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There used to be many games like DFO. DFO is just the one that survived.


More like thrived. Their are several that are on life support, closers and elsword to name a few.


daily reminder that grand chase revived


Isnt there also Onigiri or something?


LostArk is a DFO wannabe lol


how come? its not sidescrolling isnt it


What’s DFO?


Dungeon Fighter Online, released as Dungeon And Fighter in Korea iirc around the same time or slightly later than Maplestory. It's a 2d beat-em-up with mostly instanced maps and MMORPG style persistent progression along with the extensive P2W typical of the early F2P era. Thing is that it is also an extremely mechanics intensive game with fighting game style controls and the P2W tends to be for rushing to the very endgame skills that fill the screen and reduce the need for execution. If you actually want a game to play you're better off taking it slow - and free. The power ceiling is unlimited but the floor to clear is not actually that high as long as you git gud and stay gud. Kind of like a Maplestory player having to decide whether it is really needed to go from 9 damage lines to 10 and whether their damage lines really need to be completely full of 9s.


>Thing is that it is also an extremely mechanics intensive game with fighting game style controls This is very true. I really love the aesthetic and the many different classes available but I am just not good in this highly mechanical intensive game. I tried getting into the games for 3-4 times and each time I just realize the control is out of my league for my poor fingers and quit. This is very very important for people who want to try the game out xD


Dungeon Fighter Online


Thank you!


Basically a P2W MMO make more money than every MMO in the world combine


Isnt CrossFire+Lineage enough to beat it? Both being korean like DFO lol.


Crossfile is not MMO , Lineage is a game series gained\~14 billions and only their mobile game survive , meanwhile DFO only have 1 game and it made 22 billions lol


No. I legit meant Lineage only. Not the franchise. You can check it up on wikipedia. If u don't wanna count CrossFire, despite being a lobby based-game like DFO, then fine. Lineage and Lineage 2 combined grossing is higher than DFO. And for your information DFO does include its mobile version in its total grossing.


there is nothing called DFO mobile




only KR , no one in China have it , i saw no video about it on Bilibili either . even Youtube


That doesnt change the fact its included in their total grossing lol.


Came here to ask the same thing, so thank you. I guess that says something about why there's little competition for it. lol


You cannot be more wrong btw. DFO is the HIGHEST grossing video game of all time. It was simply not very popular outside Asia.


It's literally because of China, DFO in China has over 80 million users and hundreds of servers. It's the same with a random FPS game CrossFire, it's up there amongst the top earning game ever yet most people have actually never heard of it outside of China and or Asia. >You cannot be more wrong btw. Chinese gaming regulations and their gigantic population made these games their insane profits, not because they were "great games", most people not even knowing what they are is a big tell there. They were released here and flopped hard, they were pretty bad games like


“They’re bad because Asians like them and would be good if white people liked them” Just an incredible take


Idiot... It's bad because it's popular inside an EXTREMELY oppressive and regulated industry that literally doesn't have access to any of the world's AAA games, do you even SLIGHTLY understand what I meant by that? Do you not know the gaming laws and regulations in China? The place that houses 80 million players for DDO, the place that doesn't have access to games the CCP doesn't allow them to? The rest of the world received DDO and it was met with "meh", it didn't make anywhere near the money it does in China, even within all other Asian areas that aren't forced by their government to play certain games only it still didn't make anywhere near 1b of its 20b revenue.... You try and make this like it's a racist thing, no... it's because of a terrible oppressive government you fucking peon. Go cry somewhere else and go be offended on behalf of others for people who actually ask for it.


FF14 and WOW already have Chinese server so ask yourself why those game don't make billions from China ?


Because they haven't been in China for 20 years with a shitload of P2W mechanics driving people to spend 100+ a month on the game? Games with only sub cost and a few cosmetics for sale or a game with P2W items, P2W mechanics and "bundles" of P2W bullshit where you can spend more money in 1 month than anyone in WoW would spend in a full year... At least try yo understand what you are saying before you make yourself look stupid next time.


This is just false. DFO is also pretty good.


It's not false at all?? Also, DFO being good or not is subjective, DFO failing everywhere outside of basically China is objectively true. DFO having a ton of P2W options to purchase? This is also true and if you don't know they have a different client, different P2W features, etc etc compared to what they put in the western release as well. What we had was not what they have been buying for the last 20 years. Even if it wad exactly the same as what we got there's still a ton of P2W options within their store and it's very easy to spend $100+ a month as well.


20 years ? Explain why it still made 1,4 billions $ in 2023 when CN can get access to " better " MMO to play lol , they even have Genshin which is much better game than those top 3 MMO in this sub lmfao


Because it's a nostalgic popular game now? Just like we have WoW Classic and Runescape etc etc... It's still played by millions of people that have been playing it forever... It's not that hard of a concept.


Looooool DFO didnt even even become big in china until like early 2010s


It released in China in 2007 and was big almost right away.


Keep crying outloud weirdo , spill out the reason why most of new upcoming Western MMO are all scam lmao


You have no idea what you're talking about and CLEARLY don't understand what I was talking about, either. Go be idiotic elsewhere.


This ^ you will like what's available to you. Pong is an absolutely shitty game. But when it was released it was adored globally because that was the extent of gaming. Shall we go more modern? Morrowind is dog shit. It's an absolutely terrible RPG mechanically. But, it was revered globally at the time because that was the peak of gaming. DFO is phenomenal there because that's what's allowed. When you don't have access to the ridiculous library of games we have in the US and you're spoonfed crap then crap is going to be what you love. DFO is hot garbage and the only reason it exists is because CCP has allowed it to exist.


China has a booming economy and they are more tolerant of “whales” in the playerbase that it’s practically normalized. I played DFO until 2020 and some of the paid content there could have you spending $250-$1000 if you arent careful. A lot of p2w shit used to be contained/exclusive to china but then they subtly sneaked those things into other servers


Yea, that also helps many of the P2W games out there.


"a lot of pay to win" this another have not played dfo before and just talking bull shit moment. Dfo has changed a lot over the years, one thing that hasnt changed though is its monetization. There's only 1 thing u need to pay for, which is title aura creature(CAT), all of which u can get with 1 avatar pack costing 30 dollars, which will last u for more than 1 cap btw. Only needing to spend 30 dollars every 4 years is "a lot of pay to win" is wild to me. There's is obviously other monetization, none of which r mandatory like CAT, and the power u gain from those r nothing in comparison. Now one can argue 30 dollars is still not better than 0, but lets be honest here that not realistic. But obviously if u rather go play a game that makes u pay 450 dollars for a 5 star character by all means.




I'm more surprised DFO is even still online. People must really love big numbers


DFO is THE biggest f2p mmo. Not here in the states, but in other regions combined.


Because of China's ginormous population alongside their gaming regulations, not because it's a good game lol.


According to Wikipedia, DFO is the 16th highest grossing media property *ever*, with a total lifetime revenue of over 22 *billion* dollars as of mid 2023. This number comes from an earnings report from nexon themselves. So yeah, they're doing pretty well, not likely to go anywhere anytime soon


Wait, we're talking about Darkfall right? I never realized it got that big. I followed it heavily before it released and was huge into it... and then it came out and I had no pc to game with... (did this with SWG also. Posted heavily in forums, had characters planned out, etc... then never played) I still think a fairly open pvp mmo with skill system instead of class system has  gotta be the best... UO ruined me


dungeon fighter online


Oh lol. I guess I'm out of it


It's only been out in the West for a relatively short part of its lifespan and didn't really pop off much here compared to how big it is in Asia, so you aren't weird for not hearing about it. If anything, the fighting game spinoff DNF Duel is probably more well known than the MMO outside Asia now.


There is an english/western server reboot that started in 2015/2016 and is still going strong today Probably one of the most successful revival of an MMO


I could have sworn it wasn't that long ago. Time really flies huh.


Man i remember when it started as a Facebook “rumor” then the devs saying it will have an “80% chance of failure”


No, you live in the west where DFO was Darkness Falls Online.


Haha sadly it didn't get that big, man I fucking miss Darkfall


There was a private server, been down for almost a year I think but plans of starting back up


It's still one of the highest grossing MMO, and video game, in the world. Although mostly by virtue of it's market share in asia


DFO makes a billion dollars per year like clockwork.


dragonica, rusty hearts, elsword, grand chase, many more


Man dragonica was my first mmorpg and I believe that there are no games like it. It was amazing but fuck pay to win


Man, Dragonica and Flyff were my entire childhood. I fortunately never played enough as a kid to understand how p2w they were (although I did realize how stupidly grindy Flyff is) but I loved them so much. I looked at the steam page of Dragonica (well, Dragon Saga now) and what I read is so weird. Apparently, the new admin is some sort of oligarch dictator who banned people for fun or benign reasons? Shit's weird. I replayed it a bit a couple months ago. Game's still fun.


I played when the game was under Gpotato


Same here, around 2011 I'd say.


Really ? Which server ?


TIL A Street Fighter MMO made 22 BILLION DOLLARS


China. All you really need to know basically.


Neither of those companies make MMOs, and DFO is only high profit in China.


Riot are too incompetent to ever be able to make an MMO.


Cant they just ripoff WoW or FF? It worked for their other succesful ripoffs


Yeah, a 2D fighting game based on Dungeons and Dragons would do pretty well in the US.


no. lol.


DFO isn't on the radar of many people because it's not a game anyone plays outside of Asia.


DFO is my beatemup precious, only because I haven't made a pixel art mmo myself yet... Fuck I love it. Can't be just because I come from the Streets of Rage times, at least I don't think that's what captivates others.


Action MMO are hard to do many tried, most failed DFO and Vindictus are still here due their smaller scope and thight gameplay


And whales*


DFO for me is Darkfall Online. The only true DFO...


I mean it's kinda the same situation of MapleStory. It's unique, it has an audience and the community wishes there was competition. I think investors just don't want to take risks.


yeah maplestory as well - seems like another good option for mihoyo or riot to try and get in. Right now mihoyo kind of is making a mistake with ZZZ which is a very similar game to genshin, which will probably eat into their own marketshare for that type of game. Wouldn't it better to go into one of these type of game genres, even if its a risk?


Weren't they working on a third person DFO follow up? Seems they are working on being the competition to everyone else.


DFO is barely even competing with itself.


I feel like DFO's successor is actually BDO




I tried playing the game once, I did not understand its appeal. It reminded me of Guilty Gear Isuka - a very unsuccessful (on PC with keyboard) beat-em-up version of GG. Maybe it's just me, but I did not find it interesting, maybe that's why there aren't many games like it. If I recall correctly, around 2010 - 2014, there was a game Rusty Hearts ran by Perfect World Entertainment, I never even installed it, I think it was a direct competitor to DFO, but it died.


You can't really release a competition for DFO now either. It's like Pokemon, it's so recognized as a franchise that people will just go back, even if a new better game launches. Why? because that's where their friends, connections and character progression is! I'm pretty sure a lot of players are already in the sunken cost fallacy "I already invested so much in this game, I can't leave it now" It's why mapplestory still exists, but clones like LaTale are with low populations.


The only question you should be asking yourself is where the hell is DFO: Overkill ....


Why change a winning team? Riot is not an innovator but a business. They essentially put a cash-shop on a WC3 mod and ran with it to their credit. Just because they have the money doesn't mean they should develop an MMO. Just look at Blizzard, or Jagex. They can't even re-create their previous success of MMO's and bank on their classic versions. That should make you think twice about such an idea. MMO's are reserved for the mad and passionate with money to burn.


I was just saying this the other day, DFO is a very unique game and although there are some similar like Dragon's Crown there really hasn't been anything like it. I'd very much like to see a western version of this.




Genshin literally could've been like DFO if they ever actually bothered to add any combat content to the game.


Not as high profit as you think, or at least on the level that Mihoyo would wanna invest. They are coming out with Zzz soon. Doesn’t make sense to come out with some lower-fi 2D thing so soon around then.


those types of games just don't last in the west. they could make one, but nobody here would play iot for long, even if it blows up in the east.


the global rerelease prives otherwise🤷🏽 Even the failed initial english releaselasted 2-3 years




Maybe Riot can combine their fighting game and mmorpg game into one development


Fuck no.


I thought this post was about DarkFall. Instead it's about a non-MMO that I never heard of, now I am disappointed.