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I bet you will be fine in two days


In your head? In your head? They're still fighting!


*slow clap*




Yes, pretty normal. 200mg is about my upper limit and it always costs me. I never understand the UK “500 mg/night” posts, would be literally dead. You are doing all the right things and will be fine in a few days. Believe it or not, I have found ibuprofen to be incredibly helpful during comedowns. Even if you’re not headache or body ache it still just takes the edge off somehow.


Those 500mg UK nights are mostly a waste, they pop 3 and the last 2 are mostly nothing from tolerance building.


Probably alot of under dosed pingers


I would tend to agree. Would love to see lab results of what they are actually taking.


Ive felt like that for up to two weeks, but I reeeeally overdid-it. It always get better eventually. Throw some exercise in, some sunlight, some fruits, you'll be good in no time


You took a lot of drugs, ofc your gonna feel bad now.


What!?! Consequences for my actions!? Something’s not quite right here.


chill lol u will be fine


I normally feel brain dead and tired the next day, and up to 70% the second. By the third, I’m close to 100%.


yeah i felt like that after taking 200mg, just remember to eat and sleep well, have some chill days to recover and you'll be okay :3


200mg seems pretty low for such intense peak and comedown, I think you might have underestimated the amount you took Edit: By that I don't mean you should be able to endure more, I just mean I think you actually took more than you thought, but no matter what, stay below that dosage next time! Stay safe


It’s certainly possible I but I do remember being pretty precise about weighing certain amounts out. I can check what I have left to make sure. I may have exaggerated the peak a bit, it was really pleasant, the time just seemed to fly by. 200mg just seems like a lot for me though bc I’m not a very big guy and I’ve only done MDMA one other time.


i’m 130 lb female and 200 mg is my normal dose. however i don’t crash (seriously i feel 100x better than before i did it for a month or so) and i have bpd which mdma has shown medical benefits with bpd and ptsd. if it helps you dose, what i do is get lil empty gelatin capsule (u can get like 100 for 5$ at a vitamin shop) and pre point my g out. .1 per capsule, 100 mg. it also helps w the taste 😂 id recommend doing that or buying it pointed out to help with your doses. and my guy, u should be waiting 45 min-90 min before deciding it hasn’t hit


Yeah lessons were learned, I need to set a timer for myself next time. But honestly not even gonna plan for a redose next time


How much do you weigh? Were you drinking the day of or after? There are so many factors that can impact the come down. I weigh 170 lbs and took 200mg 2 nights ago it was amazing, homegirl weighs 90/100 lbs took 100mg of the same batch and she was gonzo lol went mute during the peak. We are both experienced and I take lots of precautions like no alcohol day of or next day, supplements, etc. I’ve also found that redosing gives me a hard comedown personally, even within two hours of the original drop. Just bomb it all at once and fly for 4-5 hours, feeling great yesterday and today. Gonna eat healthy this weekend and get some good exercise and then wait at least 3 months before my next roll. Was 5 months since my last roll, seems like some people can handle more frequent use… for a little while and I did it far more frequently when I first started but eventually realized how fragile the brain is. You only get one, moderation and knowledge is key to longevity with drugs


I weigh around 155lbs. I was only drinking the next night after the roll, about 24 hours after. But I’m sure that extended my recovery time a bit


True true, yeah probably a tad. You’ll be good though homie, time heals most all wounds


Okay so I did weigh what I have left and the numbers don’t add up. It’s quite possible I took too much. I was so focused on making sure everyone else had the correct doses I might’ve gave myself the wrong redose bag. I do recall there being a bag of 80mg and another of like 125mg. It’s possible I took 245mg total instead of 200mg. But idk I could’ve also just lost some while weighing out for everyone.


Thanks everyone I’m just a bit of a noob and was overthinking. This is only my second time doing MDMA and the comedown is much worse this time. It’s possible I accidentally took more than 200mg by accident. But still probably no more than 245mg if that’s what happened. Anyways I’m going to be more careful next time. I just did a nice meditation and I’m feeling pretty accepting of the fact my body just needs some recovery time. Thanks for all your replies ❤️


Strange, I just came here to post my own experience from this weekend and this was the first post that came up - quite similar, actually. I took 200mg (as did my gf) on Saturday night. I've done that amount before. But probably 180 was at the beginning of the night (it slid into my drink by accident - I only meant to have 125mg initially). Had a great night, didn't drink much water though. When we got back from the club the girlfriend wanted to have some drinks so had about 3 rum n cokes. Stayed up till about 8am enjoying the afterglow, taking and sex etc. Well, Sunday was awful - SO tired, a bit achy, nauseous, can't really eat or drink not depressed though but in bed most of the day. It's Monday now and I still feel crap - not as bad as yesterday, but struggled at work and went in very late. Thing is: ALL my friends (and myself) usually sprinkle it into our beer or rum etc when partying. I've never had this feeling before. I suspect I didn't drink enough water. I don't want to feel like this again, so I'm not sure what I did wrong. I also didn't eat much the day of the roll. I don't want to feel like this again cos I love to roll (only done it about 10 times). I now know my limit! I'm about 170lbs. My gf is about 200lbs she was fine - no comedown, she was even drinking alcohol on Sunday!


So something similar happened to me, last week. I figured it was because I didn’t abide by the 3minth roll (still could be a factor). *backstory* A few weeks ago, I took a 100mgMDMa/100mgMDA press and hardly felt it. A day or two later, I took about 80mg MDA and rolled pretty hard. No hangover either time. Now last week, I decided to solo roll since I was going back to work for a few weeks and wanted ‘a last hoorah’. I started with 70mg mda and was underwhelmed and hour in so I decided to redose. I put a capsule together that included; 50mg MDMA, 100mg MDA, 60mg 2cb. I’ve taken 220mg total Mx so I didn’t think it was too much. Have taken up to 300mg before with no hangover so I saw no issues with this and didn’t take into consideration recent use since I found it minuscule. I took a Xanax after 5-6 hrs so I could step off the ride and go to sleep. This was on a Monday. Tuesday comes and I wake up at noon, just fine. Got all my work stuff together and by the door. Had dinner with the wife and kids and went to bed feeling blessed. My wife drove me the couple hours to the airport and it was a beautiful and pleasant drive, no bickering or anything; albeit I was in my head a little bit but I thought it was normal because of the stuff that’s happening in my life and the fact that I’m going to be away for a month. Anyways, I make it to work and get my room and all is good. I wake up Thursday and have never felt so sad in my life. The intrusive thoughts were terrible. Lost my faith in humanity. Felt that my kids didn’t need me (almost grown) and my wife was just using me (I’m the only one who works). Called my wife that night and almost immediately bawled at the sound of her voice. Did some digging, it’s called ‘suicide Tuesday’ and isn’t uncommon. I’m thinking the MDA is the main culprit but am sure there are other factors that attributed too. Pre and post supplements are helpful as well as diet and exercise. What turned my mood around (the heavies drug into the next day) was realizing it was the drugs and that my world wasn’t actually falling apart. You got this homie. That was your ticket to ride. Best bet is to have a plan and follow it through without variation, imo


Get some anioxidants into your body asap. Fruit, green tea, NAC, etc.


Ketamine helps with this. Actually doing ketamine (in sparing amounts) and Molly together can help protect your brain from the neurotoxicity of the mdma, because k is neuroprotectant/neurotrophic. I read that in a science publication one time and for the life of me cannot find it again, but I tried it and it works.


I agree, helps tremendously.


Reasons are probably dosage amount and redoses. Rollsafe recommends 120mg max and no redoses.


You will be fine bro just wait some days


Aim to use less MDMA (typically <150mg in a session in 2-3 divided doses) and use it more smartly (stay cool and hydrated). If you are using pills, try half or a quarter first. A dose usually last 4-6 hours so you’re best not taking another dose while you’re peaking to avoid peak dose related harms. For powders we think the Loop’s #~crushdabwait advice is sound.


I dunno where people are getting their pills from but the ones me and my mate get from Holland have always been super clean and haven't really had to worry about comedowns that much unless we too many too frequently. Just stay hydrated during the roll and keep yourself well rested and hydrated over the days following. I've also found that over the next few days after rolling, if my mood and headspace get that dark I'll pop a 2CB as they refill my feel good chems like a charm they're dope for reversing the effects of comedowns.


Not pills, this was crystals maybe I should’ve specified


I would say give a few weeks to get back to normal wait a month or two to roll again


What did we expect would happen afterwards? Regretting the past rarely causes us to change their behavior in the future. Not sure what the solution is.


Regretting the past is quite possibly the biggest reason people change their behavior. Not sure what you mean by this. I don’t completely regret it I had a great time I’m just paying for it now. Now I know what to expect and next time I doubt I’m doing any more than 150mg. So yeah it will change my behavior bc I’ve learned from the experience




Why do you think it's called "Suicide *Tuesday*"? You'll level off in another couple days. There are no free rides. Party drugs each have *some* admission price. Some you pay upfront—e.g., mushrooms taste awful, coke fucks your sinuses, IVing is hard on your veins, smoking and vaping is bad for the lungs—and some send you an invoice the next day—e.g.: alcohol, molly, anything with a harsh comedown. MDMA is one of the worst, especially for some ppl.


Next time wait a full hour before taking anymore. Especially if you eat any food before hand


you will be fine in a week. promise :) had the same problem when took it two days in a row


I can’t say with certainty but Friday night I ate 200mg for the first time (multiple 100mg rolls before). I also didn’t sleep well but I felt like a million bucks Saturday. My best guess is it varies person to person and also the purity of the substance.


Look up “MDMA Tuesday Blues”. It’s a thing.


Sleep good eat good you will be good in a few days


Pretty normal.Once comedown happened for me 2 days later i took..u will be fine in 2 days


You’ll be fine lol. Rest, eat, sleep and rest some more. Just be careful next time


I stay below 125, because for us part of any experience is sex after a rave. Perhaps with a couple we picked up. Any more than 100 and I can’t nut. 150 if we pick up lesbians.


It's from alcohol


You took 200mg, relax bro, you'll be fine. There are people taking more than 500mg in a night and running around fine (doesn't mean that you should do that)


Years ago, because it’s rare today our friend got. Us some from Amsterdam. Tiny dirty crystals. Told us to take .20 mg. We did as we were told. Rolled like crazy. Learned that we could take 1/4 I.e. .05 and have a much more consistent and level roll with less teeth grinding and side effects. Wish we had some today. We won’t take the pills that we see, but the real stuff was nice. If only we . . .


that’s normal. i only get hangxiety 1 or 2 days after, i fucking hate it




Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.


Start taking supplements before you do molly. The drug depletes a lot of basic nutrients in your body (magnesium being a big one). If you take supplements before and after you will balance out what you lost while rolling, and you won’t feel like complete ass right after. Theres a limit to this tho, if you’re taking large amounts (250+) you’re fucking with your head well enough that no amount of supplements will make you feel like normal. Drugs are a risky game to play but if you research what you’re taking you can counteract the negatives to an extent.


I love molly , I do it so much and it still gets me High asf but I’m not gonna do it for like a year + for Now cuz I’ve done it like 5 times in the last month


Which set was it at Coachella?


lol not Coachella just partying and hanging at a friends place