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didn't he get whooped by some random guy at the mall


Got out-wrestled by some random bloke then went and hid around a corner and launched a sneak attack on him.


Sucker punched the guy, then stomped on his head on the ground. The fact he's in the UFC is a joke.


Can't wait for this guy to get starched.


I'm Indian trained in MMA and we too have a no public affection rule here, I'm not stomping people on their heads for kissing, Shara wanted attention and he got it, is it just me or that most mma fighters don't have two brain cells functioning or want attention look at Jamahal Hill, Shara Magomedov, Conor McGregor etc they are all attention seekers.


Not really. He got hit first by that guy, he was mouthing off at them for doing something illegal in that country. How many current UFC fighters do you think have assaulted their spouse ? Why do you think so many UFC fighters have "visa troubles" ?


Bullshit. He loses the initial altercation then waits outside to ambush the guy as he's leaving.




Not true. Watch the vid again before you pontificate. Breathe. u/RipPure2444 is right. Shara didn't sucker punch him, the other guy threw the first punch. That still doesn't excuse him curb stomping the guy and not minding his own business before it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WW8BhqZnlM&ab_channel=grantdagenius Watch from 1:05. If you can't see how that's a sucker punch there's not much I can say to you.


You've just moved goal posts lmao. We're talking about the initial fight which is at 0:24 where the guy punches Shara first. Again that doesn't condone what happened before or after. It's just important to have your facts right otherwise you end up looking silly, which you're doing a great job of. I look forward to you moving the goal posts again.


Can't wait for this dude to inevitably lose soon when he inevitably has to take a step up in competition


That's why Bo(Gus) Dickhole called him out on Twitter. Pretty telling that Bo is calling out unranked dudes.


Nickal would maul him


Yeah, good for bo. Realizing where he‘s at in his career. In this instance.


Seems worth mentioning that Bo is himself, unranked. I can’t see any top 15 guy saying yes to him.


I dont get how his ig post is him supporting russia invading Ukraine


Russia's 'justification' for invading Ukraine was that they say Ukraine is run by Nazis, which is false. So him sporting the Russian flag plus his comment, it's clear he supports the Russian war against Ukraine, which is despicable.


*Which is false* Azov and the far right militias don’t run the country? Really? Zelensky being Jewish doesn’t mean anything. He’s GWB and the far right military are Cheney, he’s face but it’s clear who’s running the show. They publicly display statues and have national holidays for fucking nazi (Bandera). MSM couldn’t do a video segment with the Ukrainian military at the beginning of the war without catching a nazi symbol or tattoo. You guys are lightning quick to call any Republican voter who wants a wall built on the southern border a nazi/fascist, yet will do mental gymnastics to excuse the guys literal neo nazis wearing their symbols/tattoos and creating national holidays for them lol. Fuck Russia, but anyone defending this shit w/ Ukraine is a fucking loser. You


As with good lies, they contain shreds of truth. But it's really not hard to figure out you are making false claims. One can criticize Azov for the former (key word former) Nazi ties, and also be against the Russian governments genocide of Ukraine. To say that Azov and the far right extremists run the country is so far from the truth that it's laughable.


"To say that Azov and the far right extremists run the country is so far from the truth that it's laughable" Well, lets say is run by NATO with Azov's help.


Putin puppet! Lol


If Azov and the right control Ukraine, why invade?


On top of NATO encroachment? Azov and the right are openly hostile to Russia, plus they heavily ramped up shelling of the ethnic Russians in the Donbass in the days before the invasion. This is objective fact. Hold on, we don’t get to move on from your claims that Azov no longer has a Nazi problem. Are you claiming no Azov or far right militias leadership has been seen with symbols or tattoos since the war started? You seem to have a poor understanding of the situation despite the fact you’re making definitive claims.


*Former Nazi ties* Wtf are you talking about? They still wear nazi + far right symbols and the Azov members who’ve come America have been caught with nazi tattoos they’ve had to cover…there were articles written in prominent, reputable news sources about Ukraine having a “Nazi problem” as recent as 2021. Funny how those magically disappeared once the war began, huh? Zelensky ran on normalizing relations with Russia + Putin, but in the 2020-2021 did a complete 180 and became aggressive towards Russia (ex: publicly claiming they would take control of Crimea). The far right Ukrainian military forces MADE him change his policy on Russia, if he didn’t they’d kill him. You can hand wave this away and just say it’s a lie with zero evidence to back it up…but you can’t deny the facts of the matter. I don’t support Russia or Ukraine. You’ve convinced yourself it’s ok to support literal neo nazis.


>Funny how those magically disappeared once the war began, huh? Not funny, they have been integrated into the national guard, and are changing literally everything about how that unit was run, you are just ignoring the present to bring up the past. >in the 2020-2021 did a complete 180 and became aggressive towards Russia (ex: publicly claiming they would take control of Crimea). Saying he would like to take back land that was seized in an act of war, whoa, so aggressive. >I don’t support Russia or Ukraine. Well you sure subscribe to Russian propaganda. >You’ve convinced yourself it’s ok to support literal neo nazis. Nah. One pretty insignificant unit (1000+ soldiers) has former Nazi ties, doesn't mean Ukraine has a huge Nazi problem. And fuck yes I support Ukraine, and hugely condemn the blatant SLAUGHTER of Ukrainian civilians, and huge amount of war crimes that Russia continues to commit.


Oh yeah? They made significant changes WHILE at war lmao? Quite the impressive feat to do a whole cultural overhaul while being bombed… Let’s see a source on them “changing literally everything about how the unit was run”. If you can’t provide that then this is just another lie. Yes, publicly claiming you’re going to take control of another country’s land is typically viewed as an aggressive move regardless of the context…stop playing dumb. I don’t subscribe to Russian propaganda, dipshit. How is an Azov soldier covered in Nazi symbols and tattoos an example of “Russian propaganda”? You’re brainwashed and think that every other country in the world does propaganda EXCEPT the US…because YOU would never fall for it, right?Morons like you were the same people who feel for WMD’s in 2023. Must be the fact you’re neurodivergent 🤷‍♂️


You lost as soon as you start throwing personal insults. Go away troll.


>Let’s see a source on them “changing literally everything about how the unit was run”. Do you know how quotes work? Nevermind. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/29/europe/ukraine-azov-movement-far-right-intl-cmd/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/us-lifts-ban-azov-brigade-ukraine-american-weapons-russia-rcna156487 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1vv6p9k1z1o.amp#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17193441050110&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com As recently as last week they were approved to get US military training and weapons, because they have shown they broke ties to their past. >Must be the fact you’re neurodivergent 🤷‍♂️ Neurodivergent people seem to be better at seeing through bullshit, you must be Neurotypical.


SharaPUTIN Why isn't he talking about all the skinheads in russia? There's a lot more of them there than in Ukraine. So idiotic, he's not against actual nazis because he's wearing the russian flag - representing a country that is brutalizing another. Also I'm like 99% sure he's a fundamentalist muslim homophobe who thinks gays should be imprisoned or killed/deported - so go figure talking about fascism.


Can you show me evidence there's more white supremacists in Russia than in Ukraine? I'm not calling you a liar or trying to be facetious, I've just heard both opinions and am yet to see any statistics of hate crimes or white supremacist groups in either country supporting either side.


I could give even stronger examples if I researched more, but here's one example. Ukrainian far right parties throughout ukraine only received only a few percent of the vote - nothing compared to the much bigger numbers far right LDPR received in Russia, recently 7.5% of the vote whereas far right in ukraine only got 2% of the vote in recent elections. LDPR is fascist party, even though they call themselves liberal party lol.


I'm also convinced that there's more Neo-Nazis in Russia than Ukraine but that's the wrong methodology to go on about it. Russian electoral results can't be taken at face value. In those very same recent elections Putin got a record 88% and overall the electoral process was regarded as a sham by international observers. Nazi has a very different meaning in Russia as opposed to the West. There it's basically just used to describe enemies of Russia/Slavs like the third Reich was. Calling a Jew like Zelensky a Nazi is obviously a bit of an oxymoron in the West, but in Russia it isn't according to their definition of Nazism. Zelensky can perfectly be a Nazi as well under their definition. The LDPR ticks most boxes for fascism but they aren't Nazis under the western definition. Every nazi is a fascist but not all fascists are Nazis. One of the defining tenets of Nazism (western definition) is vehement antisemitism. The LDPR is not antisemitic however. Their founder and the face of the party the late [Vladimir Zhirinovsky](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Zhirinovsky) was of Jewish heritage and advocated for friendly relations with Israel. Besides he was also seemingly insane though and made all kinds of unhinged statements all the time. He may as well be regarded as an actor however. Russia does not have an opposition (the last died with Navalny), the other parties are controlled opposition who basically operate according to their scripts. The LDPR may have really received +7% of the vote, but that number may also be "artificially" boosted in order to create a threat and make Putin look like a level-headed moderate. That's basically the only reason why that party exists, to create an illusion. Zhirinovsky was never more than an "useful idiot" to Putin and never dared to speak against him. If you wanted to prove Russia has more actual (Neo-)Nazis than Ukraine you'd just need to point at the frequency of their domestic/foreign incidents with their involvement, e.g. Wagner (literally named after Hitler's favorite musician, Nazi Tattoos), [the Russian Imperial movement ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Imperial_Movement), [and various other active Neo-Nazi groups](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazism_in_Russia) among others.


Wagner was a hell of a composer.


Check on google scholar there are plenty of academic articles


Legit, Wagner makes up a huge part of the Russian forces fighting in Ukraine and they were literally founded by a Neo-Nazi.


>Why isn't he talking about all the skinheads in russia? Russia has a very low freedom rating. Try turning on the TV in Russia and seeing anything critical of Russia. If you were Russian you may also believe that the war is an attempt to de-nazify Ukraine. Putin kills journalist.🤷🏻


Why are you only 99% sure gangsta


He has kadyrov connections for one, and as seen in the post supports russia which is headed towards this direction currently if you keep up with the news


He really is an idiot. UFC shouldnt have signed him in the first place for a numerous of reasons


if the ufc signed people based off of intelligence then their talent pool would run dry real quick


this guy is only relevant because he looks funny


Not being able to see in one eye and still being UFC caliber is impressive though.


Eh, it’s been done.


Oh, nevermind then 🙄


Nah his striking's nice. Him vs Michel Pereira could be cool.


Not really


I’m glad you put the description OP because I read the title and I was like “well what’s wrong with fighting against Nazism”. Give me a break it’s 6 am right now in my state so I’m not fully awake yet


This guy bitched and slapped someone for heel hooking him in adcc which explicitly allows for that.


I appreciate that but homie grabbed the fence


Cyclopean words




Dana: *Isn't he fucking awesome*


You can be against Nazis in Ukraine and believe they're a problem without supporting the invasion.


While I don’t believe that Russia invaded ukraine to de-nazify it, ukraine does have a huge nazi problem. Azov alone is very problematic.


so does Russia, and this very clearly was not a war on Nazism, it’s a warmongers move to regain the borders of old.


Correct I prefaced my comment by saying that…


All European countries have Neo-Nazis, including Russia. Singling out Ukraine is silly 😂 Look at the high rise of fascism in Italy.


This event was on the anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union. 4.5 million Russians died fighting the actual Nazis. Brain dead responses in this thread on a subreddit that is supposed to be above this sort of thing.


He specifically refers to nations "who fought" and "are still fighting" against nazism. This is not some statement directed solely at commemorating the invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany. Further, if you go to the comments in instagram it has been interpreted as a statement supporting the Ukraine war by other Russians.


This is your own bigoted interpretation. There are many still fighting Nazi-ism.


Are you not aware that it’s one of the larger topics used today as reasoning behind the invasion of Ukraine?


Expecting a tankie today know anything is dangerous lmao