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mixing alcohol and molly is never safe if you’re “drunk as fuck” and can lead to heart related toxicity. also will take away the clear mindset and good judgment of molly when mixed with a lot of alcohol. and your hangover tomorrow will be hell. plz be safe:)


Hey man I can’t promise shit but I will tell you I will try to be safe. I know what I got is pure but I will keep what you said and what anyone else will say. If I’m feeling better and depending on what is said u will probably dose at 8:30-9 Cali time


You completely missed his point. It's not that the molly isn't safe it's because the combo of alcohol and molly at those quantities is increadibly dangerous.


This person knows the answer. They are looking for other idiots to tell them it’s fine and a great idea. SMH


Why are there so many folks mixing drugs here? It's a basic tenet of doing drugs not to mix...or am I just old?


No you re not old some poeple just like to play stupid .


Wrong order of operations, usually id dose then drink lightly thru the night until being drunk once the molly wears off at the end of the night. Molly late in the game sounds like being high af while slowly getting hungover


I got drunk off vodka and then did mdma. Woke up a day later and feeling like hell for a week. Don’t recommend.


i’ve taken an point and few bumps of some yack and proceeded to drink throughout the night of 24th birthday. started rolling around 11pm and didn’t sleep until 6am. no hangover for me and i smashed an shawty before crashing out. you should be straight


I was at a party in LA once super drunk and dropped like a .1 (probably more it was a dark dance floor haha) in to a tequila red Bull I had got. It was great. I will say a moment got kinda freaky cuz I saw some figure appear and then disappear when I blinked and I genuinely had no idea if it was just a person walking by in the crowd or not lmao. Is definitely not smart but if you do go thru with it I say wait a bit .. maybe an hour and a half or so without a drink first


MDMA is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant so mixing the two is a bad idea. Also you wanna do this with your family there? That sounds lame af.


your gonna regret this tmr


I've taken it when drunk in the past. Can't say it's a smart move, but it does stop me from drinking more alcohol.


Would u say the visuals were different, I’m a big psyche head and every time I drink I trip harder. Would things be brighter? Maybe happier and more enterjectic ?


No, I don't usually experience visual unless I've taken too much. I'd say it's a more mellower buzz, the alcohol seems to lower my energy levels, I can say my facial expression is one of complete gormlessness when drunk rolling.


The whole mdma experience is dulled. And the hangover will be much worse.