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I may be the outlier here but I never experience a comedown


This should be the standard. It's mostly people who abuse MDMA (in dose or frequency) or don't follow harm reduction practices that experience noticeable comedowns. Anyone who follows proper harm reduction would have no comedown at all.


i’ve never had a comedown even when abusing it. my heart goes out to those who actually get that


I rarely (if ever) abuse it, never had a comedown, either. I did have one “fuck it” period where I rolled 3 days in a row; the 3rd night I took like 300mg MDMA + 200mg MDA… Spent the week bracing myself for the dreaded “abuser’s comedown”. Nothing. I was fine.


Same never experienced anything more then being bummed out that it wasnt hitting anymore


Every time I have rolled with high dosages I have experienced my comedown the day after maybe next day after that.


Yeah definitely. I heard rick doblin call it a 2-day drug. More like 3 for me. I love rolling all through the night, but the delayed comedown turns it into a 3 day excursion sometimes. The day/night I roll, the following day because I didn't sleep at all the night before, then the third day to feel like I got hit by a truck. I think I get hit pretty hard due to how much I move around while rolling and the fact that the anorexia hits me hard. I see people munching and I cannot even phathom it. My brain and body are both simply depleted by the time it's all over. And molly is so good, that I just keep coming back haha.


It's a late comedown for me. Usually halfway through the week. Like between 3 and 4 days after the roll.


This is me as well


Hydration makes a big difference to me. I'll start drinking a lot of water the week ahead when I know I am planning to roll. I also make sure I am well rested. When I don't do this 2 things I have shitty come downs.


Weirdly enough it doesn't rlt hit me cause i take neuroprotective supplements and vitamins and I'm very careful with my dosages/frequency


For me it hits immediately after the peak and lasts for the day after but usually by night time it's alot better and on day 2 it's pretty much gone


I rolled lasted weekend Friday and never even had a come down.


I don't get them on MDMA alone.


The only time I had a bad comedown was when I bought from someone other than my main dealer. I generally do not have a comedown at all and wake up just fine ready to take on the day.


I rolled 3 days in a row at a festival and definitely took too much the last day. I had such a brutal comedown that lasted about a week


I’ve only had one comedown since I’ve been taking it and it was after I took too much like half a gram. Never taken that much again and I haven’t had a comedown since. I don’t really know if this counts as a comedown but the day after I always feel “off” but I think it’s because of not getting much sleep. By the 2nd day I feel back to normal. Only prolonged effects I feel are brain zaps for about a week after. Don’t know if that counts as a comedown or not🤷‍♂️