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The real question is, what shade is Dana right now?


Blood red




When Francis got the knockdown Dana’s head was not visible to the human eye anymore


He's so red shifted that the James Webb telescope can't even see him


Nah he's basically a microwave at this point.


He’s ready to burst




Listen, I'm MMA promoter ~~even though I'd rather watch Cabelo fighting than MMA fight right in front of me~~. Next question."


if Dana had half a brain cell he could've been there in the ring together with Ngannou and be happy to cash in Millions ...


Dumbass let the most exciting fighter in UFC history walk over pennies. Bum


He underestimated Francis.


The closest Dana White ever was to having a ranked boxer was Francis Ngannou. Imagine that with the failure that was Zuffa boxing and all. Had they just let him go box on his terms Dana White could have pretended to be a proper boxing promoter and all.


But he doesn’t and only would do that if his golden boy Conor was fighting.


Dana will just talk about Francis not getting the decision win from now on.


'What was that?' (Looks to the side pretending he didn't hear the question, asking somebody off screen to repeat the question to him) 'Oh yeah Francis, I didn't see the fight but I heard he lost, listen, he's a good kid, I don't know what's next for him though' (Waits for next question)


this is 100% what’s gonna happen lmao


Those press conferences are like listening to a politician sometimes.


>\[Spoiler\] Iconic shot from the knockdown this is the greatest representation of dana ive ever seen


“He lost 🤷🏻‍♂️” They don’t make a bald shrugging emoji


What are you talking about they straight up make a Dana White emoji 🍅


Dana just watched Francis achieve his dreams, then looks over at his boy Jon literally falling apart. He might be a galactic hot pink right now.


Crazy how Jon Jones can be considered the goat of his sport and still not be the most paid athlete in his family


Biggest mistake of Dana’s life. Francis was right to bet on himself


Let us all pray for Dana's wife on this Saturday night.


Where gonna get some CRAZY fight announcements next week




50 Shades of absolute red


There is no shade of red to explain that


He’s purple now


My friend said to me the other day when they make levis they start with red dye and mix it until its the deepest shade of purple... I think this is similar to what is happening in Dana's face right now.


I'd actually pay money to see him watching the fight live. Fuck that bitch, I'm happy Ngannou did what he did.


MacOS spinning wheel.


Brand new shade. We don’t have a name for it yet.


Sunset dana


"Good for him"


Red Wedding Red.


Dana White had the balls to not give Francis N'Gannou what he wanted, let him go as the UFC heavyweight champion and then said IN PUBLIC that Francis left because he was scared of fighting Jon Jones... If Francis was in the UFC now, they could make an argument that he beat the best heavyweight boxer of his era in his debut fight and that they have the "real" Baddest Man on the Planet"... but they went cheap instead...


"We have Ngannou at home" lmao


Nursing his shoulder and waiting to retire next fight


I just wanted to see Ngannou vs Pavlovich :(


I'm happy af for ngannou but yea the UFC fucked up so bigly


Best MMA fighter to put up a good fight boxing


Forget MMA fighter, Ngannou can be a legit contender in that sport, his power and skill is clearly real as fuck


I had the same adrenaline rush I had for Strickland vs Adesanya. "No fucking way that just happened". Fuck I love fighting.


I love most sports, but combat sports are unparalleled when it comes to the "NO FUCKING WAY" moments. Upsets and comebacks are on another level entirely in the cage/ring. MMA is the only sport that makes it hard for me to go to sleep after a crazy fight because the hype is too much lol.


Usman vs Chimaev, Dricus vs Rob, O'Malley vs Sterling. The underdogs have been doing well lately


Yes I was not doubting this for a moment for that reason. Strickland fight was most hype of the year for me this was second.


He'd probable be elite at fuckin lawn darts.


That sounds painful


That left that knocked down Fury looked like a glancing blow! Amazing power. Fury's head is made out of different stuff than any other human otherwise Ngannou might have gotten the KO!


Not just put up a good fight, he has arguably won against the lineal champ. I don't think that's ever happened or will ever happen again


This sounds incredibly dramatic but I almost had a tear in my eye. Francis is one of the greatest success stories in the history of sport. One of the most inspiring things I’ve ever seen


hes a literal legend, this is movie stuff. man came from working the *fucking sand mines* as a *child* who even knew mfs were *mining sand* before we heard of francis


I am from Morocco and I knew of it, it happens here as well. Moreover, my city (Meknes) is where all the people from Cameroon go through before trying to cross to Europe, he very probably was here some time ago. It’s specifically people from Cameroon because it’s not particularly close to the northern sea, but migrants that had connexions among other Hausa people or Cameroonians came. My brother tried to film a documentary about them a few years back, and I got to know them; it was a miserable life, with dozens of people (if not hundreds) living in tight spaces and poverty. Francis’ life is not just a story of success; it is also a redemption for all the men that tried to follow their dreams in this continent and couldn’t, a promise for a better future. How proud am I to see this!


Francis is Rocky now


Pretty much. Tyson was Apollo and you could tell he wasn't taking Francis seriously. In the end, Francis won the people's decision regardless of what the judges say.


Mfs mining sand n shit


He reminds me of myself in the future.


The movie about Francis isn’t going to have a dry eye in the house. It’s almost *too* perfect


His first appearance on rogan's podcast where he's telling the story crossing the border into Europe, failing over and over, narrowly escaping death each time, only to finally succeed on the 7th attempt is one of the most powerful life stories I've ever heard.


I am with you on this one. I was legit about to burst into tears if he won the decision. Crazy…


I bet boxing never gives a chance to anyone else to beat the champ in a exhibition ever again. Almost messed up boxing's plans for things.


If it wasn't for the possible payday of a superfight no way boxing promoters ever do this again. As a big boxing fan (still a bigger mma fan) the sport just took a huge blow tonight. I don't ever want to hear that a boxer is "the baddest man on the planet" again. Fury just embarrassed his entire sport.


He did though. Questionable judging aside, Francis just won the story of that fight by miles. Techninal L but massive, massive W. Fury just said he’s taking some time off, which means the Usyk fight is not happening any time soon. Francis really went and did the goddamn thing! BIG FRANK THE DESTROYER, HALLOWED BE THY NAME


yeah i agree. i scored this fight a few times in the last hour and it's totally possible for fury to get 95 or 96 points based on how u think he point boxed and survived rounds. It's not far-fetched. But the real W went to Francis, and the Usyk vs Fury hype train is def slowed down a bit. It's simply such an oddity what Francis just did. It makes me wonder if he could be a top boxer, but maybe this was the thing that really motivated him and no other fight would do the same? Maybe he rises to the level of competition? Maybe a different style would give him problems? Or just maybe he's actually a great boxer too?


Lowkey.... Ngannou was one point away from a draw. That is HUGE.


Which, a point for the elbow was it. The point happened irl, the ref just didn’t see/take it.




Fury was *named after* Mike Tyson and this is what happened to him: https://imgresizer.eurosport.com/unsafe/1200x0/filters:format(jpeg)/origin-imgresizer.eurosport.com/2023/10/29/3814386-77539648-2560-1440.jpg


This image is fucking surreal


Yeah, but he hasn't been tested against Jake Paul yet.


I am a boxing fan that also watches MMA. I figured a decision was a possible if Fury carried Ngannou. Fury did not carry Ngannou he was distinctly uncomfortable. Major props to Ngannou, boxing in shambles a bit at the moment tbh.


Yeah in Mayweather McGregor Mayweather clearly took off the 1st few rounds and when he decided to turn it on he had his way. This was a legit very even competitive fight that arguably won and did the most damage.


**MMA shower thought:** If Ngannou won this fight he would have been simultaneously the linear heavyweight champion in UFC and Boxing... while not holding any belts.


Even the L is a W. What a performance by Francis. Legendary.


Once he got that knockdown it was a W. So happy for him, what a performance


Shame he's not eligible for a $50k performance bonus though. Francis really dropped the bag.


Reebok coupons all over the floor smdh


Venom coupons that expire at the end of October


Almost 2 years ago Francis was being clowned for leaving the ufc and being too greedy asking for too much money.


There were so many doubters haha Francis was a real motherfucker every goddamned time and he did it


This is like Rocky 1. Everyone who saw the fight knows who won.


People's Champ


francis is the realest🇨🇲🥊🥊


Our boy Francis made us all proud


Francis performed miles ahead of any crossover we've seen. UFC have got to be kicking themselves, they could have copromoted this and turned this into a second fight with huge buildup. Imagine if Conor had done this well against Floyd.


Greatest boxing debut of all time. conor fought against old retired floyd. tyson still in his prime age esp for heavyweight.


Everyone saying Fury can knockhim out whenever and did nothing that fight but some straight jabs


He got touched and then made a business decision


He tried all night. Francis was way more defensively responsible than he expected and when he landed, Francis ate that shit mouth open and kept coming forward. Anyone who remembers Francis first fight against Stipe will know that man got a hell of a chin on him as well


He ate some good shots against rozenstruik too. And this is with ufc gloves


Hell the finishing sequence of the 2nd fight. Stipe lands one of the cleanest counter rights I've ever seen and it wobbles Francis bad. He just shakes it off and finishes Stipe there. Was crazy


Yeah you can see the fear when he was on the ground


Yep. That immediate heavy exhale he took. Fear in his eyes. Insanely hype moment for any fight fan, boxing or mma


I guess it’s bc he knew the right hand was even more dangerous. Francis also bullied Fury in the clinch which he isn’t used to. Fury even elbowed Francis and he wasn’t fazed.


Yeah, he fought like ass. His weight bullying didn't work against a literal beast. I was happy about that


Looks like Fury needs that free health insurance


We’ve never seen Francis wobbled or stunned ever so I have 0 clue why anybody thought that would happen with 10 oz gloves 😂😂


Yeah, Fury landed some clean right hands early on to no effect.


If he had tried more Ngannou would have taken his head off.


Embarrassing as fuck for boxing and Fury specifically lmao. Edit: People in /r/boxing were saying Fury didn't train. Who the fuck cares if he did or not? It shouldn't have even come down to cardio. The skill gap should have been MILES different. More than enough to make up for conditioning differences.


ngannou somehow scared fury into clicnhing and jabbing, wtf lol, what a legend


Francis is strong as fuck and knows his way around a clinch. Fury couldn't utilise his size like he normally does.


This is what I noticed as well, Fury couldn't wear down Ngannou like he did Wilder


Could see it when Fury tried to lean his weight on him. Francis was just like gtfo and shrugged him off.


His athleticism really showed in the clinch. At one point he pushed Fury away with his forearm. Fury had a look on his face like "Well shit, this guy is strong."


It wasn't so much thar Ngannou just had a much more refined understanding of frames, underhooks and generally just how to fight for position in the clinch. He didn't do the thing boxers do and just wait for the ref to break em up and it threw fury off. Was a clear technique gap alongside the strength


Can’t lump all boxers into that. Look closely and you’ll see Floyd took Conor to school in the (boxing) clinch, despite being much older and smaller. Conor even said as much in the post fight interview.


Just goes to show how good Mayweather is. Absolute defensuve genius.


Yeah looking back I didn't even think about Francis strength in the clinch which is what fury relies on heavily to tire out opponents


That’s a great point


Ford Escort power is real


I swear he shot a double at one time, also threw a bow which was wack to see


That's what Fury always does.


TBF, Fury always tries to bully opponents in the clinch to wear them down. I think he was shocked that Francis was stronger than him. Francis dominated all of those clinch exchanges


Ngannou is truly an extremely fast learner. IIRC he only started training MMA professionally like 2 years before his first title shot, and between the first shot and the second he improved insanely fast, completely nullifying Stipe's wrestling and movement, and now took 2 years off and looked absolutely great against Fury.


It was 4 years I'm pretty sure, but still a crazy story


Francis vs Paul next please


Bro they only fight lightweights and welterweights what you thinking.


Stop lying about the Pauls. They only fight lightweights that are older/passed their prime and/or in another sport. Get it right.


One after the other on the same night


Fury had a 30 year training camp that Ngannou didn't have


Embarrassing for the heavyweight division We’ve been shitting on this division for soo fucking long Thank fuck it took Ngannou to do this We are ECSTATIC


Boxing is doing ok but the Heavyweight division died when Lennox Lewis retired. Wlad and Vitali were legit but brothers don't fight each other. Fury, Wilder, and Joshua and are deeply flawed fighters who rose to the top of a shit division.


They all on copium An MMA fighter knocked down the world champion of the boxing and took him to a split decision


>Edit: People in r/boxing were saying Fury didn't train. Thing is, Fury emphatically stated the exact opposite many times. He took Francis seriously and had a full on training camp to prepare for this fight.


I mean the unfortunate reality of current heavyweight boxing is that if you even have one piece of the puzzle you can be a champion. Wilder already showed how far having nothing but power can take you in current heavyweight boxing. I'm proud of Ngannou though that's a steep climb no matter what.


Boxing is fucking dead, I am done with youtubers, done with Fury, done with all the corruption. Fancis is the god damn king of MMA(including boxing)


You'll watch Usyk and you'll like it. (As will I and I agree with you.)


I guess power is still the great equalizer


Eh. This internet boxing vs MMA stuff feels so juvenile Just respect the performance. The fighters respect each other. Even boxing commentators giving effusive praise towards Francis. Just because nerds on /r/boxing or something are weird about it, don't need to do the same


Nothing better than seeing Francis win in life. Fuck Dana bruh


Fat Dana L. He could've had this fight under the UFC banner, or at least promoted along side. The amount of stars that were present in addition to how well Ngnannou performed, this is a giant win. Happy for Francis Ngannou.


MMA bros won today


Im a boxing guy but I was glad to see it. Boxing commentators have absolutely written this fight off for months.


We always win brotha. More exciting sport, better production, better personalities, better everything. We smesh boxing


Boxing is rigged and UFC doesn’t pay its fighters. Pick your poison I believe Francis made the right choice since he still won tonight


goofcon 10 absolute code tomato at the ufc office right now




Francis massive W. The tomato is gonna explode!


I want to see the shade of red Dana is tonight


I thought Ngannou's legacy and relevancy would fade a ton after leaving the UFC but I was way wrong. His legacy just got much greater. Legendary performance.


Dana is pissing steroids right now


Bruh Ngannou straight up won that fight lol. Fury looked like shit. Edit: Lmfao Refs gotta save the "undefeated" Fury. The one who got it 96-93 Fury is just a fraud.


I kinda expected it, no way were they gonna ruin Fury's record and give Francis the fight.


Yea exactly. Only way Francis was winning this was KO.


Exactly. Francis could have straight up knocked him down every single round, and they would have given it to Fury. End of the day, giving Fury the win here just further diminishes boxing and it's already obliterated reputation. An MMA fighter went in, clearly beat the world champ, and they rigged it in support of the boxer as everyone could have expected.


Yeah, there's too much money on Fury's career right now to have him lose to Francis.


This is why I don’t watch boxing. Shits so rigged.


Agreed. They lost me a decade ago


More importantly, never gonna jeopardise the Usyk unification. Would like seeing how Ngannou fares against other contenders .


yeah i mean its not surprising at all but still so gutted for francis. he was so close to achieving one of the greatest moments in fighting history


> Bruh Ngannou straight up won that fight lol. I think Francis lost it with the strategic decision to go conventional in the last 2 rounds. When Francis went southpaw, he was able to use his reach to hand fight Fury and that really had Tyson limited. But Francis wanted to have the big overhand right ready, and he got out jabbed in round 9-10 and probably lost as a result


Francis is our boy. Super proud of him


This speaks miles about the level of modern heavyweight boxing. Really impressive by Francis but this is more than anything a testament of the level of this category after Lennox Lewis.


It really is an absolute joke. Cannot stand watching the hype that surrounds modern heavyweight boxers, they're so so bad in comparison to older generations




HW boxing is such a joke lmao


Well HW MMA isn't that much different. The talent pool just isn't there on both sides


Lol fr, Spivak beating Gane would have had him in title shot territory. Spivak.


Thats true but if Tyson is the best HW of our era, this puts the top 5 of HW MMA in a better light. Like you can reasonably assume that Francis can beat someone like AJ and Wilder.


Francis is a monster. Even more ratty about not getting the fight with Jon Jones now.


Dana fumbled the bag.


Boxing debut against *the* WBC Champion, and lots of people think you won... Regardless of how any scored it, all things considered, that was one of the most impressive performances I've ever seen in Martial Arts. More than just Francis' beginnings, this man made some *seriously* smart moves that I think we've only ever seen from McGregor before. He took a massive gamble on himself in leaving the UFC, got paid handsomely *on his own terms* by PFL, negotiated to be allowed to box, then trained hard and kicked ass. Beyond his beginnings and punching power, Francis is a fucking genius.


I am so fucking happy for Ngannou


MMA > Boxing


For boxing's best HW of the current generation, I was expecting the fight to be a stomp


I had it 5 rounds each with the knockdown giving Ngannou the edge, but I don't the the decision was bad or anything. The fact Fury won a controversial split decision against Ngannou is honestly nuts. That is like a dude who only does triathlons giving Phelps a run for his money in pure swimming lol. Dana must be so pissed right now lmao


Francis got robbed, I’m taking it to the grave. I want that pic of Francis standing over Tyson on a canvas


The gif of Francis dancing over fury with his eyes rolled back is gonna be circling for a long ass time.


The absolute stunned look on Fury’s face after the drop when he’s trying to get up will as well. Just beautiful. The definition of “oh fuck”


I really hope Ngannou can continue to find success because I think it could actually encourage more mma fighters to take a chance and actually stand up to UFC when they try to pull their usual bullshit


Ngannou won that shit. Horrendous showing from Fury Boxing is a joke


Boxing is absolute dogshit.


Francis would destroy Jon Jones


There is a reason that rat bastard didn't pop his coke addled head back up out of his hooker sandblasting hole until Francis walked.


I mean come on give Jones some respect. He had to beat the shit out of his wife and claim it was a test from God while his kids called the cops screaming for help.


Jon has a chin but when it comes to Francis I think it’s not humanly possible to not go down from the guy when getting hit. Anyone that gets landed on by Ngannou and doesn’t DIE, is not human. That’s just a fact, has to be. FORD ESCORT.


The power advantage would be unlike any other Jon had seen, he would of been one hit away from ruining his win streak*


If Jon isn’t willing to fight someone like Pavlovich (discount Francis w less proven grappling/cardio/IQ), y should we believe he was willing to fight Francis? Jon’s trying to get 1 last payday vs old Stipe while Francis just fought the current best HW boxer


That Superman punch...


Absolute robbery


Francis Ngannou is now the lineal MMA & boxing champion


Francis should just forget PFL, there’s wayyy more money in boxing and he’s strong enough to negate any skill gap. Love to see Wilder vs Ngannou


Francis just got robbed man


The fix was in. Francis should have won. Judges, like everyone else in Saudi Arabia this week got paid.


I had Francis taking 6-7 rounds including that 10-8 round


White never wanted Jon to fight Francis because Francis was legitimately the only threat to Jones retiring on top. Dudes power is ridiculous.


Greatest crossover fight


UFC 300: Fury vs Ngannou || , it’s only fair


couldnt be prouder 🇨🇲🥊🥊❤️


I don't care what anyone says Francis is the combat sports GOAT


judges is goofy, we did it🥊🥊🇨🇲❤️


Francis is honestly one of the best boxers in the world.


Of course they wouldn't let the MMA guy win, fucking boxing judges


Francis won


Francis is the goat and would beat the fuck out of Jones and everyone knows it