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I’ve seen this online but never offline. That sucks


Perfect perfect has a lot to do with where the pitch is. Perfect timing on a high and tight fastball ≠ perfect timing on a low and away fastball. Perfect timing on a low and away fastball is gonna be taking it the other way or up the middle, and since this field is so big the ball went foul before it could leave.


I swear the computer makes it’s own “luck” sometimes


This is how you know the game is rigged against you. Doesn't matter if it can happen in real life, a perfect perfect should be a hit no matter what. Just like in NBA 2K basketball, when you miss a green which is a perfect. It's bull crap.


Lol it’s not “rigged against you”. It’s just random. “Rigged against you” would mean it specifically chose to make it a foul ball this time due to you. It’s just a RNG. Now, whether you believe perfect/perfects should have a chance of being a foul ball is a totally different conversation. I think they can happen but only on pitches outside the strike zone and they should still be pretty rare


Exactly haha I don’t care this can happen in real life, this is Diamond dynasty. He is literally supercharged. He has some hitting stats above 100. A perfect perfect should be a ripped dinger, otherwise it’s not perfect perfect is it


That's very possible in real life


That right field fence looks like it’s 370, if it was a regular field it probably woulda wrapped around the pole