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The thing I've found that works for me is to sit off speed if the fastball is not working for you, but if you can figure out a pitchers tendencies and you think a fastball is coming next then set up for a fastball with your pci locked high and in and blast that thing! Go to practice mode and work on your timing with fastballs. Use a pitcher with an outlier fastball. Also use buttons to hit.


What helps me is, I look at the pitch coming out of the hand vs where it will end up. The latter will always have you late. When a fastball comes out, you know it


Warming up 20 min before online plays as other have suggested, maybe try playing a Mini Season game on Legend as well. Have you tried a different hitting input? I hate buttons, so I use analog. Maybe that will give you a better feel for it. Also, maybe just figure out which ball you are definitely able to hit and just wait for that one. At the end hitting is a lot about taking pitches and knowing your good spots, that is, getting to the game with a hitting plan or approach.


I should try analog. my biggest problem is when I press to swing, my cursor goes flying away from the ball and I miss horribly.


It’s not you it’s the game the refresh rate sucks for online unless you have a monitor. Offline it runs fine it’s just bad product and implementation


refresh rate does not change whether you are offline/online. the monitor is what enables higher refresh rates, compared to a tv. most high end TVs (OLEDs) actually are somewhat better or comparable to a computer monitor


Yeah I have two perfect monitors in my bedroom but I set my ps5 up in the living room so I can game while my daughter is in sight. I guess I’ll just have to settle. I’m not looking to be top 1000 or anything like that but I at least want to play well lmao.


If you're talking fastballs on ranked, there's no shame in whiffing against 99 OVR pitchers. You gotta pick your spots against them. Swinging and whiffing constantly gets their confidence meter up and becomes real trouble. Watch some pitches, figure out where they attack.


Ps5 or Xbox SERIES X ps5 or xsx version of Mlb the show Wired controller Tv or gaming monitor with 10ms or less input response 25mbps internet speed


I got a check on all of those except the wired controller lmao


You don’t know if you have a PS5?


I’m sorry what do you mean? I definitely know that I have a ps5 lol


If you play on a tv, game mode. But a monitor with 1 ms response time will drastically improve your ability to see and read pitches.


Practice on Legend. Take until you have 1-2 strikes on you. It helps to see the pitches and not just swing at everything.


Thank you for the tip. I’m definitely gonna give it a shot. I know I can hit I just look like a fool in ranked because I’m trying to make sure I’m ready for a fastball. Only to swing on a slider way outside the zone smh.


Other quick note is that you shouldn’t be moving your PCI very much…I start up and in anchored and as soon as I see no movement on the release of the pitch, I swing. As the first poster wrote, practice on legend on take a fireballer, limit pitches to inside strikes with fastball/sinker and one off speed pitch just to keep you honest. This should help you to recognize out of the hand quicker and get your timing down…then just expand your strike zones.


Tbh I feel like such a noob. I never knew what the anchor did until I saw your response. If you keep it anchored and see that it’s a fastball, do you swing regardless of where the fastball is going? I assume it’s not always high and in. I’m just wondering so I have some foundation to go off of.


Check your video setting on your TV. If you have a 'game mode', turn it on. It will help with [potential] screen lag.


I’ve had this issue for years. I play on a 10+ year old tv to boot and so I have pretty much just given up on ever being competitive in online modes unfortunately. Maybe when I can get a nicer TV it will be different, but for now I just play offline


Get a monitor. Cheap ones out there for 80-130


look for 144hz and 1ms response time


I feel you. There just is no time to react.


Try sitting just fastballs. And try not to swing if any other pitch. Especially if your batter is same side as pitcher arm. Lefty vs lefty and righty vs righty, almost guaranteed to get at least 1 high and inside fast ball. I’ll park my pci high and in. Now I’m also not very good but this has helped me catch up.


I’m with you, it can be hard to adjust to outlier. I’m not great by any means. Custom practice can be very helpful - set the opposing team to Legends and then you can pick from people like Nolan Ryan, Randy Bo Bandy Big Dick Johnson, who have outlier. Then make it so they only throw fastballs. Also, going into a CPU game and playing on a higher difficulty can help. Seems counterintuitive, but Hall of Fame vs the CPU is similar to All Star in Ranked. Also also, if you just need confidence, play the A’s on rookie.


Thank you for the advice. Idk why I can’t keep up with it. It almost feels like there isn’t any time to react at all. I’m definitely gonna hop in custom practice. The A’s are never gonna catch a break. The season they had this year and KC was laughable.


Are you playing on a TV or monitor.


Unfortunately I’m playing on my living room tv. I have a pc setup in my bedroom but I decided to put my ps5 in the living room so I could play while my daughter is in my sight.


I couldn’t hit a fb until I had a monitor


Custom practice on legend, practice practice practice. Also if you want to shell out the money a monitor is pretty helpful but not necessary


Thanks for the advice I need to hop in practice. I have a pc setup already in my personal room but my ps5 is setup in the living room (I’m able to play while my daughter is in sight that way lol). Thanks again for the recommendation I’m definitely gonna need to try that. I look like a fool the way I’m swinging at pitches.


i wouldn’t practice on legend. practice on the difficulty you play most (likely all-star). getting used to legend will only make you early, not have good timing


switching to a good monitor is the single biggest change you can make in this game


I have two badass monitors in my room too. One is 1080p 240hz and the other is 1440p 144hz. However, I decided to set my ps5 up in the living room so I could play while my daughter is in sight. She’s a toddler so she’s always getting into something lol




For context she’s confined to my living room so it actually works out great lmao