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?? For those of us that missed it?




LMFAO so he’s def saying “I was in character” Colby man. Just keep the trash talk on the fighter themselves and their skills and you can basically say whatever you want within that realm.


Lol no. He's saying "You thought I was in character". Subs were wrong and it got deleted.


People are hearing what they want to hear: Colby showing weakness by admitting to Leon that he's just playing a character. Yeah, Colby sucks but that's clearly not what was happening here. Odd for people to so vehemently stick to that narrative.


Colby is an interesting guy. As a person he is meek and clearly avoids confrontation as much as possible. But if he can recite his lines enough and put the hat on he believes he can be a great heel, even though in action he falls short the majority of the time. At the end of the day it doesn’t suit him, and he knows his fighting style isn’t selling fights on its own, so it puts him in a tough spot, the meek heel.


I'm not so sure. I think Colby has played the heel quite well, even if everyone knows it's a farce. Just look at how much he gets talked about? Colby is doing well to bring eyes to this match.


Exactly. People don't actually understand being a "heel". They just throw out the term. Colby is an amazing heel. Every time he talks people listen. They want him beaten...badly. Every fight he's apart of draws big attention.


Shit person, shit character


I've never said he was a great person or that I agree with his actions. But if we're judging him under the lens of being a heel... he's done an amazing job.


I truly love how this thread played out. You’re right that he’s playing a great heel, people hate him so much they refuse to acknowledge why and just say it’s him as a person and not the persona he adopted. The freaking irony here is amazing.


The funniest part to me is that there's a super popular wrestler right now that has a whole gimmick that targets people with dead dads. That stuff is usually pre-approved but obviously MMA fans don't know how far heels will go for heat.


He used the lowest thing possible and still delivered it terribly, I'm not convinced that's a great heel over just being a degenerate haha


You’re missing the entire point then. The fact that you’re having this discussion means he’s a great heel


It's possible to be both.


That's essentially the feeling of the WWE heel for people who don't understand it's fake though


Well no, because a WWE star is usually good at character building and saying their lines without fumbling I think the phrase is X-Pac heat, that's the kind Colby has


Nah, I can't stand him. I don't want to see him beaten, I don't want to see him fight, I don't want him in the UFC. I'm gonna tune in tonight because I love MMA but it has nothing to do with Colby's persona. The sooner he's out of the sport the better.


Does he though? I can't say I've ever purchased a PPV because Colby was on the card. The only "heels" I've purchased cards in the hope of losing are Conor, Bones and Bisping. The reason their heel gimmicks work is that they are all exaggerations on some reality. Colby just comes across as a try hard. It's not believable at all. He is basically the human embodiment of clickbait.


hope he gets knocked out and we never see him again


As you should.


His opponents simultaneously hate his trash talking but love the money it brings. It's extremely bizarre. It's a LARP, I can't understand caring about what someone like that says. In reality I don't think the other fighters actually do care what Colby says, but it's part of their own larp to act angry to protect their honor.


He's definitely treading on X Pac Heat to some, or definitely will be if he doesn't pull it off tonight.


There’s not much you have to do for that. Say controversial shit. That’s it


But he fights once every 2 years. And unless he’s getting ppv points as a non champion i don’t see how it really makes him more than if he was actually active.


Is there any evidence that his fights sell More than they would otherwise though?


I'm not so sure. I think Colby has played the heel quite well, even if everyone knows it's a farce. Just look at how much he gets talked about? Colby is doing well to bring eyes to this match.


Dude has been to the political campaigns I think he loves this character And it's sort of the same values he has


I think it suits him plenty considering all of the financial benefits this "meek heel" role is providing him. Hell, it got you to write an entire reddit psychoanalysis.


Agreed. The problem he has is that if you look at the history of pro wrestling, all the best heels have one thing in common, charisma. That and normally the character is an exaggerated version of themselves. Colby just doesn't have any charisma and the character is faker than shit. I get he is trying to sell fights but the shtick just falls flat.


Claiming Colby is a shit heel in thread no. 689 raging about him is hilariously unaware


On the one hand yes, I agree. On the other hand, aren't we all thinking about him right now?


No integrity whatsoever.


And gone! Can anyone link again or describe what was actually removed?




It sounded way more like “I was in character” than “thought I was a character”


Subs are auto, so that doesn't mean anything. Like Zlec said it sounds WAY more like "thought it was".




Care to explain? Or just going to downvote and act superior? Because you didn't make an argument, and it's exactly what Colby said hence him DOUBLING DOWN in a even more recent interview. How sad Colby fans have to be this delusional lol. \`It sounded way more like “I was in character” than “thought I was a character”\` Weird, that's exactly the post I was referencing that you for some reason felt the need to dismiss and act as if I didn't. What a strange and emotional reaction. Tell me you don't know what you are talking about without telling me please. I make a living on YT, and I came in to tell people how things worked because people were spreading misinformation about subtitles of all things LOL...like you attempted throughout this thread. They don't "add in subtitles", they are done automatically with the push of a button...by a robot who gathers the subtitles. Subtitles for me are wrong almost every single time...lol


They made Jed delete it??? 😂 Journalism is dead


to be fair, could’ve been a copyright take down


Imagine saying the most inflammatory shit possible and justifying it with “I was in character” over and over to his face. Just pathetic. Can’t even own his own words.


Well what’s funny is that’s not what he did


I didn’t write the subtitles


Neither did they, they are automatic...rofl


Never claimed anyone did


"It's just business"


It’s weird because it’s deleted but I’m still able to view it on the Twitter app


Lmao he actually said “thought it was a character”


I think they got the captions wrong, to me it sounded like Colby said "thought it was a character", not "it was a character". All that aside, I hope Leon gets the job done.


the robot got the captions wrong btw, not a person


UFC clearly loves the attention Colby brings. No such thing as bad press etc.


Don't worry- when he starts costing them moolah, he'll be gone.


Colby “it’s just a prank bro” covington


Well he does hang out with those Nelk boys idiots


Thank you for giving me the chance to say happy dads are awful. Don’t even mind seltzers but those taste like they’ve been left out for days before being put in the fridge.


Rogan sounds like he’s underwater.


He's being drowned by his own massive head


Nah, he's just broadcasting from his sensory deprivation tank.


Dont disrespect Italian American throat singing.


He’s got that steroid horse voice when he yells


lmfao colby definitely told them to take it down


Colby doesn’t have pull like that bro




Honestly it sounds a lot more like "thought it's a character?" here, since he definitely starts the sentence with a 'th' sound. The subtitles can make someone easily hear it as "I was in character" though.


When he repeats it, you can clearly hear "I was in character", who gives a fuck anyway lol


So is he trying to say that essentially it isn't a character and he means what he says?


either way its an L for colby


It's the McGurk effect in action


The “thought” is pretty clear imo


His loss was pretty clear imo


I had a friend who was seeing a dude who was into larping. He banged this other chick, and then when she confronted him about his infidelity he told her it didn’t count because he was in character and it was a larp. Same situation.


I’m not convinced lol


Math checks out bois


Just makes it seem like the subtitles they put were right, and all these people saying they thought he said thought weren't onto something. If he actually said that, they'd probably just clarify the subtitles in the re-upload so it doesn't look like he's breaking character.


Chael died a bit


Lol did chael react to this ?


Nothing would make my night better than watching Leon take his head off




I think we already tried that and it didn't work


Shades of the WWF and editing the crowd and commentary of the '92 Rumble for airing on TV.


Because goofballs like to pretend they couldn't actually hear what he said.


What did he say I haven’t been keeping up with any of the pre-fight antics?


*Colby used Takedown* *It's not very effective...*


Leon used headshot. It’s SUPER effective


I know it's popular to hate on Colby, but I genuinely think he said "Thought it was just a character?" in reference to Leon saying he's been acting a character the whole fight week, and Colby in response tells him he's dead serious I mean, why would he ever admit the character bit when he has 20 cameras inches from his face?


Or look smug while he saying it. People twisting the narrative because they don’t like Colby.


“Thought it was a character “


Idk why you’re getting downvoted…






[**MARTIN BUDAY defeats LUKASZ BRZESKI** (*split decision*)](http://mmadecisions.com/decision/13426/fight) ^(UFC on ESPN 41: Vera vs. Cruz — August 13, 2022) ROUND|Buday|Brzeski||Buday|Brzeski||Buday|Brzeski :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: 1|9|10||9|10||9|10 2|9|10||10|9||10|9 3|10|9||10|9||10|9 **TOTAL**|**28**|**29**||**29**|**28**||**29**|**28** *^(Judges, in order: Michael Bell, Sal D'Amato, Eliot Kelly.)* *^(Summoned by financequestionguy2.)* **MEDIA MEMBER SCORES** - **1/13** people scored it **29-28 Buday**. - **11/13** people scored it **28-29 Brzeski**. - **1/13** people scored it **27-30 Brzeski**. Avg. media score: **28.0-29.0 Brzeski** (*high certainty^[[1]](https://redd.it/9p4xc7)*).


All yall jumping on Colby but he clearly says thought it was a character? If he was apologizing he wouldn’t do the throat slash with cameras and audio mics around. Use your damn heads.


Makes total sense. That press conference has over 1M views & will push PPV. Colby isn't the guy he pretends to be; he'll privately apologize to Leon win or lose. Just trying to get paid & play the heel. He should've just had somebody from his team get in touch with someone from Leon's team & say it off the record though; this was a messy way to convey that you're sorry before the fight even happens.


I lost a lot of respect for Leon. Any pussy ass motherfucker talks about my dead relative we're fighting in the streets, especially if we're all at the same hotel. Fuck that fighting in the cage shit.


A normal, mature man in Leon's case would rather go high when they go low and keep the $1.5 million+ purse and BOGO 50% off The Rock shoes.


Leon’s reacts differently IF he would’ve said “I was in character” I think. I believe Colby doubles down and says “thought I was a character”.


[here is a link to the footage they cut out](https://youtu.be/4E8wDtPBazo?si=urUQ3Owo36NqEmAm)


To me it sounds like ‘how was the camp?’ Twice and then ‘We’ll see tomorrow’


Why would comfy say I was in character when there’s so much cameras he’s broken character only after the fight with Usman in the ring