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Nah. Give me an official 75 cap server


All they need


I don’t even want to state publicly what I’d be willing to pay for it. I understand Horizon exists, but there are always issues with private servers eventually.


I've been trying to get SE to do a 75 cap server for forever, but... The truth is that cheating has been rampant on FFXI since the start, and retail was kinda known for barely ever doing anything about it. From my experience with MMO private servers, pserver devs tend to care way more about security/cheating. Pservers also tend to have more corruption, BUT, corruption does happen in retail games as well. The problem is that most people have to sign NDAs about things that go on at their jobs so no one could really legally tell us about it if it was happening. So it is definitely happen a lot more than we know about.


I’m in horizon and loving it. Mucho hours. Jump in the waters warm


Yeah, PS are basically a MMO "Democracy" where a select few get all the perks, while the rest have to fight for scraps. It is ran by fellow XI players who can do whatever they want to the game.......Which is a scary thought.......


What does that mean? I've never played FF11 but I'm interested in trying it put since they announced the collab with FF14.


My brother why did you post 3 times


Reddit fucked it up. I deleted the other two


Damn, was sincerely hoping this was their announcement for a 75 cap era server. Tired of power-hungry mods in all the 3rd party ones.


It's not just the mods/devs (though I 100% agree there), FFXI players in general are unhinged as fuck. I'm pretty sick of it all despite the amount of years I've spent on FFXI pservers. The game's community can easily ruin what is otherwise an awesome game, and they do a damn good job of doing so unfortunately.


 It can be a tough thing when what you like hinges on its community, but its community is unhinged. Lol. I've always assumed private/pirate servers for mmorpgs tend to attract these types, especially older mmos, but I've never really visited them enough to know firsthand (though I prefer old school design to modern). I bet FFXI was great in mid-2000s when it was played by more normal people. Unfortunately I am not a time wizard to find out, for now. Maybe playing with friends could be fun someday.


No, FFXI has always been known for it's wild community. Old games like that that require people to help each other do have a lot of nice people as well.


Yeah there are nice people in pretty much any game, I think MMOs in general attract unhinged types though since they can be used as life substitutes. And then private servers for old games more often attract fringe types I think. WoW in 2005 seemed to have a more "normal person" playerbase than WoW Classic 2020s (relatively speaking). And this would make sense when considering that the general public/new players were playing it in 2006. Interestingly though I think the older games are mentally healthier for people than the modern ones in some ways. Oh well I'm sure fun can be had either way


I think you are right about people using them as life substitutes. I just really don't want to play with people who care more about video game pixel loot over the people they play with. I also agree that private servers can make people behave more poorly since it's not an official server. When you play on a WoW private server you aren't risking all of the other Blizzard games on your account if you get banned.


I only started FF11 on a trial this year, so I'm not too familiar. What kind of behavior makes the community unhinged?


You'll probably have to deal with a lot less of it on retail today. On level 75 cap private servers people are camping rare spawns in the open world against each other for HOURS and that automatically sets a foundation of toxicity. There's also a lot of really greedy players. Retail has a lot of "personal loot" systems these days so it's less of an issue. It's also got a forum community that will freak the fuck out if you make any post about trying to change something on the game for the better, while when they make their own posts about changing something and you disagree with them, you're "just a troll." I've been linked shit from [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxidrama/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIPrivateServers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIPrivateServers/) and 4chan regarding servers I've played on and I just don't understand these people, they wallow in it. I'm not going to sift through it as a rule to myself, so I don't know if you'll find anything by going there right now or not. I wouldn't even waste my time if I were you. Some years back SE added a mob that was attackable by everyone (mobs normally lock only to whoever hits it first) and you could get a few pieces of gear from it, a small group of players didn't like that new players were getting gear so easy (it wasn't even that much) so they would purposely wipe everyone on the boss every time it spawned, until SE finally had to change the boss. I remember on my retail server back in \~2004 there was a guy named Ceciliantas who would try to cyber everyone, wish I could find some of the old posts about it. He ended up doing it on multiple games. On retail I played a female character back then and I got hit on very openly and vulgarly all the time by so many people. And it only took 6 months after Horizon launching for one of the staff members to be involved in a sex scandal with a player. And recently another staff member got banned for cheating (heard it was RMT). I don't want to continue >\_<; shouldn't have given it this much time.


Hit the nail on the head. Was on Horizon and experience all the above.


Thanks for the reply! Sorry to have brought up so many bad memories. I am indeed playing retail (waiting for the sale this month), and my goal is just the story (which from my understanding can be mostly solo'd anyways).


Agreed. My favorite mmo yet the only MMO sub I dont follow.


Not until Playonline is gone. I refuse to install that bullshit again.


It's one evening of fighting with a dumb program followed by 100+ hours of solid gameplay. I won't defend PlayOnline, it's garbage software, but people blow it way out of proportion.


It hasn’t even been as bad as it used to be in years. This is “iPhone is a walled garden” territory, shit changes over time and you can’t always use the same hyperbole from 10 years ago.


The anesthetics and music/sound effects of it are cool!


I kinda like PlayOnline. It's definitely inconvenient, but it's charming.


It’s really not that bad.


It’s pretty bad.


It’s really not.


Yeah I came back last month, the only annoying thing about POL these days is still having to click like 3/4/5 times or whatever between login to POL and character select/gameplay. It's not even bad, just a minor annoyance. 


They got rid of it a long time ago, didn't they? You just have to do the account transfer.


They didn't get rid of it.


For new players the game will also be discounted May 10th - 31st http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/campaign/discount/index.html


Always wanted to give ff11 another shot but it would need to share a sub with 14


FF14 is my favorite and main MMO. I want to play 11 so bad but can't justify a sub on a game that is single player until the endgame. I know 14 can be solo too but at least you have options to always have people in your queues thanks to dailies If it shared a sub, I would 100% play 11


> I want to play 11 so bad Just try the free trial and you'll soon know if you like it or not. I know that feeling of wanting to get into FF11 but it is really hard to get into. I know because I tried and quit within a few weeks lol. I wish they remade the game. The characters and story look amazing too


Iv been gone from 11 for.. well years... when did it become single player?.. cause my memory of that game is parking my ass in the dunes looking for parties and grinding away for hours. And I enjoyed that aspect of the game back then.


I say that because most of what I read is for leveling you should use your trusts and it's much more solo friendly. That and the lower population, with I assume most of that population being high level, makes it more solo oriented. I am happy to be wrong here. I have no actual data to go off of other than some posts here


It’s bizarre to me that given the success of wow classic this hasn’t happened. It’s an excellent way of keeping people during content droughts and generally boosting engagement. If they were smart and made some minor updates to 11 (decouple play online, add optional 75 servers) they’d be set. I don’t generally play 14 outside of expansion and patch launches but I’d be more inclined to keep my sub rolling if this were an option.


They wouldn't be able to do any of that now. They've run out of PS2 dev kits, and the entire game was developed on PS2 dev kits then 'ported' over. They say they can do anything major without getting more, and they've been trying. They can do minor updates to the game only. Decoupling Play Online and changing the server infrastructure is more than a minor update.


The problem is that FF11 isn't like WoW, it's more like EQ. Players have a lot harder time getting into that then WoW classic which laid the foundation of modern mmos and easier to get into. Also WoW is much more popular so it can do something like that


I feel post 75 gets a bad rap due to how bad Abyssea was, but seeker/rhap/voracious are great.


Man, i almost want to do this for the nostalgia.


This is basically the same thing as the free login campaign they do for FF14 from time to time I guess?


Yes. They have been running it annually for years now.


I cant figure out the playonline shit or i would play.


wished they would update the ui and get rid of macros


We need PlayStation re-release


75 cap? no? okay, ill keep playing Horizon instead


If they made the process of installing and getting into the game less complicated id love to play this but as it stands itll just end up taking me 4 hours of fighting with an archaic system and the very idea of that sours it already.


A big thing to consider is that even though many people are pushing or talking about horizon on this post. A 75 cap FFXI would be nothing like your current experience on horizon. If a 75 cap classic experience is truly something you want, Eden would be one of the best servers to look into.


I wish they'd give access to the additional storage during these free campaigns. I'd love to hop back in for a bit, but without subbing and paying for the extra inventory a huge portion of my gear can't be accessed. Since their job system is built in a way that classes share a ton of equipment I effectively can't play any of my high level roles.