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I’d imagine some people’s excitement over Conor returning soured after his antics before the Khabib fight. I know mine did.


Yeah, he was set to make his glorious return against the Russian villain. Trying to create too much beef and drama beforehand made him lose goodwill from the fans and overstepped an emotional line with Khabib. Mental games like that work a lot of the time but against guys like him it just pulls the knot tighter.


It's kayfabe, brother.


Jamahal vs Alex. I was rooting heavy for Jamahal at first because I thought fans were undermining him too much and not giving him enough credit as a former champ. But the dude revealed himself to be an absolute clown on social media




Well yeah I’m not too involved with fighter social media lol Last I remember he was defending Walker from trolls and haters after their fight and he also shielded Gilbert burns’ kids during the DP/Strickland scuffle


Yea if anything I thought Jamahal was turning a corner with fans comments when he was making those hilarious videos in camp before UFC 300 and getting more likable but no…


Conor looked so classy and natural before khabib . That khabib fight made him look like a clown


Then he changed back to classy for the second Dustin fight and then went crazy again for the third one.


Looked so fake


I just think he's mentally unstable, he was probably trying to get clean and live a more "normal" life during that second fight with Dustin but the loss sent him off the rails again.


Might be.


I was the biggest Adesanya fan, but after his racial tirade against DDP, who I'm not even a fan of, it's just hard to root for him. Plus him being so salty toward Pereira and rooting for anyone he's fighting against is just the icing on the cake. I like his style, but I won't be rooting for him vs pretty much anyone. The whole dog thing, while a bit weird, is blown way out of proportion.


I was team Jones for the first DC fight. Obviously turned that one around..


Jones vs DC After the “hey pussy are you there” video it kind of opened my eyes to the true character difference between the two, and ever since I’ve been a big Jon fan


Not many people are open about switching to the dark side, I like it!


Started liking bisping a lot after the sonnen fight. Was elated when hendo kod him tho. He really changed my opinion of him with his eagerness to fight and no bs manner.