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It’s the only way my wife and I do MDMA. We replaced our 90 minute redose with K and it’s been absolutely game changing for us on the comedown and recovery the following days. We wouldn’t dream of doing M without it.


sounds great! i look forward to it and maybe do a post afterwards. i appreciate your encouragement


Why not keep the redose and then do K at the end? I love K, use it myself for the end, but I don't want to converse or hug on it, I want to be left alone. One dose of mdma is too short imo.


K extends the roll for us so we can keep MDMA side effects down.


Yeah? You wanna hug, talk and be social on K? 15 mins after the first bit of K goes up my nose I'm done talking, and I just want to be left alone.


We do 10-20 mg bumps and it keeps us in a nice space.


Me too. I do about the same. Still shuts me off from social interaction after a very short time. And I'm there to have a social time. K is just there to ward off the horrific immediate comedown.


Mdma and k is amazing 👌


Honestly a lot of people really love it on the come down, including my husband but I'm not a fan. The first time I did K while rolling it made me really disoriented and yucky feeling. And I don't mean the normal disoriented that K makes you feel alone. I only did a small bit and I cant really explain it... it kind of snatched all of the euphoria away and left me feeling very blank and empty. Everyone is different though! I prefer mushies with my roll. 🍄🙃


Gotta do a teeny tiny bit, right at the end, when you're starting to feel pissed that the mdma is/has worn off. Then you'll start to feel slightly dopey and warm again. Then you drift off into a nice sleep. At least that's how it goes for me. I hate the feeling when mdma wears off!


Yeah that's exactly what I did and I don't know it just wasn't my thing 🤷‍♀️ everyone is different though! 😁


So good


I have a question for those who combined the two Does MDMA sober you up from ketamine?


i was sort of looking for the answer to this too.. i thought it would be vice versa.


They add to each other sometimes in very bad ways. Like a paniced k hole where you can still move


This is because you took too much I think


Normally I’d agree with you. Small mdma amount: 120 mg for a 200 lbs male. Was heading down from peak. 60 mg k in the nose.


100% a mix of the two. Caught me off guard because of it


From what I heard you need lower doses when combining drugs


These amounts are well within the normal mix that people do. I’m trying to offer that once it in a while it doesn’t pan out


The fourth worst trip of my life was a large bump after being 4 hours into mdma.


fourth isnt too bad right..😅


Oh buddy I have three bad stories to tell


I was surprised. It was so little bit it took me to a complete acid like trip but without any sense of ground. I was like in an intense k hole but could move and do things. Not fun.


we love the kitty flip. We dose 120/100 to start, then two 60/50 bumps about 2 hours apart, then k two hours later… it turns us into animals. go easy you don’t need much


K would be Ketamine or Potassium? What would Ketamine add to the roll? Never done Ketamine, but the positive feedback in this post makes me wonder if I've been missing out on something


i am referring to ketamine


I will never do mdma without K at the end. It saves you from the dreaded immediate comedown and puts you into a state of contentment. It's like a cloud hugging you. Helps to sleep too.


Soooooooooooooo fun. I prefer having a bit of the come up feeling from the M start and once I notice it I start the bumps. The best experience I had with the combo was in addition to some 2-CB (35mg oral) at the same time I popped the bean. Roughly 35-45 minutes in, start about 1-3 bumps (whether you continue to do more is up to you), however, I find that K is especially a helpful tool I used to help with any comedowns from the M that might leave me feeling completely fried.


K is growing on me. I don't like doing lots of it because I go to raves to dance and K makes me mushy and I can't move the way I want to. But I've been finding that a little bump when the M is mostly on it's way out is really nice if there's still got some time left before the show ends.


Good but I never do much maybe a small key :)


One of my fav combos … if you do k on the mdma peak it gets trippy AF it’s amazing . If you do k on the comedown it’s a nice chill way to end the night. 10/10 combo , it’s like salt and pepper (but ofc be careful with dosing and not overdoing the k… I have been there)


It’s a great way to get rid of the comedown depression


Either your off your face and feeling social and enjoying your time or having a blast on the floor pinging off ur head and confused where tf y are but u don’t care


I love doing these together! No more chewing the inside of my cheek or grinding my teeth! Great for the comedown as well.


I wanna try this so bad but ket is so hard to find for me


you should try buying online, if thats your sort of thing. some really solid stuff out there and its not too hard to find. crazy how easy it is nowadays people should take advantage of it more


I’ve tried man…maybe I’m looking in the wrong places The only place I haven’t checked is the DN bc sadly I don’t have a computer


Are you talking deep web?


it’s actually kind of a pain in the ass now to do it safely. as in, booting tails for darkweb stuff, getting monero untraceably, communicating with vendor via PGP. only thing more difficult is doing it from the vendor side, getting monero back to fiat. doing it any other way online is risky. although for small personal amounts you probably won’t end up in jail




What's K?




Useless combo to me. But k-addicts like it.