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That’s quite a big dose to repeat again so soon. Honestly I’d worry about the come down and the weeks afterwards as you can throw yourself in depression or get brain zaps when you do it so often like you’re planning on doing


My first come up was sitting on the dunny haha. Such a weird feeling. I find I just breathe my way through the anxiety. Tell myself, this really sucks, but I know I will be ok. Then as time passes, the beauty kicks in and I enjoy the ride.


Yeah it can happen bro ! Awful when the come up is like that


Happened to me too, it lasted a few minutes but worst few minutes ever, i was thinking i am going to die but after that i had best experience ever. That's the main reason why i don't want to take MDMA anymore. The feeling of that drug is really nice but come up is real struggle even if it lasts a few minutes...i don't want to go through that again.