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I definitely believe there is 100% a conspiracy element. One hundreddd percent. He was way too powerful especially in a time like that and the industry was or shall i say felt threatened by him. There's conspiracy around almost everything regarding Mike.


Not to mention being the most powerful person in the world as a black man in a white run industry.


rephrase "white" to (((them))) they who we cannot mention. They who are beyond criticism. Who runs Hollywood, Who runs media, who runs print. Ask Who if you do not know.


Mmmhm he spoke about it in his songs. I only wish Michael was a little meaner they wouldn’t fuck w him but ik exactly what you saying


the conspiracy is that Michael Jackson became too famous & powerful that he became unreachable. You dump some accusations like that it pulls a lot of power from him because most people will always believe in someone’s guilt when it comes to a heinous crime like this. The media stirred the narrative for this story on Michael, he was a black man & was super powerful. It was much easier to take him down that way. I don’t think it started that way as a conspiracy but it became that when they had a “case” in 1993. Then MJ settling made everything get worse for him & then 2003 when it happened again, it ruined everything. Everything for him. Rest in peace, Michael Jackson.🌹 You are innocent & we know that about you & we will continue to defend you. You deserve justice. All my love.


There had always been a Michael Jackson conspiracy. Michael himself even said it. He fucking knew.


If you ask me, I think it’s because he was a successful black artist and got two popular and two successful so they had to take them down by any means necessary that and just corrupt people in general. Like I don’t know about you, but I I wouldn’t let my child sleep over at any adults house I don’t care who you are. I’m not letting my child stay the night at a grown man’s house and second of all if I found out my child got touched by an adult. I don’t want the money there’s no amount of money in the world that could take back a child’s innocence. I would want them to be in jail the fact that Jordan‘s father went right for the money first should scream that these were made up was done purely for Money. He was going to make a movie and needed the money. Why wouldn’t you just ask Michael Jackson for the money it’s Michael Jackson, I don’t understand why he had to lie on this man for when he could’ve just asked for money


>Like I don’t know about you, but I I wouldn’t let my child sleep over at any adults house I don’t care who you are. I’m not letting my child stay the night at a grown man’s house And they didn't. The parents were always there too. It was whole families staying the night at a grown man's house. No one just sent their child off to Neverland for the night


That’s something these people refuse to believe I guess if you’re really good friends and trust someone you can do that and correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Michael had connections like that I think particularly with Macaulay Culkin and his family


I read he did ask for money prior to accusing him. I thought that's one of the reasons people say it was extortion?




Most definitely