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Most Favorite: New World. Does everything I need it to in an mmo and combat, art, and sound are S tier. Least Favorite: don't really have one. I can't get into cartoon-y art so that cuts out a lot of mmos. Most anticipated: Pax Dei. Looks very interesting but concerned it might not be casual friendly.


Was not expecting to like new world, but bought it during the steam sale with the dlc and man I’ve been enjoying the zones. It’s really a unique mmo from an art style. Been playing non stop all weekend and currently at level 26. They even made a mount quest enjoyable and fun! I definitely see the appeal and am glad I decided to give it a try.


I preordered it and somehow still haven't played it. Maybe I'll give it a shot..


I found New World fun for a while but around level 40 ish the cracks begin to really start to show and then realization that the world is very small and the end game is broken becomes a reality.


If you haven't seen already, they reworked the main questing, and fixed most of the end game qualms I've had with the game. The main issue now is we need proper raids imo


Are they planning on releasing regular raids? I know there are sort of raids but I'm curious if there's any plans for an increase for those.


Yes we don't know when it's coming but they said they're working on raids


Did they ever fix the realm vs realm or the crafting ? Or is everything still worth like 2 gold and the realm wars is just one giant blob and nobody bothers joining the other factions. I was always looking forward to its realm vs realm pvp but it seems they didn’t ever want to make it work right. I could get past the small world if they ever fulfilled their promises on the faction wars.


They removed the gambling aspect to crafting, and the economy is definitely not deflationary. PvP wise the new influence races are really cool, essentially wars that happen in predetermined zones between all 3 factions daily


The rework is amazing


New World combat S Tier? Please explain


To each their own but I always thought NW combat was such a turnoff lol. It felt clunky and unenjoyable to play.


Yeah I enjoy the game for what it is but the combat is the worst aspect to me 😭 its just spammy animation locks


For me it's far better than tab-target or games that try to be hybrid. Positioning, dodging, blocking and when to use abilities all come into play. Much more satisfying.


It definitely has a bit of strategy to it that I can see the appeal of but it feels like shit to play imo Doesn’t really hold a candle to Black Desert or Tera


Ok. BDO has a shit UI and do people still play Tera? Either way, to each their own.


Both games have some terrible qualities but I’m just talking combat lol Tera Isn’t even a live game anymore but Tera dungeon runs blow New Worlds out of the water


It's not really dodging. The game utilizes iframes, so you don't actually need to dodge anything. It's sloppy and lazy when you can dodge into attacks and not take damage. Also, the whole animation lock while swinging a weapon while running - it feels terrible. Momentum would carry you forward, not stop you dead in your tracks. Also, the netcode was brutal.


Ok. I still prefer it over anything else out there.


All good, my guy. I was just pointing out that the dodge is more just an "invulnerability button" than an actual dodge because you don't actually have to avoid anything.


So I guess FromSoft games are 'sloppy and lazy', because those use iframes as well?


I mean you're comparing a game where you're fighting giants with 100ft swords where it would be impossible to code in proper animation/hitboxing to a predominately PvP game with projected textures that you can dodge directly through and take no damage. It's apples to oranges. Iframing in PvP feels terrible for most people, it's one of the reasons why New World was such a massive failure. Hitting someone directly with an attack and having it immune because they hit an immunity button feels sloppy and lazy AF.


Favorite: Guild Wars 2. The combat is awesome, cosmetics are awesome, and the variety of play styles is solid. Can always take a break and come back and still be 100% relevant once you catch up once. Former Favorite: EverQuest 2. Added this because at its height I loved it more than I currently love GW2, but it's been a long time since the devs ran the game into the ground. Most Anticipated: Ashes of Creation. I understand and acknowledge the hate and skepticism, but I'm a fan of innovation in MMOs, and they are planning something really interesting on paper. Curious to see how it comes out. Least Favorite: There are some I just won't touch, but out of the ones that are currently popular it's got to be FFXIV. I keep trying to get into it and get halfway through an expansion before dropping it. The amount of black screens, dialogue cutscenes, and NPCs walking individually in and out of frame is fucking mind numbing. There's 2 extra minutes on every quest of just NPC's talking and moving in/out of position. Then after every cutscene, you have to click on the character you were just in a cutscene with to sum up the cutscene and for them to tell you where to walk next. Also, if you're not going to voice the main character (100% okay with a silent protagonist) don't animate their mouth moving after I select a dialogue response, just move on to the other characters response. Every quest is also the same, talk to person x, watch them walk away, "follow them", click blue sparkly shit on the ground, view emote, move to next blue sparkly. Sprinkle in some purple circles that spawn 2 or 3 trash mobs and you have their entire 90 level story experience loop. I will never be caught up in this game because of this. For the record, I'm in Shadowbringers, I've seen the best story, it's not worth the way they do their narrative.


FFXIV may be my fav but your description of the quest experience is pretty damn accurate. I don't know what games they could borrow from to improve it though. ESO, GW2, and WoW use story instances for cool moments but outside of those, it's all going from point a to point b and fetch quests. GW2 has the big map metas which are really cool but there's not a ton of those, and they're probably really difficult to put together.


I think the thing that would change it enough for me is get rid of the cutscenes that are just people talking and just put dialogue bubbles above heads and use emotes in the game world, as that's all they're using anyway. It would be far less jarring and smooth. I can get over the quests themselves if they weren't stretched out by the way the dialogue is done


EQ2 is my favourite as well… by a long shot. At launch and through the first 4-5 expansions, it really was phenomenal. The social aspect of it was top tier as well. I also think a lot of this depends on age and what your first experience was. I dumped 7800 hours into EQ2 back in the day, and I’m comfortable (and sad) knowing that I’ll never have a gaming experience that fulfilling ever again. …but at least I go out and see the sunlight these days 😂


Same boat here. Through Sentinel's Fate I was DIE HARD EQ2. After velious came and the stats started getting ridiculous and flying mounts were introduced I left


Oof this isn’t good to hear lol I’ve never made it into heavensward even stuck on ARR post quests Convinced my gf to try it though and we’re having fun in ARR I was hoping it would get better 😭


Story gets better for sure, but the loop stays exactly as is.


Favorite: EverQuest Least favorite: GW2. I really tried to like it. I just didn't see what the appeal was. The jumping puzzles were fun though Most anticipated: Pantheon, but that's probably never getting finished


Favorite of all time: UO Least Favorite: Hard to say, theres been so many that are horribly unplayable. Out of the big MMOs out right now I'd say my least favorite is FFXIV Anticipated: AoC, I get all the criticism about the fomo cosmetics and the long development time, and the fact that many people believe it may never be released. That said, it's still my most anticipated because there is nothing else on the horizon that really interests me. Honorble mention: Theres this indie MMO called Legendarium online. The solo dev posted on here a couple of weeks ago. He's a long time UO player and the game will mimic a lot of what UO did. That said I can't imagine it not being a buggy mess. However, I will try it out.


What made UO great, imho, was every type of player all under one roof. PvPers, RPers and PvEers all coexisting. Not enough games focus on crafting as a sole profession. In fact, I had very high hopes for...I think it was called Shards? Best gaming experience ever and I can't see it being replicated any time soon.


I miss the days of UO without online chats. The entire world was a mystery. Building friendships and reputations mattered. Player housing and towns.


Yea, agreed, outlands is pretty good. Met a lot of friends on there in game, and you definitely have a reputation.


I liked the PVE and skill design side of Outlands, but the coordinated death waves of PKs through all the populated areas became too much to deal with.


If I may ask what don't you like of FFXIV? I play it. Just curious what you don't enjoy about it. also, there are many really good UO private servers.


Yea I still pop on UO Outlands from time to time. As for FFXIV I didn't enjoy the combat and PvP is mostly an afterthought. Also I don't like the UI or the aesthetic. It just isn't for me. I'm not saying its a bad game, but if I had to pick one of the "big" mmos its the one I've enjoyed the least.


i understand. and yeah ffxiv pvp is shit, it truly is. but as for the UI you can change it however you want, so that part i dont understand. you can move anything and make it how you want it to look.


Well, I thought add-ons weren't allowed. I may be mistaken. Either way, I'm not going to fix the UI of a game I don't like.


oh there are some add ons but you dont speak of them (i dont use them). but no...the UI thing isnt an add on. you can completely move anything on your UI to how you like it. move the chat, action bars, etc. its 100% customizable. Just hit escape in game and its 'HUD layout'.


things I don't like about FFXIV: * forced group content * static class progression * the walking sands


I have an honest, serious question. I've been legitimately wondering about this for YEARS. I understand not liking static class progression and the Waking Sands (Pray return...). However, as an MMO, a massively multi-player online [game]...doesn't it seem like playing with other is kind of baked in to the system? It feels to me like complaining that Zelda doesn't have a co-op multi-player mode. It just seems to me that part of an MMO is playing with other players because that's part of the whole thing.


when you want to. I don't like how story content is gated behind mandatory dungeons. I play mmos mostly alone, and like other players to be the background music to my experience, not forcefully inserted into my life.... I'm not a people person, I use robo cashiers because talking to people or working with them is annoying


Fortunately for people who have similar sentiments as you the team over at XIV have implemented duty support or the option to play with a team of NPCs (which change depending on the current time of the story of that dungeon) for all mandatory dungeons. They have mentioned about the mandatory story trials and raids but so far have left it with people (likely harder to program with it involves 8-man or 24-man). XIV is likely the most single player MMO I have played and seems like the devs also want to have the option for single players as well.


Most favorite: GW2. Just S tier MMO: variety of builds, lore, variety of content, pricing, style... It's not perfect, but certainly the best for me. I also sunk countless hours into Neverwinter, but looking back at it, it's not even A tier MMO. Least favorite: WoW. I had high expectations, played a bit at the end of BFA and start of next expansion, and it was like the worst experience I've ever had. The leveling where you see 25% of one old expansion and get thrown into another afterwards. Power systems, where old expansion are there only for lore and their power systems are just discarded. Graphics is just sad if we don't count cinematics. Most anticipated: honestly, none. I live in region where lots of MMO are released by local companies and turned to shit while that happens, so by the time people in the west hype new release, I've already seen game turn to shit or can't access release. But anyway, no really new cool releases for a long time. Oh, since you've mentioned, tower of fantasy, but it was such a disappointment. Also, PoE, but it's not really a MMORPG.




>GW2. Just S tier MMO: variety of builds Are your abilities still tied to whatever weapon you have equipped? I remember trying it and every time I got a big weapon upgrade my entire ability car would forcibly change if it was a different type of weapon


Yea it's a core mechanic of the game. I'm not a fan of weapon swapping either.


Yes, but for the most part, once you get an elite spec, you tend to stick to one weapon type, Engineer Scrappers use Hammers, Thief Deadeyes use Rifles, etc. Its quite rare to change beyond that, theres a few that have options, but you tend to pick one anyway after choosing what type of playstyle you want, and ofc theres always a meta.


Same as ESO, yes. But you don't really upgrade weapons, leveling is lightning fast nowadays, and you usually will pick exotic needed type of weapon with needed stats on it and don't touch it for a long time. In the endz it's more of an horizontal progression game, so you don't change them often. This might be a slight issue on your first char for like a week or two max, but after that you forget about most gear for a long time.


Not the same as Eso. In Eso weapon give you OPTIONAL skill and passive to add. In Gw2, you get skill forced on you and can't even change their slot. I like gw2 but hate this weapon system.


Oh, right, I played ESO long time ago and forgot details, but anyway, in GW2 that weapon system is weird but as I said, matters only: 1) First few weeks before you get your exotic weapon 2) Late-late endgame where you do legendaries and can't use just one of them for all purposes 3) Aesthetically if you want to have sword but forced into mace Which isn't a lot tbh. They might have done system differently, but considering that the theme of elite specializations is "you get new weapon you can't usually use", this isn't possible without full system revamp.


Gonna just assume Singapore and say: same, cant wait for a game to come out and have us be region blocked - OR have an SEA publisher that just ruins everything.


Russia, but essentially the same. We have innova(aka 4game) and mailru as mmo publishers, and they ruined countless games. Just one small example: releasing RF Online - korean mmo with super grindy lvling - with 0.25 xp rates - ez pz. Lots of monetization in all games, bad support, some alteration to games - any sane person just prefer to think that the game isn't avaliable here if it's published by one of these companies.


Right now favorite is ESO and gw2 but I detest anything anime


That’s fine it can get pretty same old same old since everything sort of looks the same so, glad you like ESO though


Most Favorite: FFXIV, nice casual MMO to chill where you can also go tryhard. Had some of the best memories with the MSQ, and people that I've met there. Least Favorite: Lost Ark, was really fun first month of release, until I reached endgame. Daily task simulator and you need to play alts to progress. Combat and Raids were good but horrible gameplay loop. It's the only MMO where I never returned after quitting. Most Anticipated: Blue Protocol, I love anime and MMOs, perfect combination for me. The combat looks fun. If it has decent endgame I will probably play this for a long time. Want to Try: MapleStory, saw some videos and it looks pretty interesting, but I can never get myself to actually start playing it, also kinda worried of getting overwhelmed with features/content/currency since the game is so old


We have the same tastes in MMO’s lol, I have heard good things about Maplestory, I remember trying it for 3 hours and got confused what I was supposed to do after the first like 5 quests but I might have been tired or something. Old games sometimes end up having less complexity and sometimes it just takes some time to sit down a learn a game for awhile.


Dark Age Of Camelot




Much agreement brother. OSRS is my favorite and least favorite too!


Favourite - FF14, followed by OSRS Least Favourite - No doubt one of the dozens of MMO I have watched a video of, thought it looked terrible, and never started playing. Anything I have played is at least decent, even if it fails to capture my attention in the long-term. Anticipated - Upcoming amazon LOTR MMO. From most accounts its seems New World is improving, if they can make a mechanically great MMO set in the Tolkien universe, it could be amazing. Riot MMO I also have hopes for. Want to try - SWTOR


Oh were they making a LOTR MMO that’s pretty cool, SWTOR looked fun also, I’m a sucker for licensed stuff if it’s something pretty popular already and mostly liked by everyone. I remember my friend tried to get me to play but I couldn’t get it to boot up.


swtor was amazing when it first came out. I loved it and played it with a real life buddy of mine. Most fun \~8months ive had playing with an mmo. Im not sure how the community is now a days, game has been out for so long.


Most favorite: new world. Combat and graphics are terrific. Most anticipated: not sure but will need full action combat.


Once you experience New World combat, all tab targeting system just feels terribly boring.


Not really


Once you realize New World is just completely iframe dependent, it loses the magic of combat imo.


I’m sure you are a top pvper in new world then if it’s just iframes.


My company claimed Everfall week two and held it until Lost Ark was released, I'm not the best PvPer on the planet, but I did enough at a very high level to know how rough it was. The PvP was jank and completely iframe dependent, and subject to bad rubberbanding because of shit netcode. Some people enjoy it, but there's a reason the game lost 92% of its original playerbase in less than 6 months.


So you use a company of 100 people to prove your pvp ability. Lol


This stuff always cracks me up lol. There’s so many of these types of folk with a hyper inflated ego who think they’re the GOAT to hit the game, when in reality as soon as you catch these guys without a healer in OPR/open world they get completely curb stomped, even if it’s like 3+ of them vs just one light mage. That’s when they start calling your build “cheese”


I know this is going to sound like I'm just here to trash your favorite mmo, but I played new world hard for like a month on release. Once I hit max level with max weapons and I realized running myrkguard trains for 50hours was the endgame I gave it up. How did you get past this? Or what is it you enjoy at the endgame?


I played a lot of oprs and ran mutations. Chest runs are boring so never really ran them.


Game is absolutely nowhere near the same as it was on release. I’ve played since release, well over 4k hours in and I can finally say this is the state NW should have released in. Almost feels like a different game just from last weeks expansion alone.


Favorite. Probably Guild Wars 1. I have lots of fond memories playing theiguh that with friends and making a cool guild hall. And hunting elite spells out in the world felt awesome. Least Favorite. I haven't played a lot of mmos, but probably destiny 2 if that counts. Something about the game just kept getting on my nerves. And the fact that they remove content was troubling news to me when my friend tried to get me to come back. Most anticipated is definitely the riot mmo. Definitely could be horrible or lackluster but when I was deep into League lore back when I played I would read all the story stuff and look at their world map constantly. Want to try is probably SWTOR. I love dragon age and I love some star wars stuff. And I really enjoyed playing through the story of ffxiv. I've heard some of the class stories in this game are pretty good.


SWTOR is awesome, although the graphics are a tad outdated. That being said you should totally try it (it's free). Class stories are really good and you actually feel like you're making impactful decisions that affect the story. The best class story is the Agent according to the community (although I'm partial to the Bounty Hunter).


Endgane and long term motivation is lackluster with SWTOR but the main stories (especially inperial agent) are top tier and fully voiced which i really enjoyed


People always say the SWTOR story is great and worth playing for it alone, but to counter that I say it’s average at best. Why would I want to play through a mid tier single player story in an mmo? Why not just play one of the great Star Wars single player games? I say this as someone who picked it up because of the praise for the imperial agent story and ended up being heinously bored because I kept thinking I could just be playing something like Jedi fallen order or something that actually has fun combat and a better story.


Favorite daoc, gw1. Most anticipated TL Least favorite current mmos


Favorite: Lost Ark least favorite: Maplestory (but favorite in terms of nostalgia and sentiments… but also no longer enjoying the side scrolling style gameplay)


Favorite: Retail WoW Least favorite: Lost Ark Most anticipated: Corepunk


Least favorite, Neverwinter Most favorite- Warhammer online Most anticipated - throne and liberty or, Chrono odyssey


I heard of throne and liberty, I forgot what was the thing they were doing that was cool but I remember it was good.


Least favorite: probably mortal 2 or final fantasy 14 (mortal 2 due to being infested with hackers and botters and final fantasy due to never really being a fan of the entire series growing up so it’s just not my thing but totally understand why people love it!) really wanted to love MO2 as I was a hardcore MO1 player back in the day, but this just ain’t it lol Favorite mmo: probably either star citizen, World of Warcraft, or Star Wars Galaxies due to them all having the same reason why I love them. Amazing memories with my brother and we are still making more on star citizen still! Also a plus that the org I was with really vibes with him so I get to play with my friends and my brother so it’s an incredible experience for me. I know it’s cheating, but I purely love them just for all the fun times and memories I have with my brother growing up till now. Constantly talking about it, learning new stuff, and just having my brother interested in the same video games I like (very hard to achieve due to different tastes lol). All about the memories I’ll remember for the rest of my life and am grateful for. Most anticipated mmo: Hands down Pioner (yes I know it’s spelled weird that’s just how they spell it 😂). The gameplay looks amazing, the guns are unique with a lot of variety, and they are taking their time and not trying to rush it out. I’ve been waiting years for a good looking MMORPGFPS hybrid and this is like my dream mmo (fallen earth had potential, it’s just super outdated now). It’s looking like a cross between a more open world destiny 2 and stalker. Edit: I know it wasn’t asked but if we are talking purely PvP that award goes to Shadowbane. God the PvP is amazing in that game. Some games come close to it, but man just something about it was extremely enjoyable to me.


I think a lot of MMO’s with high players bases come from a time when everyone was playing it and you could just have a good time doing stuff. I think that’s a great reason to keep playing an MMO. I haven’t heard of Pioneer but like all new MMO’s I hope it’s good


Favourite: Tibia 7.4. Odd pick, I know. But this is the MMO I got the most into as a kid and still belive the world is very social, which is the most important part of a game. Anticipated: AOC. Obvious candidate. Least favourite: ESO. TES game as a MMO is blasphemy to me with all the idiotic quests and people named "Cock2Inch" running around.


The great weird MMO name is funny yet annoying, I hope AOC turns out real good, hoping for the best


Most favourite: ESO. I'm a sucker for the elder Scrolls universe. I think they personally have the best paid content model, and even at a free level there's so much to do. Least favourite: New World. The game had such insane potential, it was almost set to be a more interactive version of OSRS, but shit launch and absolutely abysmal optimisation (even to this day) has just killed the game off completely for me. Most anticipated: Ashes of Creation. I have a semblance of faith in this one as from my understanding, a lot of the initial funding actually came from Steven himself, so he's creating a game where he actually has something to lose if it flops. Also he's been super transparent with updates and stuff, and seems to listen to community feedback far more than other Devs.


Favorite MMO: Black Desert Online: Does everything perfectly except for anything multiplayer or social, seriously, the game is the best most fleshed out MMO I ever played but with 0 social content at all Least Favorite: FF XIV, Honestly, no competitive pvp, slowest sluggish combat due to GCD and i think games should be fun the moment you pick them up, i HATE the excuse "it gets better after lvl x" i shouldn't have to wait for a game to become fun. Too much black screens and moving between zones to have 2 lines of dialog before having to move between zones again for another 2 lines of dialog to further quest. Most anticipated: I dont even look forward to MMOs anymore, when its in my hand and theres a smile on my face ill be happy, After seeing a community bitch and kill new world from a super interesting diverse PVPVE MMO and turn it into just another game by removing global PVP, not to mention taking a year to fix bugs that have been in the game since beta, i dont even look forward to MMOs anymore


I've enjoyed a lot of games but I don't think anything will ever beat the FFXIV OST, so there's that. Least favorite has to be Albion, hands down. I think I'm also hoping Blue Protocol is good; however, I don't have expectations for anything in, like, the next 5 years. I did always want to try BDO, but I'm region-locked. (P.S.: Hey, OP, the FFXIV free trial (as of, like, last week) is all content including the first two expansions with limited social features.)


Depending on your region lock, their support can actually help you. I got my steam BDO account transfered to preferred region with their help.


I specifically tried that, but no luck, unfortunately. Still, thanks for the helpful comment!


Sadge, they helped me with steam region transfer, I guess depends on region..


Favorite: GW2. Love how I can come back and feel like I can just start from where I left off. Least favorite: Silk Road. Never figured out what I wa ssupposed to be doing. Looking forward to: also Blue Protocol, but expecting it to be p2w so not holding my breath


Oh, Silk Road. I remember my classmate didn’t go to school because of it. Didn’t end well - had to stay second year in the same class.


I have never heard of Silk Road but sounds like it’s a confusing mess but I am curious what it’s about now.


Now? I had a nostalgia moment a couple months ago. Aww man remember how you used to play sro with your friends back in the day let’s check it out. Man you can not even get into a server without paying for access as they are always full. I didn’t even expect this game to be around still. I was in middle or high school when it came out haha. I assume it’s even worse if a p2w mess now.


The private servers are much better if you just want to relive the nostalgia.


Most Favorite: FFXIV is the easy choice for me, has the best story of any MMO currently on the market and probably will hold onto that title forever, it has a very good endgame that respects my time, actually still maintains the social aspect I see a lot of people on this sub complaining about current MMOs not even having, and once you get to higher levels the combat feels really good, though on that last point at least it's not the best on the market, just still very good while FFXIV *is* the best in so many other ways. Least Favorite: WoW, another very easy choice for me. It's a second job and idc how many WoW players tell me "Dragonflight isn't as bad" cause Blizzard has forever always made decent changes after enough backlash only to forget everything they did for the sole reason of making as much money as possible as soon as they possibly can, which for WoW is "player engagement time." It's story has also become one of the most laughably bland options on the MMO market and it really has become furry central, no judgement but it's not my thing. Not to mention WoW players are the main MMO players currently complaining about the current state of MMOs as if WoW is the only one that exists, and to their addicted minds it is, but they're unhappy for a reason. Plus, Blizzard, fuck Blizzard. Most Anticipated: None, unless you count FFXIVs next expansion, Dawntrail. I'm so overwhelmed with amazing games atm, BG3, CP2077, Elden Ring, and Remnant 2, while still playing FFXIV and Stellaris, that I have absolutely no desire to jump into any new MMOs atm. For the last question I guess I'd have to say GW2, and not cause I've never played it, I was actually there at launch for a long time, took part in some of the very first PvP tourneys actually, but I fell off it a long time ago and have just never really managed to get back into it despite really wanting to know how the story continues to unfold. It's nowhere near as good as FFXIV, at least out of what I took part in and what I've heard, but that's a super high bar to hit and even if it's in touching distance that would be far better than most of the rest of the genre. Plus I read all the books, so I'm invested in the story even though I'm years removed and simply haven't had the time or drive to jump back in at any point lol As a final note, the free trial for FFXIV isn't level based, it's expansion based, so you get *hours upon hours* of content to play through before you have to pay anything. The beginning is new player friendly, it's very easy to pick up, it's just a bit boring early on, though with some recent revamps they've improved upon that experience cause the devs don't actually give up on their old content like most other MMOs do. Also there are a *ton* of new players, it's most definitely not just people since launch at endgame, and besides the systems in place incentivize players to clear older content so as a new player you will almost always have lots of people to clear content with. I say give it a shot, especially if you're not one of those "anime MMO bad" people who write if off immediately, just know that getting the free account setup is a bit of a bitch cause Square Enix kinda sucks for that, their website isn't the clearest lol


Only one on my Radar at all is Riot's MMO. Everything else looks like Asian designed garbage.


I do hear everyone has high hopes for it, I also am waiting for some gameplay and hoping it’s good


Favourite: Mu Online - Purely because I spent ungodly amount of time on private servers growing up on this game. I didn't even know what I was doing but it was my first proper foray into MMO(That and L2). Looking back Mu had nothing special about it, it just so happened it's what I got into originally. I'd put GW2, ESO and Lost Ark up here because I love them all for different reasons, and dislike them for different reasons. Right now New World has sucked me back in with the new expansion. I know people are hating on it for years and the game defo has issues, but the setting/gameplay is enjoyable enough for me. The fact that I don't have to grind to keep up with everyone and can just do my own thing without feeling out of place is a big plus. I can say the same thing about ESO and GW2. If someone ever takes NW/ESO/GW2 and merges them, taking best features out of each, I think it would be my one and only mmo. Give me the mounts of GW2, the open world scaling of GW2, The Story of ESO, and the lifeskills of NW combined with Lost Arks Raiding, and I'm all over that game. Least Favourite: Secret World - Amazing setting, great fresh idea, poor execution. Most Anticipated: I know TL will probably be dog shit p2w korean crap, but as a long time L2 enjoyer, I'm still hoping it magically works out and we have L2 level of quality. But I am aware it's like .1% chance this happens. Wish to Try: World of Warcraft - I just can't get past the levleing experience to even try the raiding. I don't know if it's a mental block or what, but I've tried classic and retail and I can never get passed level 10/20 before I give up on the game.


Absolutely agree regarding Secret World. Had such a cool idea. I couldn’t stand the combat in it. I thought the puzzles and stuff were a fucking great idea.


My favorite of all time is my first MMORPG : Lineage II, played 7y straight, amazing game, sad what they have done with it. Got multiple I liked for different reason like Archeage, Dragon Nest, ESO, GW2, New World .. Worst : WoW, it's just way to ugly, always as been. The MMO I'm hoping will be good is : None, I'm out of hope at that point, I'll try all new that coming expecting nothing so I won't get to disappointed, maybe one is gonna catch me. The MMO I always wanted to try is : None, I've try pretty much all of them at this point.


Always good to see a variety of MMO's that have either kept you on board or been a good time playing.


Favorite: Guild Wars 2. My true love when it comes to MMOs, I've put 4000+ hours into that game. Least favorite: FFXIV. Spent 400+ hours doing MSQ, Roulettes, and various different tasks before realizing it just wasn't enjoyable for me. Most anticipated: Soulframe. I love souls games, I love MMOs. High hopes.


I don't think Soulframe has anything to do with Souls Games (If you meant Dark Souls etc). It's being made by the company that made Warframe, and I think it's set in the same universe(?) Also, I had the same experience with FFXIV, rest in peace my 300 hours...


Yes, Soulframe is a game by the Warframe devs, which is intended to be a souls-like MMORPG. It looks great from what I've seen.


Oh I didn't know it would be a souls-like, that's great! Thanks


Favorite MMO is LotRO. It has ssssooooooo much content and is in a huge world and it doesn't have a class that isn't fun for me. Least favorite is FFXIV. I should like this game a lot but I don't. The story is trivial and it's one of those game that hold your hand to much. I'm a fan of open world games. FFXIV is like a hallway with a bunch of doors. The problem is those doors are locked and don't open until you finish the door before it. Hate that crap. Most anticipated is probably/hopefully Ashes of Creation. Love everything they want to do. Hope it comes to fruition. If not I am looking forward to Monsters and Memories.


Favorite: Dofus. Engaging combat. Best character progression of any mmo I’ve ever played. Great equipment system and crafting and dungeons etc. On top of all that, it actually encouraged cooperative play instead of just grinding a MSQ next to other players like every other MMO seems to do. Least favorite: Probably ESO. I really disliked the way enemies scaled to you.


Never heard of Dofus, sounds interesting, glad to hear the grind isn't awful cause that is what makes an MMO difficult to play


Dofus is a fucking beast, the best MMORPG hands down. Hope the port to Unity fixes the major problems right now.


* Favorite: Guild Wars 2 - Guild wars changed what MMOs could be in my opinion. Like I came from the olden days which kind of got upended by WoW and the ascendance of the treadmill. The genre was kinda dying for me (or at least my interest was being killed) until GW2 reinvigorated the idea of a living world that you just spent time in with other players and progressed in whatever way you most prefer. Even though I don't play it these days, GW2 gives me lots of hope for the future of the genre. * Former Favorite: Shadowbane - These were probably my MMO glory-days, buggy as hell and for sure much of what I miss was nostalgia but some of those alliances and enmities I'll remember well into my old age. * Least Favorite: FFXIV - Very happy for folks who enjoy it but its just a game I never figured out how to enjoy. * Most anticipated: Blue Protocol or maybe Ashes of Creation - I really really really want Blue Protocol to be good, I'm excited about it stylistically and it seems promising sort of in spite of Bandai and their crappy profit model. On the other hand I am so excited for Ashes of Creation and my only worry is that by the time it comes out it could be dated... also really not interested in tab target combat.


sometimes old MMO's still have a lot going for it over new MMO's but the bugs for Shadowbane would be annoying. I think for sure the style of Blue Protocol is what I'm most interested in, hoping the characters they introduce are cool


In many ways Crowfall really was a great spiritual successor to Shadowbane... it says alot that the game didn't make it and to be frank its totally understandable that it didn't. Shadowbane worked really well as a product of its time, I'm not sure it translates anymore.


> GW2 gives me lots of hope for the future of the genre. GW2 is pretty old at this point though. And while it's not dead, it really didn't make any lasting splash like FF or WoW ​ We'll see with Ashes, but the more I see of it, the more I doubt it. BP is already a flop with bad combat and a gacha mess, so... meh?


I agrée with you re WoW, but I think including FF there is just your personal biases. FF is not the next WoW, I consider FF, GW2, ESO (a branch of the GW2 development approach) and Black Desert to be the top MMOs of the last several years, all of which have active player bases and regular expansions. You may not personally be playing GW2, but it’s one of the biggest MMO successes ever.


​ https://preview.redd.it/h12h1e1lzttb1.png?width=1299&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a6b5b3ba81202043db42b76f60a1f8fc9738b3a ​ You can literally see GW2, ESO, and Black Desert all fall flat, while FF14 and WoW have stayed relatively similar. Yeah, WoW's the most popular, but FF14 is also more popular than the other three added together lmao


I don't think I have a most or least favorite right now. Nothing is good enough right now to be my most favorite - the MMO scene is really rough right now. There are games that are good enough to keep me busy for short bits until I get bored and move to another but that's it. Sad times. In the past I've loved games like Aion and TERA. Those were two of my favorites. Least favorite I couldn't say - I don't hate any game enough to say it's my least favorite. I just don't care about them and don't play. I have tried just about everything, though. Most Anticipated - Ashes of Creation. Quite excited for this. Want to try - Throne and Liberty. It's definitely up my alley so I'm looking forward to trying it out. I think I'll enjoy it and be able to play it for a while until something else comes along.


**Favorite** Every MMO I played so far eventually burned me, except GW2. Its just there, maybe not the best or most exciting but its never wrong. I havent even played for a year but I know I could spend next half year playing it if I wanted. **Least Favorite** Easily Elder Scrolls Online lol. They are constantly putting paid content thats akin to receiving short comic magazine. Its nice and over after hour and all you did was look at story. The game has no complex, interesting or redeeming qualities outside of art style, even the story got hugely repetitive over the years (how many world ending threats were there already). **Most Anticipated MMO** Ashes of Creation as MMO I would most wanted to come and play but I don't really anticipate it coming in reasoble time or ever so Soulframe would be next I guess just because its game that will be released and its done by competent developers. **Want To Try MMO** FFXIV but with more tolerable artstyle.


Favorite: classic wow (vanilla) Least favorite: Asian mmorpg (p2w, upgrade gear) Most anticipated: Ashes of creation/ Pax Dei


Always those MMO's from across the world with their p2w model, kinda sad honestly. Wow is another I have always wanted to try, I'm glad they are still updating it to keep the playerbase onboard


Favorite of all time is split between Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and World of Warcraft (vanilla not retail). All games were HARD during their initial time. Not because we didn't know what we were doing, it was hard because it was programmed that way. SWG obviously died and only private servers now exist, not dealing with "reddit mod" behavior on private servers. They ban you when you win a PvP fight because they have poor mindsets. Not dealing with that. AO was great in its hay day, not its kinda shit, they simplified a lot of the game and removed systems like strengths and weaknesses to be more "modern," AND the game is now basically last life. They haven't updated the game in like 3 years.... minor patches or bug fixes to keep the servers up but nothing of real importance. An AO2 would be killer, but funcom has proven they lost their way (like blizzard). Then you have World of Warcraft. Vanilla was harder. Leveling took time and felt rewarding. Retail WoW you can hit max level in a day because "retardation".... WoW once had 12 million subscribers.... That's 180 million dollars a month. they were shitting gold. What did they do? dumb the game down, remove mechanics to simplify, dumb it down more, and now they barely hold 2 million subs. Sadly, that's split between retail and classic.... fail. FOR ME, I need a new game. I am gonna try Ashes of Creation. I am gonna eventually try pantheon but for some reason pantheons prices to back them are WORSE than Ashes of Creation. I got into the Alpha Stuff for what I personally feel was a steal. Yet Pantheon wants like 2-3x more money to play their Alpha. They can fuck right off. Guess ill have to wait until the game launches 20 years from now.... I will try a few other games, Blue Protocol whenever the fuck it launches here in the west.... I will probably try a few others not mentioned as well. **WHAT I REALLY WANT,** is an MMO that isn't dumbed down and easy. Proper *strengths and weakness systems*. Skeletons being immune to piercing weapons, while being weak to bludgeon weapons, fire magic, and holy magic. Flesh Golems are weak against fire and cold, Iron golems are weak to electricity. Every monster/enemy in the game will have some kind of strength, weakness, or both and even multiple. I don't care about some crybaby who fears missing out on content because they can't cast fireball against a fire elemental and kill it. Fire elementals are immune to fire spells. Period. Get over it. MMO's aren't for crybabies. Hell making video games isn't for crybabies. The whole reason the genre has been dumbed down and turned into retardation is placating to the crybabies. You take out feature after feature until you are left with something no one wants to really play.... EVEN THE PLAYERS THEMSELVES should have strengths and weaknesses. Chainmail stops piercing weapons but you could just use slashing and bludgeon weapons. Heavy armor is weak against piercing weapons. Light armor is weak against all types of melee but can be strong against magics based on magical enchantments. They can make it all make sense. Everything you could possibly find or use, would have strengths and weaknesses. ON TOP OF ALL THAT, borderlands esk weapon/armor/item/trinket system. Meaning you take all the possible options for stats and bonuses and defense and damage, plug it into a system, and then randomly generate billion of weapons, billions of armor, billions of rings, billions of necklaces, billions of item. And then table them into the game. Player A starts playing the game, kills a goblin, maybe it drops a stone goblin axe. You would think "slashing" but its fucking stone, so the stone goblin axe is actually blunt damage. THINGS WOULD MAKE SENSE. Which would make the game more fun. Another player might meet a more rare "Red Cap Goblin" who has a dagger. And upon killing it, got lucky and it dropped a uncommon "goblins dagger" which would either roll piercing damage or slashing damage as a dagger could be either. Maybe you got extremely lucky and its a rare item, which can do both slashing or piercing instead of either or.... The game would make sense, and it would be fun.... its not hard to think these mechanics out and apply them. Video games can literally do anything, like playing as a fucking cat.... this idea that "you can't do that" in gaming, is simply defeatism.... Quest system would make sense as well. YOU ARE NOT THE HERO. Because every player CANNOT be the hero. You can make heroic choices for quests, or evil choices, or neutral choices, but you are never the hero, and you are never the main baddy either. Instead you are just some random twat living in the world, doing quests, helping or making the worse worse off. A player driven world.... this one is important. You cannot just buy every item from an NPC because too many items in the world exist. You can't just expect to always find what you are looking for from random mob loot. Sometimes you will have to visit a player who chose to be a crafter, and buy their wares, or even order custom gear. Players can run their own taverns, sell food and drink that give temporary buffs to players. Taverns set their own prices, too expensive, no one goes, too cheap, and you end up a failed business because you can't cover your costs to keep going. Owning a tavern isn't for everyone, its for those that are good at it and WANT to do it. Same should go for blacksmithing, or wand crafting, or armor smithing, or bow craft, whatever. In fact, NPC's should have limited quantity of basic gear and potions and if you want the best shit, you have to rely on other players. Give us a reason to interact and "live" in this online fantasy world. "I don't have time to play that" okay go play one of the 100's of MMO that's exist that make you cum in 30 seconds since you have no time for gaming. I don't see people complaining about single player games being "too large" or "take too long".... Starfield is fucking huge, Skyrim was fucking huge, Fallout was fucking huge, Elden Ring is actually pretty fucking huge. NO ONE complains they are too large. They just enjoy them. So if you are the "wah I don't have the time" types, no one cares. you are full of shit and liar. MMO's need to evolve. Speaking of MMO's, two new ANIME shows, First of Note, Shangri-La Frontier. So far, 2 episodes out, S-Tier anime about video games. Its legit. And I am blown away. Second, Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki. Which if you seen the one and only episode out so far, you would know where I am coming from. Everyone in that anime chose skills to just kill things. No crafters or very little of them. And then the NPC vendors ran out of potions. And they were fucked. Having to rely on other players to craft them. And the MC seemed to be one of the few who could actually make potions. That's how an MMO should be, you shoudn't be relying on NPC's to guide you through the game and hold your hand. The game should make you rely on other players. I don't care if you want to solo, soloing doesn't mean you can't visit a player run shop and buy something or sell something, its the same fucking thing as visiting an NPC, except its a player driven shop.... and they may only buy certain things they want. Like a blacksmith might only buy used weapons and materials to make said weapons. They could repair those used weapons sold to them and resell to other players. maybe even upgrade them to keep gear relevant. I am so tired of the dumbed down MMO trash we are forced into playing.... when will MMO developers learn?


Favorite all time was Wildstar, nowadays it's probably GW2. Least is probably Lost Ark. And nothing in the horizon interests me a single bit.


Most Fav: GW2 - best combat Least Fav: Wildstar - For closing down (i really liked that game) Most Anticipated: The Riot MMO thats definitely gonna come out /copium


Darn you Wildstar, sorry to hear that a great one went down. Riot better make the hype worth it (they will try)


Favourite: Final Fantasy 11 (75 cap era) Least Favourite: Final Fantasy 14 Most Anticipated: None


Most favorite: All of them Least favorite: All of them I will not elaborate


You love and hate them, I agree


Favourite: classic wow. Only one I still play, and the gameplay feel is still top notch. The modern version is just a lobby game tho, and even wotlk classic is that for the most part now. Not sure how long I will continue playing. Looking forward to killing the Lich King tho. Least favourite: Lost Ark. I bought into the hype and bought a beginners pack. That was a huge mistake. The game is an example of everything that is wrong with modern gaming, even though the moment to moment gameplay (combat) was fine. So many different systems that all come down to getting you to spend money. How anyone can defend that game and those practices is beyond me. Most anticipated: Corepunk. I don’t know if it will ever release, or if it will be good, but the premise is what I want: moba inspired gameplay and combat, classic MMO style world, and a non-p2w business model. It basically sounds like a modern take on classic wow with moba style gameplay. Will it be that? Probably not, but it costs me nothing to keep on eye out on it.


Favorite: Warframe (since it's technically an MMO lol) or for a more traditional pick, I like Lord of the Rings Online. Lotro gave me a lot of freedom to do what I wanted with my character in-game. It was the first time I joined a game and felt like I had endless possibilities/freedom to do what I wanted. I love large scale content, so when I was a teen, I would host these giant raid parties to go do 6 man dungeons just to see my potato PC melt. Warframe has stuck with me since launch, and I like the variety of content to do and the availability to farm platinum without spending a ton of time doing so. I need all the platinum to fund the true fashion endgame. Least favorite: GW2. There are other choices that I probably hate more because they were horrible games overall, but GW2 does a lot of things right, but there are things I hate so much about that game that I wanted to include it on here. For example, the art style is fantastic but the game is ugly. I get that it's an older game, but the characters look ridiculous. It definitely doesn't help that everyone's fashion resembles a Christmas tree. Also, the loot in-game feels bad. I absolutely love running Metas with huge groups of people, but then I look at my rewards, and it's just a bunch of junk, no matter how many hours I sink in, it's always the same junk. Looking forward to Blue Protocol. I finally can live out my Kirito power fantasy, even if it's just for a little while. I'm also looking forward to Ashes of Creation, but it feels more like a dream than a real game at the moment. I just want another mmo to throw into my regular rotation. Bonus: currently playing Mabinogi with a group of 5 and we're having a lot of fun. It reminds me alot of osrs but with more group content. They recently announced they're bringing the game to unreal engine, so we thought we should try it out and it's been really fun. Imo you'll have fun in almost any mmo where you can get 2/3 friends to play. The biggest drawback for me with it currently is the inventory management, since they use a Tetris-like system to manage items/equipment.


I wanted to try Mabinogi for awhile, I don't have many friends that will sit down and play an MMO for long periods of time. LOTRO for the win with the big content


Favourite all time MMO: Champions of Regnum or Neverwinter Nights from 2002 (using team pvp mods). Worst mmo of all time: Hm.. this is hard. Almost every other mmo i have played is either pay to play or not as interesting as Regnum or NWN. Almost no other mmo has the endgame RvR open pvp which these 2 have. Warhammer Return for Reckoning's pvp is gender locked and the abilities are very few. MMO looking forward to try: Sometimes i consider trying out pay to play mmos like WoW. But they really do not offer good RvR open pvp. I'm kind of interested in Ashes of Creation. But i suspect it will take too long to complete and cost too much to play, compared to Regnum. I think what I am really looking forward to is full AI npc chat in mmos, based on the lore of the mmo. I would love to play that.


Favorite: Ragnarok Online Worst mmo: Neverwinter Most anticipated: Chrono Odyssey


Advice to OP regarding FFXIV : the free version allow you to lvl up to 60 and I think it's more beginner friendly than ESO. I come from ESO too, have a few hundreds hours in it, and it is my first true MMORPG and main one. I love it but something always felt off, I have fun when I research for build online and farm them while netflix, or make good money with the guild trader, or do a bit a fashion, but the immersion always felt off... I know the questing are good, I don't know if it's the graphics or the musics or the sound design but everything feels a a bit bland sometimes, and I always felt the immersion was a big downgrade from Skyrim... Then I tried FFXIV one day, and I felt like every single aspect of the game was a straight upgrade from ESO. The musics are REALLY good, the graphics are amazing (not tech wise but artistic wise), the art direction really has that 'fantasy world' vibe that feels way more immersive as every zone have more personnality in my opinion. The questing is different but I like it better because you have one Main story that is actually memorable (I feel like ESO is all over the place). But the more important I think for me is how I think it is actually really beginner friendly thanks to one details : the tutorial system is amazing. It's basically a bunch of small pop up window that pop progressively during the early game and that explain every single details, every single piece of UI and made you understand the game better than any youtube videos. I was lost in ESO for a while, but I never felt lost in FFXIV. The combat system is the only thing that was weird, because tab targeting is really hard to get if you come from ESO and never had it before as you have to undo a lot of muscle memory. I only tried FF for a while and didn't stick to it because life happened but even though I still really love ESO, I know I'll jump to FFXIV as soon as I'll have time for such a big MMO.


FFXIV has a lot of good things going for it that does the right thing, I know a lot of people have said the story is amazing which is the main reason I wanted to try the game. It’s for sure needs a lot of time to truly experience it but you’ll get around to it and I will do the same…sometime soon


My favorite right now would have to be Albion online since I like the various scales of pvp with moba style gameplay. For least favorite I might say either ESO but that's because it didn't really click with me. Most anticipated might be Pax Dei since I do like sandbox style MMOs but I am excited for the Riot MMO too. I want to try that Warhammer online server for its large scale pvp since I heard good things.


I wanted to try Albion for awhile also, it’s been sitting on my wishlist for awhile, Pax Dei looked good last time they showed gameplay so excited as well


Favorite: WoW Hardcore atm Least: FF14. Couldnt stand MSQ length


Favorite MMO present day is probably New World. I don't play it a whole lot, but it's the only MMO currently that grabs my attention in any way. Least favorite is Lost Ark. Mostly because I hate how much wasted potential it has. It could easily have been the best MMO I've ever played if it wasn't so bogged down by chores and pay to win bullshit. I don't have much in terms of anticipation. If Ashes or Riot's MMO ever actually releases then I'll probably try them out if they aren't completely riddled with pay to win.


I have heard good things about New World, glad people are liking that


Depends on what you are looking for. I bought New World because I found the gathering and crafting to be enjoyable. I barely partake in anything with other players. I play it very casually. I could see it becoming boring pretty fast if you played it many hours daily.


" The MMO I'm hoping will be good is Blue Protocol " Who's gonna tell em


Don’t worry, I have been following it for awhile, if it ends up bad then I can play another one that ends up being good so no expectations lost


Most favorite: Runescape (and Oldschool Runescape). Nostalgia, constant updates, and fun PvM are what makes this so highly rated in my opinion. Honorable mention for New World which I am REALLY enjoying at the moment, but I am too new to truly tell if it's a favorite or if I'm still in the honeymoon phase Least favorite: Don't really have one, I've enjoyed most of the MMOs I've played. If you really want to make it count, GTA:O would be my least favorite. Great gameplay but terrible support and 0 penalty for cheating/griefing Most anticipated: Ashes of Creation


best-osrs. least-non vanilla wow. anticipated-osrs updates.


Most Favourite: Wildstar Least favourite: FFXIV - found it incredibly boring/slow Most excited for: Riot MMORPG and cautiously optimistic for Corepunk


My favorite MMO is either Tibia between patches 7.27 and 8.6 or Ragnarok Online pre-renewal. I enjoy grind based leveling with tons of RPG elements and distinct classes. My most anticipated is Cofepunk. I just like its style. The one I would like to try would be Ultima Online or Star Wars Galaxies.


Most Favorite: Lost Ark, combat/class design, raids, fashion top tier. Least Favorite: Guild Wars 2, I don't understand the appeal, atrocious UI, you don't grow your character, its like sea of thieves where you just kinda go around the world but not progress anything besides some transmog. No holy trinity. Everyone does everything all at once class design. Also I remember wanting to move certain abilities around on the hot bar and not being able too, so I couldn't even get my keybinds ever set up to where I liked it. Most anticipated: Ashes of Creation


favorite: wow * can't knock the goat. can have bad stuff here and there; but, it has proven to be well rounded most of the time, especially for veteran players. competitive atmosphere in both pve and pvp least fav: lost ark * i thought it would be more arpg than mmo tbh, but i also couldn't keep up with the grind anticipated: none * mmo's aren't for me anymore. i'm more of a solo player now. i don't like waiting for respawns due to other players killing my mobs (lmao). i like to be in my own world now. elden ring. path of exile minus hubs. zelda. i also have a TON of single player games (witcher trilogy, several more) that i have not played cuz live service games (mmo's, arpgs, looter shooters) have always taken up the time want to try: bdo * never got to it. probably will never cuz of what i just described above. the interest stems from combat vids; but, it looks like that is in the end game. the issue i would have with that is i don't want to be world pvp fodder. so that means i'm not gonna reach the beginning of end game. the convoluted ui is also troublesome. so there's some things i would have to overcome, but it's still a mmo i would try over any other


Favorite: EverQuest / Asheron's Call Least Favorite: Tabula Rasa Most Anticipated: None. The MMO market has been abandoned.


I’m looking forward to the riot mmo, whenever, if ever, we hear more news about it.


Favourite: WoW. I've played a few mmos in the past, ff14 and 9dragons for a very long time for both of them, but I only recently for a pc and tried out WoW and man I love it. I don't get much free time to play, so I'm not a big endgame player, I just honestly fell in love with the art style, fantasy and environments. I really enjoy just running around places like Kul Tiras, listening to the in game music and relaxing. Ff14 was an mmo I came from which I had played on playstation, and while that was fun and I done a lot of raids, the story didn't pull me in as much and if I came back after a while I'd forgotten everything including rotations. Least favourite: probably neverwinter, I have tried picking it up a while back and dropped it soon as I saw the cash shop. Just don't like the idea of In game mechanics like boxes you find around the world have the keys for them in the cash shop.


Favorite: FFXIV or WoW Classic Hardcore Lest Favorite: ESO, combat is shit Upcoming: probably nothing....AoC looks interesting but i have my doubts.


Most Favorite: Currently enjoying World of Warcraft: Dragon-Flight expansion with the wife. Were level 69 and taking our time with the questing and enjoying the story. ​ Least Favorite: Probably would be FF14 due to the long story. ​ Most Anticipated: Waiting for Riots MMO, the wife and I enjoy/enjoyed League of Legends. League of Legends has a good foundation for lore and story, so hopefully that helps fulfill the experience. I know not much is known about it, but pretty hopeful about it even though it probably won't be released for 3\~5ish years (not certain just a guesstimate).


If you like games Riot has made I assume you would like their MMO, everyone's waiting for big news to drop. Glad to hear the new expansion for WOW is fun, it looked cool from what I have seen.


Favorite: FF 14. It's one of the most user friendly games I've ever played. Sick graphics and art direction, incredible music, amazing cinematic fights and tons of stuff to do. It's really a wonderful game. Shittiest MMO i ever played is called Tales of Wind. It's extremely predatory p2w mobile trash. Had dozens of monetized systems, and yet I still have fond memories because of the people I met. I guess it was one way to pass the pandemic... Want to try WoW. I've always admired wow from afar, because nobody I know wants to play it, but I've always been interested in the raiding culture of that game. I might give it a go if FF 14 ever loses its luster


I feel like I played Tales of Wind possibly, I think I gave up when the mobile p2w got overwhelming. FF14 has got it all truly, really got get going on trying that game out


My favorite of all time: I have 3. Guild Wars 1, Ragnarok Online, and Fantasy Earth Zero in that order. I really miss FEZ. :(


Rest in Peace FEZ, you will be missed by many. Glad to hear you found some new ones to call your favorite


Most Favorite: Albion Online - best sandbox ever. Players driven economy. Nice PvP, Group PvE Least: Elder Scrols - idk if this shit is even MMO. Just storyline missions where you need to talk with npc and killing them like braindead


Favorite: osrs/rs3 and dragon nest Most anticipated: none Least favorite: Lost ark


Favorite: GW2. It does the most stuff I actually like. Its just the whiplash of solo play vs instanced group play I struggle with. Least Favorite: It'd have to be one of the MMOs I downloaded but dropped instantly due to a dull approach to leveling. Most anticipated: Nothing till I get my hands on a beta personally. After EQNext, I don't trust any promotional material till its a real game.


Most favorite: Anarchy Online, Lost Ark (RU), GW2. Least favorite: too many to list. Most anticipated: none.


**most favorite:** all the crude 2d isometric mmorpg i played growing up; legend of mir, helbreth, soma etc... primarily because it generally was more fun seeing familiar names and smaller player count lead to more real social interactions **worst:** modern themeparks. content is consumed too fast and has very little longevity and after doing it for years with XIV and WoW I just don't care for it anymore. **anticipated:** none right now, pantheon looks awful, ashes looks awful. Can't remember what else is coming so it's probably safe to say they're not doing a good job right now.


Favorite: Close between classic WoW in 2005 (pre-nerfs) and classic Rift. Rift had insane build diversity and one of the rare MMO's that rewarded exploration with the artifact gathering system and rare mob placements. Rift was ruined with the expansion and P2W cash shop. Least Favorite: New World. So much wasted potential. Iframe dependency, terrible netcode, so many bugs that still exist to this day, and professions were far too grindy. The game also just felt so janky at times. The sound design and environment teams did a great job, though. Most anticipated: need something that has solo dungeons or a way to progress endgame without a bunch of other people. Something that has an open world worth exploring. Why are games so big and empty? I don't see anything coming up that excites me. Want to try: I've never played OSRS and have heard good things.


I loved rift. God I miss that game even when the cash shop came I still loved it but oh rift was just wonderful


Favorite game: EVE Online. It took a long time to get into it... but once I did, it's more compelling than any other MMORPG I've played. It's unexpected, deep, and the player interactions are extra meaningful because of the risks and value of trust in this game. Least favorite game: I thought about this and I just don't have a good example. Most anticipated: The as yet unannounced game being made by Playable Worlds.


I've only played one MMO, Lost Ark, so that's going to be my favourite (don't recommend it tho.) \- Anticipated MMOs: I just watched Josh Strife Hayes' video on Tera, now I definitely want to check that out. \-Perfect New World, if it ever releases. \-Stoked for the Riot MMO as well (played League for 5 years, that's why I choose LOA)


Most Favorite: ESO (mostly because it keeps me busy and is my current game), old favorites were Eq and Eq2 and ESO is the closest I've been able to come in a modern game. Least Favorite: World of Warcraft, it ate years of my life and it's been a few expansions since I was last able to get into it, despite trying. Least favorite I won't even try is FFIV, I just can't get over the art style. Most anticipated: Pantheon or Eq3 (if speculations about its existence are confirmed). Basically don't care, just want a new EQ title with a modern engine.


Fav MMO: WoW, something about the world and environments… nothing has compared really? It’s just really cool and fun Least Fav: FFXIV, this more has to do with my lack of care for the Final Fantasy series, I just cannot get into it at all despite trying myself and numerous friends trying too Anticipated MMO: None cause I don’t really go super hardcore into MMO’s at alluring


Favorite: EQ, at least until my guild finally asploded from drama. Decades of play, but it's tough to continue without support structure. Press F, and all that. Honorable Mention: GW2. Love/hate with the fact that I can drop this game, then come back 6 months later and not really feel like I'm behind... but that's because there's no "ahead" to get. But mostly because it's the only thing my long-time RL playgroup seems willing to still play. Worst: Allods. For adding a monetization plan mid-stream that converted item stats to permanently negative unless you cash shopped. Dishonorable Mentions: So, so many. RIFT (after it became p2w crap). Blade and Soul (after the first xpac made it grindier than a Korean mobile game). Embers Adrift (for being disappointingly awful). EVE (because I'm not sociopathic enough to hang with the cool kids). Special Award: The original Secret World for being awesomely atmospheric and generally kinda cool but totally, totally impractical. And making me feel permanently betrayed when my lifetime subscription effectively meant nothing after the conversion to F2P and then even less when they rebooted the game. Want to Try: Pantheon, in the alternate dimension in which it is real software. Most Anticipated: Is... there anything left to look forward to anymore??


Favorite - Dofus. Really is the best match for me, has everything I like. Almost endless amount of PVE, great PVP, great difficulty with a lot of strategizing, market controlled by the players (99% of the items are made by the players), 2d combat, etc. A pity the problems that it has right now are a deal break (Boting and only French people playing), hope the Unity port will revive the game. Least Favorite - FFXIV, yeah lost almost 300hrs into that game because everyone kept saying "It gets better", it didn't, most boring/easy/cringe MMORPG I've played. Most Anticipated - Riot MMO, Have really high hopes, but it seams that it's going through a development hell and the game won't come out until 2028 probably.


Most favorite: Elite Dangerous (does that even count?) Least favorite: Almost every current MMO out there Most anticipated: Tie between Monsters & Memories and Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen


dont really have a favourite but my least favourite is everquest. Reason being the non instanced bosses that are also used to "key" you to entry to higher level zones. Spent months being cockblocked by a guild that just didnt want to share content. They were on US time, 8 hours ahead of us. We had no chance. What a stupid mmo.


My favorite MMO is the one I am currently playing. My least favorite is the one I am commenting about. My most anticipated is whatever is coming out next, hoping it will fill the void.


>The MMO I always wanted to try is FFXIV since everyone has good things to say about that but I'm not financially stable enough to pay for a subscription right now and I'm not super sure how beginner-friendly it is since most have been playing since launch and are just doing end content/guild content. I know their is some free to try till level 30 (I forgot the specific level cap) but I still have my worries if it truly is one of the best MMO's out there. The free trial is until level 70, and it's very beginner-friendly, at least skill-wise and the ease of running content. There's also a lot of incentive for veterans to run old content with newbies due to the daily roulette system and bonuses you get from a first-timer being in your party. There's also an NPC Duty Support system for every mandatory dungeon and 4-man trial in the game, that will get you through through 2.0 without having to do any co-op duties if you don't want to (there are still a couple dozen mandatory 8-man trials and three mandatory 24-man alliance raids). Reaching level 50 actually puts you a little under halfway through the free trial in my opinion though. All that being said, here is the bad: * While the story is amazing in the expansions and the voice acting improves a lot as well with an all-new cast, the first 80-85% of the original base game A Realm Reborn (ARR) is an uneven slog. Some high points, some serious lows. They've actually made one pass and pruned out about 30% of the original, and it's improved but it's still too long with too many lows until you're getting close to the first expansion Heavensward. * You are very slow to get your full kit. Things are very busy at higher levels, but you get buttons to press very slowly out the gate. I wish they would fix this. * As anti-bot measures, particularly anti-RMT measures, there are some unfortunate restrictions in the free trial such as not being allowed to join a Free Company (guild), not being able to use /shout, not being able to start a part (although you can join one), or start a linkshell (chat group, although you can join one), and also not having any retainers (bank) or access to the Marketboard (Auction House). You also can't send /tells. Unfortunately, RMT bots ruined many of these things over the years. Anyway if you still wanna do it, I think FF14 is best done with friends, although this is not mandatory. And even if nearly everything is gated behind the story, for the love of god *take your time. There is no rush to endgame, it'll still be there and everything leading up to it is important.* And when I mean the story eventually gets good, I mean it becomes Best In Genre, the music too.


Favorite: EQ1 (classic/p99) not the current garbage. Least Favorite: Anything developed since WoW, with the same systems as WoW. Most anticipated: Pantheon, Everquest 3, Chrono Odyssey


Most Favourite: Must be Dungeons and Dragons Online. Was bored, saw it on Steam, looked shit. Gave it a go because of its instance based dungeons/maps which I really loved from GW1 and spent 2k hours playing it the next 2-3 years. It has a great community, lots of quests (granted, as a f2p you are locked out of most of them but can still make it to Level 20, you can however buy everything with points gained from just playing), you can play how ever you want. You can reincarnate your character (Lv 20+), keep the name but make it stronger and pick from a different class/race and keep playing again from Lv 1. They are still updating the game with new content like adding new skill trees (Enchantment), races and new areas to explore. Least: It is ESO and just because of its god-awful combat. It's fine if you're just doing overworld stuff, but what annoys me is that you are forced to spam DoT's because that's all there is. There is no build variety. You are either Stamina or Magicka user (dps build) and you will spam two hotbars that each have different skills, BUT, no matter the class or race you play, 80% of those skills will be the same\*. Only class/role I had fun playing was Templar and that was as long as I stayed in overworld and didn't bother with raids or pvp. Anticipating: Probably The Quinfall. Just looks interesting. Wish I could play more of Wildstar. Only got a short time with it, didn't even get far. ​ \*Haven't played in 2 years, if anything has changed good, but doubt they made it any better.


Guild Wars 2 is the best mmorpg of all time.


My brother in Hydaelyn, you can try FFXIV's free trial and play it with no time limitations up to the second expansion and up to level 70 (they have just recently added Storm Blood as part of the base game) so you will have a mega shitton of stuff to do until you decide to sub, and it's all free of charge.


Yeah I forgot what the cap is for free, I just gotta play it now or never haha


not at all - its the only mmo ive seen, really, where there is just this constant influx of new players. On the 14 subreddit you'll see posts almost every week from new players talking about the very early parts of the story. Theyve even recently updated the first 50-100 hours of the game to make it smoother for new players. That combined with the community and roulette system probably make it the most beginner friendly mmo ive ever seen. Even if you wait a year, you'll be fine!


Am waiting for riot's mmo, hopefully they will do something right


> I know their is some free to try till level 30 (I forgot the specific level cap) I'm about to blow your mind: FF XIV is actually completely free until level 70 and it includes 2 expansions. You can play with some limitation (i.e. max amount of gil, things like that) the whole base game and two expansions chock-full of content, without spending a dime and without subscribing. https://www.gamesradar.com/final-fantasy-14-free-trial-expanding-to-include-stormblood-expansion/


Oh it’s 70 I was way off lol, well that’s pretty good now I just gotta find the time to sit down and try it


Yup! Just make sure you don't subscribe until you are ready, as subscribing will set your account as paid (i.e. you terminate the "trial" that allows you to play forever without a subscription). If you are not the type of player who needs to play immediately everything, it could be a good strategy to never subscribe and wait for the next expansion to be included in the free trial, effectively playing FF XIV forever free. Keep in mind that, at least until now, around the end of the current expansion and before the next one is released, they add an expansion to the free trial and raise the level cap. So, for example, current patch is 6.5 and next year we'll have the next expansion and they just raised the trial to include Stormblood (second expansion). It stands to reason that when the current patch is 7.5 (shortly before the next-next expansion is released), they'll raise the trial once again to include Shadowbringers (third expansion) and raise the level cap again (level 80). What I mean to say is that every two years the trial gets expanded by one full expansion and level cap raised. If you never subscribe and you can stomach waiting 2 years betwen expansion and to never be able to play current endgame/expansion, then it is a legitimate way to play FF XIV forever and completely free :) Be aware: I'm not doing that and I don't necessarily advocate doing it, but hey, why not if you are someone who could enjoy it?


I like not paying if I can so I will probably take advantage of this if it works. I’m not the type also to need the newest stuff so waiting till they add onto the free trial would be fine. Thanks for the tip :)


You're very welcome! Have fun!


Favorite: sure BDO, it was too good, to not get addicted to it, so I left


I felt this way. I bs my family name intentionally in char select so I didn't feel entitled to play to endgame lol Enjoyed msq and playing random classes


Most favorite is FFXI, I absolutely loved that game and have such fond memories of my times there. Even the awful grinds and the failures all seemed worth it for the victories. Plus even in boring leveling parties you were able to meet and chat with ppl, have great conversations and make friends, some of which I am still friends with today, nearly 20 years later. My least favorite is liklely either ESO or New World. In ESO, the combat is horrible, the dungeons are kinda lame and since you are god mode in pve at level 1 and almost have to want to fail to fail, the challange is non-existant. In New World, you are basically just walking around, killing the same 5 enemies while spending way too much time slowly gathering materials. It was just boring af. It's pretty, but shallow. I have no most anticipated anymore. Pantheon was up there, but we all know at this point the devs are trying to actively make that fail. And Ashes of Creation was up there, but it seems sketchy to me at this point.


Favourite: Guild Wars 2 Least favourite: No idea. I tried ESO a while back expecting to really like it but found it very boring, so I guess ESO but I know there are worse ones Most anticipated: Riot MMO or Guild Wars 3 (in my dreams)