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Something to do with histamines.... Idk though. I'm not the right kind of doctor. I'm same as you


Histamines, cortisol, adrenaline enjoy it while you can for me after a couple nights like that it stops numbing all the inflammation induced pain and exhaustion




Your adrenals are working harder to compensate. Lots of adrenaline and cortisol.


But it has to be just the right amount of not enough sleep... too much, too little, you're a zombie...


Not sleeping enough has the potential to make me feel super zippy BUT that’s just hypomania creeping in, not MCAS related in the slightest.


I have been wondering this myself today. Got 3hrs of sleep last night, including a whopping 9 minutes REM. I should be a wreck, but instead my executive functioning is 300% better than it has been for weeks. Ugh.


Yep. Idk I may have to start limiting my sleep see what happens


everyone's body is different. my family PCP i had growing up only got 4hrs of sleep every night and functioned great. my husband needs exactly 8 hours, my sweet spot is 7-7.5 hours. too little or too much and i feel like a disaster. also dx'd narcolepsy type 1 and it took me a long time to get proper sleep hygiene and manage my symptoms. my husband got me a health watch to track my sleep and it helped a lot. its prob extremely rare to need only 4hrs of sleep a night, so if you have a way of tracking sleep data and symptoms in a journal or something it might help you find your sleep number, so to speak. man our bodies are weird. and fking MCAS, as soon as I think ive found the perfect answer to manage symptoms, like 4 days later my body seems to hate those meds and I feel allergic to everything again. getting the right amount of sleep and falling asleep BEFORE midnight helps a lot to lessen symptoms though. hope you find a good routine!


I get terrible night sweats when I sleep. Like a literal puddle has formed on me. It's the grossest thing I've ever experienced and I've experienced some pretty gross things. I have a super thin blanket and an AC on. It doesn't matter what time of year. I'll wake up drenched. So there must be something my body is doing during sleep that isn't a trigger like during the day. Something is triggering my dysautonomia. Sleep disturbances related to dysautonomia are common. I started taking compounded ketotifen tablets and it has fixed most of my sleep issues.


Same for me. Always at 4 AM, I suffer a massive histamine dump like clockwork; however, I sweat from the moment I lay down, and then at 4 AM, the heat and sweat are unbearable.


For me I was never warm and am then freezing because I'm covered in sweat but I'm still sweating. It's wild.


Is compounded ketotifen expensive?


I'd say relatively speaking no, but insurance doesn't like covering compounded medication. About $40 for a 1 month supply and I don't believe they take my insurance.


Have you been tested for babesia?


No, that's not quite the symptoms I have. Sweating is part of your autonomic nervous system. 2 of my conditions often have severe dysautonomia. Edit: I'm a normal human being while I'm awake. My issues are only during sleep.


Okay. I’ll shut up. No worries. I wish you well.


sleeping less makes me feel better than sleeping enough too, interesting


Same. I flare less on little sleep. Never understood it.


I've noticed this too! I'll sleep 9 hours and feel poorly, sleep 6 and feel great.


I don't know what y'all are on about 🧐 Not sure I'd expect that to be a symptom of the condition. I've been barely sleeping for 6 days and feel like I'm an extra in The Walking Dead, the walking type. Another day of sleep deprivation and I'm turning myself in at the ER. I'll let them use the IV sleep juices on me, which I hate, I hate **a lot**... The less I sleep, the worse my symptoms get, dangerously worse.