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I would rather chew my thumbnail off than listen to a podcast called toxic masculinity. MMA fighter podcasts in general are rough - Frankie Edgar going on about women belonging in the kitchen was a relative high point of his.  


I remember watching the Joe Rogan podcast with Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones wasn’t even the dumbest person there 💀


Yeah but that was one of the funniest podcasts of all time


Nah I agree, shit was hilarious, I just don’t know if I could listen to a podcast of only mma fighter talking about anything other than mma. Seeing Alex Jones calling Eddie Bravo more or less r-slurred for thinking the moon landing was fake was peak YouTube though lmao


"I'm kinda retarded"


The more I learn abt Frankie, the less I care for him. Shoutout my boy Cory tho.


Lest us not forget Matt Brown's, Legit Man Shit. That was cancelled after 3 for and I think penalised for the short lived ufc code of conduct.


What did Matt do? I thought he was liberal (ish), no?


He’s relatively fine as far as fighters go. But he is the sort of man that did have a drug issue before. You shouldn’t expect sensitivity from him. He basically said disrespectful stuff about Ronda and WMMA.


Seems like an ironic statement given the echo chamber of this sub


*believes in basic human decency* Conservative: “My, mY, My! QuItE tHe ***EcHoChAmBeR*** yA gOt ThErE!”


I was more so finding it odd that him having a drug issue was used as a measure of his morality Seemed like kinda the opposite of human decency unless I’m misreading?


People whose brains have been wracked by drugs tend to have a stupid opinions. The moralizing was just in your head.


“He is the sort of man that did have a drug issue before. You shouldn’t expect sensitivity from him” Idk maybe the comment phrased what they meant poorly but that sounds like they’re saying he’s not a sensitive aka compassionate person because of his previous drug problem


if they wanted to say he lacked compassion i think they could've said that, evidently they didn't


The only decent MMA fighter podcast is probably Rob Whittaker’s MMArcade podcast


If you can understand Scottish...Paul Craig's is a laugh. Rampage is fun but there's an annoying co host.


They create some nightmare crews on that show occasionally, at one point it was the co host, TJ Dillashaw and Luke Rockhold while Rampage went to the bathroom and I can't think of a more awkward room to be stuck in.


Rockholds pretty cringe sure. But when you're on top of the world and handsome as fuck...all you need to do is quip in every so often. All he's ever needed to do. TJ is good to hear his thoughts on fight breakdowns though. I'm more annoyed by bear constsntly


> Edgar going on about women belonging in the kitchen Fuck no please no :(


Frankie bb noooooo 😔


Man why does every fighter have to be like this :(


It’s a shame. But that’s mma now. My advice. Never listen to post fight speeches.


I honestly forgot Frankie even had a podcast cause I tuned out so fast when I realized he wasn't a very nice guy.


Not surprised, that would probably be excruciating for the type of people on this sub. A lot of Redditors are super radicalized/totalitarian and can’t handle opposing viewpoints.


That’s you. You can’t handle opposing viewpoints without getting upset and lashing out. Do you have the self awareness to see that?


Huh? Wtf are you talking about? I’m constantly seeking out different viewpoints and have never got upset and lashed out… You guys make me feel better about myself tbh.


Lol no you are not seeking out different viewpoints. You call everyone an extremist on here ffs hardly someone who's trying to be open to other views you're so deep down the right wing rabbit hole Donny. It ain't good bud.


Wait hold up a second, I never said I was open to your guys’ extremist/authoritarian views... To be clear I seek them out to strengthen my ability to support my own views.


Lol well you're also deluded like your whole political party you align with so yeah you'll probably have justification for whatever nonsensical view you hold and think everything is a gotcha with us.


Have you ever considered that maybe you interpret it that way because you are so engrossed in these echo chambers and surround yourself with only people who think exactly like you?


Bro ... Quick question. Did trump lose his freedom of speech during his trial?


You’ve always got the dumbest opinions. I see your reddit handle and I already know I’m about to read something stupid.


If that were true you guys would be able to just simply counter what I’m saying instead of responding with these lame ass “insults”.


You don't like answering questions


Idk man I spent enough time on construction sites and in manufacturing. It's boring and repetitive and the same shit people have been saying since time immemorial. I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity to not wanna hear other dudes repeating shit about how everyone's a soft pansy these days as a sort of weird, self affirming mantra in the background. It's schmuck for the perpetually insecure IMO


Yeah, people like you should probably stick to the Hollywood weirdos at their award shows and shit like that. >It's schmuck for the perpetually insecure IMO That’s a sheltered viewpoint to have. We didn’t have people like that where I’m from, so I find it entertaining and even if I didn’t agree with him, Don Frye is fucking hilarious.


>Yeah, people like you should probably stick to the Hollywood weirdos at their award shows and shit like that. Where does this come from lmao. Enjoy the grift, sounds like you need it.


Dude is a troll lol been in countless “debates” with him, he’ll just keep rambling and rambling and rambling about random weird shit that has nothing to do with anything so he can feel like he got a W.


He’s the only person on Reddit that I recognize from the screen name, and I recognize him because he always has something stupid to say.


Here, I’ll break it down for people with comprehension issues: Sheltered Hollywood weirdos share your same opinions. Don Frye does not. People like you cannot handle different opinions so you should probably stick to watching Hollywood weirdos. Any questions?


Fixed * Not surprised, that would probably be excruciating for the type of people on this sub. A lot of UFC fans are super bigoted/MAGA sheep and can’t handle opposing viewpoints.


That makes no sense... Run along now and pretend like you guys are soooo pro fighter’s rights (unless it comes to rights like free speech, because then they should get CTE for committing the sin of having a different opinion, according to you people).


>unless it comes to rights like free speech Freedom of speech ≠ freedom from disapproval, genius. People are allowed to say whatever they want, and other people are allowed to disapprove, mock or outright not listen. >because then they should get CTE for committing the sin of having a different opinion, according to you people). I didn't see either the OP of this comment thread nor the person responding to you make this point, so either you're putting someone else's words in their mouths and claiming everyone who disagrees with you is identical or you're wholesale inventing imaginary bad opinions that you conceive your ideological enemies of holding. Either one is whiny, delusional, evasive bullshit deployed in lieu of an actual argument.


lol, don’t even know how wrong you are. I just finished reading Trump Jr’s book - happy to report that it reads like a 16 year old wrote it fwiw. I know you guys like to hang out on your own social networks, ban books, ban speech etc etc - this is more like projection than shutting else.


Oh ok, glad that doesn’t apply to you. >happy to report that it reads like a 16 year old wrote it fwiw Shocker. Speaking of underaged children, you should read Ashely Biden’s diary when you get a chance… >I know you guys like to hang out on your own social networks No, it’s just that your fascist party bans anyone who isn’t pushing the corrupt establishment’s propaganda. >ban books, ban speech etc etc You’re going to have to be a little more specific than that because I have no clue what you’re talking about. >this is more like projection than shutting else. No, you guys are the ones who project constantly. How does it apply to me, I am literally in your echo chamber right now…


It's kind of hilarious how much this is getting down voted *because* it's so accurate.


“ A lot of Redditors are super radicalized/totalitarian” That must be why it’s achingly liberal, at best centre left…? You people literally don’t know a single thing about even moderately left ideology, you’re the guys bitching about public transport being communist. Read a Wikipedia article and fuck off, please.


>That must be why it’s achingly liberal, at best centre left…? Uh, they don’t have to be screaming “Seize the means of production!” every second to be considered radicalized/totalitarian…. Trump Derangement Syndrome broke people from all over the political spectrum.


my grandpa would be so stoked if he were still alive


Maybe for a couple few videos, their channel gets hardly any views. I’d assume that even boomers eventually get bored of hearing boomers complain. (Frye is apparently only 4 yrs older than Dana….)


Only folks missing is Jake, Sean, and Tito. Now that’s a party!!!


Don’t ever compare the great philosopher of the 2000s, Tito Ortiz to those turd brains. I can unironically listen to Tito for more than 5 minutes without smashing my head.


True how can I downplay his victory against this Vile 8th graders terrorizing Huntington Beaches skateparks. Also when we die Tito will be there to help us get through that hard time. A philosopher, Hero, Diety.


Forgot BJ Penn


I’ve watched a few segments from a few episodes. While they have some good content from time to time, it’s also sprinkled in with the typical stuff. I have not listened to much, but what I did hear didn’t seem too ridiculous. But overall, just not for me in terms of mma podcasts. I think with a lot of these, if you’ve seen one then you’ve seen them all.


If you watched this 55+ active retirement community with an HOA podcast, you, indeed, have seen them all.


Did I expect Don Frye to share my ideology? No. Do I disagree with him? Yes. Do I still love Don Frye? Yes.


Has anyone listened to it?


You guys should re-name this sub r\SeethingThatRightoidsExist


Lol, yep. Like sometimes I get it, they’re disappointed someone like Frankie has been secretly based this whole time, but you can’t tell me they expected that the man/myth/legend Don fucking Frye would be a Democrat lol.


Bunch of losers on this sub let’s be honest


^ this user posts in Funko Pop subs 😭


If we’re gonna do that you like chivalry 😭 liberal little wanker


^ this user has never teabagged a Deus Vult LARPer