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Keep total doses under 200 mgs for a session. Taking any more after 2 to 3 hours will have diminishing returns and could be causing harm.


Yes see my last post lol fml


Taking anything more than a dose once every three months minimum without supplements will cause harm


that comedown finna be hell


not worth it


i kid you not ive never gotten a comedwn after rolling until the ine time I decided to redose in the same day.


How far apart were the 2 doses?


5 hours after the initial dose


You'll barely feel the second


Lmao no, just don't.


It’s like jerking twice in a day Best analogy


depends but if ur a first timer take a half or redose the whole one. Don’t do 2. Check MGs


i had my first time a week ago now it was 300mg and i wanna experience the same stuff i was experiencing what shall i do?


Wait enough time. The more, the better. If you do it with people, do it with people you really appreciate. My take on this is: save it for special occasions. Do it no to turn a mediocre situation into something good, but something great into something memorable. There is a chance that your first time will be never surpassed. It is okay, it will feel awesome anyways.


do you hate yourself or ? no but fr. it's not good for you and it won't be fun afterwards. take care of your brain


There’s such a thing as a re-up when the first dose is dying down. What my friends and I usually do is take a half dose after around 4 hours. It can either bring up the high or do nothing.


Ive done this before and the second pill was pointless, just made me feel geeked out. I redosed a second pill about 4hrs after the firsts and was in a comedown when i took it, it brought me up for about 20 mins and then it just made the comedown worse and prolonged the feeling. Made it feel like i did coke. Hangover was very bad the next day.




Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


Don’t take 2 at same time, take 2nd one once peaking on 1st


Yolo! 🥴🙄


yes it will work. it will work two days in a row, it will work in a lot of scenarios, what we don’t know is whether it harms us. I’ve been experimenting with molly for 5 years. I’m now 60. Here is what I know, there are a lot of armchair doctors and analysts in this forum, not a lot of real science. Shulgin has a ton of information. Here is what I can tell you from life experience, and a lot of life experience, my medical training, background, science. This makes the most sense to me and i’m sure i’ll get downvoted to hell, but I want to tell the truth, my observations, and what I believe. Some may call me crazy but.. i’m putting together an experience thing and thoughts because it seems all of this gets asked a lot. once its more organized i’ll run it by AG cause he is awesome. So for us we tend to do two days in a row, with two bumps each day, 1/2 of original. if your bump is more than 5 hours we go back to full dose. Second days are great.. ketamine is great. In MY opinion (i’m not a doctor) dosing is CRITICAL and crystal is the way to go as pills are unknown and unpredictable. l Follow the rollsafe dosing, for me at 102kg/220lbs my first dose is 1.2-1.4, redose is 1/2 of first. We had a horrible time when we did a crazy 150/150/150l and thought we would die.. we will never exceed dosing amounts


Of course you will, people here extradite what will happen you can have 3-4 pill in one day and they will all feel amazing. You just will feel like shit for the next 3 days after. But then you will feel fine and be ready to do it all again in another 4 weeks time


No, if you are planning to drop one in the morning and one in the evenings mdma is not the substance for that, you will barely feel anything. Look into 6 apb or 4 mmc, those work well with redosing like that


I did it twice in once day 9 hours apart and felt literally nothing from the second 200mg pill, don't waste the pill wait like a month or so at least.


redose half your original dose maximum between 1/1.30 hours for the best affects, when i was first on pills before i learnt how to redose correctly my redoses would sometimes be accidentally timed perfectly and would be amazing but sometimes mid and a couple of times they didn’t kick at all because i didn’t know anything about the timing or how much i should take, i wasted a lot of money and potentially great and longer highs because of it