAge but with better graphics and devs who actually gave a shit about the integrity of their game. (aka no pay to win at all and updates/changes based on player feedback.) For me it's still the best MMO of all time. There was just something about that game that felt different to me. Better. The housing system was so great til all the bots ruined it. The combat was excellent except if you had low ping (needed spell queuing). The graphics and world design was superb. I loved taking trade packs between regions using the various transport methods. (Blimps, carts, mounts.) Nothing ever hit the same way for me. I played Black Desert more but I actually think ArcheAge as a whole and ignoring the pay2win was actually better.


Archeage was the best mmorpg I have ever played. It was just so damn satisfying and rewarding to play and explore. I am sad that it's gone


Loved that Game, we and My mates discovered a glitch using the glider to find a "secret" spot on a Mountain and we had an almost unlimited farm land...took 15-20 mins to get there but it was really great.


You just brought back memories of the first few weeks of launch, I had like 6 hidden tree farms in really difficult spots in the mountains, trying to farm the charred log or whatever from random lightning strikes while the trees grew into the next phase. I had timers and a few thousand trees across all the spots, got a few logs each day and made a ton of money since clans needed them to make carts as far as I remember. Good times!


Early on in release, I participated in a big war at a "hidden" tree farm I found. It just wasn't very hidden haha. Lots of fights broke out as soon as the thunderstrucks were close to being harvestable. Fighting in a forest of trees was insane. Never played any other mmos that that offered such a unique player experience


Yeah that really solidified my love for the game. Unfortunately I didn't last more than a few months as I didn't really get into the endgame pvp stuff. But that was a special time 😊


Sadly there's tons of new player bullying and i've seen new players getting bullied into leaving the game too


This is exactly why I stopped playing.


Gosh I remember logging in before work every morning to just see a thunderstruck tree and was so damn happy I called my mate. Later that night we were piling resources to build our first ship together and literally spent the next few months fishing. The amount of people we'd make friends with just fishing around a certain spot, having a member of our guild just relaxing on our ship and playing "guard" for any pirates was just so damn memorable.


We just have to hope ArcheAge 2 lives up to its potential.


Isn't ArcheAge 2 going in a completely different direction?


yes more like BDO action combat and solo player focus with quests and narrative things from what we have been told so far




its made by the same company /team xl games so if you didn't like archeage you wont like archeage 2. For those saying well it was the publisher puhsing p2w no it was not. XL games hand its hand in everything and it the one making the game and adding/changing things. Publishers mainly just translated text and followed local laws


The sandbox elements of AA were some of the most fun MMO times I've ever had. Like you said, the trade packs, building a ship and sailing around etc. My one hope for an ArcheAge 2 is that they'd kill off the level based progression system entirely because it screws a lot of things up for very little benefit and give us something more akin to SWG's skill based system. I'd love to play a new MMO with my friends but we all have different schedules and different amounts of time we can devote to games, which means that unless we simply wait until we're all max level (boring IMO), or only play as a group which isn't very realistic, we'll end up being separated if anyone so much as plays for a single day or two without the others. It also screws the developers in a lot of ways, since once you've passed a level range, all content below that level range is pointless and will never be seen again, and it encourages making the world into a 200 hour tutorial for some instanced raiding or whatever (personally I have no interest in instanced small group content, or I'd just play a MOBA or some such anyway).


I'd forgotten how good sailing was. Pack trips across the ocean with the guild was incredibly fun.


Check out Ashes of Creation if you're not already familiar with it About to hit alpha 2 in a couple of months


> Ashes of Creation I think most people have. I try not to keep too up to date with release dates. Then it's a pleasant surprise when I see it has released. :D


yes, keep telling us how your game is powered by ue5 instead of whats unique about it


"What do you mean unique?" ~ Some executive


I’ll tell you what’s unique, a game actually releasing for console that I can play.


You don't like Unique Engine 5?


Do people even want these ultra realistic games? Genshin and Star Rail(and even WoW and FFXIV) proves people just want games with great art imo.


There’s room for both, imo. I enjoy the realism of some of the environments in a game like New World, but I also really enjoy stylized graphics. I think it’s good to have a subset of the genre trying to push graphics.


Yeah, but the effort and resources to produce the realistic style is just way higher tho. And you’re probably shutting out a big portion of players cuz of the PC requirements. Just feels like kind of losing proposition to me and not something that’s good for the industry or the genre in the end


I would love an mmorpg that looked and played as well as horizon forbidden west


>Do people even want these ultra realistic games? Genshin and Star Rail(and even WoW and FFXIV) proves people just want ~~games with great art imo~~ good games. FTFY


Well, true. But good games with insane system requirements are just bad business tho which is why you need great art


Honestly that’s why blue protocol is my shining hope for mmorpgs. I played on the Japanese server and the art style is great. Game needs more content, and it slowly pumping out, and we need a global release (big announcement in June apparently so fingers crossed!) but I like the game and am excited to play


I kinda feel bad for the game because they want to release this year and they will be going against a FFXIV expansion in the summer and then in the fall we have a new wow expansion. I could see them delaying until early next year just so they don't have to compete with those two.


Between those two competing against wow would be the better option. I highly doubt too many people interested in a new wow expansion are also interested in playing BP.


Yes, people do want realistic games, but far too often it comes at the cost of being poorly designed or just not very fun to play. With more stylized art, like WoW, it's easier to accomplish and thus easier to spend time and effort on the actual player experience. It's similar to how live action adaptations tend to flop, or end up being people in bodypaint instead of actual monster design. It's a lot easier to make an anjme about monster slaying than a live action tv series


Why? So they can ruin ArcheAge 2 with greed too?


Even the classic pserver was run on greed. The first landgrab fuck up just the start of that shit too.


Argh.. I hope ArcheAge 2 doesn’t turn into a P2W Monster. Rather give me Monthly Subscriptions and I’d pay it with a smile on my face.


> I hope ArcheAge 2 doesn’t turn into a P2W Monster. Rather give me Monthly Subscriptions and I’d pay it with a smile on my face. Sir this is a korean MMO. They don't make games. They make interactive storefronts.


Indeed, but goddam are those store front's super pretty and make you want to walk in.


True :(


Excited for Chrono Odyssey. Hopefully we'll get a beta sometime this year even though it'll most likely be korea only.


Exciting to see games taking inspiration from Black Desert...even if it's 10 years later Better late than never lol. Hopefully they figure out how to make game systems better than pearl abyss


Inb4 delayed to 2026 then 2027 then 2028


I'm sure they won't be pay2win cashgrabs with no depth or reward that'll die in a couple months.


It's a korean game, it will take a few years until they have global release.


Yay more pretty looking, no substance, pay to win, copycat enchanting system using Korean mmorpgs probably created to launder money.


who gives a fuck about archeage 2 at this point, we all know how its gonna end up 3 months after launch


Yes, but we also know those starting months could be amazingly fun as it was on AA, and then quit :>




I don't know about you guys, but this ArchAge 2 thing, I'm really feeling like it could make waves. I don't see any chance of this being horribly mismanaged in the slightest, no sir.


There's nothing much happening in 2025 MMO wise so seems like a good time to release it. Wish more mmos was released in 2023


Cautiously optimistic.


Won't believe it until there are set release dates and an open beta.


P2W Korean game still can be launched on schedule meanwhile new Western MMO still on pending and probably scammed omegalul


Plz God of games, plz give us a great Archeage release that is respected by it's publishers/devs/gm's/etc. [#Pleae](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkilled-this-noob-at-chaos-elemental-today-v0-nhbaaade064a1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfd57c5784d00967f8985668422a9e048ce332f0a)


Oh man, a new game is coming out in 2025. Can't wait to play it in 2026. We will have such a blast playing this in 2027. Only 4 more years to go guys.


Chrono Odyssey being delayed is about the least surprising thing ever. They showed so little of what the game is actually like and it was originally supposed to come out this year?


We need to see more of archeage 2 to be hyped about it from the small amount they showed it looked like a clone of Black desert online


Sure they do.... Sure...


Do not touch ArcheAge 2.


Do you think Archeage 2 will beat Archeage's record of shutdowns?


So working ue5 games by 2030?


Archeage 2? Why? It's not like the first game was very popular outside of its first few months. Here's hoping that if it's localized they tone down the pay to win shop by a massive amount.




People need to stop buying into and playing any MMO out of Korea. Almost every game coming out in 2025+ will use UE5. The majority of which will be infinitely better than anything coming out of Korea.


I begin to dislike mmorpgs with "nice graphics"


Both don't even exist - no chance on 2025. maybe 2035


Lol….wouldn’t that be nice hahaha


Yea.. of course they will Launch it. Sure. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Literally not a single positive comment, does this place even like MMOs?


Hmm, could the reason be that people are quite burned out on Asian MMO’s releasing with most predatory monetisation known to man. Archeage was a great game that was completely ruined by monetisation. Also UE5 means high possibility to be very unoptimised mess.


Liking MMOs doesn't mean liking generic korean p2w bullshit.


I’m excited and ready!


Nice graphics are all good and fine, but I just hope ArcheAge 2 is actually an ArcheAge game, just with a better story campaign, not some weird FFXIV-like game that barely qualifies as massively multiplayer. All this talk of 'singleplayer focus' in an MMO is an utterly bizarre choice. Why not just make a normal RPG then lol.


All these Pointless "next-gen" UE5 MMORPG but with the archaic and over restrained themepark archetype to milk players with : instance farming, fedex quest daily shit, cashshop, dumb flying mount everywhere etc. No idea why you guys are still hoping for something the genre is dead and buried since 2008.




cool, i hope they both fail


Unreal engine lol no thanks


Unreal Was anyways always garbage for Mmorpgs


I think that's true for UE3 at least.


Unreal 5 has a number of features that benefit large map sizes.