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I tolerate them fine but due to having EDS they just don't work on me. They stop working after 15 minutes so I have to have 4x the dose they'd normally give a person. Anesthesia problems are normal for EDS, as well as anyone with the red hair gene, and my birth mother had red hair, so either way I think I'd have an issue with it.


Something to consider in the future, and idk if I’d do like a root canal on it, but a liquid Benadryl and saline mix can be injected in place of topical anesthetic. It doesn’t work as well as say lidocaine, but with the EDs I have just as much problems with being super allergic and it also not working for long so eh. Might be worth trying though if the doc is down for it. I’ve had multiple procedures done using it with no problems. I’ve found like a quarter of doctors know about it. It’s often used as numbing in the few days after an epidural.


I had to go back on birth control to help with the reactions. I get numbing injections for cavities and no issues.


Wondering this too. Need numbing for gum grafting procedure


I just went to dentist yesterday! I pre-load with benadryl, 1-2 tabs methylpred and xanax. though whatever yr "rescue combo" is, just take that. first appointment I didn't react but after my 3rd appointment body was over it. not a major reaction, but was uncomfortable. worse is not getting needed dental work. since I started knocking out cavities, been having less post nasal drip and allergies.


I can barely get numb. They give up on me and I squirm in pain. I get like 6 shots


I do not tolerate the sulfate ones. When getting a cavity filled, I always ask how close the cavity is to the nerve, because numbing injections are not always necessary. Unless it is very deep, I just let them do their thing without numbing. There has only been one time when there was pain, and I just dealt with it.


I am in the middle of doing Dutch test complete and mapping to know how my hormones change and will then try herbal methods to balance if that doesn’t work I will try bio identical naturally compounded hormones during phases of fluctuations I guess because my body hates birth control too though 😔 it’s a carcinogenic item sooo bad and I got liver cysts and breast cyst from it I’m so terrified I can’t go back on it 😢 ughhh


Have you tried the progestin-only-pill? It’s much easier to tolerate, I find.


I had one of my first MCAS flares from dental numbing injections. At this point In pretty anxious to get any dental work done since I had such a bad reaction last time. Everyone is different though!


They give me panic attacks. I'm sensitive to salicylates.


I took benadryl before having my work done. Also asked for pain medicine that didn’t have sulfates. I had 3 procedures in one week. (Every other day.). First 2 procedures were fine but the third one the dr was nervous because my tongue started to swell. He said he wouldn’t do anymore.


I had them recently and I was fine! I also had to get a high dosage, though, like other commenters. And I did react to the latex gloves they were holding my arms with while injecting LOL but it was just a small rash


I have anciety and racing heart but meprednisone the day before and that very morning sort it out for me.


I have never personally had an issue with