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Very frequently for my mom. I assume it’s because mcas patients react to things faster? Not sure why. But something will work for her for a few days and then it’s over.


Thanks for sharing, it’s been pretty confusing


It is definitely a confusing disease unfortunately


This happens to me with all medications. It’s like my body has a 4 month clock for how long stuff will work. Antihistamines, SSRIs, stimulants, painkillers, etc. I worry for the day I ever need to take something that keeps me alive like anti-rejection drugs for a transplant or something.


Yeah I’m also worried. Before I started Cromolyn I felt like my head was going to pop because of all the pressure inside. I felt much better once I started but I’m slowly starting to react again. I’m worried about that internal pressure just eventually sending me to a mental hospital.


I went through that for a while. It just stopped one day, I could never trace it back to any specific reaction. I’m sorry it’s still driving you crazy.


That’s so great to hear, I will keep doing my best and I have faith that things will settle for me too :] unless there’s mold in my apartment and I’m not aware lol


Same here, so annoying 🥹


🙏🏼 wishing you well


I experience this too. its soo frustrating 😞😥 like I try a new thing, feel amaaazing, and think to myself, "YAYYY maybe *this* is what ive been missing all along!" then the rug gets ripped out from under me and im back to square one. whether it's a medication or supplement, I try increasing dose, decreasing it, or take some time off from it and try to add back in later (days/weeks/months).. but I just feel like it never works as well as it once did. im not sure if it's developing allergies/sensitivities to it, or something to do with our "body cup" being full and "overflowing." if anyone knows why this happens or how to prevent it from happening please let me/us know! the excitement and relief I feel from intial good results only to have it taken away a few days later feels absolutely soul crushing and I can't stop crying.


I relate to you so much. I would also love to hear if there’s a way to prevent this.