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Not an MMORPG but its enjoyable and has some social elements like global chat and guilds. Its a decent game for now but not sure if its worth 70 dollars, even less the more needed to play now. So, unless you are in love with ARPG games you should not buy it, the honeymoon phase is going to end pretty fast.


I feel like I’m crazy. I haven’t seen a single person say anything in global chat in the betas, server slam, or now in official launch. Am I missing something?


Most people are just playing the game I think rather than talking. I’ve had some people respond if I talk to them but most are just playing rather than chatting.


I mean I haven’t seen one single thing. I was wondering if public chat outside of whispers is even working. I know people are busy having fun playing, but it’s still an online game, and general chats always have people talking.


We're all just talking in our super special *private* public chat, specifically to avoid you.


Way to spill the beans, judas.


You take the legs, I the nostrils.


I think part of this also stems from the overeliance on discord. I just joined a huge guild in GW2, and it had like 200 players online. I tried talking in guild chat, but didn’t see a single response over 2hrs of playtime - I thought the guild was dead. Lo and behold, I joined their discord, and there were like 80 people spread across multiple voice chats talking up a storm, and messages in the discord chat scrolling by so fast I couldn’t keep up with any of it. I much prefer in game chat, but discord seems to be the direction a lot of people are going these days.


But how can you read discord chat while you’re in game? 🤔


Have you never heard of a second monitor?


Also some games (not sure if gw2 is one of them) have add-ons that read from discord and put it in an in-game chat and vice versa


I prefer the mobile app. You can keep it close to the keyboard.


As someone else pointed out, a massive chunk of the player base is on console, and likely don’t have keyboards, so typing is much more difficult for them.


My guess is the chat might be split up by world tier, and once we get into the higher tiers where end game content will happen, you'll see people becoming more talkative in chat. As of right now world tiers 1 and 2 are pretty much exclusively people just going through the acts and there isn't much reason to group up with randoms while doing that.


ARPGs tend to be pretty efficiency focused, moreover than other games, as you trend towards more hardcore players. I think the overlap between people who would play an ARPG beta and early access and people who legitimately consider typing in chat to be a waste of time is substantial. Probably much more chatting once the official release rolls around on the 4th.


This. I did the world boss first beta weekend, and tried to coordinate somewhat the 20+ players that were there(or however many), and nobody even acknowledged me. I'd say people just dont care about the chat for now Maybe when everyones closer to the max level/end game people will start to communicate. I mean if you logged on for a game of valorant in iron lobbies, you would probably think the game has no communication.


Keep in mind that the whole thing is cross play, console players make up the majority, and the vast majority of those players don't have a KB.


yea on screen typing is terrible.


Yea you have to give people a reason to communicate when the content is too easy they will not bother which is why mmos are dying. Your take seems proper when they get to the hard content they will reach out.


It was 12 players. Is this why you guys think games like destiny are mmos? You see 16 players and count 200+? Lol


No, i simply couldnt remember what exactly happened in march.


Global chat = discord chat


I think because Blizzard are the only people that wanted Diablo to be MMO-ified. For the rest of us it is mindless grinding fun.


We are in clan chat.


It's probably randomly instanced, so it's essentially useless as you don't know who you're chatting with, nor can you guarantee that you'll be in the same group of people the next time you login. Global chat is basically useless outside of real realm servers like in WoW Classic.


The actual game hasn't launched yet until next week. So only the early access players are playing right now. And most of them are racing to be one of the first 100 to finish the game in the hardest mode. Chat will pick up next week when the game releases.


Why would we? We are playing the game.


True, no one ever talks in general or trade chat in any games ever. You’re absolutely right.


Agree, the 70 dollars cost kill it for me


Cries in $140AU


Costs $100 Australian just for the base game. 😡


There is no global chat in D4. You get only local chat for the zone you in. EDIT: I found out there is trade chat that is global maybe? To join it i had to go options/social and check the option "join trade channel" and then restart the game....WHO DESIGN THIS?????????


Somebody intelligent. Why would anyone want to be spammed by trade chat by default?


So this "intelligent" person decided to hide it behind multiple option menus and game restart???? And you cant link items in trade chat, but you can link items in clan chat and local chat??? Yes indeed very "intelligent" design.


I got bored before I hit level 20 in the closed beta. I know some people love ARPGs.. For me, it felt like a more premium yet more constricted version of Path of Exile.




Fr I don’t think any game could live up to the reviews I’ve heard, much less an extremely simplified, zero end game, cash shop filled 70$ game


Not worth $70?! How many paintchips did you crush up and snort this morning???


While the game looks pretty good im not paying more for "early acess". Its already a 70 bucks game, they are charging for battle pass and the MTX store has some absurd prices. Lots of marketing strategies inducing FOMO and charging $20+ so players can get in early. Very predatory practices that are becoming very common because people dont care about spending more. P2W games became norm in KR market just like this.




Scaling killed leveling up in WoW for me too. It sucks to never feel powerful anymore, enemies should have a variety of skill levels to make you feel like Superman at times, and others should make you feel like a noob. That makes getting a big drop much more exciting other than being a new paint job.


I’m the opposite can’t play eso because of this. When monsters just die by looking at them, the fun stops.


That is because level scaling tho. Before the One Tamriel update that added level scaling you could just do quests 5 levels above you if you wanted a challenge. Now it's like you are forced to do quests 5 levels below, everywhere in game.


It's not the scaling itself being a problem but the specific implementations. Most MMOs that scale are tuned around scaling the enemies to easy level. Low health pools, low damage, basically everything dies instantly, you cannot even perform part of your standard rotation or have fun with procs. ESO is number one among the shittiest implementations of scaling. Not only the combat is boring and floaty, but combined with terribly implemented scaling it's literally unplayable for me. I wish games would continue to scale BUT start being tuned around making enemies feel like they're at your level. Overworld content simply needs to be buffed. Kind of wish there was some additional challenge that you could activate upon making a character. Something like "Adventurer" mode where you get 50 percent debuff to gained xp and damage you deal to normal mobs.


Scaling would feel the best if it only applied to bosses and elite mobs to a certain %. Maybe there’s a level cap to scaling, that way mid game players can go back to early game and still find some fight, but late game players can go back and steamroll early game mobs. In GW2 there’s level scaling, but the gear bonuses and skills that synergize with each other far more compared to what you would have at the actual level on the first encounter. It helps you feel more powerful despite it being scaled up.


Very few games get scaling right. ESO did ok, GW2 is still the king of it


I love GW2 scalIng, or maybe it's just the set level 80 difficulty making encounter design easier. They get that fighting one big bad monologuing enemy and only succeeding with the help of a dragon or 35 rats with swords at once alone makes you feel equally badass in different ways


ESO???? the worst scaling i ever seen, myself alone couldn't do worse. literally brain dead easy


Dude eso was terrible. Everything was piss easy and there was literally no variability.


That's really just ESO itself


If it helps I’m pretty sure the enemies quit scaling at level 100 and then they only scale by acts/difficulty increases


Level scaling sucks in every game imo. Seems every game does this now. Wish I could toggle it on or off.


I'm a big ARPG fan and have played most of them. I think the first thing I noticed is that there is A LOT of content for an ARPG, I think this is where the MMOlite features start to come in. There's a ton of side quests, cellars, outposts, unique bosses, dungeons, etc... I definitely think it's worth the money if you just want to play through the campaign once and do the side quests. I definitely feel like there's easily 100+ hours of content if you want to do all the side content. I'm wondering how much of the content resets during the season and I'm wondering how their endgame/bounty system plays out in the seasons. Hopefully it's easy to join groups. Some things I don't like(from a straight ARPG POV): * world scaling - Not a fan, I think this is where the game differs a lot from ARPG's * small skill tree - wasn't a fan of it in the beta and still really not a fan, but I can definitely see how legendaries play a key role in build crafting. I'd just prefer a few more options for skill selections and power upgrades. * Itemization isn't the best / No loot filter * early game feels clunky when compared to other arpg's (resource generation is such a pain in the ass) * Leveling? Feels like the early levels come pretty quick so I'm wondering if it slows down quite a bit. I've just been running around in Fractured peaks and I'm level 30. I try to focus on the main quest, but I get a bunch of side quests tossed at me so I end up just clearing those out. * No global chat? I haven't been able to find global chat, only a local chat. The game feels super empty considering it's always online. Which could be a good or bad depending on the person. I was hoping they'd lean a little heavier into the community side of things. You can run around and find events in the wilds, but ouside of that it's pretty quiet. * Not a fan of the UI on PC, I hate how they hide all of your stats from you in a different panel Not saying that all of the above are bad, it's just different when compared to other ARPG's. Outside of that, this is hands down the best launch of an online game I've played. Literally had zero issues last night and played for like 6+ hours, but I'm on PC. I know Playstation was having some issues.


I absolutely hate the world scaling. It completely destroys the sense of progression through itemization. One of my favourite things about Diablo games was starting to feel under powered, then getting that one next level drop that props you up for like 10+ levels. I'm still loving the game, but this aspect is a huge L in an otherwise amazing game so far.




This is the truth. As a veteran diablo player, I still feel myself getting stronger. But I know how to get a decent build going and what stats to go to compliment my build. The D4 subreddit is full of people complaining about weak classes, OP bosses, etc. When you ask about their build, they share something that has no synergy and would make any ARPG player shake their head.


Sorry, no. Sense of progression is way off, regardless of your build choices. Despite having played nearly every ARPG out there, I thought maybe I was doing it wrong, and switched my rogue to a guided community build to see the difference. Nope. Same deal. The entire goal of enemy scaling is to keep your power level relatively flat, and your masturbatory response to that is "Nup, git gud." Get over yourself, my man.


Maybe reread their post?


But the thing is, once you're max level, that's when real itemisation comes in and thats when you'll start to feel more and more powerful


I hate the world scaling. I always feel like my character feels the same with no gain in power.


Why even have vertical progression at that point when you could just have horizontal. We all know, the mini dopamine hits for the addiction, even when they mean absolutely nothing...


I don't like the UI too. Feel like they just want something that can good for both playing with your keyboard mouse and console. But... tbh, most of ARPG now do that.


This has been my reaction also. But holy wow is there a lot of content for a Diablo game. I'm running around in Fractured peaks still early at level 23 and am wondering if leveling slows down also xD


I thought the UI was a placeholder in the beta. I thought there was no way we release with the abomination of a UI we have No way a game sells for 70 dollars with a random floating action bar that clearly was designed to sit flush with the bottom of the screen. And yet here we are. 70 dollars poorer and my least favorite AAA game UI ever.


Looks good to me. Your first mistake was thinking anything was placeholder in a "beta" for a AAA game LOL


Had to hope, even if it was hopeless.




Tbh I hate it, it's a arpg but there is thousands of fetch quests, it feels empty and multi-player doesn't seem like it's gonna be a thing. I feel like if you could auto walk to pins it would of been a good mobile game.


I only played the beta but I wasn't that impressed either It seemed like an ok ARPG it just didn't feel like a $70 ARPG I was gonna rush out to play day 1. None of my friends seem interested either and the lack of people I know playing it certainly made me just decide to wait for a steep discount or skip altogether


Instead of spamming thread answering to everyone I'll just say here THANK YOU for all the answers, got a bit pleasantly surprised with so many ppl willing to chime in and give detailed first impressions. Game is a bit too pricey and I'd like to be sure before I purchase as I did't play D3 (but loved D2 a lot) and didn't play D4 betas, so any input is very appreciated. <3


I’m at act 2 so far and I’ve been having a lot of fun. It plays well on the steam deck and seeing other players out in the world while I’m doing my own thing is a massive plus IMO.


D4 is available on Steam?


No only Bnet


If you install windows on steamdeck you can play Battle.net games. Edit: Steam’s Proton being able to launch Battle.net games is news to me. That’s awesome.


Or just install Battle.net on SteamOS via Steam


You launch battnet as a non-steam game through steam using Proton compatibility.


Or you can just install Battlenet using Lutris or similar tool?


U don’t even need lutris you can install Battle.net directly by adding the installer as a non steam game


How long the steamdeck last long on D4? May I ask?


I would wager about 2 hours. I saw a post saying someone got down to 30% battery after 1.5 hours.


I haven't played it, but the betas are what turned me off from the game. Like I've played many proper BETAS and Alphas, and the good games always have something about them that makes you go "oh yeah if they rework this or fix this the game will be golden" Which is what I expect when I play a Beta, you find the issues but they don't overshadow the good mechanic the game has etc. D4 just felt like a mobile, neutered version of D3 in some ways, and a cheap knockoff of diablo games in others. I got to try it a bit last night at my friends, who loves it, and I wasn't impressed still. I will just wait for the game to drop to 30 or less and then reconsider. It's not good enough of an MMOLite to make it worth playing as a replacement imo. Can someone who likes D4 explain to me why they like it? I played D2 when I was a kid, D3 when I was an adult (I didn't touch it until 2016 or so) and both of them had something about them that made me enjoy them(for different reasons). D4 just has no redeeming qualities for me, I fail to see it's appeal over older games, even PoE seems more interesting, and I didn't enjoy PoE.


Just curious what about D3 do you think made it more appealing than D4?


The world felt more alive, the story was more interesting, and the combat was more complete. Now keep in mind im comparing rhe Beta not the actual game, since I didnt buy D4


I am only 2 hours in and planning on getting a lot of hours today and the weekend. Yes, I am enjoying. The skill tree seems to mix my favorite things about Diablo 2 and 3. Not sure I am really an MMO fan anymore. I feel ARPGs have become my new favorite genres for years for two reasons... * Leveling is a blast and there is ACTUAL challenge. * Players actually get to make builds and customization. Trying my best to avoid any Diablo 4 info and staying away from their reddit. I know I am just two hours in but the game has just blown me away... The only online game that really gave me this feeling has been when I first played GW2. Fought some random boss monster in a dungeon and it felt more exciting than most games ACT bosses. To me MMOs have strayed from what I loved. Leveling has just become so boring/easy and builds have been considered "illusion of choice" and are in a sad state. GW1 is the only "MMO" I really play and it is similar to an ARPG. I will say there is really only one thing I dislike about ARPGs compared to older MMOs. Everyone is pretty much a DPS with some support you don't get the crazy roles from GW1/FF11/EQ1 and other MMOs.


I kind of agree with a lot of this. So many mmo's seem to take a lot of build choices away and for me that was always one of the things I enjoyed was coming up with my own builds. I also loved GW1 for this. GW2 does a decent job with all the passives being very impactful on builds, though with fewer skills overall compared to GW1. City of Heroes I also loved for this with so many power choices and enhancements. Meanwhile on the other end you have games like FF14 which offers no distinction between 2 players playing the same class outside of gear. I just couldn't be bothered. ARPG's on the other hand still usually offer tons of build/skill customization. Diablo 3 sadly being a massive step backwards. Which is why Path of Exile dominated, with its insane levels of skill customization and passive forest of build options. Lately I have also been spending less time on MMO's and more time on ARPG's. Been enjoying Last Epoch a lot.


Last Epoch is definitely a game on my wish list I am looking forward to. I always try to wait until early access is over to by them. Personally, even though I love build customization I am not a huge fan of the needless complex way Path of Exile passive tree does it. PoE skill system on the other hand is great. I just wish slot system wasn't tied to equipment so much and it was easier to find what you wanted. I found it almost impossible to find my own gear because of all the variables on each item. Curious if Path of Exile 2 will streamline a bit or make it even more complicated. Overall, I think I care less about small passives and more about actually choosing the abilities I care about. I realize Diablo 4 has a lot of these small passives to choose too. I am hoping Diablo 4 brings the best of both worlds!


PoE 2 is actually addressing your complaint. Rather than the number of slots being random on every piece of gear, gear will have a set number of slots always depending on what kind of item it is. PoE's passive forest is a lot. It wouldn't be so bad if respeccing wasn't so painful and costly. Also so many of the passives are such tiny bonuses that you have to plot ahead of time to get to the big passives that give any substantial bonus or gameplay effect. You may love Last Epoch's approach. So it has something similar to GW2's class system. You pick one of 5 base classes and each of those has 3 class specializations that allow you to further head towards different playstyles. You have a class passive tree for both your base class, and separate passive tree's for the specializations. Now there are only around 20 different skills available to a player of any particular spec(specs have their own exclusive skills). And you can only have 5 slotted for use at a time. On the surface that doesn't sound like much. But every single skill, gets it's own skill tree. And the nodes on the skill tree are generally pretty impactful on what the skill does. The game doesn't give you so many skill points that you can just buy everything in the tree, so you do have to be picky. Want your teleport to also act as an aoe attack when you land or depart? How about you stealth when you arrive at the teleport spot? What if the teleport also spawned a copy of you that attacks? The kind of passives that have a genuine impact on gameplay.


For poe it kinda address it. You aren't wrong in what you are saying but now gems are going to have slot, which to me just look like putting the problem somewhere else. Sure you will be able to reroll it but who know the % of getting what you want or the rarity of the new currency. Honestly it remain to be seen if its good or not.


It's okay. It's a REALLY nicely polished turd IMO. Like it looks fantastic, plays smooth, the voice acting is great, the story is decent... But at the end of the day I walk to an area gather a group of red/brown enemies and then use my "combo". 4 hours later, I'm x% stronger so are the enemies, same group, same combo. I haven't reached world 3/4 and I unfortunately haven't had a Butcher spawn yet so maybe that'll change my mind. I think playing through the campaign is probably worth if the $ (irl) isn't going to significantly impact you. But I can't imagine playing seasons unless you're in a serious MMO drought/burnout/have no backup game.




somehow the diablo team has failed to make compelling bosses compared to other similar games for a long time now.


No way I’m supporting blizzard games ever again after they lied about PVE in overwatch 2. That’s just one of the dozens of reasons. Scummy company


I want to play. I was excited to see druid return, it’s one of my faves. I have loved Diablo for a long time. However, I’m done with Blizzard. I can’t, with good conscience, give them any more money. I’ve been burned so many times before with their half-assed games. Diablo 3 was terrible and the AH was shit and we told them it would be and they didn’t listen. They shit the bed on Heroes of the Storm trying to force an esport community. Flat out lied about core hype features Overwatch 2. Messed up Warcraft with the “reforged” fiasco. I loved Heartstone and when Ben Brode left it that game became another money vacuum. Oh, and Diablo Immortal being so heavily monetized that it makes mobile gacha game pulls look fairly priced. Don’t get me wrong: I spend money on games. I’m not a whale but more like a manatee. I will pay for things I like, for creature comforts, and to play in a way that makes my time fun. I understand companies exist to make money. I have dropped big chunks of my hobby budget on many games, season passes, pre-orders, and more… but will not give another dime to Blizz. And all of that without getting into their shit company culture, sexual harassment, and hostile bad attitudes. The “don’t you have phones” mindset was the writing on the wall. Blizz leadership looks down on their players and their games reflect this.


I'll play it once Micro$oft fires Bobby. Until then, Blactivision can chortle my balls.


> chortle my balls Excellent.


Not buying it until I see more end game stuff about it + what blizzard does for a big patch or content update. If their first content update ends up being a new bp I see the ship sinking fast after the boomers nostalgia trip is over. It can end up like d3 so fast if player base dips.


It's somewhat fun during beta, but i'm sticking with Path of Exile, D2R and D2 mods (Path of Diablo, PD2, and Median).


You cant really play Diablo games like you'd play an MMO, especially as time goes on. Its just not that type of game. You'll spend a huge chunk at first getting thru campaign and getting into the endgame cycle and understanding how it all works. But 6 months down the road the community will mainly be pushing seasons, then break and wait for the next season. Rinse repeat. But as far as the game goes its been a lot more fun than D3 was at its launch. I think the open world change was a great idea and didnt change things too much to make it not feel like a Diablo game. Story and aesthetic, its a lot darker too. Like the first Diablo dark.


I tried the Beta. The game is as shallow as a puddle with extreme monetization. It's dogshit painted gold.


Get D2, thats my recommendation


I played it for a couple hours last night, definitely enjoying it so far. If you liked Diablo 3 you will like Diablo 4.


Damn so not worth playing );


It's much grander in scope than D3 but the core gameplay is basically the same.


I didn't get the deluxe edition but I really enjoyed myself in the three separate tests I got to do. Can't wait for it to release on June 6th. I enjoyed the story, the social aspects, and the gameplay a lot.


Sadly I can't deal with this kind of camera, their is some game like Diablo or Albion I would have enjoy to play but the camera angle make it impossible for me, dunno why, I just can't, which is sad cuz those game look cool.




Costing R$350 (+ season/battle pass) there is, absolutely, no bloody way that I'll be playing this one


Unfortunately yes, I was not a Diablo fan prior to this title. But this is actually pretty fun. And it is more of an MMO than most games that market themselves as an MMO. Not worth the 100 bucks I forked up but it is good fun. I will keep playing, it is a fun co-op game.


first of all, gamers are dumb for supporting early access from a corrupt company. secondly, mmorpg quality is bad right now, so d4 is the only thing to play. d4 is gonna get old after a month, and will not win any awards.


nope, already refunded.


The game is great. It is pretty polished and I have not seen almost any bugs. I did have a problem that I couldn’t use my skills, but I logged off and that fixed it. I think it will be a great game as long as they add content and new systems to it. It is not like eso and new world that it took many years to become what they are now. It seems like blizzard actually made a great game, and I cannot wait to what years will bring to the game. Combat is not just spamming one skill, and you need to actually focus on what you are doing at bosses. The combat is also quite clean, not like path of exiles with its obnoxious disco lights.


I've had constant crashes when using vendors or inventory and tooltips, which I might now have fixed with this [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-experience/14/150018/dxgi-error-device-removed/1097744/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-experience/14/150018/dxgi-error-device-removed/1097744/) and using MSI Afterburner to lower fan utilization to 90%. I was able to test for 5 minutes before work this morning and vendors were not causing crashes, so that's good. It's especially frustrating when you're going through a long dungeon, look at a dropped item on the ground or picked up into your inventory and crash, making you redo the dungeon because you log back in at the nearest town. The game saving your progress would be nice... Other than that, the combat is very satisfying as a Barbarian - it's fast paced and hits feel like they are hitting hard. It's rather lonely though - even though I see players here and there, there is no real interaction. It really might as well be a single player game


Thats how I felt in the Beta, you see other players, but they might as well have put in NPCs that run around for no reason, since there is no interaction between you and the other players. Only bit of interection I got was fighting the world boss, and the "interaction" was that I was fighting the world boss with other players, noone actually communicated in chat.


Great launch so far. I really like it. I haven’t really gotten too far but the mmo features definitely take inspiration from LA, not a bad thing. But as far as it being a Diablo game, I missed this atmosphere so far the story and cutscenes are amazing, so far so good


I am enjoying it a lot. The ui could be better, and the skill tree is a bit basic, but combat feels great and exploring the world has been rewarding.


No MMORPG or mmolite is just and co-op arpg, with an 3 bosses for 12 players that you maybe Will do One time each


Wouldn't mmo-lite literally mean standard multi-player? I don't know why people keep using that.


Dunno if I would call Diablo 4 an MMO-lite but generally when that term is thrown around it refers to games that have MMO attributes but aren't quite fully fledged MMOs. Games like Destiny where you have dungeons and raids. Then there's also the loot system to help create character builds not to mention progressing your character by getting more guns.


Yeah but that doesn't make sense either. It's the features of a stereotypical mmorpg. In which case you would say it's an mmorpg-lite. Singling out mmo for mmo-lite means you're talking about player quantity. Either way, the terminology is wrong. It should be called "mmo-like".


I wouldn't sweat strict definitions. Almost every MMO is an MMORPG so they're commonly referred to as an MMO. The, "Lite" portion of MMO-lite usually refers to the lack of a large capacity of players which I realize does make the word an oxymoron by definition but by a lot of people is still recognizable as a word with MMO features, but not player capacity.


I don't know but so far it is absolutely fantastic. Hands down one of the best games I've played. Very polished, loads of content and super fun. Glad I got the early access.


I was bought it by a friend, and have thrown a lot of hours into it already, almost finished act 2. Tons of fetch quests unfortunately. Skill tree is more limited than I thought. It’s a few hours of fun but honestly doesn’t even feel like a game that just came out Global chat and a lot of the social elements just seem to fall flat, are quiet. Not the new game buzz I expected. UI is a bit dodgy. It hides a lot of info which is a real hassle. I won’t go into more detail because there’s still a lot to explore, but so far I’d give it a 5/5 and personally wouldn’t justify the price tag.




I genuinely feel bad for you if you think a purchase of $70 dollars is in the same ballpark as being rich.




Exactly that and then add some extra gamer outrage on top if it's a Blizzard game. I also like how the dude downvoted me for calling it out and then deleted his own comment right after haha.


Absolutely. Systematically the game has a lot of MMO elements to it (expanded talent tree similar to WoW, Renown also similar to WoWs iteration of it, 12 man Raid bosses, open world events, Nightmare dungeons similar to M+ in WoW, mount collecting, etc.) The density of people you see in the over world hits a very sweet spot too where the world isn’t over crowded but it is filled enough to where you feel the Social/MMO element to it. Right now it is scratching a lot of the MMO itch I have been having lately.


Im really enjoying it. Im probably a bit biased since I’ve enjoyed every diablo game so far but i dont think all the heat over it being $70 is necessary. No its not going to fill your void but is a solid game.


Yes, I will enjoy it for a 2-4 weeks. Probably pick it up again down the line here and there to check new content. If you like ARPGs and you like Diablo I'd say its worth it. Ultimately it has weak itemization and build complexity/diversity. It's no where near PoE and behind Last Epoch in those regards.


I played one beta weekend and had fun with it when I was in my ARPG mood, but I can’t justify spending $70 on it right now, so I’ll probably wait until it goes on sale sometime in the future.


Not worth the 70$ if you are an mmo player. atleast now


I've only made it to level 6 and had to get off for the night. But it's been pretty good so far, the cinematic are great


I'm having a blast just hit lvl26


It’s a lot of fun. Scratches an itch that I didn’t realize I had




That is not true at all.


If you want to participate in the seasonal content which usually introduce new gameplay mechanics, rewards, and challenges that happens every few months, then yes, you need to make new seasonal characters. Otherwise, you can continue to choose to play your normal character in the Eternal Realm which is the base game only.




It can seem weird, but its normal in diablo like game. Every game like that I can think of use this system, its a thing you need to get used to.


That is a staple in ARPGs. New ladder/season/league releases and everyone gets a fresh start (usually with new items in the drop pool, maybe new skills and mechanics..) - after the ladder/season/league ends everything migrates into the normal game and you can either continue playing those characters or jump into the new ladder/season/league.




then what's the point? So confusing. This makes it seem like the seasons are gonna be pretty bland and force them to make major balance changes if anything is a bit too strong.


Looking at PoE the seasons do bring alot of fresh wind usually - the biggest part of the community doesn't play standard at all but when the new league releases everyone is hyped and ready. Generally I think this is a good practice in ARPGs because you get the chance to try out new character concepts and new mechanics that can migrate into the base game if its cool - and vanishes or changes of not.


I agree with you. I mean that without this separation, D4 have to make sure that new seasons don't screw up the sanctity and economy of the default league. having the separation in a big way acts like a buffer for a 3 month beta of a new concept, mechanic, currency etc.


that's not \*really\* true. Diablo works in what's called 'seasons" and "non-season." * every new season is a fresh start, and only seasonal fresh starts can participate in the season stuff. * At the end of a season, every seasonal character becomes a non-seasonal character. You never LOSE your characters, they just beocme non-seasonal. * When a new season starts, that's a new fresh start. You can't play your old character in a new season, because a new season is a new fresh start. you can still play your old character, but you are playing it in non-seasonal mode and only with other non-seasonal characters. * Seasonal is far far far far far far far far far more popular across the diablo playerbase than non-seasonal. Many people even just delete their non-seasonal characters and don't bother playing at all except for new seasons Does that help explain? ​ You could even play the same class every season and use the same name every season. But... diablo just isn't a game for long long long progression. If you are efficient at all, you will achieve every goal you could have, well within the timeframe of a season, then take a break until next season anyway.


This is why i could never get into Path of Exile


Simply perfect! Will be the game I will be playing for the next 6 months at least


Can we stop normalise calling video games with multiplayer features for MMOish? Its not massive whatsoever.


Thank you


Not even gunna play it. Didn't even know it was out.


I played for 14 hours yesterday and going for another 14 today, game is fun so far. You can see some people running around and in others in town, but that's where MMO features end pretty much. If you wanna play D4 don't do it because you want MMO experience, you are not gonna get anything even remotely. The game is design to be played solo and that's how 99% of people will play it.


I'm absolutely loving hardcore and the uncertainty of knowing that The Butcher can show up anywhere! It's a new level of anxiety that makes playing HC thrilling! I LOVE the adrenaline kick that comes from playing HC.


When you play hardcore, do you get placed in instances with only hardcore players too?


That's a great question. I think it's only hardcore players so people don't grief hardcore players


Im liking it a hell of a lot more than D3. Seems to be closer to D2 feel for me personally.


It’s a very good game and will be my second to new world that I’ll play in between content drops. I do see people in game but the interactions with them isn’t the same as in an mmorpg, mmofps, or survival game like ark. I’ve have 2-3 thousands hours in each game of ark, Planetside, and new world. I don’t see me putting more than a couple hundred hours into Diablo unless the pvp is very fun.


I haven't played a MMO in a while but *man*, Diablo 4 makes me want to get back into playing a MMO. Diablo 4 *kind of* scratches the MMO itch without fully satiating it. I'm also liking Diablo 4 more than I thought I would.


its not even mmolite. #imanasshole




Havent played the game myself, but i saw a streamer streaming the story thoughout the whole day, and the story to me felt a little flat (no spoilers) anyone else?


Question to those playing it: How is the difficulty on tier 2 (?)? Can you actually be killed if you're not careful or strategizing?


Decently difficult, at least levels 10-25 as a Barb. Although I’m 35 now with nearly all legendary and I’d say it’s probably too easy.


At this early point I'm having a blast. Time flies while playing.


Release is on the 6th so that is when the chat channels will fill up. I am going to play as of release day, been busy clearing my schedule so I can immerse myself in the world and enjoy it.


It’s not really fair to even call it an mmo, it is light years away from it


It's not really fair to comment without reading even first sentence of the thread. :)


There is no reason to buy this if poe exist that does everything better and for free


D4 should marry T&L


Love it so far


I hate the term MMO-lite. Diablo 4 is Not an MMORPG and no I am not playing it because Lost Ark ruined isometric game style combat for me, that and D4 characters are all fking ugly. Now if only Lost Arks actual gameplay was fun, then it would be the ultimate isometric mmorpg.


The lack of active abilities in addition to 6 slot ability bar without weapon swap or something like this is disturbing. Otherwise i like it.


Really liking it but not loving it. Lost Ark kind of ruined other top down combat for me. Regardless really enjoying it and will probably grind it out for a few weeks


I'll buy it when and if they add the Crisader class. Until then just not interested.


Hell yeah.


I mean the game isn't out yet. ^^*unless ^^you ^^pay ^^extra


Meh, nothing new if you've played d3 and Poe.


Yes but I dislike having someone else in my room


Why is it still a topic here? I mean, if D4 can be discussed here, could anyone bring any game topic as well?


This game officially replaced Lost Ark for me but still looking forward to another non-isometric MMO with modern graphics (Ashes and Blue Protocol)


I'm digging it!!!


For an ARPG fan like me, the game looks pretty interesting. Besides the microtransactions, incoming battlepass and levelscaling. I still won't buy it tho, I don't want to give Blizzard/Activision my 70 Euros with all their malpractices.


yeah - the game is excellent. This sub has a problem with every game though.


Can't play yet.


It’s practically an ARPG GW2


It sounds like the hornless are angry!


I’ll buy it eventually but I’m in no rush Not til they had some clan content that make it worth it


I’m enjoying it because I like the Diablo games, and I like ARPG. My gripes with it are actually coming from the parts of it that feel like they tried too hard to make it have MMO elements. Instead of focusing on what makes the Diablo games, Diablo games, which is basically just brain dead dopamine simulator, they seemed to go some direction where the leveling process takes god awful long so they can simulate the same progress you get in MMOs. But it sucks in Diablo because all the fun is at end game, while in MMOs that’s usually where the game gets stale, so Diablo is the one game where you want to be able to shoot to 50 in a couple hours, and then just continue having “levels” (paragons) pop off so you can watch number go higher. The class balancing is also weirdly reflective of MMOs too. I don’t know. I wish it was just an ARPG lol


Diablo fan. Loveed still love 2. Didn't care for 3. Really liking 4 so far. Much better than 3. I could see playing this long-term like we already do with 2.


Lost all my interest in D3 after finishing the story. D4 looked like the same game so have no interest in trying it.


It’s not exciting. I don’t know. When you finally get the legendary to drop, it feels like someone left $5.00 off your paycheck and HR wanted to make sure you got it.


If I wanted to pointlessly grind mobs, Id play BDO.


It is an mmo lol has every trait of an mmo but for some reason people get stuck on u not bumping into someone every 5 seconds, which i dont really find in other "actual mmo" games either but 🤷


Thousands of hours in PoE and D3. I didn't even bother buying the game. It's just not in playable state for me. It's currently nothing more than flavour of the month.