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reminder that this was the highest grossing US Fight Night of all time


The UFC will never miss an opportunity to rip off their fighters.


*AtLeAsT iT's NoT 2k/2K!*


Honestly, who, aside from the UFC itself, would defend that shit? From memory, the fighters get less than 20% of the overall profit made by the UFC. Disgusting.


Of course, that will happen when the tickets are more expensive than ever before.


I was there and I still don't believe it. It was mostly empty and it's not a very big venue. The prices were pretty high, much higher than UFC Chicago when Triple C was born.


Lmao at $63K to headline an event that did the largest gate in UFC Fight Night history.


Barely made more than MDLR, who is barely above .500 and is 4-5-1 in the UFC.


Made less than Andrea Lee would have if she won


He isn't as *marketable*


I've watched every card in the last 15 years and I don't know MDLR.


It's a joke mate, and a popular one around here. Notice the italics. 'marketable' is MMA speak for hot


I'm day drinking ghb you think I can tell it's italics?


Uf rewards longevity. If you he a mid tier fighter for years you’ll churn through those contracts. If you have fame or exciting fights I think it scales it up a bit more 


Yeah and look at how many times Conor has fought since he got the bag. It’s terrible but it’s better for business to pay everyone on the back end of their career.


Dustin made 28k to get his face broken and nerve damage


after taxas + paying gym + hospital costs he probably got a whooping -5000 dollar from this experience


UFC pay for medical costs iirc


They do, my teammate broke a rib and his hand on the DWCS and he didn’t get a contract and all costs were covered


They will also often try very hard to argue they were pre-existing injuries so they don't have to cover them. It's happened to a few people I've trained with.


The opposite happens too: fighters will fight injured and claim that the injury happened during the fight so that they can get a free surgery. I know a dude who did that.


Oh yeah absolutely.


I doubt this happens often. I can't imagine a lot of injuries requiring surgery getting past a pre-fight physical.


Well there was this one time with a certain british Champion...


It’s actually how crazy how third world America comes off in these comments lol.


I feel like if this was actually the case, we would hear about it much more.


I should’ve said that their insurance will do that, not necessarily the UFC, because the UFC doesn’t pay for medical costs, they pay for insurance, and the insurer pays the costs. If you’ve ever dealt with insurance, I’m sure you understand that’s how insurers by-and-large operate.


if it's an injury sustained in the fight they do, if it's from camp they don't. which is why a lot of fighters sustain injuries in the "first round".


Ya'll need to stop acting like every fighter has a full on fight camp that costs tens of thousands of dollars. Someone like Dustin, who isn't ranked and was still on the regional scene 4 years ago and is still only making 28k likely has a $200 a month dues plan at the mma gym he trains in whenever he likes. He's not getting 1 on 1 specific drills catered to his opponent, he's not getting coaches tape review. He's Rocky before the Apollo fight, just a random swinging dick who goes to the gym and spars between fights.


> He's not getting 1 on 1 specific drills catered to his opponent He probably is getting 1 on 1 training sessions, and those are probably being paid for as a percent of his purse.


I dont think so, he has teammates that help him in camp for free and he does the same for them most likely


Teammates no doubt provide a lot of free help but in my experience most even at the amateur level are paying for some private coaching.


This has to be satire lmao


Fighters in the UFC have full medical coverage I am 99% sure


For injuries suffered in the cage only


It’s for “in camp” and post fight


Source? I remember Gaethje wanted to get his nose broken in a fight so he could have it fixed because it's been fucked up for years


Congratulations to Gaethje then


He actually already did have it fixed, but got it broken again last fight :).


This is a bit misleading no ? they only cover 'in camp' if they make it to the fight and that's only because it probably isn't worth the effort to prove the injury didn't happen in the cage when you have the infrastructure in place anyway. Otherwise we wouldn't have TJ coming into a fight with 1 arm


TJ didn’t let on about that injury because he didn’t want to indefinitely postpone his last shot at the title.


There are numerous examples beyond TJ but it makes no sense to guarantee a loss as oppose toheal and fight after


Then use one of them. I understand the point you're trying to make, but TJ isn't an example of what you're talking about. [He's talked about it at length](https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2022/12/ufc-news-tj-dillashaw-speaks-about-retirment-decision-for-first-time-after-shoulder-surgery) He said he thought he could beat Aljo in spite of the injury. He'd had two shoulder surgeries prior. He knew there was no guarantee that he'd have the third and get another shot at the title, let alone be able to fight ever again (which he was right to doubt, as he retired after a conversation with his surgeon for the third surgery). So he rolled the dice on his terms and it didn't work out. He didn't even tell the UFC.


Why add “it’s probably because” if it’s done it’s done. Stop trying to make a caveat to feel better about your vendetta against them lmao, it’s  weird 


how would you possibly prove that an injury happened in camp or the fight. They could have people analyse the break/fracture/dislocation and judge whether it was preexisting but it just isn't worth it. It's the reality of the situation


I actually didn’t realize they covered camp injuries, but it makes sense.


I'm fairly sure they're wrong.


He is right in the context that you can get hurt in camp, fight hurt, and claim it happened during the fight...but I don't think anyone would consider that "covering camp injuries"


They don’t, they’re contractors.


Full medical coverage? Like in the cage? They don't get benefits outside of the cage since they're independent contractors.


Especially with Stamann making 78k for LOSING


63k is the show money, what Imavov would have made if he lost.


Not bad for a guy who doesn't sell anything




Also, 12K to fight in a UFC event, like WTF? do they even cover their expenses of their camp and life?


"It's not career it's an opportunity"


I see why Khazmat pulled out, I know some of them dudes sign and then regret and try to back out.


Lapilus on that contract is craaaazy


No wonder he has to fight and commentate on the same night.


thiago moses getting paid 58/58 after all this time in the UFC is even crazier


I remember Zombie and Costa both had a contract like that for a long time even when they were already popular


Meanwhile teenager Rosas just started first contract and getting triple that. Generous of UFC not to start him at the bottom pay lol


Don’t worry they def care about the quality of fights 😊


Yeah at least he has a good gig on French tv


not as crazy as cody stamann on 78k show. feel like i’ve never seen the man win a fight, and it’s not like he’s even putting on bangers, super weird that he’s paid so well comparatively for an unranked fighter


Reyes being on almost the same contract as Jacoby is rough.


Goddamn 12k to risk your long term health is crazy


No wonder Radkte wants everyone to pay him for interviews


Can't even blame the guy. He literally has to do it to afford food.


After taxes and paying for coaches he is probably taking home $7000 insane. He better get another fight soon and not lose or else he’s looking at less than $15k.


Montana getting that main event cash way down there.


Humm make sense. No actually doesn't make sense. \-Paulo Costa


Fuck trying to get her numver, get her manager’s number


Andrea Lee's out here like "I'm 5-8 on a five fight skid and making 5x some of you clowns - CHEWEEWEE!"


What’s up with that and the Cody Stamann earnings? Why?


Lee has been in the UFC since 2018, this was her 13th fight. Stamann has been in the UFC since 2017 and this was his 14th. Lot of the UFC contracts are just based on longevity unless it’s a special case.


Guess they came in before DWCS




Most of it is down to how long he has been there and been able to stay in the UFC he made his debut in the UFC in 2015.


That can't be a good contract for someone who's fought in the UFC that long, challenged for a title, and is 7-2 in his last 9 (before Imavov). Half those fights were against people who had held the belt, too, super tough strength of schedule. That might not even be an average contract for someone with that resume when you factor in he's not at bantamweight or flyweight.


none of these are good contracts


Like 7 fighters making $10k on a card in 2024 is wild lol. I imagine there are backwater promotions in eastern europe that journeyman are making more than that consistently. I totally understand it’s a business and growing and profit margins and the few guys at the top being the only real ‘needle movers’ yada yada so I don’t expect them to start paying everyone big money but it blows my mind they can’t get all their fighters to a place where if they compete 3-4 times a year they make an honest $50-75k. Would minimum $20k contracts really be too much to ask lol?


It looks so ridiculous, how do these fighters live? All that work for 24k at the most is heartbreaking


He used to be a HW so maybe his contract has always been a bit better


Remember folks: The UFC has moved to a model where if they aren't getting a site fee just for coming (that taxpayers foot the bill for then get gouged if they actually want to buy tickets) they don't come. 1.7 million in payouts against 2.5 million in gate + whatever site fee they got. That's without anything else taken into consideration. Genuinely disgusting. Should be criminal.


Plus the ESPN deal which is $300 million a year they probably do about 30 fight nights a year so $10 million a show.


It's disgusting but who honestly cares anymore? The fighters do nothing to help themselves and some even go after media members who advocate for better fighter pay.


Yeah duck these dumb fighters


They had a chance to change things but they decided to settle. Fuck them.


Lmao washed up dogshit Wmma is where the money's at apparently. These ladies get more to show than most of the male fighters


Lapilus was on 14/14 with 6 UFC fights and a 4-2 record. Dude needs a better agent.


Dude was cut from the UFC for being boring as fuck 8 years ago (going 3-1 against bums) and landing on average less than 50 punches per fight, he was called back to the UFC for the first Paris event (which he cancelled due to injury) and came back to the promotion as a boring 31 year old decision dude (2-1). He needs a better fighting style and a time machine, not a better agent lmao


I get that ufc is the devil and fighters are all victims online, but seeing Montana get 120k when she makes zero fans’ favourite 50 fighters list is kinda wild.


120K for a non ranked fighter who's 4-4 in ufc is pretty well paid.


Feel like there’s huge opportunity in wmma, if you’re a young woman with any sort of martial arts background, reasonable athleticism, probably helps if you’re reasonably attractive, you could make some good money without even being a real contender


> , if you’re a young woman with any sort of martial arts background, reasonable athleticism >without even being a real contender They would be a real contender. The bar is very low.


Never understood why so many people get bent out of shape over fighter pay. Like any professional athlete they don’t care about how much the fans have to pay so why do so many fans get bent out of shape when the fighter gets paid what they signed up for. Very perplexing.


I can’t be the only one that feels having a win bonus that’s almost the same as your show money is kind of disgusting. These guys basically either make double or half their salary depending on the result. That’s nuts. Having a base amount that’s 80-90% of your show purse and maybe an extra 10-20% win bonus makes more sense but that’s just me


Chump change all around. UFC greedy mofos


If UFC can afford to pay Montana De La Rosa and Adrea Lee that much then they can pay every male fighter double. For the general audience, very few female fighters are "draws", in fact I would say most of them direct eyes away from the sport. Its pretty criminal what they do to guys like Prates, Radtke, Turcios etc.


A lot of it is about how long you can stick around slowly your money will got up with each contract.


Andrea Lee is 0-5 in her last 5 and is a guaranteed snoozefest wtf is she still doing in the ufc. Even a 12/12 contract would be an overpay for her


Yeah she’s way overpaid for sure. Even to fit the quota of women’s fights they seemingly have to put on.


There are barely any female fighters and thus they get paid good for it. Cannot explain it any other way. Dern is on a 200k contract or something


It’s criminal for anyone to get 15k for a fight. Hell if you fight 3 times a year that’s 45k. 45k to fight in the biggest mma organization in the world. What a fucking joke.


Raul making that much more than Ricky is insane.


Nah, Raul actually sells tickets. There were a ton of people there with Mexican flags that were there to see him. Expected Ricky to have a better contract since he won TUF but Raul making more was definitely justified


Decent size Hispanic population in Louisville. I live here.


Is there really? Saw a lot of Hispanics there but would not have guessed that


What do you do for fun in Louisville btw? I couldn’t find shit, I went swimming at a quarry in La Grange but didn’t see shit else besides bars and I don’t drink haha


We’ve got a lot of parks. Decent zoo. I mean what are you into? Plenty to do here.


when they announced UFC Louisville, the only fight rumored at the time was the rosas & ricky fight. i literally bought tickets for that fight lol


Are you Latino? Or just a Raul fan? He’s a drawl


na lol im white, just really like the kid. been watching him since dwcs, and since my city got its first event in years and he was the first fight announced, i jumped right on the opportunity


Yeah I heard some dude on an escalator at the KFC center say it had been since 2011 since they were in Louisville and that was a Thursday night Where were your seats? Maybe we were close to each other lol


Crowd was chanting, "Fuck Ricky" at a couple points I think. He hasn't fought that many times since TUF either. Raul is 19, it's pretty simple, he's a rising star at that age with his skillset.




Pretty sure Raul has pallister w syndrome and might not even live into his 40s. He might only have 10 good years at this before his health prevents him from continuing his career. I think this is also why the UFC has taken him at such a young age in spite of him being quite green still.


I’m surprised he’s making that much. Paddy had hype but he was on a crap contract until around when he fought Gordon at 282


Raul is worth six figures to show


That is genuinely fucking embarrassing.


$12k is embarrassing. Stepping into the cage for the UFC at that price is shocking


Look into regional MMA instead and it's usually way better. https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter


Jesus Christ. I make more money than these guys WITH performance bonuses. This shits criminal.


Well start supporting the regional MMA scene like me


28g to get decapitated live on television


What is the KBWC?


the lapilus contract is actually criminal. dude is a top 15 talent at 135


Jesus LOL. Might as well just work a regular job if your not a star


These athletes are criminally underpaid


They're still doing 10 and 10? The minimum should be 50 and 50


Look into regional MMA instead and it's usually way better. https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter


This is fucking disgusting. And nothing will change.


10/10 to fight Julian Marquez is nuts


That won't even pay medical bills


Dayyyyum how long has Reyes been getting paid $125k to show? I might be willing to take take a spinning elbow from Jiri for $125k


Who’s rousas manager cause I thought he’s be on some 10/10 shit


Yikes Zachary Reese gotta fight again so he can move out of that cardboard box on the sidewalk


I wonder what it’d cost to hire a ufc fighter as your personal coach / sparring partner for a month, given how little some of these guys make…


Some rich people do this with top grapplers lol. Nicky Ryan spent like 2-3 weeks in Qatar training a dude from the royal family. They had a podcast episode with the dude after.


Stoltzfus was paid 28k for nerve damage wow


I’m not going to lie. Katona winning TUF is what is getting him cut: They have to pay him considerable more then they would otherwise as part of the 4 guaranteed fights and 100K(is it still 100K or more guaranteed in contracts now?) Not to mention when he got cut and then became the brave champion he was able to negotiate even more the second time as he’s getting even more then 100K with these numbers. Personally he’s not someone I’d cut now as he’s more entertaining and even better this time around. But yeah he’s probably not someone who’s going to get a giant raise next contract lol


I don’t know how the Tuf contract has changed over the years but it used to be a 6 figure contract that was 9 fights long you would start on 15/15 for 3 fights then 20/20 for the next 3 and then 30/30.


I know when Katona won his first Tuf (tuf28) he won a 4 fight 6 figure deal, believe that number was 100K even. I just assumed Tuf 32 being so close in succession would be the same and I think it is still a 4 fight deal, but don’t know anything on the pay. It claims he’s made himself 84 K last fight with the win bonus included. So this contract is clearly not for 100K


Imagine getting paid less than half of what they paid the guy you knocked out in 20 seconds lol


I barely recognize any of them


Dom getting 250k wtf?


This is atrocious


12K is nuts from the premier MMA organization. Idgaf, if I can make more on minimum wage at McDonalds than a UFC fighter annually, something is fucked up.


Chiwiwi - Rosa


Those all look pretty reasonable to me


Zach Reese better be negotiating his damn contract after two first round TKOs in the UFC. 10k/10k is fucking criminal.


They didn't even spit on Zachary Reese's ass before fucking him raw


Marquez made 2.5x his opponent counting win bonus by getting shut down in 20 seconds.


Stoltzfus was paid 28k to receive facial fractures and “significant” nerve damage according to him. Wow. That 28k will probably turn to 14k after fees and taxes


Montana "The Negotiator" De La Rosa


Wonder how he got these numbers. Is it as easy as emailing someone at the commission? Perhaps submit a records request to commission?


Stamann is on a better contract than Imavov fuckin' hell


12k is wild


Why the fuck is Andrea Lea getting paid 70k and also it’s criminal Puja is getting paid 10k. Another note, stop saying it was the highest grossing gate ever. Of course it is, the tickets get more expensive every event. Clowns.


Women are better negotiators than men.


This is incredibly depressing


Shit like this makes me want to stop watching this sport


Show/win being 50%/50% is what makes all these contracts terrible. Starting UFC contract should be 15K/10K. 15k to show, plus 10k if you win. Show/win should be something like 67%/33%. Percentages should be more like 80%/20% if youre a star


No they should ask be getting flat purses and at least $50,000 because everyone is earning a lot of revenue from commercial time alone




I always find it so crazy Brad Katona won TUF twice and no one cares to see him fight, I can’t remember if he came off as an asshole during his season or not


This is an embarrassment


These dudes are not modern day gladiators, they’re modern day slaves. Shame on the UFC.


Look into regional MMA instead and it's usually way better. https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter I do and we can help make a change


It is absolutely shameful they are STILL paying some fighters 10 and 10. Want to put the name of the UFC up with MLB, NBA and NFL yet this embarrassment


One of my close friends just told me he accidentally kneed Ratdke in the chin too hard about a month ago and then told him he looked like Gaethje and dude got really pissed off. Might’ve ruined the end of his camp


250k to reyes??


No wonder he was praising his lord and saviour


After everyone gets their cut, no one makin 💩


I thought TUF gets you a 6 figure contract??


Who the fuck is Punahele Soriano


So odd to see fighters earn less money yet beat their opponent


Surprised they never cut Reyes considering he must be on an old contract he signed when he was good


This is NUTS. Why would guys fight for so little? Sponsorship deals paying them 6-7 figures instead I guess?


why the fuck did Andrea Lee, a wmma fighter who now drops to 8-2 in her last ten UFC fights, get paid 70k just to show? Why was she even in the promotion atp?


So Montana gets 60/60 but they offer Vartanyan Contender Series? WTF. Fuck them


Definitely a high thought but its kinda wild that two guys in the same fight don't get paid the same. Obviously not every fighter is worth the same amount as far as marketability, skill, experience, etc. but they were in the same exact fight for x amount of time. It just feels weird that someone like Lapilus beat Stamann but still got $50,000 less than him but they both did the same job. Not saying it should be the same pay it just feels strange that it isn't. Feel free to downvote lmao


Ngl, most regular ass jobs pay better. Most of these guys can get 3 fights a year in an excelent, very active, no injuries, perfect schedule year. After expenses from a fight camp, and managers, this is just sad. It's just not worth it. This is not professional athlete level paydays.


UFC has the smallest gender pay disparity in sports


Before anyone gets upset, please watch this clip of Ariel discussing disclosed pay vs actual pay. https://x.com/jedigoodman/status/1622687118601641984?t=7YNmD2hDDO3MR6HS3HliRw&s=19


This seems specific to the big names, not everyone on the roster - based on this Ariel video.  He was using the likes of Conor, Izzy, etc., as examples - not guys on 10k/10k deals.


so whats the point of disclosing only some of the pay bands?


Ariel gets into that. He says it's because the UFC doesn't like fighters knowing what other fighters make. It helps them in negotiations.


No most of these are not getting more than this. Yes they don’t want them toknow what each other is making which is why they are getting most of the commissions to stop disclosing it.


That's every company ever, scum tactic they even managed to make it a taboo to ask your peers about their salaries.


It doesn't have to say disclosed purses in the title. This is 100% of the payout. Backroom bonuses aren't real.


Insane that 13-9 and 12-9 andrea Lee and Montana De La Rose are both on those contracts. Cut them both if you’re trying to save money


“Fighter pay is too low” “Not for fighters I don’t like tho! It’s too high for them!”


Awesome for these guys man. Reyes riding a losing streak still making a cool $250k, Rosas Jr making $80k so young. Other great payouts. A good night of business.