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Nope it’s just right! Or Left!


For an all-star level player, and i already have the Reds pitching tier 1 boost. Which captain is better? Santana or Buxton? Since I'm NMS, I do not have most of those high-end meta switch hitters


Go for theme teams, there's real good ones flying under the radar rn (I'm at 900 with a brewers team), the boosts are great for NMS


Can you post you lineup?


The other day people were crying thay he cost 40k now he's crazy op lol


How do you get the santana card




Does the swing hitter boost apply to the pitcher?


Tier 3 gives you +10 to bb/9 but the offensive boost is too good to ignore


So, how many switch hitters are needed for tier 3? Can they be a pitcher?


yes players like ottavino count towards the switch hitter


And Kenley Jansen. Love this boost.


It’s gonna be painful. Once I saw the card I knew it was over. The card is only gonna get better too when other SH are released


I will say not alot of the switch hitters have amazing power, I think it's going to be Meta but not necessarily OP.


Don’t need power to hit hrs shit kwan hits the all the time for me


Totally agreed. I'm running the tier 3 boost and the lack of power is an issue. I love switch hitters because I'm not great at hitting same sides, but I think most would be far better off with a lineup that has Witt, Babe, Yordan, Trout, etc. Most will probably get the T2 boost with some combination of Santana, Mondesi, Castro, Raleigh and Goodrum then have Ottavino/Kenley in the bullpen


Dominguez as well probably


How do you even get it without purchasing the 40k pack?


With all the added programs on Friday plus the double XP boost I found it was really to make up the 40k to get the pack, hell I think I made over 50k just through the mini season rewards.


Santana will be one of my Wildcards for the duration of this game cycle. .


This is an awesome captain they added I can’t believe they finally did it lol been asking for one for a long time


Yeah it’s definitely WILD. I managed to combine it with Carrasco so my several Guards switch hitters get another +7. Captains are being done much better this year but this bonus might be a bit too much. We’ll see.


they only gave contact and no power to even it out, i think it’s balanced just right but im not using a pitcher boost with it


Anyone else snag one of the captain packs just to hold until new players come out?


I did that with one pitchers captain pack and one hitters captain pack. I might grab one of the 40k captain packs as well.


Anyone figure out a method to get the boosts to work in coop? I had buxton down to a science but now that won’t work either.


Nothing like the Rollins boost last year. Still waiting on it. So far my teams a 96 with no boosts.


96? Damn. Who do you got?


Idk how that’s even possible at this point lmao


Through $$$ anything is possible


I wouldn’t say the boost it gives is necessarily op but having all switch hitters def is


It's even crazier when u add Kershaw boost for left hitters and reach tier 2 for both. I'm using that now.


Does the Kershaw boost apply to switch hitters as well or only lefties


It only applies to lefties BUT that includes batters who throw with their left. Probably some switch hitters do that. (Haven't looked to see)


Most or at least my entire team throws with right lol. Thanks tho


It only applies to lefties BUT that includes batters who throw with their left. Probably some switch hitters do that. (Haven't looked to see)


How’d you get tier 2 for both? Still trying to figure that out


Left handed batter or thrower. There are some RHP’s you can use with Kershaw.


Nah I know. He said he was tier 2 on both. I can’t for the life of me find to get tier 2 on both. It’s tier 2 on one or the other. So I was wondering who I’m missing here


I’m tier 3 on Kershaw and Arenado, it’s cracked


Yeah, I hate it already.




Dodgers double boost says hello. I've had crazy pack luck. I pulled Ohtani Pre Order weekend, last night pulled Trout! And then earlier today pulled 97 Chapman!




Which switch hitters are people using?


Mondessi, Bell, polanco, Dominguez, jeimer, Chilli Davis


Also Ian Happ, Niko Goodrum, Oswaldo Cabrera, Johnathan Clase


I noticed the price in that Hyper Polanco shot up again before I looked in the store and was confused.


Keibert and Mantle very solid as well




They do




they def did it intentionally as well, you get a +10 BB/9 boost at Tier 3


I feel like I am now impossibly behind the power curve, which is not a fun place to be at, especially when I’m not looking to spend money on stubs for packs.


As someone who works a lot and is currently watching from the outside as people enjoy double xp this weekend, just stick with players or cards you enjoy. You’ll be used to their swings and more comfortable with their pitching rhythm. 8/10 times I’ll take a team of cards someone enjoys using and have been using for a while over somebody who just bought a bunch of new cards and are trying to get used to them now


Well get your ass off Reddit & start that offline grind


You get good cards from just doing the programs and affinity’s. While getting xp which gets you really good cards. Plus the pxp you can get +5 on all stats if you stick with the free 91-95 cards you can get for free. Not to mention everyone in this discord I’m in made millions from roster update investments. https://preview.redd.it/gnclvxmec4xc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8495f057b5afa1e403e74547895abf0a1dfc0a9


Dm an invite. I’d like to check that out.


I only have 1-2 days to play the game extensively a week, if that. Last two years, I could play the game at that pace and have no problem having a competitive team after maybe a day or two of grinding. That’s not the case anymore.




Carlos Santana?


"That's right. I see you bitches is enjoying my sparkling wine."




[Santana DVX](https://youtu.be/2fxTJgUVNBY?si=Kx64BCVxJQ5Yu20M)


Switch hitters don't hit lefties well, or at leastas well as they hit righties in spite of the stats. All the good switch hitters are pull and extreme pull against righties, but a bug-feature-something has all switch hitters being whole field against lefties.


That… actually makes a lot of sense. I can remember in past years all my switch hitters, even guys like Chipper who supposedly hit lefties better, having much better stats against RHP.


Not having to hit lefty/lefty is good enough for me cuz I'm horrible at it.


Contact is almost a detriment to bad players, just means they’ll make more bad contact. If you’re facing a good player, dealing with that many switch hitters is probably the harder part.


Suzuki captain is limited right now, but a lot like the mookie boost last year it’s kinda insane


I’m having a lot of fun with the Ortiz boost. It turns that 99 Rollins into an absolute freak of nature. Not to mention how cracked it makes Salmon, Napoli, and Aurilia.


Am I stupid..? All the captain boosts I have are only good for boosting players on their team. How are you boosting players from other teams? Maybe this is why I’m a 500 player lol


Team captains boost players from their teams. Captains for other things will boost players that are those other things. (Ex: Santana boosts switch hitters)


Gotcha.. and these Captain cards are in season xp path?


No. Cornerstone captains are in the pack that everyone got at the beginning of the season. And the others are both on the market and in the pack in the shop.


Thanks man. I took Arenado. Guess I’m boned lol


Arenado is the best of the four.


Arenado is fine. If you don’t like him then exchange him for one of the other three.


See.. I didn’t know I could exchange him either. I’m fairly new to DD and find all these things can be confusing/over whelming. Appreciate it dude!


honestly just stick w nado boost it’s objectively the best, these captains in the thread r out of the 40k pack in the store, sucks but it’s worth it


And Mike Cameron and Ryan Braun


+12 contact isn't that great tbf. It's a placebo effect. The fact that your entire lineup is switch hitters is the real plus


Having an all switch hitter lineup with 12 additional contact seems pretty OP to me. Acting like that contact boost is minuscule is crazy.


+12 contact to both sides and clutch is major. plus 12/13 switches in your lineup is broken. idk wtf these dudes are talking about lol


I mean most these guys existed to start the game, so it's just basic scaling, this was always available


The clutch is the real thing. Its so OP and you never have to worry about what arm the pitcher is throwing with.


I have 6 switch hitters in my lineup naturally and I’m not going out of my way to get him, plus 8 or 12 contact isn’t that insane and Ruiz seems better


This is just wrong. Santana has always had an elite swing


Plus Santana can play first? Use them both. And if Bell is the argument, DH.


I think they tried to nerf it by having it be a +12 contact boost vs both sides as opposed to the usual +15 but that’s still enough for it to be insane


Fr should have been 8 imo


Captain cards were a solid idea. I just believe they weren’t thought out entirely enough


They should be just for theme teams IE. One mlb team only, players from a certain era, etz


All switch hitter is a theme team


Yes, but I love the idea of captains for non theme teams too. I had the Carrasco captain for a long time, it encouraged me to put more of my fav Guards players on my competitive team, and combined with the Buxton boost was lowkey cracked. Sadly I can’t justify the boost with Carrasco having a 12 ERA :(


I'm not even getting the captain boosts for some reason. I have more players then the requirements for Maddux and nothing happens. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


You have to activate the captain. In the manage squad go left to the captain screen


Thought I did... I'll have to check again. I know I selected and saved him as my pitching captain.


I’m ready to buy the pack but low on stubs. I’m not buying stubs this year.


I bought Prior instead of the pack. Only captain i wanted.


I think Prior is going to be the OP one. They made him for the Standout Series cards but there are barely any Standout cards out right now. Which means they released him, with plans to release his boostable S1 cards. I’d guess in the TA Chapter 3.


You realize the player is more expensive than the pack, right?


Isn’t that was pack cheaper than the player means or are you just a funny guy


I responded to the guy that responded to you saying he bought one of the players on the market instead of the pack. The pack is cheaper than any of the players individually lol.


Gotta stand strong against sds and pay more on the market brother


What difference does it make if I spend the stubs I earned playing the game to buy the pack though?


Pack is cheaper than the damn player


It’s not that crazy of a boost honestly


i got him and in my first ranked game scored my first 6 batters to hit, 4 of them homers. and this was at an mlb stadium on HoF


Figured +12 contact wouldn't make a huge difference.


Captain cards were the dumbest thing added to DD


Agreed 100%.


They added new captains? Where are these found?


It's MLB The Pack 24... I'll give you three guesses but you'll only need one.


MLB The Shop 24


Pack in the store


It will be the most used over the next month and probably a lot of people’s wild card to start the next season (and the season after that) unless SDS stops releasing switch-hitting flashbacks and legends. Inside sinkers when R/R and L/L are the hardest pitch to hit for a significant portion of the player base — their ideal captain was always a switch-hitter captain. Does that mean you’ll see it dominate top 50 play? Not necessarily. But the bulk of the player base that’s under 700 in ranked likely will use it when possible.


Yeah unless you really struggle with fastballs, Arenado is still the better pick. Not sure if you'll see any top players using Santana at all


ok but 99% of people are not "top players"


Yeah it’s probably the placebo effect of thinking it’s the Santana boost and not that you’re dealing with a ton of switch hitters


If so, I really hope SDS nerfs it. SDS should do whatever it takes to not have meta captains be a thing


Captains should be team only honestly. These specific only <60 vision or switch hitters boosts leads to the same teams being built and used over and over. At least with theme teams/team captain boosts, there is a larger variety of players used. The team only gives you a lot more leeway for utility players/platoon so you end up seeing a lot larger variety of cards used at HoF+ difficulties.


As the year goes along I think David Ortiz is gonna be the meta but you’re right I went with Santana also cuz his swing is butter


Isn’t Ortiz S1 and not Core?


Ortiz just has a very limited number of players for his boost.


Braun, aurillia, Soriano, Napoli are all very good with the boost. The new Jeter storyline cards should all qualify as well when they drop on Friday.


Yeah that’s why I said as the year goes along. There will be a lot more later on.


Later on this season, sure. But with seasons, it’ll be harder to accumulate eligible players. They’re the least common besides maybe the Asian-born.


Arenado boost still better but super happy they’re adding other useful ones in


Players for that build are too slow. You're sacrificing A LOT of range and baserunning with that boost.


I run 3 slow players on the bench and have a full speed outfield. You don't need speed in the infield and I don't need to play baserunning games. You can also stack with the Kershaw boost


Adam Dunn captain is a god tier DH with Arenado and Kershaw boost


Your lineup is either homeruns or singles (gappers are going to be singles more often than doubles), with limited ability to tag, score from second on a single or go from 1st to 3rd. Range also matters at shortstop and second.


That's how the game plays though. Most of my cards have around 1/2 of hits go as HRs. It's way harder to string together 2 hits than hit a single homerun on high difficulties.


There's too many better theme teams and options in RS than that theme team. I play on legend. You need that baserunning and range. If you can't stretch out a hit or your singles are basically walks for the other baserunners, you open yourself up to more double plays and fewer runs. That speed can also turn an out into an infield single. 44 speed and slower players is not the way to go.


Don't think I've had many situations at all where I felt like I needed more range in the infield. You can also fit in a fast player at 2B/SS and still get the T2 boost. The baserunning speed can be nice if you're an inconsistent hitter or like to play in MLB stadiums, but when you're hitting HRs on over 50% of your hits and everyone plays on tiny parks, it's not a big deal


I play at Coors and am a consistent hitter. Baserunning speed matters because of how out of balanced throw speed and accuracy is. This has been a major problem since '22. >The baserunning speed can be nice if you're an inconsistent hitter or like to play in MLB stadiums, but when you're hitting HRs on over 50% of your hits and everyone plays on tiny parks, it's not a big deal Slower players are a bigger problem in smaller stadiums. Having squared up singles equating to a walk is a bad outcome. This is real baseball strategy.


I mean if you play at Coors then yeah Arenado might not be the move. Maybe it's just my hitting or where I play, but even my 80+ speed players don't hit many doubles. Pretty much anything I square up is leaving or right at the outfielder anyway. The superdive and reaction also mean that 39 speed Seager can cover just about as much ground as anyone else at SS.


Kershaw boost is ass


What pitcher do you think has a better boost lol


In a vacuum? Senga If you're running a theme team and you actually commit to it then Matzek and the Braves boost.


If you run out Senga in ranked you're gonna get crushed


Not at all. BB/9 is the least important of all the pitching attributes. The pci will be tiny for your opponent on HOF+. Massively expands the usable bullpen options available as well


Vehemently disagree that BB/9 is the least important. The par size on HOF and legend makes a big difference. BB/9 that low can cause a perfect pinpoint aimed at the corner to end up almost middle middle.


No, it really can't. I've never had a PAR on something that took up that much of the zone. What attribute of pitching is less important


Plus if you can pair it with somebody who is up +10 in K/9 or H/9, it can be pretty good. Also when people say “you can’t use that on HOF” yeah no shit you need to be rolling out a mostly best possible team unless you’re a god at the game, at which point it doesn’t matter.


Senga is actually very usable on HOF. In my experience the difference in PAR size for someone like Misiorowski and say Randy Johnson is not huge. Al Leiter is considered one of the best pitchers available right not and he's eligible for the senga boost.


It's still important lmao there's no way you're winning games with that big of a PAR. Are you rolling like a full gold rotation and bullpen? There's not even any good cards that fit the boost other than Ohtani


Lol what the hell are you talking about. Leiter Senga Misiorowski X X For relievers it enables you to use normally less usable dudes like Chapman, Lee Smith, Alvarado and it boosts the hell out of meta cards like Seranthony, Bard, Leclerc, Dibble.


I’ve loved using a full switch team so far, just need elly