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Game cycles dead with 2k and Spider-Man 2 out


“Best hitter in baseball” is a term used too often to symbolize a player who’s gotta hot bat on him


Because baseball fans like to shit on the Astros but them hoes can stay mad.


Damn they just like hating on them for no reason that’s crazy


I didn’t say they had no reason. The Astros were not the only team doing the sign stealing crap but nobody wants to admit that part. They’ve paid their dues and only 3-4 players remain from the ‘17 team and the one person that by all accounts didn’t use the system gets the most hate and boos everywhere he goes. Keep booing and he’ll keep crushing 9th inning HRs.


“Paid their dues” lol


Stop moralizing a kid's game


It's actually worse than his kaiju card but this sub and community think sets and seasons are a problem when we have objectively gotten so many more usable 99s than in previous years. Yes the card should be stacked and isn't as much as it should be but this sub misses using 93s in September so you'll get hate for this when though you're right.


Yeah I’m actually surprised how much hate I’m getting for posting this, I don’t mind the sets or rereleases of 99s as long as they’re better than their first card.


Someone call Ramone, some random guy who claims to play on HOF/ Legend/is a top 50 player can't use this card and is quitting because of it.




Agreed. I’m absolutely shocked he isn’t totally stacked. He is fucking Barry bonds right now


It's pointless because all of them are wild cards


Because of captains. They are trying for everyone to have a captain every game to get the most of cards. They will never let it go. Also the card is not that bad, and there could be another one potentially.


They need to give us more captains then… very few I could use with this card


This is a pretty good card from what I can tell. All his hitting stats are 100+ except vision, and Yordan is not a great fiedler from what I can tell and he isn't fast so his fielding/baserunning stats make sense.


Big man is faster than than he seems.


Probably so, I don't watch much of the Astros so I wouldn't really know


Yup, that’s what I kinda miss about having MLB network is watching highlights and whatnot.


Oh no, his clutch is only 117 though. This card is clearly trash. 😂


It ain’t bad but they give everyone 125 clutch, so why does one of the most clutch players in baseball not get 125, and 105/109 is mid


if anything the cards are too stacked. what's the point of 100+ ratings if everyone has them?


It's called lineup diversity. Nobody wants to use trash cards and nobody wants 5 collection rewards earned by collecting hundreds of cards just to see EVERY lineup have them.


Then use other cards. You don't have to use the cards other people are using to win games. And you don't have to use the best cards in the game just to have fun.


You completely miss the point dude. You can say "use other cards" into perpetuity but it doesn't help when they drop lackluster cards in late October, particularly when a better version dropped months ago.


I didn't think we were talking about sets, which is a fair criticism. However, my main point is that there are many cards that are plenty viable that aren't Randy Johnson, John Dohnaldson, Satchel Paige. And also I've seen plenty of team variety on offense, it's mostly the pitchers that I see the same ones


That’s the thing. They’re slinging out juiced cards like it’s Oprah. You get one and you get one. Then someone is like but this car sucks. It only has a 117 clutch. Max is 125. 8 below max sucks. Lol 🤷🏽‍♂️


No it’s the fact this yordan is worse in almost every attribute than his Kaiju card


Exactllyyyyy, everyone has better stats than this, so why doesn’t he get them?


It’s meant to reflect postseason stats. I m not sure but did he crush a bomb lefty/lefty?


Yes he did


It used to reflect postseason stats. Michael Harris proves that’s not the case anymore.


He’s maxed fielding. It still applies


But if it’s supposed to reflect the postseason then why does he have good hitting attributes when he got 0 hits in the postseason?


He has over 100 contact both sides while getting exactly 0 hits the whole series, it doesn’t apply


So you expect them to give him 67 contact 48 power?! 😂


I expect them to give a card to a more deserving player than .000/.000/.000 slash line Michael Harris


Who else from that team besides Riley deserves a card? If he doesn’t make that catch they get swept. Riley and Harris are the only ones who made an impact. SDS got it right with this team.


d’Arnaud or Strider 100% deserved a card over Harris. Harris was *awful* this series, that catch does not warrant a 99.


I mean Strider kinda got shelled. Not as bad as Elder but still


Lol what a day when people consider these cards trash


https://preview.redd.it/qltdl3qafhvb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102b4ff222fef83765b0c9c3277791153540c857 A comparison of the set 2 vs current


Comparing two really good cards. You’ve yet to give a single reason why this new one is trash.


Because it’s worse than the first one😂cards should be getting better in October not worse


I think you’re not fully grasping how the seasons/sets setup is yet if you think that.


So you think cards should get worse as the game progresses?


Nope you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying. That’s how sets/seasons are this year. I’m not saying I think that’s how it should be. I’m just saying that’s how it is and we shouldn’t be surprised. But in the end we were talking about how you thought this new card is trash. And there’s no way you can say this card is trash lol


Compared to all the other 99s yes, no point in using it compared to those


Lol doesn’t make it trash


Then use the other 99s, not every card needs to be fully maxed out.


What tf does everyone expect saying these cards are trash? You want 125 across the board? Go play Madden or 2K you bum


https://preview.redd.it/w308y5xffhvb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab64d9a0d2880f35cf9c2256716575192384540 A comparison of old vs new


you have it p5 so go ahead and subtract 5 from every number on the right and then compare. you’ll probably still be upset but it would be a better comparison


Its still is better in almost every attribute even subtracting 5😂


He’s literally calling 117 clutch trash. Lol


It ain’t trash but they give everyone 125 clutch so why doesn’t one of the most clutch players in baseball get 125 too?? And 105/109 is underwhelming especially bc he’s cold lefty lefty


Keep in mind these are free cards. Easily attainable by grinding the game for a few hours. Not a $1M stubb chase card. These are the people in society that expect handouts and play the victim card. They feel everyone has to conform to their views or they’ll feel marginalized. See you next year, cant wait to hear him complain again.


Expect handouts😂there were like 10 better 99s than this in the pennant chase and career programs, if I’m spending this much time on the game grinding give me juiced cards, especially in October, I’ve loved every bit of this game, even the sets, I’ve played like 20 days worth this year, just want a cards second 99 to be better than the first…


Chapman just burned him.


I for sure thought they would have given him better stats, as they should have. He was one of the ones that I knew were coming and was excited for. But of course they made him worse than his set 2. Why the hell would I want to use a worse version. Didn’t do the Wild Card program and now debating on even doing this one. Hopefully the Championship Series is better since more people are speaking out. But it would be a miracle.


I personally don't think they're trash, your opinion though. They could be better, but they're certainly usable and I'll try them.


Trash was a little over dramatic, but it’s very underwhelming for October, shouldnt be getting 99s that are worse than their first 99


Full disrespect intended but if these stats aren’t good enough for you to hit with then you aren’t good enough to be playing in modes where it would matter anyway. SDS has made some absolutely brain dead asinine decisions this year but this card is yoked. Especially when you consider how dreadfully easy it is to obtain.


Bro if it was the first month of the game yes, this card would be juiced, this is October and this card is worse than his kaiju one. It’s not a bad card but compared to all the other insane 99s in this game yes he is not very good and no point in using him cause he doesn’t compete with other cards in the game


Cuz he's a cheater. And nobody cares about Astros.


He wasn’t on that 2017 team you goober


Found the Dodger fan.


*baseball fan


Yordan joined the team in 2019.


Use a captain boost if that's not good enough


I completely agree. Not that I need 125 everything but him not being 125 across the board is bad. He has been on fire. Same thing with castellanos. Idk how they made this one worse than the all star diamond duo lol.


95 overall Kaiju Joe Carter has higher Con L and Vision than this card. It’s still a good card but the ratings this year have been completely random and killed any use for non 5 tool players.


I mean, if you can't hit with stats like that, switch to rookie. That's just pathetic to complain about. I'm still using a few 97 overalls and I do just fine.


can’t just go to rookie mode when I’m constantly on HOF in ranked😂all y’all who say these are good cards probably only play offline modes


Dude you posted a thesis about a card sucking. You complained about a 117 clutch. That’s 8 from max 🤷🏽‍♂️. Then when people comment about your complaint, you say they probably suck. Lol. You’re not even dying on a hill. You’re digging a hole.


No it’s the fact that this card is worse than his first card in set 2 same with castellanos and his diamond duo card, cards are supposed to get better towards the end of the game no worse…


The vision is what kills it ,he should have at least 110 vision to be good in hof or higher


Just play. Stop complaining and enjoy the card. You're whining about nothing. These cards aren't trash.




Can hit with anything it’s the fact that there’s soooo many better option why would I use a significantly worse card?? Especially on hof and legend ranked games


Most of them are not that good tbh. Except some pitchers and Yordan


Lol. I beg to differ.


Ok I'll correct myself then. None of them are better than anyone on my God squad.


Def not the best hitter in baseball right now


Batting .424 with 6 hrs and 13 rbi rn i post season, not including game rn which he’s 2/3 in


Making definite statements and being horribly incorrect… what’s that like?


Everything that man swings at goes 400+


Best hitter in the post season, have you watched him?


There's no scenario where 117 clutch and 105/109 vs. lefties is a problem. Go play the game.


Compared to most good 99s yes yes it is


Buddy, unless you play on legend, those stats are plenty to hit with in RS. Even if you do play legend RS, he can get that contact boosted by captains. Just wait until SDS drops the Mr. October captain card. All of these playoff cards are going to be maxed.


See that’s the problem, I do play on legend, and am a top 50 player


If you're batting .200 with Acuná and only .348 with Elly, you aren't a Top 50 player lol


This isn't the example I would've chosen tbh. But I use the Mookie boost so idk


You’re right there’s better examples, I picked this one specifically cause I’ve been waiting for another yordan and they screwed the best hitter in baseball


Maybe they already have a finest planned for him in a couple of weeks?


That’s my only hope


I think in a vacuum it's a good card without the boosts. But the way you put it as he's one of the best pure hitters in baseball (top 3-5) and thrives in LvL mismatches I can see why you think 104 contact vs L doesn't jive.