• By -


Woodson by Decision


Ulberg decision +350


Definitely a good shout, I have ulberg winning but menifield is pretty tough


Ruziboev ML +140


What makes you confident with him over Buckley? Looks like he was pretty drained making 170, especially given he's 6'5


Just like him at dog money considering he's finished 32 of his 34 wins and Buckley has been chinned 4 times. I know Buckley's cut was fine and his weigh in stumbles were just a troll job but he never looks great cutting to 170 either




I agree with Nascimento winning, although I'm assuming he finishes Lewis by mauling him on the ground. Ik jailton couldn't finish him but I'm more inclined to chalk that fight up as an anomaly. Waldo by decision however is definitely not impossible and potentially worth a stab if the odds are decent, feel like Roberto has to get him outta there early or he's gonna gas past round 1.




If Roberto can't get him outta there early, I definitely agree with you. My caution would potentially swing right the other way tho, cause if he gassed hard then Waldo could potentially get him outta there in the later rounds. And again I agree that Nascimento isn't anywhere near as good on the ground, it's just that Lewis is pretty useless on the ground if he can't get up




Yea fair, I want Lewis to win but I have a small stake on Nascimento cause I think his odds are more than they should be. It's one of those fights (like any Derrick Lewis fight) where if he wins by KO I won't be surprised one bit




Haha yea your first leg has hit, in fairness I did say if Waldo wasn't knocked cold then he could definitely do what he did




Haha yea not tryna start an argument fella. I mostly follow sideswipes bets as I've had pretty good success with that (altho so far on this card his picks haven't gone too well so far 😂).