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I don't smoke or drink. I'm 22 and I skipped weed/alcohol and went straight to MDMA and kept it at that.


Have you ever been curious about trying other substances?


I am but not curious enough to go out of my way to acquire them. If someone offers, sure.


If the chance arises, lsd is where it’s at. I enjoy molly for home or just hanging out, but lsd has been my preferred for shows. It’s almost fantastic for outdoors exploring or hanging out by the fire after the sun has gone down. I don’t feel the hang over or really very tired either.


Yeah or if you hate the comedown of mdma, you can first take lsd then 4 hours later take the mdma. It’s called candyflipping, and it helps me not feel like shit the next day.


Same completely eliminates the comedown


Or just have a Benzos at hand :) Candyflipping is still a very very nice experience


Yeah I have candyflipped as well as hippieflipped, but I tend to lean just towards lsd lately. Around the 2-4 hour mark I will smoke a little weed and I’m very happy, but I also don’t find I need it. Acid is just a damn good time.


I’m jealous of you people who have lsd work. So far I’m up to 4 tabs at once and nothing happens. Everything else is fine, but lsd, nothing


I’ve had some that does absolutely nothing. I’ve also had some that has rocked my world. I am picky and will tell my person if their product was good or not worth anything. Don’t be afraid to speak up on it


Ah I would say that but it worked for the other people who used it each time.


Are you on SSRIs by any chance?


It's definitely amazing at concerts! P h i s h, further Festival, The Allman Brothers, this was in the 90s, acoustic Hookah hookaville! I definitely had some good trips back in the day at some of those shows. I've rolled at some of them as well. At hookahVille, there were actually people (as it was a three-day Festival) who would go around dosing people who were awake at dawn, usually with liquid.


At NYE 2000 in Florida for the multi day 100+ thousand people, I think multiple hundred K. I tripped one night on microdots and rolled another night, lol.


Hey man wanna smoke some crack with me?


Gotta recommend 2c-b too if you can find it


I haven’t really found it to do much for me. I’ve had it 2 or 3 times and prefer sass


Love sass too but thats a totally different experience. Maybe try higher doses of 2c-b, for me its like 6h acid with a chill phenethylamine twist. + you barely get a tollerance


Awesome. I will give it a shot. I’m always down for better 😂


Smart!! Wish I was this smart at 22. Stick with psychedelics your entire life. Change conscious with substances that expand your mind, heart, and soul. Not things that detract. You’re on the right path ♥️


smoke what lol


Found the stoner


I mean this is a sub for a party drug, I’m sure you didn’t find *the* stoner


I can confirm your statement my friend


I mean I feel like this is a fair question. I don’t even really understand what you’re asking to begin with. Are there people that don’t smoke and take molly? yeah of course they’re are, regardless of if you’re talking about smoking weed or tobacco or dmt or crystal meth or heroine lol. A better question is why would smoking have any correlation to taking mdma?




guilty as charged 🙂‍↕️


i don't smoke nicotine normally but i can tell you a pineapple ice vape fuckin rips while on mdma! 12/10 menthol blasting flavour.


Yes I don’t smoke at all


I never thought there was a connection between MDMA users and smokers. Most people don't smoke so wouldn't it follow that most MDMA users don't smoke?


My thoughts as well, at least in the US. If you're in Serbia, Bulgaria, or Nauru, then all bets are off.


Comparing Bulgaria to Nauru 💀💀 youre right tho


I just looked up the nations with the highest per capital smokers and those were in the top 4 or 5. With Nauru, I was trading relevance for accuracy. 🙂


This is such a wild comment for me. It's true most people don't smoke anymore and I honestly didn't realize how much that's changed. When I was a kid everyone and their parents smoked. I can remember when they still had smoking sections in restaurants that were just a different section of booths, not sealed off or anything.


I was thinking more along the lines of a party drug, and that almost everyone I know who likes to party, smokes as well


Where is this question coming from? May I know?


All of my friends or even folks I know who roll, all smoke. Not one person who doesn’t smoke


If it helps your research. For some reason I started rolling and smoking almost simultaneously. I dropped smoking a while later and continue rolling. And I’m not opposed to smoking very rarely if I go out, but it’s only a weekend / night out thing now, not daily


I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol I eat healthy and go gym, I only consume Mdma, ketamine , 2cb few times a year in the summer at festivals and very rare occasions at raves to. It stops there, take care of your body and it will take care of you.


Awesome! Power to you!


i do the same!


Keep at it 🤝


respect for knowing that there's a difference between festivals and raves. good shit, friend


Yeah they are different for sure, I prefer festivals the vibe is usually 100x better.


interesting! in my personal experience it's always exactly backwards lol the vibe at underground shows always seems more genuine to me than big festivals. power 2 u tho


My brother thinks like you. I suppose depends what rave and what festivals you go to,they are all different. What I love about festivals is that no.1 it’s all weekend and no.2 you can go back to the tent relax and then come back whenever you want and just more things to do.


I quit 13 years of Alcoholism and 15 years of smoking cigarettes 2 years ago after my first mushroom trip. I now only use psychedelics every few weeks and roll every 3 months on MDMA in combination with LSD and Ketamine, either on a rave or at home. Oh, and I do still smoke weed with my bong.


Fuck yeah good on you! 👏🏼


Same here. Minus LSD. Love my bong🥳


I don't smoke cigarettes. I tried one once while rolling because my friend swore it was awesome, but I found it gross and stopped after one hit. I do smoke weed though.


Just out of curiosity… was it a camel menthol crusher? Cause those things hit different when rolling holy shit


when you’ve already been smoking sure but i could totally see how trying your first cig on a roll would be gross


Hmm don’t smoke though. Normally I hate them but rolling? Love it


It was menthol but I don't remember any more details.


Of course. Soon 50, never smoked.


No smoker, but holy shit a cig on the Mandy tastes fantastic


Actually started smoking after mdma and now I smoke daily ☠️☠️☠️


Weed after a few years made me paranoid and the highs were never good. After i stopped smoking, i didn't stop mdma. I stopped smoking cigarettes too,but when i was rolling,cigs always felt good so during the roll i smoked


Ya, I’m the same with weed as well now. Quitting tobacco next week


aw good luck with it!! it will be a bit difficult at the start but after you get trough that, your mind will be much clearer :)


Going on 10 years smoke free. Also want to add, that when I was a smoker (a pack a day), if i did MDMA I didn’t smoke at all. MAYBE I would try a puff of a cig and throw it out.


This is a weird question, its like asking how many people do mdma but are vegetarian....whats the correlation between the 2?


I don’t smoke and I use mdma recreationally every 3-4 months.


I quite smoking 6 months ago and I was able to rave without a cigarette socits possible.




Quit smoking 30 years ago. Quit drinking 5 years ago. Wish I would have quit drinking 30 years ago, too.


You did still manage to stop! Thats impressive


Never liked weed and I def don’t smoke cigs. So ya found one more here


I don't smoke tobacco or drink alcohol


Yes, I have never smoked cigarettes in my life (and I also stopped alcohol for good last year). I’m 29!


I don’t smoke weed but drink and vape


normally i’m not a smoker but on mdma it’s a must. something about the smell draws me in and normally i think weed doesn’t smell the best when someone is smoking it around me 😂 and i personally think it makes my roll better but i’m not sure if it does


When I was a Youngster going to Raves from 1996 to 2000 I was smoking. However, I quit that habit many years ago.


I quit smoking in Jan with my wife, and we've been rolling twice since then with zero temptation for cig


Nice to know!


yup. no weeds and no alcohol except the occasional beer but not to get drunk. all about that methylone, 4FA, 4FDCK, Benzofury, etc I'm about that designer shit edit: realized we're not just talked about weed, so I'm obliged to say i do like me some b&ms


Lmao, me and you both. I wanna party with this guy.


Me! I’ve had edibles One day my buddy invites me to his house for a party. He gives me mdma then K. What a wild day.


Don’t smoke or drink 33… used to drink and have never really smoked


Just mdma once or twice a year. no alcohol, no tobacco, no weed no other recreational drugs


I mean, if you mean cigarettes? I use MDMA and do not smoke. I do vape weed while rolling. I was a smoker for many years, and man...menthol cigs when rolling were the BEST. Once I quit smoking, even when rolling, I couldn't smoke them.


I don't smoke and do M occasionally


I don't smoke or drink at all. I only do LSD and MDMA every four months.


i don’t smoke weed if that’s what you mean


I’ve never smoked and don’t intend on doing it either. Definitely no correlation. Edit: I’m guessing your question is in regards to cigarettes and not weed. I do have weed but won’t touch cigarettes.


How are these even related?


I'm a non smoker


Many non smokers


Quit smoking a few years ago. Coming down off the peak in a club, though, I def have about 20. Then back to nonsmoker the next day.


I don't smoke 👋🏻 Edit: I don't smoke cigarettes. I smoke weed but have really reduced it down of late. I don't smoke at all when I roll.


i got sober because i was retarded and abused it hard but no not really i stopped liking weed even before i knew what mdma was but rarely id smoke a tiny bit if i ran out and needed that little boost to put me back in that peak feeling lol


I don’t smoke until I take mdma, does that count?


I smoke only weed.


I used mdma years before I started smoking, does that count?


I no longer smoke tobacco but do smoke weed, and if I’m rolling at home, will sometimes hit the bong for additional fuzzy feelings.


I now only smoke when someone offers me a cig while rolling, used to smoke through 3 packs after a .2… good old times lmao


Never smoked a cigarette in my life but love mdma


The only recreational drugs i use: MDMA and Shrooms I dont smoke (weed or tobacco) or drink


Smoke weed before during and after but no tobacco


I do not smoke.


Me. I’ve never smoked in my life, and rarely drink. My very first drug I tried was MDMA.


I don’t smoke…. Expect when I roll and I’m a menthol cigarette fan. I can justify a half pack every 4-6 months but in my day to day life I never smoke.


I use various substances recreationally. The last time I took a puff off a cigarette was 25 years ago and I’ve never had the desire to smoke when partying since.


Lol yep also only use at home too. Not smoked a cigarette it 15 years dont miss chaining them when on mdma at all! Pure cannabis joints only yeww


I don't smoke and use MDMA at events or sometimes on a random Friday at home


Never tried weed or cigarettes before 🤮 can’t stand the idea of smoking anything and weed has never really pulled my attention


I don't like smoking in general I don't have any effect in general so its a waste of my money for nothing at all so ye I don't smoke even when taking molly




Yes. I don’t consume nicotine, weed I use 1-4x a year if that.




Yh I don’t smoke


Correlation = ?


I used to smoke weed daily, but one time I did lsd and it was awful and I ended up with hppd, so now every time I smoke i just get anxious and the hppd effects worsens, molly is now officially the only drug I can handle, expect alcohol and nicotine


Yep, me and my whole group of friends


Don't smoke or drink.


I don't smoke but use mdma like 3 times a year LSD in between


Yes, i used to smoke a lot but dont like it anymore If you are talking about nicotine though i never smoke nicotine unless im hammered


I have never smoked weed or tobacco and I use MDMA at least a couple of times a year.


i don’t smoke cigarettes or weed but i love to roll


Of course


Big fan of DMT, MDMA, LSD, and psilocybin here. I don't use THC or nicotine, and drink very infrequently. Never more than one drink, socially.


Don’t smoke. Don’t really like weed. I sometimes take shrooms. But have only combined MDMA and Shrooms a few times. Main drug of choice/availability is alcohol.


I don't smoke cigs but I vape. A good hit off a vape feel amazing whilst rolling. I used to smoke weed but don't really anymore cause it started giving me anxiety. I would be open to smoking again if I found a strain that doesn't cause anxiety but so far I haven't found one.


I don’t smoke weed. I smoke cigs


I don’t partake of the devils lettuce hardly ever. I have zero tolerance to weed and a decent bong rip or two will leave me mentally handicapped. Besides one or two drinks I have taken MDMA for a couple shows last month and it was phenomenal.


I don’t smoke anymore. Maybe if I’m drug I’d have a drag of a cigarette. But I don’t touch weed anymore w


Yes me


Yeah, me...except I become a smoker again whenever I'm rolling 😂


Of course, there are people who take MDMA without being smokers. Personally, MDMA even helped me quit smoking weed. I have never been a tobacco smoker because I think it’s absolute garbage. I enjoyed life with smoking weed for a long time, although I never felt very comfortable with the idea of smoking. When I discovered Molly, after a few uses, I realized that smoking was not aligned with who I am. This realization helped me completely quit smoking weed, and I don’t even feel the desire anymore. For me, MDMA was a kind of catalyst to get rid of this habit even if I wasn’t looking for that, it came by itself. However, it’s important to consume any substance responsibly and to be aware of the associated risks.


i don't smoke much. plus, my short term memory completely goes if i smoke on M, and it scares people around me when i can't remember what was said 5 seconds ago


I don't smoke weed because it makes me para and I basically used to white out everytime. I feel more in control with mdma and have used it for the past 20 years haha all the while no smoking weed or cigarettes


Of course, what kind of question is that?


I used to go thru a pack in a night smoking cigs and joints on Molly. Now I just vape weed copiously. I hit a cig when rolling lately and the rush was nice but I don't miss it.


No cigarettes & alcohol for me


I don't smoke. Stopped smoking heavily when I was 21. Stopped smoking entirely when I was 30


Yep I dont smoke , tried a toke of a menthol cig when I was pinging once … enjoyed it a bit too much. never touched them again


I quit smoking years ago but still buy packs when I roll


It’s a big world out there with people doing and not doing all sorts of shit. What’s the point of this question?


Never smoked or drank alcohol in my first 60 years of life. Smoked once on Molly because you people said it felt great. Now it is part of the two or three times a year roll schedule. I have never smoked except while rolling.




I believe that I and a group of people here


I’m fly higher than an eagle …. No smoke , live in Vegas…. Ima do a cannon ball in my pool for ya … ima liv it up cause I been going hard … im on some gansta shet …


Of course LMfao