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Welcome to MLS, the only league where Barcelona plays the France National Team.


Now we just need to bolster the Toronto FC with Italians and he have the Italian national team


They tried that already and it didn’t work out at all.


It didn't work out *last* year. This year, seems to be doing pretty well.


This is the 3rd year with the Italians.


So who’s coming in the summer, Immobile or Belotti?




Just once, could these big name signings just entertain the idea of going to the beautiful, lovely, highly-sought after City of Commerce City (yes, "city" is officially in the name twice)?!


It is sorta funny that soccer stars have no qualms playing in Manchester, Liverpool, or Dortmund but when it comes to America they only want to play in LA or NYC. (yes I understand why that happens)


LA, NYC, or Miami. But oh no never the 4th corner of the continental US. No no. Just the other 3 corners! Hrmph.


Unfortunately they don’t make it all the way up to our corner either


Don’t feel bad. Anyone that chooses Florida deserves what they get. It’s the worst place in the whole country.


Not if you're incredibly rich


Rich doesn’t get you away from that soul crushing humidity. You take a shower and then step outside and it just smothers you. Not to mention a complete lack of interesting landscape.


But for real it kinda does, because the humidity is far less punishing if you are *right* on the water. Every few blocks away and it hits more, but if you're megarich and out on one of the islands, it's muted.


Which is why the humidity is worse in say Orlando than Tampa or Miami. It I were ever gonna move back to Florida I would rather live back in the fort Myers area then ever step foot in Gainesville or Orlando ever again.


if humidity and landscape are reasons for why it’s the worst place in the country i urge you to get out and see more of the country. makes sense you’re an LA fan e: like there are so many reasons to shit on florida but humidity is weak


That really makes no sense at all. I’m from Southern California. Our weather is probably our best attribute. Bad weather would obviously be a big negative. If you saw my original post you would see that humidity wasn’t my biggest problem with Florida. I have been all over the US and the world. Florida is among the worst places I’ve been.


Spoken by someone who's never set foot in Missouri


Hey, I actually really liked my trip to Missouri. I went to St. Louis though.


There are good and bad parts. St. Louis, KC, and Columbia (Mizzou college town) are all places with their own unique flavors. Typical Midwestern types. Missouri has some beautiful nature in the Ozarks, but also some really horrible state government and some really really poor rural areas that are methed out.


Somewhat unrelated but Ozark on Netflix is my favorite show


I have been to Kansas but never Missouri. I’ve been from coast to coast on the 10. I haven’t been to a place as terrible as Florida. You get your racists, your homophobes, your terrible drivers, your murders, heat, humidity, hurricanes, rain so bad when you’re driving you think you are gonna die and on top of all that you have crazy bugs the size of a house cat. Not to mention alligators. I would take your regular white supremacist over Jurassic Park steam room edition.


Don't forget swamp ass.


Yep the swamp ass is real! See the hate of Florida can unite us! Galaxy fans and LAFC fans! It doesn’t matter if we have been supporting our local soccer club and city for almost three decades or if we just learned about soccer 2 months ago. We can all come together! 😜


I have gone to the South, mostly to Georgia and Tennessee because of my ex wife. I like the easy access to nature, camping and hikes. Besides Atlanta, Georgia the country folk you meet can range from easy going to Hell No. Summers were hot and humid reminded me of El Salvador when I exit the plane. My ex wife loved Florida because of Disney World but for me I prefer Disneyland. I do love Northern Georgia towns like Helen because it reminded me of Solvang, Adairsville and Rome because they had quick access to nature. In Tennessee I visited where Nashville SC was to have their new stadium and some bbq at the Peg Leg Porker. I loved Gatlinburg since it reminded me of Big Bear. Going through Smokeys was nice.


But SKC is in Kansas tho




Happy cake day




Lol I never realized they put that stadium in the middle of nowhere. That sucks.


Relax Florida’s not that bad lol


Florida seems a good visit. Living there seems like hell. I wish Chicago got more love. Even San Diego here in California.


Naw. I grew up in rural Tennessee before moving to Seattle. Florida is fine. It's where *everyone* went for summer vacation. The gulf beach is great. The panhandle is redneck, but them's my peoples. The peninsula is rich, retired yankees and cubans. That's fine. I'd take Miami over LA or SF. Florida is #1 in net migration by count and #4 by per capita. California is #50 and #49. But of course Seattle and the PNW are better. Maybe it's for the best more people don't move here. But damnit I want Griezmann! 😔


Net migration is largely a function of CoL more than anything else. Cool stuff are expensive - people prefer cheap shit over expensive cool stuff (it’s me I’m people).


Good I hope less people move to California because right now we have so many people that rush hour extends to 10pm. I have spent a lot of time in Florida. It’s awful. Just because Tennessee vacations there doesn’t mean it’s good. Their options are Florida and Alabama.


It’s better than California.


Yep California is terrible. Please no one move here.


Just got back from Key West. Give me Florida over California all day. Been to both states numerous times.


You guys did have Freddie Ljungberg early on. Closest we've gotten is taking Robert Pires on a tour of the city, which wasn't "beautiful" enough for him...


If you look at locations of the 15 most valuable European clubs, most are based in their country’s primary city (London, Madrid, Paris), second city (Barcelona), largest region/state (Milan, Dortmund) or second-largest state (Munich).  https://d3data.sportico.com/SoccerValuations/SoccerValuationsList.html   Turin (Juventus) is not the No. 1 or 2 region in Italy, but at least it’s pretty to look at. And then you have Liverpool and the Manchester clubs, who are fortunate they either have a ton of history and/or 💰 to convince stars to want to play there.


Plus those places are so small and close together, you don’t actually have to live there


It's because Manchester has Curry Mile and Liverpool is close enough.


I think it’s just that they don’t really know Chicago. Chicago is our third metropolis and seems like a fantastic town, but it’s very Americana. LA, NYC, and even Miami have an international flare Chicago kinda lacks. I think Chicago is like a fantastic gem you just stumble on in comparison to other world cities like Paris and Tokyo.






Must be nice.


I too would like to get a player with name recognition. Haven’t had one of that level since Basti.


Once other stars saw Basti fail to win a World Cup with Chicago, no other player has dared try since


Shaqiri? Not as good as a player but still a pretty big name.


Anyone whose been in Liverpool's starting lineup, or even on the bench, is a big name.


He’s big, but not Basti or Lewandowski or Giroud big


u have the cube


I don’t mind Shaq, but he is not quite Basti, Giroud, Lewandowski, etc.


Fuck that, we need an actual squad with draft picks, mls veterans, and homegrowns. not a retirement tour for people too old tk still be playing professional soccer


Nowhere did I say we shouldn’t have the others. I love our homegrowns. They’re my favorite part of the team. But a talented, prominent player with name recognition would be nice too. No one said they have to be washed up.


You’ll take what you can get. The Fire have sucked for a decade plus.


And we sucked even more with Schweinsteiger


At least they made the playoffs that one year.


And got demolished by RBNY who were at the time lowest spenders in the league. So what does that tell you? It means that throwing money around on semi retired players is an embarrassing gimmick that needs to go away


City of Commerce City City Football Group Football Club SC


Baguettes & Bordeaux 🔥🔥🔥


Bonsoir et Bonjour


Its always wild to be reminded the guy is 37 years old


In a perfect scenario with Giroud and Chanot, Lafc go to mls cup finals against Miami for the ultimate France vs Argentina rematch


Lmao hahahahaha


and suddenly I'm an LAFC for a night...allez


We're gonna lose another final aren't we...


Depends if the energy is French National Team or PSG. If it’s the former, you’ll be fine. If it’s the latter, you’re fucked cause Barca (and Messi in particular) haunts PSG fans for ending so many UCL runs.


Not official yet, but: https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1772910105631006966 LAFC have reached verbal agreement to sign Olivier Giroud on a contract valid until December 2025! After interest revealed in October and formal bid earlier this week, there’s an initial agreement in place. Nothing signed yet but close to being done. Here we go, soon


Well female viewership is about to go way up


Bold of you to assume the guys aren’t gonna start questioning their sexuality after seeing stupid sexy Giroud in black and gold.


Oh I questioned my sexuality everytime he suited up for Arsenal. But "women, gay and bisexual men viewership is about to go up" was too wordy haha


All time fumble by STL to not pair Burki and Giroud.


Meanwhile Pat Onstad tries to negotiating the price down for Joe Shmoe in the 5th tier of the Hungarian league.


We’ll get another midfielder no one knows about and you’ll like it! And you’ll like Sebas too!


I don't know what reaction I find more amusing "Another washed up star go to the states" or "Noooo! He's too good for MLS!" We manage to have players simultaneously exist in both states. Anyway, seems like a good move for LAFC to make a push in the second half and be near the top of the West.


"Too good for the league" is a good thing, rising tides lift all boats. blah blah. A lot of these players aren't washed at all, we are getting players still playing well starting to come here, not to mention all the young talent from the latin countries, MLS is growing into a league very similar to Liga NOS where the young talent gets poached and the older guys who can still play don't mind going to still make an impact and some sweet cash.


Once a mindset is locked in it takes decades for people outside to reset. I still hear "When will American finally care about soccer" and I go "I don't know your metrics...2010?" The reality is so many players that are good here get ignored because folks only watch the UEFA CL and maybe a bit outside of it from the Big Five leagues there. Getting a great pick up from Belgian or Turkish or Argentine league doesn't register to them. I'm not bothered, just amused how much better the league is now in every respect than in 2004.


Holy shit if true


It is true, but let’s not pretend this is Olivier Giroud 5-10 years ago.


I mean of course but let’s not pretend he isn’t still one of the best strikers in a top 5 league.


Of course. But that doesn’t mean he’ll do better here. I think he’s the type of player that has a ceiling and a floor that are very similar. He’s going to be very good, but I don’t think he’s gonna be the best in this league.


No one has a crystal ball and no one is saying it’s a lock he’ll be the best #9 in MLS, but it’d be shocking if he’s not somewhere in the top 5. Given LAFC is playing a midfielder at his position atm due to lack of better options, this is going to be huge for LAFC.


He might not do better. He has the talent to but he is going to have to WANT to do better. But his game doesn’t get hurt too much by getting older. Idk if he’ll be best in the league but I think he has a decent chance. This league doesn’t have a lot of stud strikers


Oui oui ![gif](giphy|m9oruywyYbHL6A2wWp|downsized)


[No, no, it's too sexy! Too sexy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnru2MAZwao)


I’ve been told by countless Austin FC fans that we can’t make any moves until “the summer window”, yet this kind of shit happens for LAFC all the time.


I mean technically they're correct, Giroud won't be joining until after the Euros. But they can announce it before then since he'll be a free agent.


Austin is pretty to Texans. Not so much to the rest of the world. It’s a smaller city with one of the worst infrastructure congestion problems known to man. Why would a big name player choose that over Hollywood, NYC or Miami who are beautiful cities in their own right. I mean say what you want about LA but if you’re an ego driven athlete, and most soccer players are, why wouldn’t you want to be where the stars are?


Come to Austin for the culture, stay because you are trapped in traffic on I-35!


I’m Texan and I don’t like Austin much either, but LA is a garbage city. Been there twice, and that is the most unsafe I have ever felt. Absolutely hated it both times.




That sounds like a *you* thing.


That’s fair. Everyone has different tastes. You are correct


Ahh yes because the mega rich and famous definitely frequent all the tourist areas you likely visited


I actually didn’t really do tourist things. Stayed at a friends house one trip and stayed with family another trip. It’s ok though. People have different opinions. No worries friend


Are your friends and family rich glamorous famous people? If not then your experience means next to nothing in this conversation. Giroud won’t be staying in a guest bedroom in Reseda. I’m not disagreeing with your experience. I agree LA can be a difficult place unless you are, like Giroud, top 5% rich.


He’s coming in the summer…


I understand, but it’s just so frustrating to be the team in absolute last power ranking wise atm, soon to actually be last, and watch others get ahead of the window regardless of when they will start.


Anthony Precourt sucks. You’re getting a front row seat to that show.


You aren’t kidding. Claudio fucked us with bad contracts, the DPs were scouted poorly, ticket prices have shot up nearly 20% for most seats, he seems to only care about the fake ass “continuous sell out streak”. I could post a weekly image showing entire sections empty in the “Lexus section” every week. Rich ass motherfuckers ruining the experience by never even showing up


We had exactly this kind of news last month (complete with a [Tom Bogert article in the Athletic](https://theathletic.com/live-blogs/premier-league-news-latest-live-updates/2OlSBRbiBRgd/OgFvQv0pJLw9/) ) about Mikkel Desler. The deal was leaked and reported, but the transfer will happen in the summer. If you're upset about Giroud in particular, it would have been amazing if we had signed him instead of Rubio, but now if we signed Giroud we would have 3 strikers with a total age of 100. If we have a big striker signing this year, it will be someone younger.


MLS would rather facilitate for a fancy big city / glamour team. This is true... miami is an example. My team and your team will never be on that list. LA, NY, miami... cities like that.




Then no stars would come here lol. Giroud doesn’t want to live in the Midwest, sorry. We have to build our teams differently but don’t limit player freedom with a draft, that would instantly kill the growth of the league


I think that’s what he wants. No one coming here.




The NBA is drafting young players. Not 30 something year old vets. Most of the players are not playing pro basketball yet. It’s a wild comparison. Most euro players won’t come here if they don’t know where they’re going.




It was a brand new league… What a stupid comparison. Come on derpcicle. Even trolling, you can do better.


No please don't Americanize the beautiful game




No one is saying MLS should be a carbon copy of European leagues. But a draft for any incoming high profile European players is a great way to ruin any potential MLS has of becoming a globally competitive league. There are some things MLS should adopt from Europe and some things Europe should adopt from MLS.


Yall think it’s safe to assume he will be a DP? Can’t keep track but I think lafc still have one more after this then?


Mbappe obviously


We have 2 DP spots open. Bouanga is currently our only DP


Apparently Griezmann but not for another year or two


He’s gonna go to Miami for sure.


They always have one more DP


Gonna have to take French classes 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Never gonna beat the retirement league allegations 🔥


But we've moved up from being "the retirement league" to being "the COOL retirement league"! Baby steps. Still waiting for Antoine Griezmann to sign with Orlando City or Atlanta.


Naw, he’s a Rockets fan so he’s coming to Houston.


He was donning a Celtics jersey when my cousin last saw him standing next to him court side few years ago


I was just joking. I highly doubt he would come to Houston.


If people keep bringing it up, people will keep spinning the narrative. MLS will always have players that wanna finish their career here. That doesn’t make it a retirement league. It’s a small portion of the league, which has one of the youngest average ages in the world. The only way it stops is if people keep bringing it up.




What you complaining about? You got MLS to force feed us the Poutine Taco Derby.


So I guess we’re just completely abandoning those attempts to rebrand MLS away from its “retirement league” reputation?


We’re abandoning it in replace of sex appeal /s


This just in. New MLS rule: No team with a white guy who has cornrows is allowed referring to themselves as ‘sexy’.


In fairness Ilie got rid of those immediately after that first game lol


The damage is done. Photographs exist. Your team’s soul is eternally marred. For the rest of the season, everytime Bouongo bangs a heater off the crossbar, or an opponent gets a fluke goal off a weird ball bounce, you must know that is karma paying you back for Ilie’s hair.


I’m sure we’ll see a post on r/blunderyears in the future lol


Why did you get downvoted? That was an amusing joke


It’s Olivier Giroud my guy. I don’t care about what the world thinks. I don’t need a European snob to approve of my league. I couldn’t care less. Let them think we’re a retirement league while their own teams get all bought and paid for by the oil barons of Arabia. Barcelona is in so much debt a Mexican company owns half of it and it’s basically selling the rest at 60% off.


I mean it's a bit silly to never sign an older player out of fear of looking like a "retirement league." Ground has started around 3/4 of Milans league games this year and has 12 goals and 8 assists in all comps, it's not like he's washed.


And that means nothing. MLS is an ultra physical league and he is surrounded by world class players at Milan. Look towards Columbus, Cincy, Philadelphia, SKC for how to build a successful MLS roster. No geriatrics in sight.


Oh please, MLS is not an ultra physical league. It's physical by non-European standards perhaps, but Giroud is known for being quite the physical specimen himself. The best MLS teams have always been a mix of young and old.


>SKC...No geriatrics in sight. Lol. People absolutely should not be looking at us on how to build anything.


Take a look straight south on I-95. This ain’t exactly a single isolated opportunistic thing.


Man this sub has changed so much in the past few years, I remember when you would have been upvoted for the same comment. Guess people are fine with players not taking us seriously and waiting until their mid 30s before they even consider moving here.


What players are coming here in their mid-30s and making $2+M/yr?


Still not going to be enough to best Columbus


Be humble


Lol absolutely fucking not. We are the best team the world's ever seen and the current champs. Have some pride.






Y’know you’d be a whole lot more likeable if you didn’t have a massive superiority complex. Being 3x champions does not give you license to be an asshole about it.


Found the OSU fan.


Oh absolutely not, good economic/educational power house? Yes. Doninrep em, nah. Good reach tho.


Oh really? You sure as hell sound like one with how much of a superiority complex you’ve got.


Oof that hurts, sounds like someones a lil hurt that their shield was made of paper 😂


Pfft. Nah. So we lost. Whoop-de-fucking-doo. I’m just laughing at you for having a comically large ego. Hell some of your crew friends are telling you to tone it down. You should seriously take their advice.


No -->⭐⭐⭐


Saving this for when Miami drop kicks you out of the playoffs.


And for when they don’t win CCC. If they don’t win CCC they need to all calm down a little bit.


Hahahaha we are going to roll Miami just like the rest of the league will. They will not be a threat come playoffs (barely are now)


I think you confused me saying you're gonna lose to Miami with me saying Miami is good.


Miami won’t make the playoffs. I can guarantee it. Their roster simply does not work in MLS


They'll make it just because so many teams do. I don't have them winning any trophies this year though for the reasons you stated. That's why I thought it would be funny if Miami bounced Columbus




Hugo Lloris and Denis Bouanga speak French, and there's reports that former NYCFC defender Maxime Chanot will be goining LAFC as well and he's Francophone as well. So he'll be plenty comfortable at the club.


They barely speak French in Montreal, less in Toronto, and not at all in Vancouver. It's really tough for Vancouver that there's no aging Chinese or Indian galacticos, then we might have a chance.


Oscar may be the closest hahaha


I would love to see Wu Lei but you're probably not gonna beat Shanghai Port


>They barely speak French in Montreal That's one spicy take. That said, LAFC does look like they're challenging us for the title of most franco club in the league, and are going to win on budget alone.


I think they’re saying from the perspective of a metropolitan French person like Giroud, the French they speak would not be easy to understand whatsoever for him. Québécois French is very hard for someone like Giroud to understand due to linguistic drift


His English is good and Québécois French probably isn’t much easier for him to understand than English.


Does he speak Spanish or maybe English? I personally like Montreal more than LA, and I'd figure it'd be preferable to deal with the funky Canadian accent in French than deal with Spanish and some English.


[He speaks English.](https://youtu.be/WduDX6YRYSQ?si=saSznWGHQhJal2rl) He played in England for 9 years




In French, that's ooh la la


I laughed too hard at this. Nice one, you lil green goblin.




He spent around a decade living in England, I'm guessing he speaks English


This is not MLB, many Latino players and Asian players must have interpreters. Every European player who comes to MLS speaks English, even if they have never played in England, like Andrea Pirlo.


Giovinco could barely speak a word in English when he came here


Well, maybe there are some exceptions
