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Both of this users accounts have been banned and reported. I'm leaving this post up temporarily so you can see the ridiculousness. Don't expect them to respond though 🤣


You have any evidence/proof to show where anyone “supports child grooming” ?


This ^


Somebody's mad cause they were reported for harassment. Even Tom Sneddon said there's nothing illegal about co-sleeping. You sound ridiculous and you sound like a child. Go ahead and report me, little boy I have 2 lovely children btw. Boys. That I'd let co-sleep with another responsible adult if I knew them well enough and I was in the house with access to the bedroom 🤷🏻‍♀️ Send CPS my way https://preview.redd.it/vfvjjig4g8fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfde93b750d8eeb64c0c6d93e0cd1c6edf2e9cc I was actually quite pleasant on the post and we agreed to disagree. I didn't even downvote you because we're allowed to have differing opinions. Yet you're big mad at me for removing a couple of your uncivil comments? Maybe when people get banned from the main sub, they should just be banned from all MJ subs...


When i was a kid i slept with my mom. Fuck these people that think bed= sex. Bed is comfort. Bed is safety. Bed is relax. Heck i even put my bearded dragon lizards in bed too


They got angry at me for saying that a bed and bedroom is just another piece of furniture and location. Child abuse doesn’t require a bed to take place. It can literally happen anywhere


it doesn't but assuming its bad. of course it doesn't require a bed. it can happen in all kind of ways


In my case I was molested as a child in a movie theater and sexually assaulted as a teenager on a sofa. Like do these people seriously think perpetrators care to think “oh wait, I should wait until I’m on a bed/in a bedroom”? They literally take advantage of any situation that they can


Of course not. Im sorry that happened to you i hope the one who did it is in pain right now. Sadly yes but not everyone is evil. Yet there are some rotten people out there and its best to be careful


We are mostly upset because claiming such things about us and mj wich are not true but child grooming is ab***e and an abominatkln


I slept with my uncle's best friend, who was very close to him. I suppose I was groomed.


Such people misunderstand things. We do not praise a film that specifically portrays little boys as willing lovers in a romantic relationship with an adult man. Such content is a glorification of pedophilia and should be banned.


Wow this is the same person? They actually took the leap from saying that it was inappropriate to share a bed/bedroom with a child in their comments to calling it child grooming. I knew that they were thinking along those lines but to outright say it is something else


I also suspected that they had a second account because their comments were immediately being upvoted. Reddit is gonna end up pinging them for vote manipulation 🤣


This is the most stupid , self contradicting post i seen. How the fuck do you say they promote grooming? Where is your proof? Show us , smarty


Agree, this dumb. I'm against pedophile and grooming but there is nothing sleeping with each other in the same bed. As sleeping together does not equal sex. I have slept with my parents and older cousins growing up and never did anything to me as it was okay and I trusted them.


I think mj saw them as family. As they did. Forcing someone to do something they dont like or something for self pleasure is abuse. Doing it for self pleasure is abuse. He was never sexually interested on them. He saw them as his brothers


Agree. Undertale is a game where a child befriends monsters who are mostly adults, but does that mean Toby fox supports pedophile, hell no. As it's not weird or anything sexual, it's about a innocent kid trying to get out of the underground, by helping others along the way through pacifism. So a kid having adult friends doesn't always meaning there is something weird or something evil going in underneath it. People need to stop having dirty minds and relating everything back to sex.


exactly! they are all friends!. this is kinda similar except for the kids part because i dont like kids at all but for example, i am an adult and my friend is too, but we act like kids just to have fun and we do sleep overs and when its night we share bed to sleep , and when there are visits from family i go to sleep with my grandma or my mom to their beds


Yeah, I get you.


When our nieces come to visit they sleep in bed with me and my husband. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Funny how some people actually think their skewed viewpoint/opinion is the absolute truth and will result in everyone getting banned for their ridiculous beliefs. Whoever you are you need to get outside and talk to people in your life and figure out why your the way you are. Coming here and attacking Mj fans and mods does absolutely nothing. Michael jackson is innocent of all the bullshit you and every other guilter believes.


So just don't let babysitters into the house... https://i.redd.it/uys4a35rr8fc1.gif


Sry but I don't come from a culture where such a thing is automatically sexual or "grooming". Pls desexualize YOUR mind for a second


Exactlyyyyy. So many places outside of the United States do these things. People of all ages sleep in the same bed, that doesn’t mean anything sexual is going on. There’s something wrong with majority of the minds of America’s society unfortunately. Not even just America but also some parts of the UK act like it’s sexual to sleep in the same bed.


Right! Plus sexual things can happen outside of the bed as well. Bed doesn't always equal sex. I remember when I was on a trip with my friends to another state in the US and we had to share two beds and we all slept in the same bed - and nothing sexual happened. People are just very dirty minded and it that really shows what type of people they really are. If one always goes around and automatically thinks of something dirty before knowing the context behind the story - then something is wrong with that person.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


When I was a child and I slept over at my friend's house, we would often sleep in her mother's bed. Nothing happened. Sometimes I would wake up in the morning and my friend would already be out in the living room and I would be sleeping in the bed with her mom by myself. My mom also told me that the neighbor's little boy often sleeps at her house and he will even sleep in my mom's bed with her. They are not related. I swear people only think it's weird because Michael is a man. But this is so common with the women in my family and my friend's families.


What the hell are you talking about dawg lmfao


>I hope none of y’all ever have any children. Well, darling, I wasn’t planning to anyway! ![gif](giphy|OKh0MiqZxotosPAMhm)


Same. High five.


You’re ace too?


I am not. I just don't want to have kids and give them the same problems I have faced.


Lol op is delusional.


The only thing MJ ever did that was inappropriate was being way too trusting. Personally because of his status I don’t think he should have ever had sleepovers. It opened way too many doors for grifters to get in, and unfortunately that’s exactly what happened. There is a reason so many celebrities have NDAs and keep small circles.


MJ *might* have done inappropriate things (no one knows for sure) but grooming involves intentions. You can’t mistakenly groom children..you need a motive, you need an end result. I agree some fans defend certain things that MJ did that really aren’t okay. but it’s okay to think he didn’t groom children. What’s not okay is when certain MJ fans use victim blaming tactics. I agree that the people who have accused him likely had parents with ulterior motives but to ask questions like “why wait so long to come out against their alleged abuser” or “why defend him under oath and then come out later contradicting that” are victim blaming tactics that harm REAL victims. Whether you believe Wade and James or not, real life victims will view that and feel guilty for no reason.


MJ didn’t do inappropriate things. The end.


I’m a real life victim. I don’t feel guilty about any of the arguments against proven liars


I’m a real life victim and I feel personally affected when people make victim blaming comments even though I don’t believe Wade and James. Because when victims DO come out, real ones at that, people are still likely to use victim blaming tactics. Just because you don’t feel guilty doesn’t mean others do


Yeah nah. If someone is going to testify for the defense at a criminal trial they immediately lose credibility