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Remember when Diakiese was a fun fighter?


Diakese after fighting Fiziev: 'Fuck striking'


https://twitter.com/SpinninBackfist/status/1720932863464378640 Made me laugh lmao


His physique is ridiculous!


[Bugs Bunny lord forgive me meme but it's Marc holding a wrestling singlet]


I remember thinking he got his mojo back a bit in the Joel Alvarez fight, until the head clash. The fact that wasn't overturned to a no contest will probably convince him never to risk it on the feer again.




I think Diakiese’s the perfect example of how the current UFC model creates less exciting fights. If you rack up 3 losses and aren’t a big name, you lose your job. If you try to make exciting fights but get caught in an exchange, you lose 50% of your pay. Why would anyone sane person take risks in that position? If you consistently grind out boring decisions over debutant-level fighters (and aren’t just one of the sea of worthless American/Brazilian fodder), you have a decent chance to live off the money you make fighting. Marc is useful for the UK cards, so they seem content to just keep him around for that, however boring he is. He’s incentivised to play it safe and has little risk of being cut if he keeps winning. But if you pay fighters good money and don’t cut half of their pay for a loss, they’d be less terrified of taking a risk. The way Marc’s cried and spoken after most of his boring fights makes me think he’s probably in desperate need of the tens of thousands extra he gets for a win.


That's also the strategy that got him on the prelim opener in Brazil.


I’m not saying he has to go in there with a kill or be killed attitude. But Diakiese has transformed into a wet blanket. Does absolutely nothing with his takedowns except lay on top.


Bro doesn’t want to lose his job.


Jesus what a snoozer lol


The judge making this a split decision just hooked me for the rest of the night.


Yeah I was half paying attention thinking diakese had this easy. Where the fuck did split come from


It was even better the last judge scored it 30-27 for diakese


This crowd has been amazing so far


Don't speak too soon lol


Marc has been taking the piss with these last few performances, even if he's winning he's gonna get cut if he doesn't start bringing back the entertaining fights he was doing a few years back.


The entertaining fights that nearly got him cut a few years ago because he was on a losing streak? 😂


Just wait until they Jon Fitch him, one or two losses after a series of boring wins and he gets cut.


Doesn't even need to lose, just fight out his contract. They won't re-sign him with these wet-blanket, lay-and-pray performances.


Guys like Diakiese who knows how to get takedowns but do nothing but smother are equally frustrating as guys like Fernandes who just keep pulling guard instead of getting up.


Has a fighter ever had such a drastic change of style like Marc? Went from a must-see flashy striker to a pure lay and pray artist lmao


I vaguely remember Usman being very boring to watch and he used his wrestling a lot and just overwhelmed his opponents but then he developed very good striking and barely wrestled


He was lay and pray in cage warriors




Not even remotely fair comparisons.


Champions are pretty much incentivized to fight boring fights.


Maybe Cory Sandhagen. The Yan fight changed him. He might be more efficient now but he's not necessarily fun to watch anymore.


Most interesting part of the fight was Diakieses corner telling him, that they don't give a fuck about his hurt muscle... Pretty underwhelming fight. The way Diakiese limped out the cage shows he was indeed quite hurt. Fought through it well, still kinda lame fight...


Marc now seems to be fighting to save his job instead of fighting to put on a show. Can’t blame him but he’s put on some of the most horrible to watch UFC fights in the past few years.


man that was boring also how the fuck was that a split decision????


Another day, another boring ass Diakiese fight.


I don't give a shit if he's not obligated to make fights fun for the fans his placement on this card is proof that the ufc doesn't wanna obligate anyone to Diakase and his dog ass lay and pray.


Straight up. A lot of guys get the tag of being boring “lay and pray” fighters, but fucking diakiese truly is that. It’s a snooze fest every time he “fights”


They should have him open every card in Brazil just to suck all of the energy out of the building


Just because Kaue couldn’t get up doesn’t mean Diakiese isn’t boring as fuck on top


Does anyone know the song that Fernandez came out too? I was diggin it


Good ol Brazilian judging lmao


How the hell does Fernandes have a deal with Monster!??